View Full Version : Classify former Mexican presidents Luis Echeverria and Jose Lopez Portillo

Tooting Carmen
06-10-2023, 11:07 PM
Luis Echeverria

Jose Lopez Portillo

06-10-2023, 11:17 PM
Harnizos, Gracile med + Margid

Tooting Carmen
06-10-2023, 11:29 PM
Harnizos, Gracile med + Margid

To me they look more European than that, Castizos at most.

06-11-2023, 06:30 AM
Luis Echeverria: Castizo (very Basque with a little Amerindian)
Jose Lopez Portillo: Spaniard (Criollo)

Cristiano viejo
06-11-2023, 06:31 AM
second man looks white to me.

06-11-2023, 06:34 AM
second man looks white to me.

He resemblances a lot an uncle of mine, of course from my mother side.

Tooting Carmen
06-28-2023, 10:04 PM

06-28-2023, 10:24 PM
Castizo: Med + residual Amerindian
Criollo: Alpine-Med

06-29-2023, 11:56 AM
Typical of Mexican presidents, they represent the lighter side of Argentina, let alone the Mexican average. I wonder how come Mexican presidents, including current one, represent Castizo and Criollo minority whereas over 90% of the population are visibly Amerindian influenced

06-30-2023, 03:43 AM
Typical of Mexican presidents, they represent the lighter side of Argentina, let alone the Mexican average. I wonder how come Mexican presidents, including current one, represent Castizo and Criollo minority whereas over 90% of the population are visibly Amerindian influenced

You think the current president of Mexico Isn't Amerindian influence? No offense but you Europeans tend to stereotype Mexico as you convenience always or as if Mexico was heavily Indomestizo.

I see criollos all the time yet I barely see any Amerindian.

06-30-2023, 05:10 AM
You think the current president of Mexico Isn't Amerindian influence? No offense but you Europeans tend to stereotype Mexico as you convenience always or as if Mexico was heavily Indomestizo.

I see criollos all the time yet I barely see any Amerindian.

Current president is a Castizo (there is much more European than Amerindian, but you can still see the Amerindian especially in some of his youth pictures). High school students in Guadalajara:

https://www.jalisco.gob.mx/sites/default/files/140523rm_inauguracion_escuela_antonio_caso_ixtapa_ 03_1_0.jpg

Mostly indo-mestizos... Hermosillo (Sonora), in the whitest province of Mexico:


Mostly mestizos...

06-30-2023, 05:20 AM
1st- Baskid + minor Mexicid.
2nd- Baskid.

06-30-2023, 05:26 AM
Current president is a Castizo (there is much more European than Amerindian, but you can still see the Amerindian especially in some of his youth pictures). High school students in Guadalajara:

https://www.jalisco.gob.mx/sites/default/files/140523rm_inauguracion_escuela_antonio_caso_ixtapa_ 03_1_0.jpg

Mostly indo-mestizos... Hermosillo (Sonora), in the whitest province of Mexico:


Mostly mestizos...

Cherry picked pictures to prove your dirty agenda, you need understand Mexico a country big as whole continental Europe and a population 130 million Mexico Is far being a homogenous country like you are portraying , you are making It seem like If Mexico Is running by a white/castizo minority elite with a huge indomestizo/amerindian majority :rolleyes:

Also looks means nothing Mexico Is no less than 50% European for sure.

this guy by looks can be classified as Indomestizo yet HES 53% Spanish and Jewish.


06-30-2023, 06:54 PM
you are making It seem like If Mexico Is running by a white/castizo minority elite with a huge indomestizo/amerindian majority :rolleyes:

Hermosillo high school students (heavily indo-mestizo):


However, if you search for Monterrey escuela secundaria you will see that Spanish element dominates (harnizos followed by mestizos) plus a good castizo minority...


Chiapas (mostly Spaniards, despite the reputation, within Argentinian average). It's clear that Mexico is not homogenous