View Full Version : Classify Irish family from Derry

06-02-2023, 12:01 PM
https://scontent-lcy1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/317593934_603369258455941_6654865672318002501_n.jp g?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=uo3Tg1rExNcAX8HU1hE&_nc_ht=scontent-lcy1-1.xx&oh=00_AfC0dfaJMdmag5rkZuHoWC3sBztIIQO7BWmAR1gDFQUP mA&oe=647F9A42

06-02-2023, 12:12 PM
Brunn alpine combos or something, bloke on right looks like Father Ted. Guessing they are Catholic?

06-02-2023, 12:13 PM
Brunn alpine combos or something, bloke on right looks like Father Ted. Guessing they are Catholic?

Ha yes, i did seek out Catholics as they have more of the distinct indigenous looks.

06-02-2023, 11:09 PM
The mother seems to have Mongoloid in her which she passed to her kids especially the son. She's wearing eyeliner so it's hidden. Also all 4 have very flat non-Caucasian noses, especially mother and son.

06-02-2023, 11:27 PM
The mother seems to have Mongoloid in her which she passed to her kids especially the son. She's wearing eyeliner so it's hidden. Also all 4 have very flat non-Caucasian noses, especially mother and son.

The mother has an Irish nose, the girl actually looks Vurish, interesting look.

06-03-2023, 12:00 AM
The mother seems to have Mongoloid in her which she passed to her kids especially the son. She's wearing eyeliner so it's hidden. Also all 4 have very flat non-Caucasian noses, especially mother and son.

What do you mean by non-Caucasian/non-West-Eurasian? They may not be hyperleptorrhine, but they are still distinct from SSA or East Eurasian noses which tend to have a flatter bridge. Even my nose which is possibly even wider does not have a low enough bridge to be typical SSA or East Eurasian.


06-03-2023, 12:01 AM
The mother has an Irish nose, the girl actually looks Vurish, interesting look.

What is Vurish, if I may ask? Is this a human or fictional group?

06-03-2023, 12:13 AM
What is Vurish, if I may ask? Is this a human or fictional group?

It's a term used to describe Paleolithic survivors in the VUR region Russia like Mari and Chuvash people

06-03-2023, 12:23 AM
It's a term used to describe Paleolithic survivors in the VUR region Russia like Mari and Chuvash people

Sorry I didn't recognize VUR as an abbreviation for the Volga-Ural Region. I only asked because Vurians were apparently also mentioned in an Interplay Star Trek DOS game from 1993:



06-03-2023, 12:54 PM
What do you mean by non-Caucasian/non-West-Eurasian? They may not be hyperleptorrhine, but they are still distinct from SSA or East Eurasian noses which tend to have a flatter bridge. Even my nose which is possibly even wider does not have a low enough bridge to be typical SSA or East Eurasian.


A Caucasian nose is leptorrhine or hyper-leptorrhine. Long and narrow with a well-defined and projected tip. Narrow nostrils and a narrow nasal base. High nose bridge (at the brows). If it doesn't fit this description, it's not a Caucasian nose, but perhaps a blend with nose types of the other 2 races. The above family doesn't have Caucasian noses because their nasal base is broad.
Here's a nice example of a Caucasian female. Actress Bette Davis front view and side view. She has a hyperleptorrhine nose, big deeply-socketed eyes, a small mouth. There's literally no hint of the other 2 major races in her.


Male example - Christopher Ecclestone

06-03-2023, 12:59 PM
What do you mean by non-Caucasian/non-West-Eurasian? They may not be hyperleptorrhine, but they are still distinct from SSA or East Eurasian noses which tend to have a flatter bridge. Even my nose which is possibly even wider does not have a low enough bridge to be typical SSA or East Eurasian.


A Caucasian nose is leptorrhine or hyper-leptorrhine. Long and narrow with a well-defined and projected tip. Narrow nostrils and a narrow nasal base. High nose bridge (at the brows). If it doesn't fit this description, it's not a Caucasian nose, but perhaps a blend with nose types of the other 2 races. The above family doesn't have Caucasian noses because their nasal base is broad.
Here's a nice example of a Caucasian female. Actress Bette Davis front view and side view. She has a hyperleptorrhine nose, big deeply-socketed eyes, a small mouth. There's literally no hint of the other 2 major races in her.



Male example - Christopher Ecclestone

06-03-2023, 10:13 PM
A Caucasian nose is leptorrhine or hyper-leptorrhine. Long and narrow with a well-defined and projected tip. Narrow nostrils and a narrow nasal base. High nose bridge (at the brows). If it doesn't fit this description, it's not a Caucasian nose, but perhaps a blend with nose types of the other 2 races. The above family doesn't have Caucasian noses because their nasal base is broad.
Here's a nice example of a Caucasian female. Actress Bette Davis front view and side view. She has a hyperleptorrhine nose, big deeply-socketed eyes, a small mouth. There's literally no hint of the other 2 major races in her.

some northern european cromagnoid types, like the first boy in this pic of swedish teens, can have noses similar to the most extreme SSA types. seriously, his features are almost bambutid-like:


06-04-2023, 01:55 PM
some northern european cromagnoid types, like the first boy in this pic of swedish teens, can have noses similar to the most extreme SSA types. seriously, his features are almost bambutid-like:


Yes, he probably has Asian influence from the Eskimo race. The eyes as well, for him and the girl next to him.