View Full Version : Unusual appearance

Ina Bezina
06-08-2023, 02:56 PM
Ivona Petkova - Bulgarian model

I think she has very interesting face.

How would you classify her?

https://imageshack.com/i/pnUvkk56j https://imageshack.com/i/po80VbpOj





06-08-2023, 03:01 PM
Looks a lot like a teacher i had that was half Spanish and half german

I think she could be Pontid + Faelid?

06-08-2023, 03:51 PM
I don't really think she looks that unusual for Eastern Europe. Maybe a bit atypical for Bulgaria (personally I would have guessed her as Ukrainian), but not totally unfitting.
I would classify her as a Neo-Danubian type + fake lips after a botox operation

06-08-2023, 06:18 PM
West Baltid + North Pontid

06-08-2023, 06:43 PM
Neo Danubian with Tauroid nose. Very interesting and beautiful, lips aside. Nothing Pontid/North Pontid about her tho, with such wide jaws , wide set eyes and low forehead - she in fact looks pretty archaic.

06-08-2023, 06:55 PM
Looks a lot like a teacher i had that was half Spanish and half german

I think she could be Pontid + Faelid?

Can half German half Spanish people be Pontid?

06-08-2023, 06:56 PM
Pamirid/Neo danubian blend IMHO.

Make her face a little bit less euro, she would pass in Central Asia.

Ina Bezina
06-08-2023, 09:32 PM
I would classify her as a Neo-Danubian type + fake lips after a botox operation
I'm actually pretty sure her lips are natural.
Here's a photo with her mum:


06-08-2023, 09:35 PM
Neo-Danubian with some Taurid. Indeed she's got an interesting and pretty face.

06-08-2023, 09:36 PM
I don't know what is so unusual, looks regular east Euro, pontid and something, meh 7/10

06-08-2023, 09:37 PM
I don't know what is so unusual, looks regular east Euro, pontid and something, meh 7/10

you're the most talentless anthrotard I've ever seen. Seek other hobby, this isn't working out.

06-08-2023, 11:36 PM
Judging from the profile pic I'll have to say Armenoid.

06-09-2023, 02:39 AM
Those are her natural lips, you can tell by the vertical lines that exist only on natural lips.
She looks trans to me. Very strong jaw for a woman.

06-09-2023, 08:59 AM
I'm actually pretty sure her lips are natural.
Here's a photo with her mum:


Her mother is like an untouched Pamirid. Taurid nose, eyes, cheeks, mouth everything there. She looks like a Central Asian shaman.

Ivona imo close to Turkish actress Aslıhan Güner in phenotype. I previously made a classification for her https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?338342-Classify-Asl%26%23305%3Bhan-G%FCner-Turkish-actress
