View Full Version : Do you see Nazi references in this video?

04-28-2023, 11:15 AM

04-28-2023, 11:40 AM
That's sovetoid/noviop's unconscious fears, if you change the stripe from tricolor to red, one may make up a red comissar


Salty Ears
04-28-2023, 11:46 AM
Depeche mode or Billy Idol, somebody from 80x too, many of them. PS Billy idol had dreads too

04-30-2023, 01:11 PM
There are a lot of ironic comments in German under this video.

Sebastianus Rex
04-30-2023, 02:01 PM
Not really, I haven't seen any symbols denouncing nazi references.

The video starts focusing the Moscow's Kazan Cathedral in the back, the original church was demolished by order of Stalin and is being rebuilt since the 1990's, so it symbolizes the rebirth of Russian tradition and faith, the lyrics also point to that.

The singer is wearing a simple wooden Orthodox cross around his neck and a Russian flag around his arm.

Definitely nationalistic and religious (kind of messianic) references but that's all.

04-30-2023, 05:08 PM
This clip was uploaded to youtube on 20-th April the birthday of an Austrian painter who had the same hairstyle as "Shaman" has in this clip.


04-30-2023, 06:11 PM
idk but one year for christmas i got boots like his and my dad says i look like im in the hitler youth when i wear them

04-30-2023, 06:15 PM
The banner of Юнармия - Army of the young

https://sun6-21.userapi.com/s/v1/ig2/s9ZHRFU-Nw2Y5AX-GWVmtfCy3v2szmiZ023h8sLG_xotlgc4ET-UKFE5zArJjYKBiufXzsraXSoBu_rhozhZY9hY.jpg?size=112 5x1125&quality=95&crop=0,0,1125,1125&ava=1

04-30-2023, 07:07 PM
nazis against denazification in ukraine, christian orthodox church and occult ziggurat known as lenin's mausoleum at red square.. there's something definitely wrong in there

04-30-2023, 07:19 PM
shaman translates as a pagan (Siberian) sorcerer

Salty Ears
05-16-2023, 04:32 PM