View Full Version : Best and worst immigrants in your country?

04-24-2023, 01:44 PM
The title is clear enough. There is the exact thread already, but I won't be necroing it. Let's rather start anew.

Tooting Carmen
04-24-2023, 02:04 PM
Best: some Eastern Euros, some Chinese, some Indians.
Worst: some Balkanites, some Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, some West Africans and some Caribbeans.

04-24-2023, 02:06 PM
Best migrants: hungarians from Romania, Serbia. They can speak the language, and they can fit into the society very easly.

Worst migrants: gypsies by far, they live here since 700 years and they are still outside of society with very high crime rate. If we are talking about recent migrants then maybe south asians. Black african migrants are also can pass this category, but these who were born in Hungary and socialized here, are normal.

Siberian Nomad
04-24-2023, 02:10 PM
Balkan immigrants are best : albanians, bosnians, bulgarians etc.
Middle eastern immigrants worst : iraqi kurds, syrian arabs, afghans etc.

caucasian immigrants like circassians is okay too

04-24-2023, 02:12 PM
Best: Dominicans, Spaniards, chinese, Argentinian
Worst: Central American neighbors and South American neighbors, Jamaicans

04-24-2023, 02:33 PM
Worst (in this order)

North Africans, Africans, Central Asians, Gypsies, Turks, East Asians/other Europeans.

04-24-2023, 02:36 PM
Worst migrants: gypsies by far, they live here since 700 years and they are still outside of society with very high crime rate. If we are talking about recent migrants then maybe south asians. Black african migrants are also can pass this category, but these who were born in Hungary and socialized here, are normal.

Interesting, actually. In here, south Asians either work in restaurants or IBM. And you generally don't see them in public or hear about them in the news. Which gives them credit. I actually don't like it when people of ethnicity other than the two I have mingle with us. I know some Russians and Balkanites who are completely integrated and don't necessarily keep to their own, but that's completely fine with me because they are Slavic. Same goes for the two (what a huge number :laugh:) other Spaniards I know. Completely fine with it again. As for blacks, I see like one in two months and I'm from Brno. Imagine if I was from some remote village. And most of them are just some students who spend all their time in the dormitory. Are there a lot of blacks in Hungary?

Tooting Carmen
04-24-2023, 02:36 PM
Worst (in this order)

North Africans, Africans, Central Asians, Gypsies, Turks, East Asians/other Europeans.

Central Asians? Didn't know France had lots of Kazakhs, Tajiks, Turkmens etc.

Siberian Nomad
04-24-2023, 02:39 PM
Worst (in this order)

North Africans, Africans, Central Asians, Gypsies, Turks, East Asians/other Europeans.

whats the problem with central asians? i asking because i dont know them so much

04-24-2023, 02:42 PM
Best: NONE (hopefully we will stay immigrant free for the following decade at least)
Worse: NONE (fortunately we don't have many and the few niggers/indians here are well behaved)

Based on my experience in diverse countries (France, Scandinavia, Germany, UK, Italy):

Best: NONE (those countries themselves became an immigrant heaven)
Worse: North Africans, West Africans, Afghans

04-24-2023, 02:43 PM
Worst (in this order)

North Africans, Africans, Central Asians, Gypsies, Turks, East Asians/other Europeans.

Yeah, I will make two separate lists later this day, after I see some other answers. But the one for Spain is going to look somewhat similar. Though there would be certain Latinos added in here and the 'other Europeans' would be put much higher. We have a lot of problems with Albanian mafia, Romanian prostitutes, etc.

04-24-2023, 02:45 PM
Central Asians? Didn't know France had lots of Kazakhs, Tajiks, Turkmens etc.

In the larger sense defined by the unesco it includes Afghanistan, Pakistan, ...and i would add Caucasus too for Georgians/Chechens, there are not a lot indeed but the few in here often illustrate themselves in crimes and all sorts of trafficking. I think there was a study recently in France putting them near the top for organized crime.

I just feel it's neither MENA or South Asia (very few Indians)

Gypsies are annoying but not very concerning in France, probably because they are massively outcompeted by other groups so they can only collect the crumbs. That's why i put them behind. Turks are relatively well integrated and hardworking, compared to NA it's night and day. Again probably as well because they have no other choice with NA and Africans in general having the "market of crimes" cornered.

Where i actually live i would put Albanians, Swiss and Belgians on top (lol)

04-24-2023, 03:10 PM
Interesting, actually. In here, south Asians either work in restaurants or IBM. And you generally don't see them in public or hear about them in the news. Which gives them credit. I actually don't like it when people of ethnicity other than the two I have mingle with us. I know some Russians and Balkanites who are completely integrated and don't necessarily keep to their own, but that's completely fine with me because they are Slavic. Same goes for the two (what a huge number ) other Spaniards I know. Completely fine with it again. As for blacks, I see like one in two months and I'm from Brno. Imagine if I was from some remote village. And most of them are just some students who spend all their time in the dormitory. Are there a lot of blacks in Hungary?

Number of blacks is between 10000-15000, mostly from Nigeria, vast majority of them live in Budapest. They are doctors, musicians, athletes in general, there are african pubs too in Budapest. Some of them became famous celebs for example Fekete Pákó or Bebe, they consider themselves hungarians. I know some black personally from the school, they were born here, they speak hungarian fluently and live like everyone else.
The problem is the african newcommers, the crime care is very high among them.

If we are talking about racism, then gypsies are the favourite target. I remember there were anti-gypsie posters in Budapest on the streets like this:


The hungarian text means:

-Hey Oni-chan! Did you know that the number of gypsies is only 9% in Hungary, but they commit 2/3 of crimes?
-But this is huge overrepresentation!
-Yes its huge Oni-chan!

04-24-2023, 03:39 PM
Number of blacks is between 10000-15000, mostly from Nigeria, vast majority of them live in Budapest. They are doctors, musicians, athletes in general, there are african pubs too in Budapest. Some of them became famous celebs for example Fekete Pákó or Bebe, they consider themselves hungarians. I know some black personally from the school, they were born here, they speak hungarian fluently and live like everyone else.
The problem is the african newcommers, the crime care is very high among them.

If we are talking about racism, then gypsies are the favourite target. I remember there were anti-gypsie posters in Budapest on the streets like this:


The hungarian text means:

-Hey Oni-chan! Did you know that the number of gypsies is only 9% in Hungary, but they commit 2/3 of crimes?
-But this is huge overrepresentation!
-Yes its huge Oni-chan!

WTF is that poster.

04-24-2023, 03:40 PM
Serbian immigrant from ex Yugoslavian republics are the best, after them Russians. We have Russians here in the last 1 year. In Belgrade and Novi Sad Russian language is pretty noticeable. In live near Belgrade and i have meet Russians here several times in the last 2-3 month. I have meet them for sure sure much more times, but several times i recognized they are Russians (they spoke Russian). Recently i have seen younger Russian couple in the mega market.



The worst are MENA and Africans. They are total aliens prone to crime and subhumans behavior.

Of non-Europeans most acceptable are Chinese. Over 20 years Chinese merchants are present here; they are calm and they avoid contact with locals outside of their stores. Outside of stores they are almost invisible. One my friend worked for Chinese, he has positive experiences with them.

04-24-2023, 03:43 PM
The only decent immigrants for the US would be Afrikaners who understand the race problem. Unfortunately all we get is the scum of the third world.

04-24-2023, 03:57 PM
Worst: north africans,africans and these fucking gypsies,turks and their lobbying through the Millî Görüş ,they are turning europe into a giant open sky dumpster

Best: asians from : vietnam,laos,cambodia, non muslims sri-lankeses and indians, kurds are nice people too

04-24-2023, 03:57 PM
Serbian immigrant from ex Yugoslavian republics are the best, after them Russians. We have Russians here in the last 1 year. In Belgrade and Novi Sad Russian language is pretty noticeable. In live near Belgrade and i have meet Russians here several times in the last 2-3 month. I have meet them for sure sure much more times, but several times i recognized they are Russians (they spoke Russian). Recently i have seen younger Russian couple in the mega market.



The worst are MENA and Africans. They are total aliens prone to crime and subhumans behavior.

Of non-Europeans most acceptable are Chinese. Over 20 years Chinese merchants are present here; they are calm and they avoid contact with locals outside of their stores. Outside of stores they are almost invisible. One my friend worked for Chinese, he has positive experiences with them.

In Belgrade the biggest concentration of Chinese is on Blok 70 in New Belgrade https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Belgrade
They have stores and restaurants there, for quite a long time.

04-24-2023, 04:49 PM
best: these who integrate and get a job
worst: ones who just disrespect local customs and ones doing minor crimes

no general rules regarding nationality

04-24-2023, 05:49 PM
In Spain:

Best immigrants: Argentinians, Uruguayans, other white or predominately European Latin Americans, and most immigrants from fellow European countries (excluding gypsies)

Worst immigrants: Moroccans, Sub Saharan Africans, Dominicans, eastern European gypsies.

In Venezuela

Best immigrants: Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, southern cone immigrants (Chile, Argentina, etc), other Europeans, Lebanese, Chinese.

Worst immigrants: coastal Colombians with high SSA admixture, and black immigrants from the Antilles.

07-27-2023, 09:16 PM
Best: some Africans in Sofia, Chinese, Russians on the Black Sea.
Worst: Syrians (Arabs and Kurds) around 1,200 in Harmanli.

07-27-2023, 09:23 PM
Best: basically most Euro immigrants, including Euro Americans as well as East Asians behave well and contribute, the sharp exception being Albanians.

Worst: Menas as always.

07-27-2023, 09:47 PM
in USA
Best: Any white European, white LATAM or East Asian that works hard, is not a commie, loves America and votes red/ Republican.

Worst: Haitian niggas, Mexi-cunt beaners (except white Mexicans) , and Venezuelans that want it all given to them for free. Oh and any immigrant that becomes a citizen to then vote for socialist democrat scums.

07-27-2023, 09:49 PM
Worst : South Asian
Best: Germans, Spanish.

Those do not express my preferences, just observations.

07-27-2023, 10:56 PM
There is no good immigrant. The only good immigrants are -although I don't consider them as one- are Balkan Turks which are better in all aspects than Central and East Anatolian Turks.

07-27-2023, 11:28 PM
The best from my experiences (for Canada) are definitely East Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Korean largely) on every measure. South Asians are great as well. Many European immigrants are cool too :).

Worst: I haven't been able to decide on a worst group yet, maybe in a few years I'll have an answer.

From when I lived in the US (I lived there for 24 years), I'd say the best immigrants are basically the same as in Canada.

Worst (for US): Mexicans on almost every measure. I'm sorry if you're Mexican and reading this, but I have to be honest. It doesn't mean I hate you or disrespect Mexican culture I still treat everyone the same at first regardless of ethnicity. I've just happened to have shit-tier experiences with and around Mexicans unluckily (including those directly from Mexico) which actually makes me kind of sad.

I know I'm probably going to get shit for this opinion but I'm ready lol.

07-28-2023, 08:46 AM
I live in a Japanese neighbourhood in Brussels and I think it's hard to find better neighbours than the Japanese. They are very discreet, very polite, always ready to help you and they bring presents for you when they come back from their holidays. Recently, I went with my daughter to the restaurant belonging to one of my Japanese neighbours, we ordered a lot a our neighbour refused that we pay. :)