View Full Version : Embracing the Roma Identity: The Importance of acknowledging our roots

04-24-2023, 06:02 AM

The Negative Consequences of Hiding One's Identity​

Loss of Cultural Heritage​
When Roma individuals hide their identity, they risk losing essential aspects of their cultural heritage. Elements like language, customs, and traditions may be forgotten over time, creating a cultural gap within families and communities.

Psychological Burden and Sense of Shame​
Concealing one's identity comes with emotional consequences. Constantly hiding who they are can lead to feelings of shame, guilt, or even self-hatred.

Hindrance to Community Building and Activism​
Without openly embracing their ethnicity, Roma people cannot effectively advocate for their rights or create strong networks within their communities.

04-24-2023, 06:07 AM
Outside of TA do people see you as Gypsy? You don't look stereotypical Gypsy tbh. Maybe If you lose a couple of pounds your face will look more slim and perhaps your Balkan features will appear "more" shifted.

04-24-2023, 06:08 AM
Outside of TA do people see you as Gypsy? You don't look stereotypical Gypsy tbh. Maybe If you lose a couple of pounds your face will look more slim and perhaps your Balkan features will appear "more"

That is a unimportant question in the context, because you say i should "hide" it (if i could or you ask me if i could) and im saying no one should hide it and why this is important to not hide it

04-24-2023, 06:11 AM
That is a unimportant question in the context, because you say i should "hide" it (if i could or you ask me if i could) and im saying no one should hide it and why this is important to not hide it

But you already distance yourself from your gypsy-ness you are already very euro admixed anyway so who cares If you Identify differently.

Why you have to pleased racist folks on this forum when south asian isn't clearly the majority of your ancestry.

04-24-2023, 06:16 AM
But you already distance yourself from your gypsy-ness you are already very euro admixed anyway so who cares If you Identify differently.

Why you have to please racist folks on this forum when south asian isn't clearly the majority of your ancestry.

Southasian isnt the majority for any gypsy, but people keep saying that, and i keep saying something else, im 2/3 gypsy i have 2 gypsy grandparents 1 half gypsy grandparent and only 1 euro grandparent (grandmother).... so how it is not the majority of my ancestry? Just because of 23andme? When i was born 23andme didnt exist to tell me it is not my majority ancestry, and even by 23andme i fit into this spectrum of the average gypsy, and i cluster the closest to gypsies on PCA.. Im 15% southasian the full gypsy is 20% southasian im more euro though, of course, but it isnt like if you want to portray that im only 1/8 southasian=gypsy, i have 3 grandparents who are gypsies.


I cluster with the medieval sample (many modern gypsies would cluster even closer to me because many nowadays are more euro then back then like i am so im a normal gypsy)
https://i.ibb.co/QFr8t3M/Laura-Lacey.jpg (https://ibb.co/1f8sjtT)
https://i.ibb.co/rwsTXhH/Laura-Lacey-AC23andme.jpg (https://ibb.co/pLyGkTd)
https://i.ibb.co/KNhGw70/PCAMytrueancestry.jpg (https://ibb.co/Fs3WVJx)

04-24-2023, 07:01 AM
There are many vile ethnics in the west, like kurds, gypsies, albanians, reckless and demanding people. I am wondering what is happening with them it is like being spoiled by the political correctness. It is farfetch to pity them as weaks if one fails to see their situations are mostly self-induced and a form of their entitlement. It is also why they can and will always become a western stooge when they are empowered. This category also might include the turks and indians, incredibly ambitious yet backward in their traditions. Russia and China had been the biggest targets of these assorted diversities of vile ethnicities. The USA will also very soon fall victim to these spoiled evils. Retaining what heritage? no homeland from the start, at least the jews acknowledge they are the compulsive rapists and religious communists, gypsies do not admit to any strong ethnic token or idiom, except for street dances. This sounds like a petition for more well fare and attention. Such trend in the west must be taken seriously as a form of new ideological movements, including affirmativity for blacks, asians, immigrants, transgenders, in the end, western affirmativities will turn out many vile people and weird ethnics that will bring great havoc to the entire world. A walking pandemic disease in human form.

04-24-2023, 07:27 AM
There are many vile ethnics in the west, like kurds, gypsies, albanians, reckless and demanding people. I am wondering what is happening with them it is like being spoiled by the political correctness. It is farfetch to pity them as weaks if one fails to see their situations are mostly self-induced and a form of their entitlement. It is also why they can and will always become a western stooge when they are empowered. This category also might include the turks and indians, incredibly ambitious yet backward in their traditions. Russia and China had been the biggest targets of these assorted diversities of vile ethnicities. The USA will also very soon fall victim to these spoiled evils. Retaining what heritage? no homeland from the start, at least the jews acknowledge they are the compulsive rapists and religious communists, gypsies do not admit to any strong ethnic token or idiom, except for street dances. This sounds like a petition for more well fare and attention. Such trend in the west must be taken seriously as a form of new ideological movements, including affirmativity for blacks, asians, immigrants, transgenders, in the end, western affirmativities will turn out many vile people and weird ethnics that will bring great havoc to the entire world. A walking pandemic disease in human form.

I do not think my OP is "demanding" at all, it is not even adressed towards the majority, but self-adressed towards the roma community, to acknowledge their roots. I could also say Chinese are vile, if i wanted, but i do not want it. Calling them vile and disease is a hateful speech. The Gypsies were victims of persecution, marginalisation, disfrenchised, and there was more then one genocide in history towards them. What do you say they should be killed or what? I mean that would be the conclusion if they are vile and bad disease for the "west" or "china"?

04-24-2023, 07:33 AM
Southasian isnt the majority for any gypsy, but people keep saying that, and i keep saying something else, im 2/3 gypsy i have 2 gypsy grandparents 1 half gypsy grandparent and only 1 euro grandparent (grandmother).... so how it is not the majority of my ancestry? Just because of 23andme? When i was born 23andme didnt exist to tell me it is not my majority ancestry, and even by 23andme i fit into this spectrum of the average gypsy, and i cluster the closest to gypsies on PCA.. Im 15% southasian the full gypsy is 20% southasian im more euro though, of course, but it isnt like if you want to portray that im only 1/8 southasian=gypsy, i have 3 grandparents who are gypsies.


I cluster with the medieval sample (many modern gypsies would cluster even closer to me because many nowadays are more euro then back then like i am so im a normal gypsy)
https://i.ibb.co/QFr8t3M/Laura-Lacey.jpg (https://ibb.co/1f8sjtT)
https://i.ibb.co/rwsTXhH/Laura-Lacey-AC23andme.jpg (https://ibb.co/pLyGkTd)
https://i.ibb.co/KNhGw70/PCAMytrueancestry.jpg (https://ibb.co/Fs3WVJx)

You're not even 20 percent South asian. And your 71 percent European. I thought you were more South asian. But I get that you consider yourself Roma because it's cultural heritage, and it's how 2 of your grandparents' ancestors grew up as and passed down to you. And one of em I believe is half if I remember. But you shouldn't downplay that you're serbian. You are both.

04-24-2023, 07:35 AM
You're not even 20 percent South asian. And your 71 percent European. I thought you were more South asian. But I get that you consider yourself Roma because it's cultural heritage, and it's how 3 of your grandparents' ancestors grew up as and passed down to you.

It is a cultural heritage, a identity, and a ethnic heritage (shared ancestry). I do not need to be more southasian, its just not true that gypsy means "100% southasian". Also some decades ago when I was born, no one knew about 23andme and it didnt existed to tell me how much european i am. That is just a very recent thing and maybe not even really "correct" who knows? I do not need 23andme to tell me im a gypsy, but it does confirm it anyways.

04-24-2023, 07:40 AM
But you shouldn't downplay that you're serbian. You are both.

I dont downplay it, but it is the smaller part of my ancestry, I believe im 33% serbian. If one of my grandparents was half and 1 was serbian. Then I am 33% that is the smaller part. I did listed all my ancestries under my ancestry info in my profile.

04-24-2023, 07:49 AM
I do not think my OP is "demanding" at all, it is not even adressed towards the majority, but self-adressed towards the roma community, to acknowledge their roots. I could also say Chinese are vile, if i wanted, but i do not want it. Calling them vile and disease is a hateful speech. The Gypsies were victims of persecution, marginalisation, disfrenchised, and there was more then one genocide in history towards them. What do you say they should be killed or what? I mean that would be the conclusion if they are vile and bad disease for the "west" or "china"?

Many supposed weakies affirmed by the west hate chinese people more expressedly than hypocritical western people, India, gypsies supposed homeland hate China, many africans hate chinese as well, both indians and turks claiming western China as their lands, they do not really respect any others than the western elites from whom they demand everything. This is fact, blacks in the USA randomly attack asian looking people physically and verbally, weakies are the most susceptible to western propagandas. Get over with those weakiesm affirmative mentality. Gypsies need to be disbanded like khazar jews and kurds which were manufactured and used by the Vatican. The sooner the better.

04-24-2023, 07:53 AM
Many supposed weakies affirmed by the west hate chinese people more expressedly than hypocritical western people, India, gypsies supposed homeland hate China, many africans hate chinese as well, both indians and turks claiming western China as their lands, they do not really respect any others than the western elites from whom they demands everything. This is fact, blacks in the USA randomly attack asian looking people physically and verbally. Get over with those weakiesm affirmative mentality. Gypsies need to be disbanded like khazar jews and kurds which were manufactured and used by the Vatican. The sooner the better.

1.I do not hate china, or chinese people. Actually Im very chinaphile.
2.That was the general approach since gypsies exist, ever heard of the gypsy hunts? My uncle told me i didnt even knew that but it seems true that in many parts of europe just two hundred years ago you could kill a gypsy or take away his money or whatever and dont be hold responsible for it. Nowadays many realises (thanks God) that this was not the right approach.

04-24-2023, 08:03 AM
Many supposed weakies affirmed by the west hate chinese people more expressedly than hypocritical western people, India, gypsies supposed homeland hate China, many africans hate chinese as well, both indians and turks claiming western China as their lands, they do not really respect any others than the western elites from whom they demands everything. This is fact, blacks in the USA randomly attack asian looking people physically and verbally. Get over with those weakiesm affirmative mentality. Gypsies need to be disbanded like khazar jews and kurds which were manufactured and used by the Vatican. The sooner the better.

The hate over china stems from politics between the Peoples republic of China, and most people aren't thinking Taiwanese are chinese even though its been noted westerners see them and the way they do things as vastly different. I will say that I never had issues with a chinese person in my life, although I dont interact with them much. The only chinese person I didn't like here was 3/4 italian, and he was a racialist of American origins. But i have seen vids of people noting some people being racists towards blacks. But I guess its because I don't look really black they dont associate me with whatever bad prejudice they might have of black people. But I also dont speak like I am ghetto from the hood.

04-24-2023, 11:04 AM
Gypsies can call themselves whatever they want but they should always remember they are foreigners and Europeans owe them nothing and have no obligation to accept them as part of their societies. Though I imagine that someone who's only 1/4 or 1/8 Gypsy or something won't look it or want to identify with it. They'll likely just assimilate into the majority if that's a possibility.

04-24-2023, 12:36 PM
Gypsies can call themselves whatever they want but they should always remember they are foreigners and Europeans owe them nothing and have no obligation to accept them as part of their societies. Though I imagine that someone who's only 1/4 or 1/8 Gypsy or something won't look it or want to identify with it. They'll likely just assimilate into the majority if that's a possibility.

Vilification of the multi-ethnic society comes from the western manufacturing of ethnocentrist movements in the world, kurdistan is the most recent example, endorsing illusions of ethnic nationalism as a tool to instigate regional instability, Ukraine and Israel are another powerful examples. The west seems to be a major maufacturer of all sorts of novel "ethnicities" and "races", but most of them turn out to be scums. Even in the USA, beneficiaries of Affirmtive Action never come togather in a sustainable way, sustainability was taken away from them. These are also those which nazis and neonazis would target. Sad, gotta speak for Russia`s disillusionment.

1.I do not hate china, or chinese people. Actually Im very chinaphile.

Recently a gypsy man beated up a chinese shopkeeper in Spain. But I am not into running around like common chinese people, nor doing any business just for money. The general backgrounds of the western divide & conquer are alarming. This is not the diversity I want to see, diversity in ideas not useless ethnocentrism. You can not lead your people, the outcome will have to follow the generalized backgrounds.

04-24-2023, 01:05 PM
But you already distance yourself from your gypsy-ness you are already very euro admixed anyway so who cares If you Identify differently.

Why you have to pleased racist folks on this forum when south asian isn't clearly the majority of your ancestry.

Jews are not purely of Middle Eastern descent anymore but they are still Jews no?

04-24-2023, 01:08 PM
There are many vile ethnics in the west, like kurds, gypsies, albanians, reckless and demanding people. I am wondering what is happening with them it is like being spoiled by the political correctness. It is farfetch to pity them as weaks if one fails to see their situations are mostly self-induced and a form of their entitlement. It is also why they can and will always become a western stooge when they are empowered. This category also might include the turks and indians, incredibly ambitious yet backward in their traditions. Russia and China had been the biggest targets of these assorted diversities of vile ethnicities. The USA will also very soon fall victim to these spoiled evils. Retaining what heritage? no homeland from the start, at least the jews acknowledge they are the compulsive rapists and religious communists, gypsies do not admit to any strong ethnic token or idiom, except for street dances. This sounds like a petition for more well fare and attention. Such trend in the west must be taken seriously as a form of new ideological movements, including affirmativity for blacks, asians, immigrants, transgenders, in the end, western affirmativities will turn out many vile people and weird ethnics that will bring great havoc to the entire world. A walking pandemic disease in human form.

"at least the jews acknowledge they are the compulsive rapists and religious communist"

Do they acknowledge that, there and how? Where this behaviour can be seen?

04-24-2023, 02:20 PM
"at least the jews acknowledge they are the compulsive rapists and religious communist"

Do they acknowledge that, there and how? Where this behaviour can be seen?

Communists are rapists and paedophiles, like karlmarx himself, he raped his maid and he admitted it, and sponsors of communist revolutionaries, like Epstein, he is just a decoy for the unseen rings. I am also guessing a few females could be targeting little boys by supporting paedophilia in men for little girls. They are overstretching the meanings of human liberation to the point of degeneracy which humanity do not need more than what we have today in India, Philippines, Cambodia, Indonesia where little boys and girls can be purchased. But in reality, little children are regularly traded for organ harvesting and sexual exploitations as in this very moment in most countries of the world. Dont say you do not believe it. Our time is for real post-humanism, I would say the war is rather a wake up call.

04-24-2023, 02:31 PM
"at least the jews acknowledge they are the compulsive rapists and religious communist"

Do they acknowledge that, there and how? Where this behaviour can be seen?

"If it were not for the accident of my birth, I would be antisemitic. [...] Any people who has been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong.”--Henry Kissinger

04-24-2023, 03:01 PM
I thought the same as you, but then I realized that being Gypsy is basically being part of an ethnic rather than racial group. Internet is full of balkan passing gypsies and "serbs" or "romanians" that look Indian

04-24-2023, 03:05 PM
"If it were not for the accident of my birth, I would be antisemitic. [...] Any people who has been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong.”--Henry Kissinger

They persecute themselves, typical commie modus operandi, others jews were sold to antis by the elite jews, and then blame the others forever, like other commies do today. CCP is still not a legal government but I have no choice, I can not provide any replacement even for Vietnam let alone China. Anticommunism should become a human idealism, an aeternal guidance for long term ideological development as the primary task not that to subverse when it is convenient.

Anticommunism is my idealism, therefore my activity in this train will be observing every principle of idealism, 反共是我的理想主义, 所以我的反共活动完全遵循理想主义的准则。

04-24-2023, 06:03 PM
"If it were not for the accident of my birth, I would be antisemitic. [...] Any people who has been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong.”--Henry Kissinger

Haha. Funny quote. But did Jews really always spit on other cultures? Did Jews deserve to be part of Roman Empire? Did they deserve to be harassed for their religion in the Middle Age? I know people like Trotsky are bad and some Jews are selfish but is it that simple?

04-24-2023, 06:09 PM
Communists are rapists and paedophiles, like karlmarx himself, he raped his maid and he admitted it, and sponsors of communist revolutionaries, like Epstein, he is just a decoy for the unseen rings. I am also guessing a few females could be targeting little boys by supporting paedophilia in men for little girls. They are overstretching the meanings of human liberation to the point of degeneracy which humanity do not need more than what we have today in India, Philippines, Cambodia, Indonesia where little boys and girls can be purchased. But in reality, little children are regularly traded for organ harvesting and sexual exploitations as in this very moment in most countries of the world. Dont say you do not believe it. Our time is for real post-humanism, I would say the war is rather a wake up call.
Very sad topic. Yes i believe that shit happens all the time.

Gypsies can call themselves whatever they want but they should always remember they are foreigners and Europeans owe them nothing and have no obligation to accept them as part of their societies. Though I imagine that someone who's only 1/4 or 1/8 Gypsy or something won't look it or want to identify with it. They'll likely just assimilate into the majority if that's a possibility.

Gypsies need to assimilate but it's hard since they have so many problems in their own circles regarding drugs and mental health. Europeans owe nothing to anyone but Europeans including any minorities need to live by the law.

04-24-2023, 06:19 PM
Gypsies can call themselves whatever they want but they should always remember they are foreigners and Europeans owe them nothing and have no obligation to accept them as part of their societies. Though I imagine that someone who's only 1/4 or 1/8 Gypsy or something won't look it or want to identify with it. They'll likely just assimilate into the majority if that's a possibility.

Gypsies are not foreigners and if you say gypsies should not be part of the society do you mean they should be segregated and do not have access to any services or resorces or also be physically removed? That does not work anymore and its wrong

04-24-2023, 06:35 PM
Recently a gypsy man beated up a chinese shopkeeper in Spain. But I am not into running around like common chinese people, nor doing any business just for money. The general backgrounds of the western divide & conquer are alarming. This is not the diversity I want to see, diversity in ideas not useless ethnocentrism. You can not lead your people, the outcome will have to follow the generalized backgrounds.

Was it a hate crime or racist motivated? How often does such a thing Happen? Maybe the two men had a argument or the gypsy was a thugh and criminal who wanted to steal from the chinese shop what this has to do with you and me?

Why do you call it useless ethnocentrism? What should happen to undeseired or useless ethnicities?

04-24-2023, 09:39 PM
Gypsies are not foreigners and if you say gypsies should not be part of the society do you mean they should be segregated and do not have access to any services or resorces or also be physically removed? That does not work anymore and its wrong

Gypsies are not native Europeans which makes them foreigners. It's up to Europeans to decide what to do about that but of course Europeans don't even control their own nations for the most part anymore so they'll have to take their countries back before considering what to do about Gypsies.

04-25-2023, 03:25 AM
Gypsies are not native Europeans which makes them foreigners. It's up to Europeans to decide what to do about that but of course Europeans don't even control their own nations for the most part anymore so they'll have to take their countries back before considering what to do about Gypsies.

Gypsies are since 1.500 years in Europe, that is three times the length of history of many nations like your country, the USA. They are not foreigners anymore, even if they originated outside europe, that was over 1000 years ago.


04-25-2023, 04:23 AM
Jews are not purely of Middle Eastern descent anymore but they are still Jews no?

Its not even honest that "Im not a Gypsy" it is just because I said just this "embracing your roots" 5 minutes later they will call me a "gypo" or the same people. Similar as to Obama, "I wont vote for Obama because he is black" 5minutes later: "Obama acts as if he is black but he grew up with his white mum, he is not really black"

04-25-2023, 05:11 AM
Gypsies need to assimilate but it's hard since they have so many problems in their own circles regarding drugs and mental health. Europeans owe nothing to anyone but Europeans including any minorities need to live by the law.

I do not think it is "ethnocentrism" in the sense of rejecting assimilation, or integration or anything. I also do not think "assimilation" is the key point here, at least not for me, if it were honest like czechs become hungarian or hungarians become serbian. I wouldnt mind, Im not "ethnocentrist" I also do not think it is forced, and that i reject forced assimilation like someone who is a ethnocentrist, usually roma are rejected from assimilation with the host population, they themselfes want to be something else then roma because they are ashamed. The key point is they "hide" who they are. Or if it is visible (you see they are roma) they do not admitt to it or deny it, that is not really honest "assimilation" i think it is well written, and for me one thing stands out the psychological burden and sense of shame which i see in many roma. I think that is important for roma to realise it, for roma themselfes and it has little to do with the others. Roma need to stand up for themselfes and embrace their roots, only roma themselfes can do that, others cannot do that for them.

04-25-2023, 06:18 AM
Was it a hate crime or racist motivated? How often does such a thing Happen? Maybe the two men had a argument or the gypsy was a thugh and criminal who wanted to steal from the chinese shop what this has to do with you and me?

Why do you call it useless ethnocentrism? What should happen to undeseired or useless ethnicities?

Do not know, but it is said to be a gypsy man. Migration is such a sensitive matter immigrants are up to their own accountability to be treated in any way. Gypsies are like nomads in civilized lands not even on the steppe, by nature are dispicable for many people. Not just gypsies, all immigrants into the western colonies are more or less dispicable(including european themselves on a lesser measure) in the same way, living off others Affirmation which is based on colonial exploitations of other people. Your people can apply for immigrant status in the country where they find himself rather than dientifying as gypsies and totally disown the gypsiness.

04-25-2023, 06:22 AM
Do not know, but it is said to be a gypsy man. Migration is such a sensitive matter immigrants are up to their own accountability to be treated in any way. Gypsies are like nomads in civilized lands not even on the steppe, by nature is dispicable for many people. Not just gypsies, all immigrants into the western colonies are more or less dispicable(including european themselves) in the same way, living off others Affirmation which is based on colonial exploitations of other people. Your people can apply for immigrant status in the country where they find himself rather than dientifying as gypsie and totally disown the gypsiness.

That might work on a invidual basis or if there are only a few people but when you have such a large group of people it doesnt work really. It was tried several times (example Maria Theresia tried to force gypsies to assimilate), people tried to force gypsies to assimilate, then to kill them or hunt them etc. and it didnt worked, so what you say is not "new", "new" is what i say, maybe try like i say? gypsies need to do one thing, that is obeying the law, everyone needs to obey the law. If they obey the law it doesnt matter what they are, most modern countries in western europe are defined by their constitution, and their laws. so it doesnt really matter what your skin colour is or something if you obey the law.

04-25-2023, 06:32 AM
Colonialism is by nature dehumanizing, but it does bring about a new space of self-exploration in individual development. However, the lower spectrum of colonialism is evil and parasitic, where the self-sustainability will be taken away from people and making them dependent on the systematic programs and agenda. It could be more expedient to further divide the proxies so God know how many more new false religions and ethnics will be manufactured and ideologically bind people to the colonial plan of degeneration. Individualist development is the core of the future of humanity and its future demands breaking down as many as it takes the pre-existing premises and bonds. Sorry I am going to fast again, but it is truth. Why don`t you find a truly individual way instead, as europeans are doing this, as a weaker ethnic why would you hold onto the weakest of all that is empty bonds many more advanced people have left behind?

That might work on a invidual basis

This is the key to your salvation, be individual, like all the real europeans and more civilized people are. I denounce false nationalism, communism, capitalism here for this vision and I would call it my vision. Save yourself first.

04-25-2023, 06:35 AM
Colonialism is by nature dehumanizing, but it does bring about a new space of self-exploration of individual development. However, the lower spectrum of colonialism is evil and parasitic, where the self-sustainability will be taken away from people and making them dependent on the systematic programs and agendas. It could be more expedient to further divide the proxies so God knows how many more new religions and ethnics will be manufactured and ideologically bind people to their plan of degeneration. Individualist development is the core and its future demands breaking down as many as it takes the pre-existing premises and bonds. Sorry I am going to fast again, but it is truth. Why don`t you find a truly individual way instead, as europeans are doing this, as a weaker ethnic why would you hold onto the weakest of all that is empty bonds many more advanced people have left behind?

I do not think someone "invented gypsies" as to divide and conquer, gypsies are since timme immemorial or since long just a fact, and there are really many of them now. they are 20 million people in europe, that is several times the amount of many nations in europe or elsewhere. Also gypsies themselfes created their nationalism, i mean it has roots among gypsies, some of the gypsies realised, that they are gypsies and started their nationalism. Similar as Jew Theodor Herzl invented Zionism, Jewish Nationalism, it wasnt someone else who is not a Jew who invented it, I also do not see much mainstream media or mainstream big corporations or big governments support for gypsies and their nationalism. What I posted for example is not from a mainstream source like CNN, or BBC, but from a blog a gypsy wrote, everyone can create a blog and write it, i as a unimportant no-name can write a blog. So no one invented that and it doesnt have much support truly either.

04-25-2023, 06:38 AM
This is the key to your salvation, be individual, like all the real europeans and more civilized people are. I denounce false nationalism, communism, capitalism here for this vision and I would call it my vision. Save yourself first.

I agree with individualism but it has limits, i think what you say just doesnt work, it is like a utopia that it could work. Its not reality, you cannot just say they are not gypsies, they will still be gypsies, like you can say you are not a chinese, but you still are? And maybe you can become on a individual basis american, but can all chinese as a nation become americans?

04-25-2023, 07:39 AM
I thought the same as you, but then I realized that being Gypsy is basically being part of an ethnic rather than racial group. Internet is full of balkan passing gypsies and "serbs" or "romanians" that look Indian

Because you dont know if someone has gypsy ancestry. Or how much etc. that is something people usually wouldnt tell you "hey my grandfather was a gypsy" and it is something you usually wouldnt ask like "hey you are a gypsy right why do you look indian" if he tells you he is not a gypsy? Would you say that to him? On the internet someone says he has gypsy ancestry, or does even a genetic test, then you know it immediately that he has more or less gypsy ancestry.

I for example have relatives who are 1/8 and even 1/16 gypsy how would you know they are? They never talk about it, maybe the 1/16 dont even know it themselfes.

I have a cousin who looks like a beautiful "serbian"/"balkan" or "romanian" girl but she is a 1/4 gypsy... and 3/4 serb.... i think she has a serb boyfriend, and serb friends, and she counts as serb, so that there is a literal one drop rule for gypsies like some say, here, is not always true. Maybe with internet you mean that i tell you that this or that person has gypsy ancestry or you saw it on genetic tests, which you wouldnt know....

My cousin, does she look like a beautiful romanian girl? or balkan?

https://i.ibb.co/cQPC8GR/Maja.jpg (https://ibb.co/WfQPzb7)
https://i.ibb.co/TtPNkX0/Maja2.jpg (https://ibb.co/89PQ03x)

04-25-2023, 07:45 AM
I agree with individualism but it has limits, i think what you say just doesnt work, it is like a utopia that it could work. Its not reality, you cannot just say they are not gypsies, they will still be gypsies, like you can say you are not a chinese, but you still are? And maybe you can become on a individual basis american, but can all chinese as a nation become americans?

Because of lacking individual development the ethnicity become a cesspool, a running India in Europe. That sort of nationalism will be failing and doom to fail, like India`s pathetic imperialism, you do not see it and the whole mass will become more and more miserable and dispicable. I am saying it and will not take it to be a prophecy, just a reminder, because it is happening right in this moment. Zionism, called the jewish nationalism, Hindustanism, Kurdistanism, all kinds of sheet here. This is the reality too, you can buy identities as long as you follow the bait. You can noly see the reality that is manipulated.

Theodor Herzl

Jews are better assimilated into the west yet they still remain a peripheral of the core western world, the west will satisfy their proxies by killing other people and their own people, giving Israel to jews, Tibet to indians, China to taiwanese puppets, Japan to koreans, Russia to mongolians, Europe to gypsies and blacks, and at the end they will fight each other. This is their game of destruction of civilizations like the Planet of Ape.

04-25-2023, 07:49 AM
Because of lacking individual development the ethnicity become a cesspool, a running India in Europe. That sort of nationalism will be failing and doom to fail, like India`s pathetic imperialism, you do not see it and the whole mass will become more and more miserable and dispicable. I am saying it and will not take it to be a prophecy, just a reminder, because it is happening right in this moment. Zionism, called the jewish nationalism, Hindustanism, Kurdistanism, all kinds of sheet here. This is the reality too, you can buy identities as long as you follow the bait. You can noly see the reality that is manipulated.

Jews are better assimilated into the west yet they still remain a peripheral of the core western world, the west will satisfy their proxies by killing other people and their own people, giving Israel to jews, Tibet to indians, China to taiwanese puppets, Japan to koreans, Russia to mongolians, Europe to gypsies and blacks, and at the end they will fight each other. This is their game of destruction of civilizations like the Planet of Ape.

Basically that means "you can take out the nigger from the jungle but never the jungle from the nigger" (just a metaphor that some races are inherently doomed to fail and only whites and east asians are superior). Quiete racist theology, so i dont know what to say about that, i guess you cannot make a counter argument to that theology.

04-25-2023, 08:41 AM
Basically that means "you can take out the nigger from the jungle but never the jungle from the nigger" (just a metaphor that some races are inherently doomed to fail and only whites and east asians are superior). Quiete racist theology, so i dont know what to say about that, i guess you cannot make a counter argument to that theology.

It all starts from demanding what is not yours, like the roma heritage, you can not make sure someone will not jump up and claim the whole Europe as theirs, like afrocentrism. A nation cannot be build from asking for recognition and ethnic nationalism. History makes a nation: What makes a nation is the past, what justifies one nation against the others is the past, historians are the people who produce it. --Eric Hobsbawm

Gypsy history is nomadism, you can not create a new country out of charity and welfare, everyone is in a struggle against their own imperfections in a nation, so ethno-nationalism is outdated. You can directly join european movements for betterment of every european nation, since you are living in it, be a model european rather than fixated on gypsiness.

04-25-2023, 08:46 AM
Because you dont know if someone has gypsy ancestry. Or how much etc. that is something people usually wouldnt tell you "hey my grandfather was a gypsy" and it is something you usually wouldnt ask like "hey you are a gypsy right why do you look indian" if he tells you he is not a gypsy? Would you say that to him? On the internet someone says he has gypsy ancestry, or does even a genetic test, then you know it immediately that he has more or less gypsy ancestry.

I for example have relatives who are 1/8 and even 1/16 gypsy how would you know they are? They never talk about it, maybe the 1/16 dont even know it themselfes.

I have a cousin who looks like a beautiful "serbian"/"balkan" or "romanian" girl but she is a 1/4 gypsy... and 3/4 serb....

My cousin, does she look like a beautiful romanian girl? or balkan?

https://i.ibb.co/cQPC8GR/Maja.jpg (https://ibb.co/WfQPzb7)

Never... She looks as gypsy as she can be: Indo-Balkan mix, like you

04-25-2023, 08:53 AM
Never... She looks as gypsy as she can be: Indo-Balkan mix, like you

you left the second picture out, only the one in dark, you left. i guess on purpose because it is visible that she "exotifies herself" in some pictures just like sandra afrika or most other balkan girls in pop industry with make up etc. she has light skin, brunette hair etc. so you tell me you wouldnt classify her as romanian if i told you she is? i dont believe you

04-25-2023, 09:00 AM
It all starts from demanding what is not yours, like the roma heritage, you can not make sure someone will not jump up and claim the whole Europe as theirs, like afrocentrism. A nation cannot be build from asking for recognition and ethnic nationalism. History makes a nation: What makes a nation is the past, what justifies one nation against the others is the past, historians are the people who produce it. --Eric Hobsbawm

Gypsy history is nomadism, you can not create a new country out of charity and welfare, everyone is in a struggle against their own imperfections in a nation, so ethno-nationalism is outdated. You can directly join european movements for betterment of every european nation, since you are living in it, be a model european rather than fixated on gypsiness.

1.Roma do have a heritage, what is heritage? define that, you mean they didnt historically a nationstate but they do have a history as culture, as identity, as ethnic group etc. you say they were invented as ethnic group but they werent, they are a fact and they grew as ethnic group in the past and have a relatively long history, longer then brasil for example or any country in the new world or in africa or former colonies. They have a unique genetic print, unique romani markers, they have a own language, customs, traditions etc, and yes nomadism is probably part of it, but not only since there were always also gypsies who were settled, similar as jews in ghettos... or certain districts, and settlements, some gypsy settlements are very old... and count as historical...

2.Roma do not demand a state, or terretory, they are recognised by the UN as stateless nation, that doesnt hinder from community building, fact is they are communities in the countries they live, and sometimes there are towns and villages where nearly everyone is a roma, so you tell me they should not organise themselfes and better their communities?

3.Roma are not just europeans they are distinct, and cannot join any european movement, actually even if they wanted they couldnt only woke very left movements accept roma, a roma wouldnt be accepted by a far right group for example, so that is objectively wrong that roma can join any european movement if they want.

4.Even if they created a country out of welfare and charity, would that be any more terrible or morally wrong then creating a country out of conquest, war and genocide? Like the USA was created?