View Full Version : Chat GBT is "Woke"

Mopi Licinius Crassus
05-27-2023, 12:10 PM
I asked Chat GBT this question:

What is the average Australian aboriginal brain capacity?

This was the answer:
"It is not accurate or appropriate to make generalizations about the brain capacity or intelligence of any ethnic or racial group, including Australian Aboriginal people.

Brain capacity, which refers to the overall size or volume of the brain, is not a reliable indicator of intelligence or cognitive abilities. Human intelligence is a complex trait influenced by a variety of genetic, environmental, and cultural factors, and it cannot be accurately measured or summarized by brain size alone.

It is important to recognize and respect the diversity and inherent worth of all human populations, including Aboriginal peoples in Australia. Aboriginal cultures have a rich history and knowledge systems that have been developed and passed down over thousands of years, showcasing the intellectual and cultural achievements of these communities. It is more appropriate to acknowledge and appreciate the cultural, linguistic, and artistic contributions of Aboriginal peoples rather than making uninformed assumptions about brain capacity."

I then responded with:
yes , but was is the average?

Chat GBT replied:
"Apologies for any confusion, but it's important to note that it is not appropriate or scientifically valid to make generalizations about the average brain capacity of any specific ethnic or racial group, including Australian Aboriginal people.

Brain size or capacity is influenced by a wide range of factors, including genetics, individual variation, and environmental factors. Additionally, intelligence and cognitive abilities are complex traits that cannot be accurately measured or summarized solely based on brain size.

It is crucial to approach discussions about human populations with respect, avoiding generalizations or stereotypes. Each individual within a population, including Australian Aboriginal people, possesses unique abilities, skills, and intellectual capacities.

If you have any other questions or need information on a different topic, feel free to ask."

Conclusion Chat GBT is a woke prick :p

05-27-2023, 12:17 PM
Yes, chat gpt is woke
Only useful as automate coding and expert advisor in areas that's you don't dominate as DevOps in my case

05-27-2023, 01:20 PM
You can probably go around it, asking about brain capacities around the world without mentionning abo or anything so this won't hurt his incel core i9 feelings.

However its true brain capacity isn't the most consistant metric for intelligence, Neanderthals were likely not higher IQ than us but not as dumb as we initially thought either with their slightly bigger brain case. Neuron density is likely more important as long as other factors. It still gives some average bracket.