View Full Version : In your city/country, is there any profession/trade where an "inverted racial hierarchy" exists?

Tooting Carmen
06-11-2023, 11:48 AM
By this I mean where there are more non-whites further up the rankings in a given profession or trade than lower down. Because I find this increasingly to be the case with the NHS. In my city, whereas roughly 20-30% of the hospital nurses are non-white, it is more like 40-50% of the hospital doctors. As for the medical surgeries, while there are very few non-white nurses, a sizeable minority of the GPs are non-white (15-20%).

06-11-2023, 11:49 AM
No im not aware of such a thing

Tooting Carmen
06-11-2023, 11:57 AM
No im not aware of such a thing

How common are non-white or foreign nurses and doctors where you are?

06-11-2023, 11:58 AM
How common are non-white or foreign nurses and doctors where you are?

Very few

Tooting Carmen
06-11-2023, 12:00 PM
Very few

Yeah, the NHS must be more international than most other health systems, partly due to the English language (hence all the staff imported especially from India, Philippines and Nigeria, but even not-so-English-speaking countries like China and Egypt too), and partly due to underinvestment by successive governments in training homegrown healthcare staff.

06-11-2023, 12:05 PM
Nearly any corporate job, medical professions, the police, political parties. Sometimes they even blatantly write that they're only looking for non whites in their job ads.

06-11-2023, 12:07 PM
No, non whites are at the bottom in every job.

Tooting Carmen
06-11-2023, 12:09 PM
No, non whites are at the bottom in every job.

Given that the Hungarian language is barely spoken outside Hungary, how often do you nonetheless find non-whites (or even White foreigners, for that matter) working in e.g. healthcare or education?

Tooting Carmen
06-11-2023, 12:17 PM
A partly-related thread: https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?372196-Educational-qualifications-and-employment-rates-per-ethnic-group-according-to-2021-Census

It seems that non-whites have more 'extremes' than do the White British: more people with university degrees but also more people with no qualifications at all; more people in professional, managerial and technical occupations but also more people in manual and menial occupations (plus usually higher unemployment rates).

06-11-2023, 12:36 PM
Street-sweepers and dustmen are mostly from Central Asia, Russians, Caucasians and other ethnic groups of Russia would not do this job. In Serbia mostly gypsies do it.

Tooting Carmen
06-11-2023, 12:37 PM
Street-sweepers and dustmen are mostly from Central Asia, Russians, Caucasians and other ethnic groups of Russia would not do this job. In Serbia mostly gypsies do it.

So no, to answer the question then?

06-11-2023, 01:11 PM
Given that the Hungarian language is barely spoken outside Hungary, how often do you nonetheless find non-whites (or even White foreigners, for that matter) working in e.g. healthcare or education?

Very common, tons of gypsies are working in building industry.

Tooting Carmen
06-11-2023, 01:13 PM
Very common, tons of gypsies are working in building industry.

But they are usually Hungarian born and bred, aren't they? And what about professional, managerial and technical occupations?

06-11-2023, 02:39 PM
But they are usually Hungarian born and bred, aren't they? And what about professional, managerial and technical occupations?

What is this bs? :D Gypsies are separated from hungarians with different mentality, lifestyle and everything, they are not white either.

Non white boss is possible if the owner is foreigner, the chinese restaurants/shops are good example, in this case hungarians are the subordinates.

06-11-2023, 03:29 PM
Martial arts schools are mostly under North Caucasian diasporas, restaurants are more often owned by central asian, georgian or armenian criminals as a way to launder their money. Construction site workers are mostly from central asia too (Tajikistan, Kirgizia, Uzbekistan for the most part), lots of street food vendors are from either North Caucasus, Azerbaijan or Armenia, pimps are also mostly from the North Caucasus.

Tooting Carmen
06-13-2023, 12:09 PM

In short, one in six NHS staff come from overseas (among the hospital doctors it is much higher), and over a quarter of NHS staff are non-white (among the hospital doctors, it is around half).

Sebastianus Rex
06-13-2023, 12:48 PM
Not that I'm aware like the doctors in the UK, it's more about some trades on which some immigrant groups are specialized.

The prime minister is of Indian/Goan descent but still few politicians are from minorities.

Some trades like cell phone repairs are becoming dominated by south Asians and big Chinese shops/warehouses that sell almost everything are well established for many years.

Tooting Carmen
06-13-2023, 05:19 PM
The prime minister is of Indian/Goan descent but still few politicians are from minorities.

Well Antonio Costa is only part-Indian, whereas Rishi Sunak is fully Indian.;) And the number of ethnic minority politicians has grown exponentially in recent years, especially (perhaps ironically) in the Conservative Party.

Some trades like cell phone repairs are becoming dominated by south Asians

Yeah that is increasingly the case here too.

and big Chinese shops/warehouses that sell almost everything are well established for many years.

There are a few here, but I wouldn't say they are too prominent. In fact, I come across more cash and carries and warehouses ran by Kurds and Arabs rather than Chinese.

Tooting Carmen
11-24-2023, 04:07 PM
What is this bs? :D Gypsies are separated from hungarians with different mentality, lifestyle and everything, they are not white either.

Non white boss is possible if the owner is foreigner, the chinese restaurants/shops are good example, in this case hungarians are the subordinates.

Are there many Chinese in Hungary?

11-24-2023, 04:13 PM
Chinese restaurants.

11-24-2023, 04:18 PM
Honestly i can't think of any. Lots of nurses are foreigners, but all the doctors and surgeons are whites. Also contrary to the US, non white judges are inexistant (at least i ve never seen one). Police same, there are a few foreign police officiers there and there but never the supervisors or whatever is up in the hierarchy, unlike what is apparently the case in the US.

Even the Asian restaurants here tend to only recruit other Asians as an unspoken discriminatory rule (used to make controversy not so long ago actually)

11-24-2023, 04:44 PM
Asians tend to be better off then whites a little bit, but there isn't much of a racial class divide since most of the town's residents are Middle/Upper Middle Class commuters

Tooting Carmen
11-24-2023, 04:45 PM
Honestly i can't think of any. Lots of nurses are foreigners, but all the doctors and surgeons are whites.

Proves my point yet again that France, for all its egalitarian pretensions, is in many ways a more stratified and rigid society than Britain, where ethnic minorities tend to be much more uniformly poor/low status than here. In England (I don't have the stats for the other Home Nations), nearly half of all hospital doctors are non-white - principally South Asians, albeit in many cases British-born, and over a third come from overseas (whether White or non-white). https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?373881-NHS-staff-by-ethnicity-and-nationality-in-England

Also contrary to the US, non white judges are inexistant (at least i ve never seen one). Police same, there are a few foreign police officiers there and there but never the supervisors or whatever is up in the hierarchy, unlike what is apparently the case in the US.

Non-white lawyers are pretty common here, but only very occasionally have I come across non-white judges. As for the police, they are overwhelmingly White even in London.

Even the Asian restaurants here tend to only recruit other Asians as an unspoken discriminatory rule (used to make controversy not so long ago actually)

Same in most places, although I do know of a Japanese restaurant in my city where the staff are roughly an equal mix of Asians and Whites.

Tooting Carmen
11-24-2023, 04:54 PM
Chinese restaurants.

What do you mean?

11-24-2023, 05:33 PM
No se, pero al menos en Panamá es más fácil ver grifos en zonas de clase media baja y nivel de vida decente que pred. Nativos o nativos

Tooting Carmen
11-29-2023, 08:47 AM
Even in Wales, the proportion of foreign and non-white doctors is much higher than in both the overall population and in relation to other NHS employees: https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?379119-Staff-directly-employed-by-NHS-Wales-as-at-30-September-2022