View Full Version : What percent of Spaniards are truly Nordic?

05-30-2023, 09:09 PM
Going by Gallop's Andalusians I suppose the average Spaniard Is 50% Nordic?

05-30-2023, 09:16 PM
French people look more Moorish than Gallop's Andalusians.

Colonel Frank Grimes
05-30-2023, 09:18 PM
They can't hold a candle to Mexico's very gringo looking minority White population...

05-30-2023, 09:24 PM
They can't hold a candle to Mexico's very gringo looking minority White population...

At least white true mexicans look truly white (Gringo ) real Andalusians look mestizoish to my eye or at least the average.

Colonel Frank Grimes
05-30-2023, 09:51 PM
At least white true mexicans look truly white (Gringo ) real Andalusians look mestizoish to my eye or at least the average.

Yes, the population that derives heavily from Andalusians with degrees of Amerindian genetic influence looks 'gringo', while the population those White Mexicans originated from looks mestiziosh to 'your eye' because it makes sense.

Do you know why Mexicans and other Latin Americans don't speak with a so-called Spanish lisp? It's because Latin Americans are heavily descended from Andalusians, Extremadurans, and, with regards to the Caribbean, Canary Islanders. Neither group speaks with a so-called lisp.

05-30-2023, 09:54 PM
Do you know why Mexicans and other Latin Americans don't speak with a so-called Spanish lisp? It's because Latin Americans are heavily descended from Andalusians, Extremadurans, and, with regards to the Caribbean, Canary Islanders. Neither group speaks with a so-called lisp.

You really do learn something new every day

05-30-2023, 10:04 PM
At least white true mexicans look truly white (Gringo ) real Andalusians look mestizoish to my eye or at least the average.

Blanco mexicano dice, dónde, cuándo ves eso en México, eso puedes ver uno cada 200 años y nadie vive tanto, bueno y en 200 años ya se habrán extinguido.

Mestizos los andaluces? Mestizo tú, no te fastidias el tío. Los andaluces somos europeos. Estáis locos en América.

05-30-2023, 10:05 PM
Yes, the population that derives heavily from Andalusians with degrees of Amerindian genetic influence looks 'gringo', while the population those White Mexicans originated from looks mestiziosh to 'your eye' because it makes sense.

Do you know why Mexicans and other Latin Americans don't speak with a so-called Spanish lisp? It's because Latin Americans are heavily descended from Andalusians, Extremadurans, and, with regards to the Caribbean, Canary Islanders. Neither group speaks with a so-called lisp.

What a load s crap, Andalusians barely settled In Mexico mostly settled In South America It was mostly Castilians and Basques and Jews In North mexico specially North East Mexico (Nuevo Leon)

Truly white mexicans look like this.


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRVcqIHM6zVMWIBoNc0mabDyqg3sz11d Tqabw&usqp=CAU

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT_H13vJTb_qMkdxwB0cvUtxQqhngij3 euZ-w&usqp=CAU

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQUsd9uGW50lJ284uHZsy0TQmfiV01IN 5qlIQ&usqp=CAU


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSAj9IiE881GJsDCuvoZ2ULsJtJ1Uo2p 07mRA&usqp=CAU


Mexico's Spanish blood Is Castilian and Northern Spanish.

05-30-2023, 10:07 PM
Blanco mexicano dice, dónde, cuándo ves eso en México, eso puedes ver uno cada 200 años y nadie vive tanto, bueno y en 200 años ya se habrán extinguido.

Mestizos los andaluces? Mestizo tú, no te fastidias el tío. Los andaluces somos europeos. Estáis locos en América.


05-30-2023, 10:11 PM
Andalusians live in Mexico

From the Canal Sur program, Andaluces por el mundo (Andalusians around the world)

It is not necessary to say who are the Andalusians and who are the Mexicans. :)







;) Por favor!

05-30-2023, 10:18 PM
Maybe 5%
Spaniards are Southern European
Neither Northern African or Nordic

The Original Laredo and their Iberian/Andalusian version look nordify their regions and are delusional

Colonel Frank Grimes
05-30-2023, 10:22 PM
What a load s crap, Andalusians barely settled


You haven't even bothered to research the colonization of New Spain if you think Andalusians barely settled Mexico.

In Mexico mostly settled In South America It was mostly Castilians and Basques and Jews In North mexico specially North East Mexico (Nuevo Leon)

All three had their influence but not as great as Extremadurans and Andalusians.

Truly white mexicans look like this.

Mexico's Spanish blood Is Castilian and Northern Spanish.

You really are embarrassing. You and Gallop are both too mentally ill to realize how you appear to others.

It's so cringe, as the kids say.

Colonel Frank Grimes
05-30-2023, 10:24 PM
I don't even understand why Laredo is obsessed with White Mexicans. He's not one of them.

05-30-2023, 10:30 PM
I don't even understand why Laredo is obsessed with White Mexicans. He's not one of them.

Off White Dilema, the hallmark of most hispanic trolls and some hispanic members as SK
Both Laredo and SK have clearly Native, SSA traits respectively althought the skin is relatively light
I am much browner than both but I do not have blatant Native or SSA traits in face

05-30-2023, 10:31 PM
Andalusians live in Mexico

From the Canal Sur program, Andaluces por el mundo (Andalusians around the world)

It is not necessary to say who are the Andalusians and who are the Mexicans. :)







;) Por favor!

Those Andalusian programs have been caught going to the poorest and less white regions of Latin America to distinguish themselves and feel the white privileged.

Your Andalusians look like marroquis compare to these Mexican crowds.


05-30-2023, 10:32 PM
Off White Dilema, the hallmark of most hispanic trolls and some hispanic members as SK
Both Laredo and SK have clearly Native, SSA traits respectively althought the skin is relatively light
I am much browner than both but I do not have blatant Native or SSA traits in face

Yet you still look less European admixed than SK let alone me:rolleyes:

Occiput in Starlight
05-30-2023, 10:39 PM
Interesting about the lisp, Grimes.

Occiput in Starlight
05-30-2023, 10:41 PM

05-30-2023, 11:33 PM

lol... in catalan language they don't have the lisp.

In catalan 'Barcelona' is pronounced 'Barselona'. Here's a nice video with nice a catalan girl, though 'mestizoid' compared with most mexicans, sorry, speaking catalan, so you can have a idea how catalan sounds.

In minute 1:50 you can hear how barcelonians (?) pronounce Barcelona. Barsalona.


Occiput in Starlight
05-30-2023, 11:35 PM
lol... in catalan language they don't have the lisp.

In catalan 'Barcelona' is pronounced 'Barselona'. Here's a nice video with nice a catalan girl, though 'mestizoid' compared with most mexicans, sorry, speaking catalan, so you can a idea how catalan sounds.



The shouter is not a Catalan.

05-30-2023, 11:40 PM
lol... in catalan language they don't have the lisp.

In catalan 'Barcelona' is pronounced 'Barselona'. Here's a nice video with nice a catalan girl, though 'mestizoid' compared with most mexicans, sorry, speaking catalan, so you can have a idea how catalan sounds.

In minute 1:50 you can hear how barcelonians (?) pronounce Barcelona. Barsalona.


Catalans are originally French that's why their language and surnames sounds French .

05-30-2023, 11:47 PM
Catalans are originally French that's why their language and surnames sounds French .

Qui man, de toute la vie.

05-30-2023, 11:51 PM
Catalans are originally French that's why their language and surnames sounds French .

It's more close to Occitan than modern French i'm native speaker of Mallorquin and i can understand better a occitanian than a standard modern french speaker.

05-30-2023, 11:53 PM
It's more close to Occitan than modern French i'm native speaker of Mallorquin and i can understand better a occitanian than a standard modern french speaker.

Ok, but I do think Catalans are españoles francezados etc xD

05-30-2023, 11:58 PM
I think Laredo needs to go to the therapist to treat that, it's getting out of hand!

05-31-2023, 12:01 AM
I think Laredo needs to go to the therapist to treat that, it's getting out of hand!

I think you should mind your business Brazuca, I opened this thread In real faith with some sarcasm by Gallop's Andalusians.

I'm interested In Spanish genetics and features because that's part of our genetics and features as well.

05-31-2023, 12:05 AM
Ok, but I do think Catalans are españoles francezados etc xD

francezados... even for me it's difficult to pronounce that inexistant word with the corresponding lisp.

it would be 'afrancesado'. But keep with your spanglish, it's funny.

Edit: it's 'nonexistent'... :scratch: I speak spanglish too.

05-31-2023, 12:08 AM
I think Laredo needs to go to the therapist to treat that, it's getting out of hand!

Talvez le afecto lo que le puse atrás
De todos modos parece autista

05-31-2023, 12:17 AM
francezados... even for me it's difficult to pronounce that inexistant word with the corresponding lisp.

it would be 'afrancesado'. But keep with your spanglish, it's funny.

Edit: it's 'nonexistent'... :scratch: I speak spanglish too.

Cuando eres bilingüe se te complica y más cuando eres trilingüe (tu caso) nos vuelve loco como pensamos o escribimos.

05-31-2023, 12:54 AM
Cuando eres bilingüe se te complica y más cuando eres trilingüe (tu caso) nos vuelve loco como pensamos o escribimos.

No soy trilingüe.

Solo domino el castellano, hablo catalán con fluidez pero lo escribo fatal.
Y mi inglés es limitado, y cuando me confío ya ves lo que pasa.

Mi única lengua materna y en la única que aprendí y crecí es el castellano, las otras son aprendidas después. Por eso yo no me vuelvo loco... solo pienso en castellano.
Alguna ventaja tenía que haber en ser monolingüe.

Colonel Frank Grimes
05-31-2023, 01:00 AM
Catalans are originally French that's why their language and surnames sounds French .

No, they're not originally French. Do you ever say anything that is accurate? I think like many people your education about the world is things you randomly picked up on the internet without ever thinking you should verify.

05-31-2023, 02:26 AM


Wow the contrast here is too stark. Reality check.

I don't even understand why Laredo is obsessed with White Mexicans. He's not one of them.

Drugs have messed with his brain.

No, they're not originally French. Do you ever say anything that is accurate? I think like many people your education about the world is things you randomly picked up on the internet without ever thinking you should verify.

I actually think it's a mix of that combined with plain lying.

05-31-2023, 05:43 AM
The same percentage as white Mexicans who look "truly Nordic" :thumb001:

White Mexicans mostly (and almost entirely) descend from Spaniards. So, there you go!

And none of this is his business, anyways, because the mestizo who opened this thread is not even white, to begin with :rolleyes:

05-31-2023, 05:59 AM
Catalans are originally French that's why their language and surnames sounds French .

You are just jealous, because this girl doesn't look like the swarthy/olive skinned stereotype that you want to project about Spaniards. And believe it or not, in Spain I was in Barcelona, Mallorca and Madrid, and I got literally tired of coming across with Spanish girls with similar looks and pigmentation as hers, in almost every fucking corner.

Ah! and Catalans, Castilians (central Spaniards), and other northern Spaniards are not significantly lighter than southern Spaniards.

Also... with your moronic claim of Catalans being originally French, you made my day :lol:

05-31-2023, 06:01 AM
Around 10%

05-31-2023, 06:44 AM
The same percentage as white Mexicans who look "truly Nordic" :thumb001:

White Mexicans mostly (and almost entirely) descend from Spaniards. So, there you go!

And none of this is his business, anyways, because the mestizo who opened this thread is not even white, to begin with :rolleyes:

Yet... This mestizo looks and Is genetically whiter than average ugly starving triracials called Venezuelans I encounter every day of course It's my business you illegal immigrant.

05-31-2023, 06:51 AM
Around 10%

That's to high, I give 3% max and I'm being generous.

05-31-2023, 07:14 AM
Yet... This mestizo looks and Is genetically whiter than average ugly starving triracials called Venezuelans I encounter every day of course It's my business you illegal immigrant.

Si eso te sirve de consuelo... OK :rolleyes:

Eres mas blanco que los triraciales Venezolanos mas pauperrimos que te encuentras alla en Mexico... waooo! que hazaña! :rolleyes:

Y sin embargo, hay tambien cientos de miles (si es que no millones) de Venezolanos dentro del espectro mestizo/mestizoide que NO son oscuros al lado tuyo, asi como tambien millones de Venezolanos entre Euro-mestizos y blancos, que se ven bastante mas Europeos que tu. :thumb001:

Eres mas claro que muchos Venezolanos que son desde triraciales balanceados a griffes, pero NO eres mas claro que la mayoria de Venezolanos. Que te quede claro!

En Venezuela serias bastante vulgar y corriente. Serias mas claro que los sectores mas oscuros y con mas carga afro de la poblacion; a su vez serias mas o menos igual en cuanto a clarez que millones de Venezolanos que estan a medio camino entre los Venezolanos muy mezclados con afro y los Venezolanos entre blancos y castizos; y luego a su vez serias mas oscurito que millones de Venezolanos que son entre blancos y Euro mestizos.

05-31-2023, 07:41 AM
At University in 2006 when i studied law, in dorm, it was a relatively larger dormitory and some international students, i met one spaniard. I talked briefly to him, he looked normal gringo.

Occiput in Starlight
05-31-2023, 07:42 AM
Caballeros, por favor, compónganse.

¡Por lo menos, desafila tus cuchillas!

King Niko
05-31-2023, 07:43 AM
none they are for the most part moors

05-31-2023, 07:47 AM
Si eso te sirve de consuelo... OK :rolleyes:

Eres mas blanco que los triraciales Venezolanos mas pauperrimos que te encuentras alla en Mexico... waooo! que hazaña! :rolleyes:

Y sin embargo, hay tambien cientos de miles (si es que no millones) de Venezolanos dentro del espectro mestizo/mestizoide que NO son oscuros al lado tuyo, asi como tambien millones de Venezolanos entre Euro-mestizos y blancos, que se ven bastante mas Europeos que tu. :thumb001:

Eres mas claro que muchos Venezolanos que son desde triraciales balanceados a griffes, pero NO eres mas claro que la mayoria de Venezolanos. Que te quede claro!

En Venezuela serias bastante vulgar y corriente. Serias mas claro que los sectores mas oscuros y con mas carga afro de la poblacion; a su vez serias mas o menos igual en cuanto a clarez que millones de Venezolanos que estan a medio camino entre los Venezolanos muy mezclados con afro y los Venezolanos entre blancos y castizos; y luego a su vez serias mas oscurito que millones de Venezolanos que son entre blancos y Euro mestizos.

Euro mestizos? Pues entonces que soy yo? Si soy harnizo. Igual deja decir pendejadas todos sabemos que los venezolanos son en promedio balance triracials asi como 45-50% euro 30% native y 15-25% SSA.

Cristiano viejo
05-31-2023, 02:37 PM
What a load s crap, Andalusians barely settled In Mexico mostly settled In South America It was mostly Castilians and Basques and Jews In North mexico specially North East Mexico (Nuevo Leon)

Mexico's Spanish blood Is Castilian and Northern Spanish.
Sorry if I kill your ilusion but in the time of the conquest and colonization of Mexico Andalusians and Extremadurans were called Castilian.

Solo domino el castellano

Mi única lengua materna y en la única que aprendí y crecí es el castellano, las otras son aprendidas después. Por eso yo no me vuelvo loco... solo pienso en castellano.

You are just jealous, because this girl doesn't look like the swarthy/olive skinned stereotype that you want to project about Spaniards. And believe it or not, in Spain I was in Barcelona, Mallorca and Madrid, and I got literally tired of coming across with Spanish girls with similar looks and pigmentation as hers, in almost every fucking corner.

Ah! and Catalans, Castilians (central Spaniards), and other northern Spaniards are not significantly lighter than southern Spaniards.

Castilians are both, Northern and Central. I am Central but Castilians from Burgos, Palencia, Soria or León are more northerners than half of Galicians, half of Aragonese, half of Basques / Navarrese and 2/3 of Catalans


05-31-2023, 03:47 PM
Euro mestizos? Pues entonces que soy yo? Si soy harnizo. Igual deja decir pendejadas todos sabemos que los venezolanos son en promedio balance triracials asi como 45-50% euro 30% native y 15-25% SSA.

Venezuela es en promedio algo mas Europea que eso (unos puntos por arriba de 50% Euro. Tal vez 54-55% Euro, por ahi).

Incluso si esos numeros tuyos fuesen ciertos (que en realidad no estan lejos de la realidad, excepto que Venezuela es en promedio algo mas Europea que eso), esos numeros siguen estando muy lejos de ser balanced triracial. Las matematicas desde luego, no son tu fuerte, chicano.

Euro mestizo tu? Si ni siquiera llegas al rango harnizo. Estas apenas unos pocos puntos por arriba de 50% (que ya he visto tus resultados, y a nadie engañas), que no son suficientes para pasar del rango mestizo balanceado. Y sin embargo alucinas con ser harnizo.:picard1::rolleyes:

Para ser harnizo, necesitas ser de 60% Euro para arriba, y lamento decirte que no llegas a esa marca. Conformate con saber que eres un mestizo balanceado, que esta unos pocos puntos por arriba de 50% Euro :patpat:

PD: sin querer ofender para nada a la gente mestiza balanceada en general. No tengo absolutamente nada contra ellos, (todos mis respetos a la gente que esta en ese rango, en general) pero me hace tanta gracia que estar en ese rango, y no en el euro-mestizo (de 60% Euro para arriba) es algo que te jode tremendamente.

05-31-2023, 11:19 PM
Venezuela es en promedio algo mas Europea que eso (unos puntos por arriba de 50% Euro. Tal vez 54-55% Euro, por ahi).

Incluso si esos numeros tuyos fuesen ciertos (que en realidad no estan lejos de la realidad, excepto que Venezuela es en promedio algo mas Europea que eso), esos numeros siguen estando muy lejos de ser balanced triracial. Las matematicas desde luego, no son tu fuerte, chicano.

Euro mestizo tu? Si ni siquiera llegas al rango harnizo. Estas apenas unos pocos puntos por arriba de 50% (que ya he visto tus resultados, y a nadie engañas), que no son suficientes para pasar del rango mestizo balanceado. Y sin embargo alucinas con ser harnizo.:picard1::rolleyes:

Para ser harnizo, necesitas ser de 60% Euro para arriba, y lamento decirte que no llegas a esa marca. Conformate con saber que eres un mestizo balanceado, que esta unos pocos puntos por arriba de 50% Euro :patpat:

PD: sin querer ofender para nada a la gente mestiza balanceada en general. No tengo absolutamente nada contra ellos, (todos mis respetos a la gente que esta en ese rango, en general) pero me hace tanta gracia que estar en ese rango, y no en el euro-mestizo (de 60% Euro para arriba) es algo que te jode tremendamente.

Lmaooo pues cuanto euro Cres que soy? 51-52-53 o %55? Según tu? Anda habla maestro. Y no el venezolano promedio es bastante balance entre euro, indio y SSA

05-31-2023, 11:48 PM
That's to high, I give 3% max and I'm being generous.

3% is way too low my dude... I say is well over 1 million but less then 2 million, so around 10% of European / white Spaniards.

Sebastianus Rex
06-01-2023, 12:02 AM
3% is way too low my dude... I say is well over 1 million but less then 2 million, so around 10% of European / white Spaniards.

What's your calculation? There must be around 35 million white Spaniards.

06-01-2023, 12:04 AM
Lie-redo's nightmare (and Gallop's wet dream):


06-01-2023, 12:09 AM
What's your calculation? There must be around 35 million white Spaniards.

Well in that case is much lower, I'd say around 5% or around 1.5 million white Spaniards?

06-01-2023, 12:16 AM
Lie-redo's nightmare (and Gallop's wet dream):


They look Spanish, not Nordic or Atlantid like many white mexicans I came across. Even if white mexicans are 5% of the population they can easily pass as Gringos.

Sebastianus Rex
06-01-2023, 12:37 AM
Well in that case is much lower, I'd say around 5% or around 1.5 million white Spaniards?

Depends on what he meant by "truly nordic".

06-01-2023, 12:45 AM
Depends on what he meant by "truly nordic".

I honestly open this thread In good faith but many of these Spanish boot lickers can't stand the truth. I also want to know about how many Anglo Saxons do Portuguese people look?

Let's say Mexico has a white population of 5% but even so they tend to be very light and gringo looking compare to the Average Spanish (I've seen them almost daily)

Here are some examples of mexicans I mean who fit the Nordic description.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQtApzp1c99uQo3ldq6xeNpymOLu8sQj 9LjxA&usqp=CAU


Perhaps only blonde fair Castilians didn't mixed with the native population of Mexico and only Andalusians did?

06-01-2023, 01:23 AM
I honestly open this thread In good faith but many of these Spanish boot lickers can't stand the truth. I also want to know about how many Anglo Saxons do Portuguese people look?

Let's say Mexico has a white population of 5% but even so they tend to be very light and gringo looking compare to the Average Spanish (I've seen them almost daily)

Here are some examples of mexicans I mean who fit the Nordic description.

Perhaps only blonde fair Castilians didn't mixed with the native population of Mexico and only Andalusians did?

lol you and the word 'honesty' can't go together on any sentence, Lie-redo. The fact that people like Eugenio Siller are 'gringo looking compared to the average Spanish' is because they don't (only) have spanish ancestry but from other places in Europe, and it's the same all over Latin America. Just a junkie addicted to meth could fantasize that only andalusians mixed and not the blonde fair Castilians LMAO

06-01-2023, 01:29 AM
lol you and the word 'honesty' can't go together on any sentence, Lie-redo. The fact that people like Eugenio Siller are 'gringo looking compared to the average Spanish' is because they don't (only) have spanish ancestry but from other places in Europe, and it's the same all over Latin America. Just a junkie addicted to meth could fantasize that only andalusians mixed and not the blonde fair Castilians LMAO

So freaking what about his last name? Mexico Is a new world country, you also thought about the woman was not fully Mexican because of her surname turns out it's Catalan-French origin.

Honestly you are an imbecile trying so hard to get the Mexican expert label when you are from Peru It's pathetic and cringe.

Sebastianus Rex
06-01-2023, 01:46 AM
I honestly open this thread In good faith but many of these Spanish boot lickers can't stand the truth. I also want to know about how many Anglo Saxons do Portuguese people look?

Let's say Mexico has a white population of 5% but even so they tend to be very light and gringo looking compare to the Average Spanish (I've seen them almost daily)

Here are some examples of mexicans I mean who fit the Nordic description.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQtApzp1c99uQo3ldq6xeNpymOLu8sQj 9LjxA&usqp=CAU


Perhaps only blonde fair Castilians didn't mixed with the native population of Mexico and only Andalusians did?

That's the whole point, "looking gringo" or Anglo-Saxon is subjective and not even the majority of them are true Nordic types, far from that. Besides it's not only about complexion and pigmentation, bone structure, skull measurements/type are even more important.

The man you posted is not a true Nordic. He's clearly an hybrid type, a depigmented Mediterranean.

The woman is perhaps subnordid but can't see the skull or if her hair is not dyed.

Most "nordish" types in Iberia are also hybrids (nordo-meds/Atlantids etc) and not pure Nordic types (nordids, tronders etc) like we see often in Scandinavia/northern Europe. These exist also but are rare in southern Europe.

As for the Portuguese, you can take a look at this very good thread with plenty of group pictures of men/bullfighters (which are more reliable than women since men don't usually dye their hair xD)

06-01-2023, 01:49 AM
So freaking what about his last name? Mexico Is a new world country, you also thought about the woman was not fully Mexican because of her surname turns out it's Catalan-French origin.

Honestly you are an imbecile trying so hard to get the Mexican expert label when you are from Peru It's pathetic and cringe.

Dude, his full name is Eugenio Siller Margain are you really going to tell me that sounds spanish or catalan? Even the most ignorant and illiterate poblano will tell you it's not (Siller is actually german you fool). And I'm no expert on Mexico or anything, I just got common sense, something you seem to never have used in you whole life.

06-01-2023, 03:11 AM
Dependiendo del estándar se podría decir como lucen la mayoría de mexicanos blancos
Si consideras blancos de criollo hacia arriba entonces obvio que como españoles
De castizos hacia arriba como turcos o marroquíes de la costa

Y los españoles son blancos pero de tipo mediterráneo

Gracias a Lieredo y su versión andaluza puede decir obviedades como comentarios. Su agenda facilita mucha la participación en este foro

06-01-2023, 03:26 AM
Dependiendo del estándar se podría decir como lucen la mayoría de mexicanos blancos
Si consideras blancos de criollo hacia arriba entonces obvio que como españoles
De castizos hacia arriba como turcos o marroquíes de la costa

Y los españoles son blancos pero de tipo mediterráneo

Gracias a Lieredo y su versión andaluza puede decir obviedades como comentarios. Su agenda facilita mucha la participación en este foro

Los blancos en México son en promedio 75% euro , mi abuela materna que era 100% colonial dudo que era más.

Lo que pasa es que la sangre negroide es más fuerte.

06-01-2023, 06:03 AM
Lmaooo pues cuanto euro Cres que soy? 51-52-53 o %55? Según tu? Anda habla maestro. Y no el venezolano promedio es bastante balance entre euro, indio y SSA

Aunque seas 56-57% Euro no llegas al 60% que se requiere para que seas considerado dentro del rango harnizo. O que quieres? que bajemos el porcentaje de 60% Euro normalmente aceptado, a unos puntos mas abajo, para que el señorito este feliz? El limite debe estar an alguna marca inamovible, ya que por algo es un limite, y no podemos moverlo caprichosamente unos puntos mas abajo, asi como asi, solo porque algunos se acercan al rango, para incluirlos tambien, porque si fuese asi, que podemos mover los limites arriba y abajo cada vez que queramos segun nuestra conveniencia, entonces para que coño sirven los limites?

Entonces decias que el Venezolano promedio era 45-50% Euro, 30% Amerindio, y 15-25 SSA (lo cual es lejos de triracial balanceado, pero tu como burro que eres llamabas a eso balanced triracial), y ahora cambias de repente a que el Venezolano promedio es triracial balanceado a tres partes iguales? Interesante :rolleyes:

Claramente cambias de una cosa a otra, como forma de intentar ofender de alguna forma al contrario, cada vez que te sientes atacado y ofendido, y solo por recordarte que estas en el rango de mestizo balanceado. Bueno, pues nada, que pases buena noche campeon!

06-01-2023, 06:09 AM
Aunque seas 56-57% Euro no llegas al 60% que se requiere para que seas considerado dentro del rango harnizo. O que quieres? que bajemos el porcentaje de 60% Euro normalmente aceptado, a unos puntos mas abajo, para que el señorito este feliz? El limite debe estar an alguna marca inamovible, ya que por algo es un limite, y no podemos moverlo caprichosamente unos puntos mas abajo, asi como asi, solo porque algunos se acercan al rango, para incluirlos tambien, porque si fuese asi, que podemos mover los limites arriba y abajo cada vez que queramos segun nuestra conveniencia, entonces para que coño sirven los limites?

Entonces decias que el Venezolano promedio era 45-50% Euro, 30% Amerindio, y 15-25 SSA (lo cual es lejos de triracial balanceado, pero tu como burro que eres llamabas a eso balanced triracial), y ahora cambias de repente a que el Venezolano promedio es triracial balanceado a tres partes iguales? Interesante :rolleyes:

Claramente cambias de una cosa a otra, como forma de intentar ofender de alguna forma al contrario, cada vez que te sientes atacado y ofendido, y solo por recordarte que estas en el rango de mestizo balanceado. Bueno, pues nada, que pases buena noche campeon!

Balanceado es el venezolano promedio. :rolleyes:


https://serving.photos.photobox.com/5808933423b500ecf6a95db29637b6e7761f914a74f71df6a3 c8d8024e31821e09cd7724.jpg


06-01-2023, 06:15 AM
I honestly open this thread In good faith but many of these Spanish boot lickers can't stand the truth. I also want to know about how many Anglo Saxons do Portuguese people look?

Let's say Mexico has a white population of 5% but even so they tend to be very light and gringo looking compare to the Average Spanish (I've seen them almost daily)

Here are some examples of mexicans I mean who fit the Nordic description.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQtApzp1c99uQo3ldq6xeNpymOLu8sQj 9LjxA&usqp=CAU


Perhaps only blonde fair Castilians didn't mixed with the native population of Mexico and only Andalusians did?

What truth? I already told you that "gringo looking" Spaniards aren't less common than "gringo looking" white Mexicans or "gringo looking" other white Latin Americans (from Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, etc). White Mexicans aren't anything special compared to other white Hispanic populations, including ethnic Spaniards, who aren't dark, exotic and swarthy on average, as you want to imply.

Ethnic Spanish women from Spain like that Mexican woman you posted (or like that Catalonian girl posted by B01AB20) are common as fuck through all Spain. I came across with them in nearly every fucking corner.

So, cut already with your shit!

Tooting Carmen
06-01-2023, 01:20 PM
What's your calculation? There must be around 35 million white Spaniards.

Plus the sizeable diaspora throughout Europe and the Americas with little if any other mixture. And in answer to the OP, maybe around 5%.

Cristiano viejo
06-01-2023, 02:46 PM
Dude, his full name is Eugenio Siller Margain are you really going to tell me that sounds spanish or catalan? Even the most ignorant and illiterate poblano will tell you it's not (Siller is actually german you fool). And I'm no expert on Mexico or anything, I just got common sense, something you seem to never have used in you whole life.

Siller is also a Spanish surname but yes, claiming white Mexicans, who are overwhelmingly of Spanish ancestry, are lighter than the own Spaniards is so hilarious that hurts :laugh2:

06-01-2023, 03:39 PM
Entonces decias que el Venezolano promedio era 45-50% Euro, 30% Amerindio, y 15-25 SSA (lo cual es lejos de triracial balanceado, pero tu como burro que eres llamabas a eso balanced triracial), y ahora cambias de repente a que el Venezolano promedio es triracial balanceado a tres partes iguales? Interesante :rolleyes:

Claramente cambias de una cosa a otra, como forma de intentar ofender de alguna forma al contrario, cada vez que te sientes atacado y ofendido, y solo por recordarte que estas en el rango de mestizo balanceado. Bueno, pues nada, que pases buena noche campeon!

Ah, esa es su especialidad, cambiar siempre sus historias: como cuando dice que los españoles que llegaron a México eran más 'gringos' que los mismo españoles y le demuestras que es porque tienen orígenes en otras partes de Europa, te cambia el cuento diciendo que es el nuevo mundo, que vinieron de todas partes... Tratar con este ser es peor que lidiar con un mocoso de 7 años por lo inmaduro que es.

06-21-2023, 01:13 PM
I barely saw any spaniards that could pass as nordics when I was in Spain. like maybe 10% of them and maybe a part of those were foreigners.

08-04-2023, 09:10 AM
Spaniards are southern Europeans,they're NOT Nordics,a Spaniard of Nordid phenotype is still southern European,not Nordic.

Richard Alvarez
08-04-2023, 09:14 AM
I wonder what Gallop will answer to that question lol.

08-04-2023, 09:31 AM
Why do representatives of two and three races, as a rule, want to be whiter than Europeans? This is observed in Filipinos, and now in Mexicans.

08-04-2023, 12:20 PM
I wonder what Gallop will answer to that question lol.

I have no idea of the figure as this would require a study.

I do know that in Andalusia, which is what I know best, the subnordid is frequent and visible, so it must be a not insignificant number and in my morphs of Andalusians with blue eyes that anyone can see in my compilation threads the result has been north atlantic and atlantic.

In Zaragoza, Madrid and Valencia, they were also visible so I think it could be higher than the figures published especially in light eyes. In Andalusia above all is where I think the most erroneous results are given due to the influence of the myth of Al Andalus and the clichés that can be derived from it. I would have to visit the rest of the provinces to be able to talk about them, but according to publications or people I have seen displaced, it also happens.

They could do a serious study once and for all before we are swallowed up by immigration, Spain has nothing to do with the lll Richer and it is high time that this subject stopped being related to Nazism.

Somebody do a study for once and for all.

08-05-2023, 03:32 PM
Why do representatives of two and three races, as a rule, want to be whiter than Europeans? This is observed in Filipinos, and now in Mexicans.

Take a brownie to the US and they'll become the biggest OWDers in the world.

08-05-2023, 03:43 PM
Take a brownie to the US and they'll become the biggest OWDers in the world.
It annoys me when people don't respect themselves. Whites are not the masters of the world, they are stinking stupid creatures, they are no better than Negroes or Amerinds! But some Greeks and Spaniards, black as a Negro's ass, are trying to make me laugh with their self-doubt.

08-05-2023, 03:48 PM
Take a brownie to the US and they'll become the biggest OWDers in the world.
The Spaniards were joined by the British and the Irish. Their hands are shaking when they post photos and videos of their people on the forum.... They are waiting for approval from the Baltic Slavs and Scandinavians...It's a shame and infamy!

08-05-2023, 03:57 PM
The Spaniards were joined by the British and the Irish. Their hands are shaking when they post photos and videos of their people on the forum.... They are waiting for approval from the Baltic Slavs and Scandinavians...It's a shame and infamy!


08-05-2023, 04:20 PM
Textbook Nordid is rare among Andalusians. Maybe just 30% belong to some type of Nordid.

08-05-2023, 05:05 PM
Textbook Nordid is rare among Andalusians. Maybe just 30% belong to some type of Nordid.

The Nordid always go to the centres of power and from Tartessos until the discovery and subsequent exploitation Andalusia has been a centre of power, nothing strange about that, my dear.

You are very interested in Spain and Andalusia, but rather in displacing us, you will need a better bar of soap to make us slip, I don't think you will find it, we are as hard as stones.

08-05-2023, 05:21 PM
Textbook Nordid is rare among Andalusians. Maybe just 30% belong to some type of Nordid.


You have an extra 0 here.

08-05-2023, 07:14 PM
Stop bumping old threads you bitches

08-05-2023, 07:19 PM
Let's change this topic

Alright guys will you visit this place?

https://i.postimg.cc/MZrx9yVp/Cartelriopolla.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

08-05-2023, 07:29 PM
Where is Septentrion I'm sure he knows and will give you an answer from his mind.

08-05-2023, 07:30 PM
It annoys me when people don't respect themselves. Whites are not the masters of the world, they are stinking stupid creatures, they are no better than Negroes or Amerinds! But some Greeks and Spaniards, black as a Negro's ass, are trying to make me laugh with their self-doubt.

Who saying whites are mater race? I personally think Anglos and other North Europeans and pale ass are ugly as hell. To me meds and whose heavily mixed with them are beautiful.

But yes I consider full blacks and natives ugly nothing self hate to speak the truth.

08-05-2023, 07:42 PM
Who saying whites are mater race? I personally think Anglos and other North Europeans and pale ass are ugly as hell. To me meds and whose heavily mixed with them are beautiful.

But yes I consider full blacks and natives ugly nothing self hate to speak the truth.
Америнды and Siberians are damn cool! However! I can't hate myself. But I don't consider myself better than Negroes or Amerinds. I am annoyed by colored Southern Europeans who hate northern Europeans and Eastern Europeans! Because we have blue eyes, blonde hair and fair skin.

08-05-2023, 07:52 PM
Америнды and Siberians are damn cool! However! I can't hate myself. But I don't consider myself better than Negroes or Amerinds. I am annoyed by colored Southern Europeans who hate northern Europeans and Eastern Europeans! Because we have blue eyes, blonde hair and fair skin.

I will be honest this thread was meant to trigger Gallop , but personally I'm not attracted (sexually) to the features I mentioned. Keep In mind beauty Is subjective what I might find attractive others would disagree most people by nature tend to like features they are closely related to them it's been scientific proven from an article I read months ago.

08-05-2023, 08:05 PM
I will be honest this thread was meant to trigger Gallop , but personally I'm not attracted (sexually) to the features I mentioned. Keep In mind beauty Is subjective what I might find attractive others would disagree most people by nature tend to like features they are closely related to them it's been scientific proven from an article I read months ago.I am of a different race than southern, Western and Central Europeans. The Balto-Slavic race should be recognized as a special race. Balts and Scandinavians, Finns are close to us. The rest are a different race.

08-05-2023, 08:11 PM
Америнды and Siberians are damn cool! However! I can't hate myself. But I don't consider myself better than Negroes or Amerinds. I am annoyed by colored Southern Europeans who hate northern Europeans and Eastern Europeans! Because we have blue eyes, blonde hair and fair skin.

But what about a combination of both? Light washed Mediterraneans? Those are my favorite phenotypes on men.
That’s why I am very much into Norics, Celtic Nordids, Proto Nordids, Corded and Dinaro-Atlantids. I really can’t resist them they are so damn hot.

08-05-2023, 08:16 PM
But what about a combination of both? Light washed Mediterraneans? Those are my favorite phenotypes on men.
That’s why I am very much into Norics, Celtic Nordids, Proto Nordids, Corded and Dinaro-Atlantids. I really can’t resist them they are so damn hot.You recently admired the Slavs and wanted to marry only a Balto-Slav. You drove Monsieur to "suicide". You are a fickle woman and an unreliable friend.

08-05-2023, 08:19 PM
I belong to an inferior race.

08-05-2023, 08:19 PM
You recently admired the Slavs and wanted to marry only a Balto-Slav. You drove Monsieur to "suicide". You are a fickle woman and an unreliable friend.

Where is the contradiction? I want a Northern Balkanic man cause they are mainly Slavic with some Thracian admixture. So they look pale like Slavs but still have this masculine Mediterranean face. My crush is phenotypically a Noric.
But I only like that looks on men. Women should have softer facial features and look better as Neo-Danubians or Alpines.

08-05-2023, 08:23 PM
Here is written everything that Spaniards think and spend their time thinking about the Nordics, Slavs, Russians, e.t.c.:


08-05-2023, 08:24 PM
Where is the contradiction? I want a Northern Balkanic man cause they are mainly Slavic with some Thracian admixture. So they look pale like Slavs but still have this masculine Mediterranean face. My crush is phenotypically a Noric.
But I only like that looks on men. Women should have softer facial features and look better as Neo-Danubians or Alpines.The Balkans are not Balto-Slavs. They are southern Europeans. It's a different race of people. The Baltic Slavs are a monsieur who may be in a severe depression today. He doesn't look like a fucking Scandinavian! He looks like Ivan from Nizhny Novgorod.:)

08-05-2023, 08:32 PM
The Balkans are not Balto-Slavs. They are southern Europeans. It's a different race of people. The Baltic Slavs are a monsieur who may be in a severe depression today. He doesn't look like a fucking Scandinavian! He looks like Ivan from Nizhny Novgorod.:)

No, it depends where in the Balkans you are. My favorite men are Northern Balkanics but I wouldn’t go for a southern balkanic like Albanian or Bulgarian for example as they are too southern for my taste.
Also northern Spaniards are extremely handsome as they are Mediterranean but yet Celtic looking. In my Latvian Uni we also had a Spanish guy from Galicia and he was damn hot. He had brown hair and green eyes, he was just yummy. But unfortunately he had a girlfriend.

08-05-2023, 08:40 PM
I belong to an inferior race.

No you don't, you are very attractive you just don't know It yet I think pure black hair would definitely match your features . try to get your hair just like this.


08-05-2023, 08:44 PM
No you don't, you are very attractive you just don't know It yet I think pure black hair would definitely match your features . try to get your hair just like this.


I also cut my hair almost that short recently and that look just looks so damn classy on women. So pretty :)

08-05-2023, 08:53 PM
I also cut my hair almost that short recently and that look just looks so damn classy on women. So pretty :)

Absolutely!! Short hair does make look women classy and more beautiful in my opinion !, I'm gay and I find beautiful women with hair like that the color will depend on your skin pigmentation obviously .



08-05-2023, 08:56 PM
Америнды and Siberians are damn cool! However! I can't hate myself. But I don't consider myself better than Negroes or Amerinds. I am annoyed by colored Southern Europeans who hate northern Europeans and Eastern Europeans! Because we have blue eyes, blonde hair and fair skin.

Lol, no one hates you for your complexion.

Narcissist, much?

08-05-2023, 08:59 PM
Lol, no one hates you for your complexion.

Narcissist, much?

Exactly. It’s just that on TA many people are obsessed with being Scandinavian Nordic and we feel like Southerners should also be appreciated a little bit more <3

08-05-2023, 09:21 PM
Exactly. It’s just that on TA many people are obsessed with being Scandinavian Nordic and we feel like Southerners should also be appreciated a little bit more <3

I feel like a person should be appreciated for their virtue of character rather than their complexion.

08-05-2023, 11:30 PM
The Nordid always go to the centres of power and from Tartessos until the discovery and subsequent exploitation Andalusia has been a centre of power, nothing strange about that, my dear.

You are very interested in Spain and Andalusia, but rather in displacing us, you will need a better bar of soap to make us slip, I don't think you will find it, we are as hard as stones.

I am interested in Andalusia??? Only place in Spain I'll ever visit is Mallorca (this year). My father was in Barcelona and Lloret de Mar. Sorry, we don't care about you. Sooo, you are right that I am interested in Spain, but not in Andalusia

08-06-2023, 03:19 AM
Exactly. It’s just that on TA many people are obsessed with being Scandinavian Nordic and we feel like Southerners should also be appreciated a little bit more <3

It is an incredibly stupid obsession for a variety of reasons e.g.the only models, for the West, on the menu for the overall system is the French vs the Anglo.

Cristiano viejo
08-06-2023, 04:30 PM
Here is written everything that Spaniards think and spend their time thinking about the Nordics, Slavs, Russians, e.t.c.:



No, it depends where in the Balkans you are. My favorite men are Northern Balkanics but I wouldn’t go for a southern balkanic like Albanian or Bulgarian for example as they are too southern for my taste.
Also northern Spaniards are extremely handsome as they are Mediterranean but yet Celtic looking. In my Latvian Uni we also had a Spanish guy from Galicia and he was damn hot. He had brown hair and green eyes, he was just yummy. But unfortunately he had a girlfriend.

Galicians dont look different than the rest of us.

08-06-2023, 04:35 PM
I belong to an inferior race.
Yes. This is true. How to live on?

Richard Alvarez
08-06-2023, 04:44 PM
Exactly. It’s just that on TA many people are obsessed with being Scandinavian Nordic and we feel like Southerners should also be appreciated a little bit more <3

People on TA are obsessed with being white in general.

08-06-2023, 04:56 PM
Lol, no one hates you for your complexion.

Narcissist, much?
To support people like yourself is an instinct of self-preservation. This is inherent in men. With women, damn it, it's different. Therefore, mixing always happens with women. Indo-Europeans mixed with CHG only by the female part of the population.

08-06-2023, 04:58 PM
Exactly. It’s just that on TA many people are obsessed with being Scandinavian Nordic and we feel like Southerners should also be appreciated a little bit more <3
I want to be an Eastern Slav. What does the Scandinavians have to do with it? Southern Europeans want to become Scandinavians.

Richard Alvarez
08-06-2023, 04:58 PM
Therefore, mixing always happens with women. Indo-Europeans mixed with CHG only by the female part of the population.

That's why the Spaniards had children with indigenous women in their colonies... Exactly. :rolleyes:

Cristiano viejo
08-06-2023, 05:00 PM
I want to be an Eastern Slav. What does the Scandinavians have to do with it? Southern Europeans want to become Scandinavians.

At least we dont use names of sudacas as our nicknames, hahahaha

Sebastianus Rex
08-06-2023, 05:12 PM
I want to be an Eastern Slav. What does the Scandinavians have to do with it? Southern Europeans want to become Scandinavians.

Scandinavia and northern Europe in general has zero appeal to me...shitty food, shitty weather, monotonous landscape, weird people who drink too much to cure their depression. I would much easier move to a latin American country than to anywhere north of 50° latitude.

Southern Russia I would like to visit.

08-06-2023, 05:41 PM
Scandinavia and northern Europe in general has zero appeal to me...shitty food, shitty weather, monotonous landscape, weird people who drink too much to cure their depression. I would much easier move to a latin American country than to anywhere north of 50° latitude.

Southern Russia I would like to visit.

Muh cuisine ! :


Damião de Góis
08-06-2023, 05:43 PM
Scandinavia and northern Europe in general has zero appeal to me...shitty food, shitty weather, monotonous landscape, weird people who drink too much to cure their depression. I would much easier move to a latin American country than to anywhere north of 50° latitude.

Southern Russia I would like to visit.

Like 90% of southern europeans, i personally worship Thor, god of thunder. You don't?


08-06-2023, 05:46 PM
Scandinavia and northern Europe in general has zero appeal to me...shitty food, shitty weather, monotonous landscape, weird people who drink too much to cure their depression. I would much easier move to a latin American country than to anywhere north of 50° latitude.

Southern Russia I would like to visit.
In Denmark, giraffes, lions and whales are killed in front of children. I have an impression - that these people are snowy blacks who have no pity. I'm losing respect for people who abuse animals. Their snow coloring will not help to respect them again.
https://i.ibb.co/YWqShsD/1444935516-io2vlahmndw.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

Cristiano viejo
08-06-2023, 06:06 PM
Like 90% of southern europeans, i personally worship Thor, god of thunder. You don't?



08-06-2023, 06:16 PM
Like 90% of southern europeans, i personally worship Thor, god of thunder. You don't?


Southeastern Europeans worship the Slavic version of Thor, good old Perun


Damião de Góis
08-06-2023, 06:21 PM
Southeastern Europeans worship the Slavic version of Thor, good old Perun


I think Thor is better at crime fighting, but that's my opinion. There's a huge Thor cult in southern Europe because people want to be scandinavians.

https://hasbropulse.com/cdn/shop/files/F7087_PROD_AVN_LEGENDS_60_ANV_6_155_WhiteBackgroun d_Online_2000SQ.jpg?v=1683038341&width=1200

08-06-2023, 06:34 PM
The Visigoths were romanized central Europeans who had moved west from the Danube Valley.[4] They became foederati of Rome, and wanted to restore the Roman order against the hordes of Vandals, Alans and Suebi. The Western Roman Empire fell in 476 AD; therefore, the Visigoths believed they had the right to take the territories that Rome had promised in Hispania in exchange for restoring the Roman order

cultural appropriation + robbery. Ideal sentence: 10 years incarceration in a Roman prison.

08-06-2023, 06:36 PM
I think Thor is better at crime fighting, but that's my opinion. There's a huge Thor cult in southern Europe because people want to be scandinavians.

Thor is the shadow of Perun.
I understand your sarcasm. But the name of this little pisyun Thor should not be mentioned with the god of thunder - Perun.

Cristiano viejo
08-06-2023, 06:44 PM
Thor is the shadow of Perun.
I understand your sarcasm. But the name of this little pisyun Thor should not be mentioned with the god of thunder - Perun.

This Perun, is from Lima or from Cuzco?

08-06-2023, 06:47 PM
This Perun, is from Lima or from Cuzco?
My little Yoruba. Perun is the main god of the first Indo-Europeans from Samara. don't interfere with the religion of white people!
All Scandinavian-Varangians converted to the Slavic faith. This means - Thor is a goat turd. The Varangians bowed exclusively to Perun.

Cristiano viejo
08-06-2023, 06:48 PM
My little Yoruba. Perun is the main god of the first Indo-Europeans. don't interfere with the religion of white people!

Pushkin the Aryan has spoken, period.

Damião de Góis
08-06-2023, 06:54 PM
Thor is the shadow of Perun.
I understand your sarcasm. But the name of this little pisyun Thor should not be mentioned with the god of thunder - Perun.

I doubt he would defeat Thor in a fight:

https://www.toysrus.pt/medias/?context=bWFzdGVyfHByb2R1Y3RfaW1hZ2VzfDYxODc3fGltY WdlL2pwZWd8aGRmL2hmZS85Nzc2ODAwOTIzNjc4fGFkNWUzMWQ 0MmVlOTc0MDFmYTYyMzE1OGViNDllNDdjYjRkMzJmZmQ2MzRkZ jNlYzdmNWU5MWIyNTM1NTY0NzY

08-06-2023, 06:56 PM
Pushkin the Aryan has spoken, period.
Dumas was 1/4 African. Pushkin on 1/8. You're a user who looks like an African. Do you consider yourself a white European or, like all Spaniards, do you dream of being like the Baltic-Mongolian Eastern Slavs?

Cristiano viejo
08-06-2023, 07:09 PM
Dumas was 1/4 African. Pushkin on 1/8. Why do you talk me about Dumas, Dimitri? not my fault that the most famous Russian writer ever was a Yoruba, hahaha :pound: :heh: :lightbul::clap:clap:clap

You're a user who looks like an African.
No. I dont look like you most famous writer, sorry ;)

Do you consider yourself a white European or, like all Spaniards, do you dream of being like the Baltic-Mongolian Eastern Slavs?

We dream with being Scandinavians according your words, not with being white Gypsies from the Urals :p

08-06-2023, 07:12 PM
Why do you talk me about Dumas, Dimitri? not my fault that the most famous Russian writer ever was a Yoruba, hahaha :pound: :heh: :lightbul::clap:clap:clap

No. I dont like like you most famous writer, sorry ;)

We dream with being Scandinavians according your words, not with being white Gypsies from the Urals :p
You'll shit yourself if you compare my racial characteristics with your own. I look like a northern Bosnian, you look like a Yoruba!

Cristiano viejo
08-06-2023, 07:18 PM
You'll shit yourself if you compare my racial characteristics with your own. I look like a northern Bosnian, you look like a Yoruba!

Like a Northern Bosnian... hahaha really you are very comical, Dimitri.

Now be good boy, take your Quran and as a good Northern Bosnian, pray a while ;)

08-06-2023, 07:24 PM
Like a Northern Bosnian... hahaha really you are very comical, Dimitri.

Now be good boy, take your Quran and as a good Northern Bosnian, pray a while ;)
You'll be surprised, my cousin banana. You have as many genes in common with me as a banana. I treat real Muslims well. These people do not have "white man" complexes. I respect them. You have to understand - we are different races of people. You're a banana for me

08-06-2023, 07:59 PM
You'll shit yourself if you compare my racial characteristics with your own. I look like a northern Bosnian, you look like a Yoruba!

Cool, I look like Michael Imperioli and Noah Schnapp mix with slight Tiny Tim vibe. In other words, I look like a descendant of Jacob Israel.