View Full Version : Do you know this feature? You can google the probability of race by a name

05-30-2023, 04:18 AM
Family name, last name and also country of residence and if you go by improved you can add also your zip code, i dont know if that could be me, but i dont think in austria in my town there is any other svetozar plemic


Detailed results
Provided values:

First name: Svetozar ;
Last name: Plemic ;
Country of residence: Austria AT ;
Postal code of residence: 4690.
Alphabet :

Script: Latin.
Race ethnicity :

US race ethnicity: White, non latino W_NL ;
Alternative US race ethnicity: Asian, non latino A ;
Top US race ethnicities:
White, non latino W_NL ;
Asian, non latino A ;
Hispano latino HL ;
Black, non latino B_NL.
Probability :

Calibrated probability: 97.27% ;
Alternative calibrated probability: 98.69% ;
Score: 46.63.