View Full Version : Do you take ethnicity into account when gauging someone's competence?

06-13-2023, 11:08 AM
In another thread I was discussing about people's roots with Apricity member Colonel Frank Grimes and diverged into another debate.
He argues that he "finds it odd when people associate self-worth with their ethnicity because it doesn't tell me anything about their abilities" while I think it has a lot to do with it.

Let's say you're in the hospital and a Black doctor comes in, do you trust him being a good professional or would you prefer to be treated by a White doctor?

Or imagine someone in an online forum swears he is a successful and wealthy businessman with several degrees from a top university which he got thanks to a scholarship despite his parents being filthy rich too.
Obviously there is nobody like this wasting his time here and much less bragging about it but assuming there are, would you believe this person if he told you he's a Hispanic immigrant living in the USA? And what about if he says he is an Asian immigrant? And what about a WASP?

That doesn't mean belonging to X or Y ethnicity automatically means you're competent or you aren't or that certain ethnicities have to be discriminated, but I think that ethnicity and competence are very much related.

06-13-2023, 11:13 AM
I think this should go to the Race and Society subforum.
My bad.

06-13-2023, 11:27 AM
No, i don't care about those things.

06-13-2023, 11:32 AM
The fact I'm being assisted by a black doctor that means he already went through a lot and I'm pretty sure with double efforts to make It where he's at, probably more pressure and effort than any white doctor at the hospital. Specially In a society like the U.S where race matters.

So yes In the situation I would probably prefer being assisted by a black folk than any Anglo folk any time because I know he's already working double to prove his skills as a doctor and a black man or woman.

06-13-2023, 11:40 AM
I don't care about European fullness, I stick to my identity - Russian. We are Slavs with a Finno-Ugric admixture, but I consider myself a full-blooded Slav. My appearance is 100%European . My culture is also the absence of Asians. It's funny to me when they troll me with my Finns. ) Moreover, I know first-class Tajik and Uzbek doctors, although in general I don't like them. There are very good doctors and teachers among the blacks. Negroes are sometimes much smarter than lazy Southern Europeans.

06-13-2023, 11:42 AM

06-13-2023, 12:12 PM
The fact I'm being assisted by a black doctor that means he already went through a lot and I'm pretty sure with double efforts to make It where he's at, probably more pressure and effort than any white doctor at the hospital. Specially In a society like the U.S where race matters.

So yes In the situation I would probably prefer being assisted by a black folk than any Anglo folk any time because I know he's already working double to prove his skills as a doctor and a black man or woman.


06-13-2023, 12:22 PM
No, i don't care about those things.

And when forced to choose?
Let's say you're a teacher and you have to prepare a group of kids for a contest where problem solving skills, teamwork and discipline are key abilities. You can coach a team of middle class African-American students or another of poor Chinese students from rural areas with semi-literate parents. Which group do you choose?
Language barriers are not a problem and you intent to win the contest.

06-13-2023, 12:26 PM
And when forced to choose?
Let's say you're a teacher and you have to prepare a group of kids for a contest where problem solving skills, teamwork and discipline are key abilities. You can coach a team of middle class African-American students or another of poor Chinese students from rural areas with semi-literate parents. Which group do you choose?
Language barriers are not a problem and you intent to win the contest.

You base your statements on stereotypes

06-13-2023, 12:30 PM
The fact I'm being assisted by a black doctor that means he already went through a lot and I'm pretty sure with double efforts to make It where he's at, probably more pressure and effort than any white doctor at the hospital. Specially In a society like the U.S where race matters.

So yes In the situation I would probably prefer being assisted by a black folk than any Anglo folk any time because I know he's already working double to prove his skills as a doctor and a black man or woman.

But Black doctors were admitted with lower grades thanks to racial quotas, then faculty had pressure to avoid them dropping out aka gave them inflated marks and hospitals are obliged to hire a diverse workforce.
Layer over layers of privileges which lead to questionable professionals.

06-13-2023, 12:33 PM
And when forced to choose?
Let's say you're a teacher and you have to prepare a group of kids for a contest where problem solving skills, teamwork and discipline are key abilities. You can coach a team of middle class African-American students or another of poor Chinese students from rural areas with semi-literate parents. Which group do you choose?
Language barriers are not a problem and you intent to win the contest.

I don't think i just could choose one team personally i would choose both individually people have their good things and bad things wherever they are from imo.

06-13-2023, 12:34 PM
You base your statements on stereotypes

What stereotypes? It is an hypothetical question and I didn't give any "correct" solution.

06-13-2023, 12:38 PM
I don't think i just could choose one team personally i would choose both individually people have their good things and bad things wherever they are from imo.

Thanks for your answer. Unfortunately in real life you can't spend time getting to know everyone so you've got to blindly trust the system or make your own judgment, for better or worse.

Tbh I'd pick the Chinese team solely because of their ethnicity despite the African-American team having a much better resume on paper.

06-13-2023, 12:48 PM
What stereotypes? It is an hypothetical question and I didn't give any "correct" solution.

But you expect us to base a opinion on stereotypes and you just answered your own questions

Sebastianus Rex
06-13-2023, 01:03 PM
Mostly not but with a few exceptions, for example Cuban doctors are a disaster who frequently miss a correct diagnostic/ treatment. Many South Asian Uber drivers are reckless drivers and lack higiene.

06-13-2023, 03:32 PM
But Black doctors were admitted with lower grades thanks to racial quotas, then faculty had pressure to avoid them dropping out aka gave them inflated marks and hospitals are obliged to hire a diverse workforce.
Layer over layers of privileges which lead to questionable professionals.

I really doubt It specially In a position like that.

Damićo de Góis
06-13-2023, 03:42 PM
In the forum? Yes, i don't trust foreign descriptions of ethnicities because here everyone is biased. So of course i take ethnicity into account, which is why fake profiles are annoying.

Colonel Frank Grimes
06-13-2023, 06:28 PM
Gebach, while affirmative action allows less qualified med students to attend prestigious schools it doesn't influence their score for their medical license.

So everyone who is a doctor met the same standard.

You consistently prove your ignorance.

Lol to the rest. Now excuse me while I go flip burgers, lolz.

06-13-2023, 10:04 PM
All ethnicities are more or less the same in the current era, due to globalisation. The same goes with social classes, the divide doesn't exist anymore and everyone dreams of being the next famous millionaire. Fucking sad.

06-13-2023, 10:14 PM

06-14-2023, 03:50 AM
No I don't. All my worst horrific experiences with doctors/health-related staff of any form were with rich white suburban women oddly (doesn't mean they are/were all bad though) lol, but this was sort of due to the demographic of the area I believe. There may be a very small number of exceptions though. I will say though that my experiences with female Mexican low-wage or service workers were all absolutely terrible in the US (sorry if I offend you I know some must be alright), I NEVER assume/assumed they will be bad though, and treated them the same, but that's the only exception I can think of accurately from my experiences. But I still trust everyone to have the same competence at first and treat them the same in the beginning regardless of ethnicity or otherwise. I DO judge doctors or workers competence at first though by how they greet me/their friendliness, their interest/apparent level of knowledge or skill in the field, if they listen, and if they ask appropriate questions and don't make offensive or quick assumptions.

I have encountered great doctors and workers from many ethnicities.

06-14-2023, 04:03 AM
Gebach, while affirmative action allows less qualified med students to attend prestigious schools it doesn't influence their score for their medical license.

So everyone who is a doctor met the same standard.

You consistently prove your ignorance.

Lol to the rest. Now excuse me while I go flip burgers, lolz.

Was Gebach the purple haired dude with a degree in North African lesbian poetry that kept trying to impart wisdom

06-14-2023, 04:39 AM
Have seen this movie “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” a few times (exposing our prejudices); - still love it and will watch it again, lol:



06-14-2023, 04:59 AM
Internet has shattered the dream of superiority.

Before you could think, ohh I am best at math, or I draw really good, and really believe it.
Now you go on the net and find out there are thousands better than you and you are just ordinary average Joe, then you get angst, join a racially biased form, and claim you blond hair or heritage makes you superior :D

06-14-2023, 10:55 PM
In the forum? Yes, i don't trust foreign descriptions of ethnicities because here everyone is biased. So of course i take ethnicity into account, which is why fake profiles are annoying.

But non-foreigners might have an agenda too, so I guess it's better for people to visit the countries themselves.

06-14-2023, 10:58 PM
No, but if they have purple hair I do.

Colonel Frank Grimes
07-03-2023, 09:30 PM
What does it have to do with their skill? All doctors aren't equally skilled and what we know about Black doctors is that they underperformed academically compared to their non-Black coworkers.

Once again, a standard is set, and if someone meets the standard, then they've shown competency. In other words, they have shown they are skilled. Now whether one doctor is more skilled than another will be shown as they perform in their career and we can do so by, I suppose, how many lawsuits were filed against them and won for negligence but defining skill by academic score prior to taking the licensing exam, of which everyone's score isn't going to be too different, just reveals once again your ignorance of the real world.

Fortunately this won't be a problem anymore.

As explained before. Affirmative Action is irrelevant to the medical licensing test. Every doctor that is licensed has proved themselves to be competent. If you weren't so stupid, you would have used a better example, such as moving up the ranks of the Fire Department.

That makes perfect sense actually. Ask a Brit what a Spaniard is doing in the UK and he will answer serving beers, ask a Frenchman and he will answer laying bricks, ask a Swiss and he will say fixing plumbing, etc. so makes a lot of sense for a Spanish immigrant in the USA to be flipping burgers.

You mean they're working, which is something you don't do, and the day will come when your stupidity and mental illness will lead to either living off your parents (most likely) or doing a shitty job because nepotism can only go so far. You actually need to be productive and get along with others and you won't be able to do so, and so whatever connections your parents have (I know how it works in Spain; it's not what you can do but who you know) will be burned by your behavior.

Funny you bring up plumbing, as if it's some low IQ job rather than a skill job because you're ignorant of life outside your bedroom. I had a plumbing issue recently and these guys make great money because they're needed in society, unlike yourself who is worthless and has proven your lack of worth with your insane behavior.

One thing is clear: you don't stay up until 5 am trying hard to win the most irrelevant argument ever only to wake up a couple of hours later to manage a company worth millions, lolz.

I'm not only flipping burgers for a living but also a Mestizo convicted sex offender in West Virginia. You found me out, man.

However, as much as I try, I'll never be like you:

I'll never threaten an admin with a discrimination lawsuit for being unable to post on a forum.

I'll never threaten a poster by saying I'll post pics of them all over social media and expose them to their family.

I'll never threaten to contact the server and claim this is a neo-Nazi forum to shut it down.

I'll never make hundreds of accounts over a year and a half (several a day) in an attempt to sneak past the admin to post on this forum.

I can go on... and on... because you're bat-shit crazy.

I'll recommend to Loki he posts all your insane threats publically on the forum. Of course, this won't stop you because you're insane, but everyone will get a good laugh.

07-03-2023, 09:34 PM


07-04-2023, 12:25 AM
Mostly not but with a few exceptions, for example Cuban doctors are a disaster who frequently miss a correct diagnostic/ treatment. Many South Asian Uber drivers are reckless drivers and lack higiene.

cubans from one of the worse third-worlder communist state,yes i will pass too, in france they are in general native europeans, or for many of them laical jews,they are more framed than in many countries,and in general way they don't mess up too much,my dentist when i was a kid was a laical jew,in general way laical jews are very professionals with asians like viets,native europeans ,jews and asians are my preference if i need them

07-04-2023, 12:37 AM
No, but if they have purple hair I do.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse3.explicit.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid% 3DOIP.I3wqJgBRULy6DqLTl6ebAgHaIM%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=329661ff643e5505d8f07a4d04dcaf0da50113dcc5a026 59b0c637773a2178f6&ipo=images

07-04-2023, 01:36 AM
cubans from one of the worse third-worlder communist state,yes i will pass too, in france they are in general native europeans, or for many of them laical jews,they are more framed than in many countries,and in general way they don't mess up too much,my dentist when i was a kid was a laical jew,in general way laical jews are very professionals with asians like viets,native europeans ,jews and asians are my preference if i need them

Have you had positive experiences with both Ashkenazi and Sephardi/Meghrabi Jews?

07-04-2023, 02:25 AM

Welcome back! :D

07-04-2023, 02:27 AM
Welcome back! :D

Thank you very much my friend.
I missed the forum and I missed you all. :)

07-04-2023, 02:34 AM
Thank you very much my friend.
I missed the forum and I missed you all. :)

Same here, I missed you as well. Glad to see you on here again :thumb001: