View Full Version : Classify the members of British electronic band 808 State.

06-01-2023, 10:46 PM
All of them are from Manchester.

https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYmJkMDNiZDYtNGM4NS00ZmJmLTg0NTMtNzBlOTkwN2VhYT FkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjUyNDk2ODc@._V1_.jpg

https://www.femalefirst.co.uk/image-library/partners/bang/land/1000/8/808-state-aW1hZ2VzMS8yMDIxLzExLzA4LzE2MzYzNTU2ODdjcm9wcGVkMT .jpg


06-01-2023, 10:52 PM
atlantids, alpine brunns, they could only really be of British isles stock

06-02-2023, 11:34 AM
atlantids, alpine brunns, they could only really be of British isles stock

Yes, they have this "specific" British look regardless of their pigmentation or facial traits.

06-02-2023, 12:08 PM
Look like they are from Manchester, maybe it is just the 1990s clothesand hair.

The craggy looking bloke is paleo Atlantid, 2 of them sort of brunn/alpine/sub nordid, the fourth bloke looks KN, similar to Thom Yorke.

06-02-2023, 12:12 PM
Look like they are from Manchester, maybe it is just the 1990s clothesand hair.

The craggy looking bloke is paleo Atlantid, 2 of them sort of brunn/alpine/sub nordid, the fourth bloke looks KN, similar to Thom Yorke.

I agree, have quite a northern look too, i don't find Southern English bands as pale.

06-02-2023, 12:21 PM
Hardly get any sun in Manchester which could be a reason!

06-02-2023, 12:30 PM
Hardly get any sun in Manchester which could be a reason!

Lol though they been getting more sun than London this last week

06-02-2023, 12:43 PM
Bands also spend a lot of time indoors in studios and out/up all night doing gigs and then post gig partying, particularly in the 90s