View Full Version : Classify this half korean half Bengali man, where does he pass

05-31-2023, 04:24 AM
https://i.ibb.co/b3Yhgrz/x60lki37dzh91-1.jpg (https://ibb.co/b3Yhgrz) https://i.ibb.co/qjnVKf2/hehxej37dzh91.jpg (https://ibb.co/qjnVKf2) https://i.ibb.co/mChfnTQ/w3xr7i37dzh91.jpg (https://ibb.co/mChfnTQ)

05-31-2023, 05:51 AM
Still looks pretty South Asian. I can't see the Korean in him at all.

Kind of Pan-Veddoid

05-31-2023, 06:00 AM
Passes in Bangladesh, eastern India, might even overlap with a few others South East Asians

05-31-2023, 08:05 AM
Still looks pretty South Asian. I can't see the Korean in him at all.

Kind of Pan-Veddoid

I guess having a drop of East asian blood doesn't make you pass for full east asian like people claim

05-31-2023, 08:09 AM
Passes in Bangladesh, eastern India, might even overlap with a few others South East Asians

So does the average eastern Indian look like this Southeast Asian?

05-31-2023, 11:37 PM
So does the average eastern Indian look like this Southeast Asian?

Sort of/ overlap

06-01-2023, 04:06 AM
Columbia, Brazil, Venezuela

06-01-2023, 02:30 PM
Columbia, Brazil, Venezuela

Interesting, there must be alot of overlap between India and Latin America

06-01-2023, 04:12 PM
The North-East quarter of India is quite Mongoloid facially, the more East you go, the more Mongoloid. A lot of people there can pass in Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, China even. Some look straight up Chinese, they'd never pass in India.
This guy is an Indian politician from that quarter of India - https://t2.gstatic.com/licensed-image?q=tbn:ANd9GcTF7fVc-QDB7fS2hABNNOIRLE1Eo71K0wHgxyjCObFB6-9xtUmVJ96oRmAFkTNnd2A7

06-01-2023, 04:19 PM
Interesting, there must be alot of overlap between India and Latin America

Yes, it's because Asian eyes are a very dominant feature. And Mongoloids have spread to the Americas (Amerindian), to the Russian East, to Eastern India, to South East Asia, to Polynesia, to Central Asia till Yugoslavia and other Eastern European countries, to Northern Europe (Sami and also mixtures with Nordics).
Literally the only places that don't have Asian eyes are Western India, the Middle East, Western Europe, Africa. And out of these places, only some areas of Western India, the Middle East and Western Europe have Caucasian eyes.

06-01-2023, 05:13 PM
Yes, it's because Asian eyes are a very dominant feature. And Mongoloids have spread to the Americas (Amerindian), to the Russian East, to Eastern India, to South East Asia, to Polynesia, to Central Asia till Yugoslavia and other Eastern European countries, to Northern Europe (Sami and also mixtures with Nordics).
Literally the only places that don't have Asian eyes are Western India, the Middle East, Western Europe, Africa. And out of these places, only some areas of Western India, the Middle East and Western Europe have Caucasian eyes.

By asian eye, do you mean like the 2 people in my signature

06-01-2023, 07:20 PM
Asian eyes = epicanthic fold with no depth in the eye socket. Tends to be very small especially height wise.

06-01-2023, 09:55 PM
Asian eyes = epicanthic fold with no depth in the eye socket. Tends to be very small especially height wise.

Oh like the woman in the left side of my signature

06-02-2023, 01:19 AM
I can't tell clearly if her eye socket is real or drawn by makeup. Too much makeup. But pretty much everyone from China all the way to NorthEast India have Asian eyes.

06-02-2023, 02:21 AM
I can't tell clearly if her eye socket is real or drawn by makeup. Too much makeup. But pretty much everyone from China all the way to NorthEast India have Asian eyes.

She is latina, hence why she has the asian eyes

06-05-2023, 08:40 AM
Interesting, there must be alot of overlap between India and Latin America

not particularly, Mestizos have Native ancestry and that makes them distinct from Indians most times in my opinion. there is some overlap but not that much. Arabian countries have more overlap with LATAM than India does.

06-05-2023, 08:42 AM
Yes, it's because Asian eyes are a very dominant feature. And Mongoloids have spread to the Americas (Amerindian), to the Russian East, to Eastern India, to South East Asia, to Polynesia, to Central Asia till Yugoslavia and other Eastern European countries, to Northern Europe (Sami and also mixtures with Nordics).
Literally the only places that don't have Asian eyes are Western India, the Middle East, Western Europe, Africa. And out of these places, only some areas of Western India, the Middle East and Western Europe have Caucasian eyes.

Yugoslavia? its very rare to see anyone have that feature, i suppose it possible but not common at all.

06-05-2023, 08:43 AM
I don't see Korean at all. Is there a source saying he has Korean heritage? Could be a naturalized Korean with Bengali parents.