View Full Version : Classify heirs to the Spanish throne

04-16-2023, 06:07 PM
https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/580cf7ce6b8f5b3576a3da9f/1658106965366-LLOKZACBTXHRZLUTN9H0/princesa_infanta_partido_futbol_uefa_womens_202207 16_07.jpeg





https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh3m7gOEvh9-gIbDxoYnR3nrzo2A9wBnqvAG1BUWP5LqXq6zXCD_4KsYLtcibb ef_2eFfzQnpBu8Zd52x1k_U2sXHnTGrreuH6bxq_ao7A2G_lHM Cs5g0WOZOjPrlbN6x5gYw_tmbm5jJJrL3QxiNa8Zl0Aok7rmZZ 2CkOcpf6ZO04cbrTj9F2QUn0Z/s800/crown-princess-leonor-2.jpg



04-16-2023, 06:19 PM

04-16-2023, 06:22 PM
What is their ethnic background?

04-16-2023, 06:22 PM


04-16-2023, 06:38 PM
What is their ethnic background?

Mostly Spanish, but almost all the royal families across Europe are related to each other.

04-16-2023, 06:44 PM
Mostly Spanish, but almost all the royal families across Europe are related to each other.

Yeah, it traces back to French roots, but many generations seem Spanish.

04-16-2023, 06:49 PM
Yeah, it traces back to French roots, but many generations seem Spanish.

Well the Grandmother Sofia de Grecia is mainly of Northern European ancestry https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sof%C3%ADa_de_Grecia

and the King Felipe would be like half Northern European and Spanish and French like and the queen Letizia Ortiz is Spanish as far as i know.

04-16-2023, 06:51 PM
Well the Grandmother Sofia de Grecia is mainly of Northern European ancestry https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sof%C3%ADa_de_Grecia

and the King Felipe would be like half Northern European and Spanish and French like and the queen Letizia Ortiz is Spanish as far as i know.

The princess on left looks pretty much for me Swedish so it would make any sense. But still they are mostly Spanish.

04-16-2023, 07:06 PM
What is their ethnic background?

2/4 Spanish 2/4 French, german and other euros .

04-16-2023, 08:24 PM
Well the Grandmother Sofia de Grecia is mainly of Northern European ancestry https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sof%C3%ADa_de_Grecia

and the King Felipe would be like half Northern European and Spanish and French like and the queen Letizia Ortiz is Spanish as far as i know.

I heard somewhere long time ago Leticia has a filipino grandmother, or maybe I've made-up memories.

04-16-2023, 08:28 PM
I heard somewhere long time ago Leticia has a filipino grandmother, or maybe I've made-up memories.

Pues no me sonaba eso pero si me salio en las noticias en Internet de que el apellido materno de Letizia es una castellanizacion de un Immigrante Francés a Aragón creo que era un Tatarabuelo o algo así.

Edit: pues tienes razón

https://www.libertaddigital.com/chic/corazon/2022-09-15/letizia-cumpleanos-6930890/#:~:text=Una%20familia%20multicultural,pero%20su%2 0padre%20era%20filipino.

Letizia tiene ascendencia filipina y francesa. Por parte de los Ortiz, la madre de su abuela Enriqueta era asturiana pero su padre era filipino.

pues estan mezcladisimos

04-17-2023, 04:03 PM
Pues no me sonaba eso pero si me salio en las noticias en Internet de que el apellido materno de Letizia es una castellanizacion de un Immigrante Francés a Aragón creo que era un Tatarabuelo o algo así.

Edit: pues tienes razón

https://www.libertaddigital.com/chic/corazon/2022-09-15/letizia-cumpleanos-6930890/#:~:text=Una%20familia%20multicultural,pero%20su%2 0padre%20era%20filipino.

Letizia tiene ascendencia filipina y francesa. Por parte de los Ortiz, la madre de su abuela Enriqueta era asturiana pero su padre era filipino.

pues estan mezcladisimos

According to Wikipedia: "Letizia's maternal grandmother, Enriqueta Rodriguez Figueredo (1919–2008) was born in the Philippines to Filipino and Spanish parents." and it gives THIS (https://www.elmundo.es/suplementos/cronica/2008/663/1214690414.html) source:

Nacida en Oviedo el 2 de marzo de 1919, la vida de Enriqueta no fue un camino de rosas, hasta que conoció a Paco Rocasolano. Su madre regentaba un puesto de pescado y su padre, nacido en Filipinas, aunque hijo de españoles, tenía fuertes convicciones republicanas [...]

Spanish Wikipedia doesn't mention this fact, not much need anyway since her Filipino ancestor wasn't an ethnic Filipino.

04-18-2023, 05:02 PM
According to Wikipedia: "Letizia's maternal grandmother, Enriqueta Rodriguez Figueredo (1919–2008) was born in the Philippines to Filipino and Spanish parents." and it gives THIS (https://www.elmundo.es/suplementos/cronica/2008/663/1214690414.html) source:

Spanish Wikipedia doesn't mention this fact, not much need anyway since her Filipino ancestor wasn't an ethnic Filipino.

But are we talking about native Filipinos or Spaniards who lived in the Philippines in the 19th century? Because at that time there were Spanish settlers in the Philippines, some of whom mixed.

04-18-2023, 05:59 PM
No male heir?

04-18-2023, 07:22 PM
No male heir?

Who knows...

Maybe in near future all people will have to be 'fluid non binary gender', by law. One week male and the next female, and every 4 weeks not male neither female but the two at once.

04-18-2023, 10:33 PM
But are we talking about native Filipinos or Spaniards who lived in the Philippines in the 19th century? Because at that time there were Spanish settlers in the Philippines, some of whom mixed.

I'm inclined to believe that it's the latter because of the way they phrased it: "born in the Philippines, although the son of Spaniards", but who knows...

04-18-2023, 11:00 PM
I heard somewhere long time ago Leticia has a filipino grandmother, or maybe I've made-up memories.

Solo se necesita alrededor de 75% genes espanoles para verse europeo completo.

Te lo digo base mi experiencia de ver tantos mexicanos dna , siempre y cuando no sea mezcla negra.

04-18-2023, 11:02 PM
Well the Grandmother Sofia de Grecia is mainly of Northern European ancestry https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sof%C3%ADa_de_Grecia

and the King Felipe would be like half Northern European and Spanish and French like and the queen Letizia Ortiz is Spanish as far as i know.

La mayoria de esa gente tiene acendencia de otras partes de Europa y porque fue tan comun eso?