View Full Version : Famous western philosophers main phenotypes

Sebastianus Rex
06-10-2023, 12:33 AM
Portraits of famous western philosophers from the XVI century on. After this wikipedia list:

Discuss the main phenotypes.

Desiderius Erasmus - Netherlands

Niccolò Machiavelli - Italy

Nicolaus Copernicus - Prussia

Thomas More - England

Martin Luther - Germany

Petrus Ramus - France

Jean Calvin - France
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/58/John_Calvin_Museum_Catharijneconvent_RMCC_s84_crop ped.png/432px-John_Calvin_Museum_Catharijneconvent_RMCC_s84_crop ped.png

Michel de Montaigne - France
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5a/Portrait_of_Michel_de_Montaigne%2C_circa_unknown.j pg/800px-Portrait_of_Michel_de_Montaigne%2C_circa_unknown.j pg

Pierre Charron - France

Giordano Bruno - Italy

Francisco Suarez - Spain * jesuit

Johannes Kepler - Germany


Edward Herbert - England
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1f/Edward_Herbert_1st_Baron_Herbert_of_Cherbury_by_La rkin.jpg/800px-Edward_Herbert_1st_Baron_Herbert_of_Cherbury_by_La rkin.jpg

Francis Bacon - England

Galileo Galilei - Italy

Hugo Grotius - Netherlands

François de La Mothe Le Vayer - France

Marin Mersenne - France

Robert Filmer - England

Pierre Gassendi - France

René Descartes - France

Baltasar Gracián - Spain *another jesuit

Thomas Hobbes - England

Antoine Arnauld - France *jansenist

François de La Rochefoucauld - France

Henry Moore - England

Jacques Rohault - France

Ralph Cudworth - England
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/42/A_treatise_concerning_eternal_and_immutable_morali ty_%281731%29_%2814597157587%29.jpg/800px-A_treatise_concerning_eternal_and_immutable_morali ty_%281731%29_%2814597157587%29.jpg

Blaise Pascal - France

Margaret Cavendish- England

Pierre Nicole - France

Robert Doyle - Anglo-Irish

Richard Cumberland - England

Baruch Spinoza - Netherlands *of portuguese jewish origin

John Locke - England

To be continued...

Sebastianus Rex
06-10-2023, 01:20 AM
Nicolas Malebranche - France

Isaac Newton - England

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f7/Portrait_of_Sir_Isaac_Newton%2C_1689_%28brightened %29.jpg/800px-Portrait_of_Sir_Isaac_Newton%2C_1689_%28brightened %29.jpg

John Flamsteed - England

Pierre Bayle - France

John Toland - Ireland

Gottfried Leibniz - Germany
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8d/Christoph_Bernhard_Francke_-_Bildnis_des_Philosophen_Leibniz_%28ca._1695%29.jp g

Jean Meslier - France

Gaimbattista Vico - Italy

Anthony Ashley Cooper - England
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c1/Anthony_Ashley_Cooper%2C_3._Earl_of_Shaftesbury.jp g

Samuel Clarke - England

Catharine Cockburn - England

Christian Wolff - Germany

George Berkeley - England

Montesquieu - France

Joseph Butler - England

Francis Hutchenson - England

Jonathan Edwards - USA

Voltaire - France

Thomas Reid - Scotland

David Hume - Scotland

Jean-Jacques Rousseau - France

Denis Diderot - France

Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten - Germany

Claude Adrien Helveticus - France

Etienne de Condillac - France

Jean d'Alembert - France

Baron d'Holbach - France/Germany
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bf/Paul_Heinrich_Dietrich_Baron_d%27Holbach_Roslin.jp g/475px-Paul_Heinrich_Dietrich_Baron_d%27Holbach_Roslin.jp g

Adam Smith - Scotland


Richard Price - Wales

Immanuel Kant - Prussia

Moses Mendelsohn - German-Jewish

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing - Germany

To be continued...

06-10-2023, 03:04 AM
So many wise people in a single post. «The more I read, the more I acquire, the more certain I am that I know nothing.»

06-10-2023, 03:06 AM
Good thread

06-10-2023, 03:22 AM
Most are dinarids, few alpines, and couple i could not define.

My guess is they were only painted as dinarids to look more masculine and intellectual, its low probability they actually looked like that given where they are from

White Swan
06-10-2023, 08:13 AM
Most are dinarids, few alpines, and couple i could not define.

My guess is they were only painted as dinarids to look more masculine and intellectual, its low probability they actually looked like that given where they are from

Could you please point out what features are masculine and intellectual?

White Swan
06-10-2023, 08:14 AM
So many wise people in a single post. «The more I read, the more I acquire, the more certain I am that I know nothing.»

That's one of my favorite sayings; the opposite of the fool's dilemma is perfectly articulated therein.

Tooting Carmen
06-10-2023, 01:00 PM
A lot of Dinarids and Norids. Methinks there are at least some crypto-Jews among them.

Sebastianus Rex
06-12-2023, 12:10 PM
A lot of Dinarids and Norids. Methinks there are at least some crypto-Jews among them.

Actually more than a few, more likely the majority.

Tooting Carmen
06-12-2023, 12:11 PM
Actually more than a few, more likely the majority.

Are you turning into one of those conspiracy theorists who believes that Jews run everything? :eek:

Sebastianus Rex
06-12-2023, 08:35 PM
Are you turning into one of those conspiracy theorists who believes that Jews run everything? :eek:

Absolutely not, I have several working and middle class jewish friends who don't run even their own house. It's a matter of social classes, the elites are a complex reality.

White Swan
06-13-2023, 03:10 AM
Absolutely not, I have several working and middle class jewish friends who don't run even their own house. It's a matter of social classes, the elites are a complex reality.

That is true. I take a true centrist approach to that, elites can be of any people, but also can we logically ignore how so many are "jews"? Hollywood, something like 80% of congress, and who hasn't heard of Vanguard, Blackrock, Fauci, Epstein, etc. Not to mention how Tel Aviv is the pedophile capital of the world (which Israeli nationals actually admit in articles that I have saved on my phone btw)?

To be against the idea that "Jews" make up a strange proportion of prominent positions, (which they admit), that is extremely unproportional to their population- that takes a truly strange mind to logically justify without being MORE wacky than many "conspiracy theorists" I have seen (who most often agree that the general Jewish population does not agree with the elites, though they logically recognize the amount of "jews" in prominent positions: CDC, gun control groups, open border groups, political administrations throughout history, etc.)

I believe the elites are Esau's bloodline trying to steal the birthright back from the true lost children of Israel, but that doesn't even have to mean you actually hate "jews". A very Jewish lady I personally knew babysat my child before, so it's really not like it has to be applied to individuals, but you cannot logically ignore these trends with a clean intellectual concious if you have really looked into this with an open mind.

Cristiano viejo
06-13-2023, 03:45 AM
Absolutely not, I have several working and middle class jewish friends who don't run even their own house. It's a matter of social classes, the elites are a complex reality.

do you have Jewish friends??? madre mía.

06-13-2023, 04:19 AM
80% of congress,

You have a point, but don't exaggerate. Congress is less than 10% Jewish.

06-13-2023, 04:24 AM
Could you please point out what features are masculine and intellectual?

Big noses, a dinarid feature, gives mature, masculine yet sophisticated look.

In past many paintings were done to either beautify or give a feeling to a person by pronouncing some characteristics.

I think there was one Queen that threatened a painter if he tries to beautify her, she will have his head :D

White Swan
06-13-2023, 05:55 AM
You have a point, but don't exaggerate. Congress is less than 10% Jewish.

Does it actually matter HOW overepresented they are? All things considered??

I can say that from a popular info graph that went around recently, it was definitely more than 10%, and even that also is astronomical, not just mathematically speaking but ideologically speaking. A Christian nation being clearly infiltrated and ruled over by by the most vicious christ-deniers on the planet, even the ones who took pleasure in killing the Christ? Just like Edomite Herod who killed countless babies? Like those who screeched, "his blood be on our hands and the hands of our children"?! Who Jesus called, "those who say they are Jewish and are not but are of the synagogue of satan".? Who also worried amongst themselves, "does he plan to preach among the lost of the house of Israel, in Greece?

What could it possibly mean?:

White Genocide Explained By Its Architects:

Edom seeking to steal the birthright, just as one prince kills his brother to steal the birthright to the throne of their father:






Btw, pretty sure you get a felony now for physically handing out these flyers in public spaces, in the state of Florida, say hello to RON DESANTIS, who signed that bill on foreign soil. Weird, I thought his presidential campaign ran against the ,(((CDC))), (((ATF))), (((BORDER PATROL))), etc...

Guess he himself is excused from the law...

06-13-2023, 07:00 AM
But look at them ( the thinkers ) , only two or three of all these thinkers (the ancient thinkers are completely missing and many thinkers of the Middle Ages are missing) represent the typical blond Nordic with light eyes and without roman nose..


Didn't the Vikings like to think? .. not even when they sailed randomly like ducks in a pond?

Next time let's try with the most important mathematicians

06-13-2023, 09:02 AM
Most are dinarids, few alpines, and couple i could not define.

My guess is they were only painted as dinarids to look more masculine and intellectual, its low probability they actually looked like that given where they are from
some are similar to the Armenoids. There is no nordic.

Sebastianus Rex
06-13-2023, 12:14 PM
do you have Jewish friends??? madre mía.

Yes, I have several Jewish clients who became good friends, normal people with normal jobs, not millionaires or billionaires.

Sebastianus Rex
06-13-2023, 12:25 PM
But look at them ( the thinkers ) , only two or three of all these thinkers (the ancient thinkers are completely missing and many thinkers of the Middle Ages are missing) represent the typical blond Nordic with light eyes and without roman nose..


Didn't the Vikings like to think? .. not even when they sailed randomly like ducks in a pond?

Next time let's try with the most important mathematicians

I only started from 1500 AD on because there's more reliable depictions/portraits.

I will open a thread of famous mathematicians, good idea.

06-13-2023, 12:31 PM
[QUOTE=Sebastianus Rex;7732897]Yes, I have several ..

06-13-2023, 12:56 PM
I only started from 1500 AD on because there's more reliable depictions/portraits.

I will open a thread of famous mathematicians, good idea.

Since Pitagora's time..

06-13-2023, 01:07 PM
Are you turning into one of those conspiracy theorists who believes that Jews run everything? :eek:

Why was the contribution of Jews - to science and math ( in Europe and/or middle east )- "almost" insignificant until most of the 19th century?

There were jew mathematicians in ancient time middle age renaissance and later.. but none of them was a GIANT....Instead, in the 20th century there were many great Jewish scientists. What happened to explain this discrepancy?

In the 15th and 16th centuries over 90% of all European arithmetic algebra books were printed in Italy and particularly in Venice.. The books on that mathematics were owned by merchants and "bankers" well represented by the Jews.. the availability of such books did not coincide with the birth of any Jewish mathematical scientist of that period in Italy.. The poor Tartaglia without any professional mathematic training managed to discover the formula for third degree equations..In north Italy during renaissance XV-XVI- ( XVII) there were many mathematicians like Cardano, Pacioli, Bombelli, Tartaglia, Del Fiore, Viviani, Degli Angeli, Torricelli, Bonaventura ect ect.. and many of them were self-taught..
So I can deduce that among the Jewish merchant-bankers of the time... despite having math books... important mathematicians were not born... Why ?

It's strange.. in Venice the books of arithmetic and algebra were sold to the Jews of the ghetto.. but none of them managed to make a decent contribution to algebra and mathematics..

The world’s first printed scientific math texts " Treviso Arithmetic" was created for the self-study of tradesman who needed to learn arithmetic for their daily work.

The arithmetic manual was mainly distributed among the merchants of Treviso Venice Padua Verona, and it was for them that it was written in the Venetian vernacular, so that everyone could understand and learn arithmetic as well as possible.

Jews were 1-2 % of total European popolation during renaissance time and during XX century.. Only after the Second World War did the number of Jews in Europe significantly decreas..

06-13-2023, 05:59 PM
Does it actually matter HOW overepresented they are? All things considered??

Yes, facts matter. Again, you have basically the right idea, but you will not be taken seriously by anybody if your argument relies on easily debunkable "facts" like Congress being 80% Jewish.

I can say that from a popular info graph that went around recently, it was definitely more than 10%,.

That's not a proper source. The numbers are not in debate. There are 9 Jews in the Senate (10 if you include half Jew Michael Bennet) and 28 in the House. So they are overrepresented, but that's still less than 10% of Congress.

06-13-2023, 09:23 PM
But look at them ( the thinkers ) , only two or three of all these thinkers (the ancient thinkers are completely missing and many thinkers of the Middle Ages are missing) represent the typical blond Nordic with light eyes and without roman nose..


Didn't the Vikings like to think? .. not even when they sailed randomly like ducks in a pond?

I m sure there was a few "thinkers"- all great culture had great thinkers- but philosophy is a more than just thinking really. And being a philosopher is another thing also- you can be a great philosopher, but you might not be great in writing 1000 pages which you could reduce in few thoughts (basically what most of those philosophers did- but that was their occupation)

Lets take my name - Immanenz- i got it from Deleuze, who got it from Spinoza . I liked the term because its really the fundamental human problem of living between the presence and the immidiate moment after the current moment, so we live always in between "now" and what is to be now. We ll have this problem until we invent time traveling. What Spinoza did is writing a book about "god", basically saying that what we believe in jenseits is bs.

I think Nordic philosophers are lacking because its "western philosophers" but take Kierkergard- he would hate being a viking, he was too Kafquesque.

Cristiano viejo
06-13-2023, 11:17 PM
Yes, I have several Jewish clients who became good friends, normal people with normal jobs, not millionaires or billionaires.

William Luther Pierce explained this perfectly in an article after an interview in an American tv.

These Jews that you call normal people with normal jobs, let say dentists, ophthalmologists, secretaries, whatever, contribute equally to the Zionist cause even if they are not on the front lines. They pay their payments to their pro-Israel liberal Zionist associations. Every month. That makes them as guilty as Soros or Spielberg.

06-14-2023, 06:22 AM
I think Nordic philosophers are lacking because its "western philosophers" but take Kierkergard- he would hate being a viking, he was too Kafquesque.

Therefore nordic are not really european...or not ?

I really don't think you have the courage to think that Europe or what Western civilization represents can be associated with the north of Europe..

I have always put the Vikings (the Scandinavians to be precise) and the black population of western sub-Saharan Africa on the same cultural level because both represent cultures that have failed to develop their own writing and a school of "thought" capable of promoting science, art, laws and philosophy.

THAT IS A HISTORICAL FACT and not an opinion

In other words, they have made no contribution to civilization either in AFRICA or in EUROPE..

If some 19th century fanatics hadn't had the idea of "inventing" stories about Vikings, no one today would even remember that they even existed, including heavy metal fanatic kids 12-14 years old....

In other words in any English/European library of the 1800s (before the rise of Viking fanaticism) there was practically not a book, a manuscript that concerned the Vikings/Scandinavians before 1400..
It was ALMOST all written and invented AFTER the 19th century.. except of course the 4 pages written by the Christian monks who scoffed at the 4 legends handed down in the voices of the last Vikings/Scandinavians who still expressed themselves in gestures and grunts.

Sebastianus Rex
06-14-2023, 11:08 PM
William Luther Pierce explained this perfectly in an article after an interview in an American tv.

These Jews that you call normal people with normal jobs, let say dentists, ophthalmologists, secretaries, whatever, contribute equally to the Zionist cause even if they are not on the front lines. They pay their payments to their pro-Israel liberal Zionist associations. Every month. That makes them as guilty as Soros or Spielberg.

William Pierce ?! The guy died decades ago so wtf does William Pierce or do you know about how these people spend their money? Quit stupid generalizations, many don't even care about Israel, zionism or eating kosher.

Cristiano viejo
06-14-2023, 11:14 PM
William Pierce ?! The guy died decades ago so wtf does William Pierce
Great argument!

Hitler died before even.

or do you know about how these people spend their money? Quit stupid generalizations, many don't even care about Israel, zionism or eating kosher.
People thinking like you is the reason why Europe went directly to the hell.

Sebastianus Rex
06-14-2023, 11:34 PM
Great argument!

Hitler died before even.

People thinking like you is the reason why Europe went directly to the hell.

Hitler was a male prostitute who (like Lavrov stated) was partly jew (as dna evidence and genealogic research points) and was financed by the german elite, industrialists and bankers, who were to a great extend zionists.

And no, it's because of brainwashed assholes who aren't capable of thinking on their own that Europe is screwed, and you have plenty of those of those on both "opposite" sides, it's the usual modus operandi of the elite, they will create an official narrative and also the controled counter narrative composed of extremist and imbecile rethoric (like the fake Nazi movement who fucked european nationalism for good). Get out of that mindset and open your eyes about who are the real enemies of the people(s)...it's not poor or middle class people who have to work for a living, those are tools/sacrificial lambs and always have been.

06-14-2023, 11:39 PM
Absolutely not, I have several working and middle class jewish friends who don't run even their own house. It's a matter of social classes, the elites are a complex reality.

In Portugal?????

Cristiano viejo
06-14-2023, 11:47 PM
Hitler was a male prostitute who (like Lavrov stated) was partly jew .

I stopped here, enough for me.

Saluda a Merkel de mis partes.

Sebastianus Rex
06-14-2023, 11:50 PM
In Portugal?????

Yes, Portugal is a popular destination for holidays, real estate investment and retirees from all over Europe and to a lesser extend from North America also.

Tooting Carmen
06-15-2023, 12:30 AM
Yes, Portugal is a popular destination for holidays, real estate investment and retirees from all over Europe and to a lesser extend from North America also.

But I thought you yourself said that the Jewish population in Portugal is pretty small?

Sebastianus Rex
06-15-2023, 01:24 AM
But I thought you yourself said that the Jewish population in Portugal is pretty small?

Yes but they come from other countries.