View Full Version : Roma Lives Matter (RLM)

06-19-2023, 07:51 AM

06-19-2023, 09:28 AM
What Roma Lifes Matter? Gypsies are safe in Europe, just like you. You live in a welfare society, and you dont need to work because austrians are paying for you.

Gypsies are those who terrorise europans, who are killing europeans, gypsies keep slaves, they are no1 in any crime statistics. So i would say European Lifes Matter.

06-19-2023, 09:30 AM
What Roma Lifes Matter? Gypsies are safe in Europe, just like you. You live in a welfare society, and you dont need to work because austrians are paying for you.

Gypsies are those who terrorise europans, who are killing europeans, gypsies keep slaves, they are no1 in any crime statistics. So i would say European Lifes Matter.

I dont think that is true and you can be no1 in crime statistics by going without ticket in the subway, or for wrong parking in the parking lot, such things, i dont think gypsies are violent, of course some are, can happen, but not MORE on average then hungarians. some groups are more violent like afghans, but not gypsies.

06-19-2023, 09:42 AM
I dont think that is true and you can be no1 in crime statistics by going without ticket in the subway, or for wrong parking in the parking lot, such things, i dont think gypsies are violent, of course some are, can happen, but not MORE on average then hungarians. some groups are more violent like afghans, but not gypsies.

Youre liar, gypsies commit much more crime than hungarians or other europeans. In Hungary 60% of prisoners are gypsies and they are just 5-10% of population.

47% of gypsy kids already commit crimes before 18.
80% of gypsy criminals will commit crimes again and again.

from hungarian police:

06-19-2023, 09:45 AM
Youre liar, gypsies commit much more crime than hungarians or other europeans. In Hungary 60% of prisoners are gypsies and they are just 5-10% of population.

47% of gypsy kids already commit crimes before 18.
80% of gypsy criminals will commit crimes again and again.

from hungarian police:

I said they are not more violent, not that they do not commit more crimes, what type of crimes could a kid commit? Maybe public idencancy for begging or being homeless maybe at worst stealing pickpocketing but not violent robbery etc. There are different types of crimes, some crimes are more commited by hungarians im sure, like hate crimes for example (i dont know if that exists in hungary) but i read about snipers intentionally looking for gypsies and killing them, gypsies dont do such things killing hungarians because they are hungarians. Im not a lier but you missed my point.

06-19-2023, 10:00 AM
I said they are not more violent, not that they do not commit more crimes, what type of crimes could a kid commit? Maybe public idencancy for begging or being homeless maybe at worst stealing pickpocketing but not violent robbery etc. There are different types of crimes, some crimes are more commited by hungarians im sure, like hate crimes for example (i dont know if that exists in hungary) but i read about snipers intentionally looking for gypsies and killing them, gypsies dont do such things killing hungarians because they are hungarians. Im not a lier but you missed my point.

Of course they are more violent. Gypsie areas aree the most dangerous places in Hungary. This is Tököl youth prison, most of prisoners are gypsies, the guards were schocked because of gypsie kids violence and brutality:


06-19-2023, 10:07 AM
Of course they are more violent. Gypsie areas aree the most dangerous places in Hungary. This is Tököl youth prison, most of prisoners are gypsies, the guards were schocked because of gypsie kids violence and brutality:


I dont believe you that military guards with guns are terrified by kids. Im sure it is the other way around, that hungarians terrorise gypsies and are more violent, the media is hungarian owned so they report that gypsies are violent, obviously. Cherry picking.

06-19-2023, 10:10 AM
Hungarians hate groups anti-gypsy paramlitary groups with machine guns vs. gypsie kids, i dont believe you gypsy kids would be able to terrorise the hungarians


06-19-2023, 10:14 AM
I dont believe you that military guards with guns are terrified by kids.

These kids terrorise each other, it was answer for your laughable claim that gypsies are not violent.

Im sure it is the other way around, that hungarians terrorise gypsies and are more violent.

Disgusting lying.

06-19-2023, 10:17 AM
These kids terrorise each other, it was answer for your laughable claim that gypsies are not violent.

Disgusting lying.

Everyone would terrorise eatch other if put in such a harsh environment behind closed doors like in that prison, also rabbits start eating eatch other and having sex with their siblings, in prison people also become homosexual which they wouldnt be in normal circumstances. Also even if gypsies are majority in prison, that doesnt mean majority of gypsies are criminals, and there are still more hungarians in prison, then gypsies in absolute numbers, you related it to their population that there are more gypsie criminals.

06-19-2023, 10:21 AM
and there are still more hungarians in prison, then gypsies in absolute numbers

Nope lol, the statistics was about ethnic background of prisoners, 60% of all prisoners are gypsies, 40% is hungarian. There are more gypsies in prison than hungarians and gypsies are just 5-10% of population. This is fact.

06-19-2023, 10:23 AM
Nope lol, the statistics was about ethnic background of prisoners, 60% of all prisoners are gypsies, 40% is hungarian. There are more gypsies in prison than hungarians and gypsies are just 5-10% of population. This is fact.

I bet the justice system is not fair to gypsies, the police, the authority, the government, the military, the president are not gypsies but hungarians. It is impossible for gypsies to victimise hungarians.

06-19-2023, 10:25 AM
Yes, crime is higher than average among the Gypsies, but the main reason for this is poverty. (Same for the Blacks in the USA)
There are criminal rich Gypsies, but they became rich through crime, on the other hand, those who are entrepreneurs, traders or musicians do not make a living from crime.

At the same time, it should be noted that Hungary has the highest Roma employment rate in Europe, with 81% of men and 44% of women working (62% of both sexes together). In order to hire someone for a job, you also need a moral certificate, so people who have committed a crime are in a very difficult situation when it comes to finding a job (I can understand that).
You can read more about the Gypsy employment rate in Hungary and other European countries here:

I don't belive, that the most Gypsies are criminal (but they are overrepresented, it is true). The average Gypsies are are no better and no worse than the average white person, just they have a different culture, so they live a bit differently than white people.

06-19-2023, 10:26 AM
Yes, crime is higher than average among the Gypsies, but the main reason for this is poverty. (Same for the Blacks in the USA)
There are criminal rich Gypsies, but they became rich through crime, on the other hand, those who are entrepreneurs, traders or musicians do not make a living from crime.

At the same time, it should be noted that Hungary has the highest Roma employment rate in Europe, with 81% of men and 44% of women working (62% of both sexes together). In order to hire someone for a job, you also need a moral certificate, so people who have committed a crime are in a very difficult situation when it comes to finding a job (I can understand that).

I don't belive, that the most Gypsies are criminal (but they are overrepresented, it is true). The average Gypsies are are no better and no worse than the average white person, just they have a different culture, so they live a bit differently than white people.

Thank you. I agree with you.

06-19-2023, 10:40 AM
no doubt. in the space too


06-19-2023, 11:01 AM
no doubt. in the space too


That is going to be less in future dominating the image of gypsies and their appearance on the streets, unfortunately it is still too common. I think gypsies do made progress, and started to make progress.

06-19-2023, 11:13 AM
Yes, crime is higher than average among the Gypsies, but the main reason for this is poverty. (Same for the Blacks in the USA)

Poverty and much lower IQ. Why are they poor? Because they are too dumb and lazy in the school and workplace.

At the same time, it should be noted that Hungary has the highest Roma employment rate in Europe, with 81% of men and 44% of women working (62% of both sexes together).

Tons of them dont have real job, but its just "közmunka", modern feudalism. The hungarian government forced gypsies to work some hour per day, and they will get very low salary, much lower than in the case of normal jobs. Its a classic communist method to falsifying the numbers, just like in the communism when 2 people did one persons job, because the elite did not want to see unemployment. These gypsies have no real income.

06-19-2023, 11:16 AM
Poverty and much lower IQ. Why are they poor? Because they are too dumb and lazy in the school and workplace.

Tons of them dont have real job, but its just "közmunka", modern feudalism. The hungarian government forced gypsies to work some hour per day, and they will get very low salary, much lower than in the case of normal jobs. Its a classic communist method to falsifying the numbers, just like in the communism when 2 people did one persons job, because the elite did not want to see unemployment. These gypsies have no real income.

I dont trust people like you, to asses who the gypsies are and why they are who they are etc. Unfortunately it was always people like you though writing about gypsies, like Dr. Mengele who did experiments on gypsies and if and why they are criminal, thats why we believe gypsies are inherently vermin. Because people like you tell that over and over again.

Sacrificed Ram
06-19-2023, 11:17 AM
some groups are more violent like afghans, but not gypsies.


06-19-2023, 11:20 AM

That seemed to me like that from austrian news, but it might be wrong and propaganda. In Austria every day you read or hear and watch that a afghan or some other muslim raped, murdered, etc. a little girl or a little boy. That might be propaganda from the media though. I have nothing against afghans, nor is it my concern or topic here for me.

Sacrificed Ram
06-19-2023, 11:26 AM
That seemed to me like that from austrian news, but it might be wrong and propaganda. In Austria every day you read or hear and watch that a afghan or some other muslim raped, murdered, etc. a little girl or a little boy. That might be propaganda from the media though. I have nothing against afghans, nor is it my concern or topic here for me.

No, it is a brazilian joke, when we want criticize brazilians ourselves, we call ourselves "afghans".

06-19-2023, 11:32 AM
There are more gypsies in prison than hungarians and gypsies are just 5-10% of population.

I believe there are more, tbh. I don't believe Hungarians look that weird and Budapest is full of weird-Hungarian-speaking people (some might be Jews though, admittedly)

Tons of them dont have real job, but its just "közmunka", modern feudalism. The hungarian government forced gypsies to work some hour per day, and they will get very low salary, much lower than in the case of normal jobs. Its a classic communist method to falsifying the numbers, just like in the communism when 2 people did one persons job, because the elite did not want to see unemployment. These gypsies have no real income.

It's still a job, and very good incentive from government. Other countries should try similar methods.

06-19-2023, 11:34 AM
Yes, crime is higher than average among the Gypsies, but the main reason for this is poverty. (Same for the Blacks in the USA)
There are criminal rich Gypsies, but they became rich through crime, on the other hand, those who are entrepreneurs, traders or musicians do not make a living from crime.

At the same time, it should be noted that Hungary has the highest Roma employment rate in Europe, with 81% of men and 44% of women working (62% of both sexes together). In order to hire someone for a job, you also need a moral certificate, so people who have committed a crime are in a very difficult situation when it comes to finding a job (I can understand that).
You can read more about the Gypsy employment rate in Hungary and other European countries here:

I don't belive, that the most Gypsies are criminal (but they are overrepresented, it is true). The average Gypsies are are no better and no worse than the average white person, just they have a different culture, so they live a bit differently than white people.

Well said and I generally agree however I do believe there was negative genetic slection among Gypsies as well that shouldn't be ignored.
Not all are like that, but much bigger proportion is than among native Europeans and I don't believe it's only due to poverty.

06-19-2023, 11:38 AM
The gypsies in Greece are quite violent live in trash and offer nothing to society other than being gypsies.

06-19-2023, 12:04 PM
The gypsies in Greece are quite violent live in trash and offer nothing to society other than being gypsies.

I don't really think of gypsies as violent...Maybe I am a stupid, uninformed American? When I went to Romania, gypsies stole my dad's wallet, though! I also saw the gypsy "king" houses in the countryside (they looked exotic but not ugly). They also play nice music outside of cafes.

06-19-2023, 01:25 PM
I dont trust people like you, to asses who the gypsies are and why they are who they are etc. Unfortunately it was always people like you though writing about gypsies, like Dr. Mengele who did experiments on gypsies and if and why they are criminal, thats why we believe gypsies are inherently vermin. Because people like you tell that over and over again.

Dont compare me to Mengele you retard, just visit a gypsy ghetto and live there a little bit.

06-19-2023, 01:32 PM
I believe there are more, tbh. I don't believe Hungarians look that weird and Budapest is full of weird-Hungarian-speaking people (some might be Jews though, admittedly)

These can be jews, foreigners or northern hungarians who have crazy accent.

It's still a job, and very good incentive from government. Other countries should try similar methods.

No, the only good way is deport them to abroad.

Btw i have found a video, a hungarian prisoner beat a gypsy guy:


06-19-2023, 01:35 PM
http://www.theapricity.com/forum/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif any one interested in the words of her actual summation and recommendations can click and read ithttps://i.imgur.com/u7leimb.png

https://i.imgur.com/y7nkufc.png (https://archive.org/details/eva_justin_dissertation/page/n110/mode/1up?view=theater)

06-19-2023, 01:41 PM
Blondie wrote this or her grandmother

06-19-2023, 02:00 PM
It's still a job, and very good incentive from government. Other countries should try similar methods.

Are you serious? It doesn't help anyone at this point. It's only a good tool for politics to hide the trouble, not a way to solve it.
Having a job only in order to have a job, why to make anything efficient? So they will get enough to live, not enough for anything else, thinking they do something productive because they work, sounds a bit like what elites wanna do, didn't know you're NWO enjoyer

NWO is basically new feudalism and you call out such ideas as good for society, but we all follow this direction yet most of people here don't seem to be happy about it

06-19-2023, 02:30 PM
Blondie wrote this (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?373937-Classify-Nazi-anthropologist-Eva-Justin/page4&p=7735354#post7735354) or her grandmother

are you suggesting that the mother of the apricity's favorite donauschwäbe (https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunai_sv%C3%A1bok)
was robert ritter's love-child with eva justin (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eva_Justin#Promotion)?

06-19-2023, 02:42 PM
are you suggesting that the mother of the apricity's favorite donauschwäbe (https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunai_sv%C3%A1bok)
was robert ritter's love-child with eva justin (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eva_Justin#Promotion)?

I didnt know yet you are a nazi writing me reputation comments regulary I wondered who you are

Sacrificed Ram
06-19-2023, 02:42 PM
Btw i have found a video, a hungarian prisoner beat a gypsy guy:


What? Are hungarians darker skinned than gypsies?

In my town gypsies looks germans.

06-19-2023, 02:48 PM
Roma lives matter? I can not even read such bullshit.

Roma are in average harmful and parasitic to any functional society.

All people dislike Gypsies. The current problems are far beyond any Gypsy involvement and give no reason for a complaint like Roma lives matter.

06-19-2023, 02:55 PM
Roma lives matter? I can not even read such bullshit.

Roma are in average harmful and parasitic to any functional society.

All people dislike Gypsies. The current problems are far behind any Gypsy involvement.

That is why Roma lives matter because people strongly dislike them and consider them harmful they would not mind if gypsies were to be killed or beaten up I guess in some places police could brutalise kids for not having a ticket on a subway most would cheer if they died from beating calling them criminals

Sacrificed Ram
06-19-2023, 03:02 PM
I work whole day among gypsies like these ones:


06-19-2023, 03:07 PM
I work whole day among gypsies like these ones:


What do you do? Are you a social worker? Brasilien portuguese sounds a bit eastern european like russian

06-19-2023, 03:19 PM
I dont think that is true and you can be no1 in crime statistics by going without ticket in the subway, or for wrong parking in the parking lot, such things, i dont think gypsies are violent, of course some are, can happen, but not MORE on average then hungarians. some groups are more violent like afghans, but not gypsies.

wrong parking.... Morti open your eyes, gypsies sell their own daughters for cigarette pack. Gypsies don't respect themself so how can others respect them?

06-19-2023, 03:23 PM
wrong parking.... Morti open your eyes, gypsies sell their own daughters for cigarette pack. Gypsies don't respect themself so how can others respect them?

If gypsies do not respect themselfes why would so many gypsies say something else like the people in my video selling their daughters for a pack of cigarettes is certainly not the norm and considered wrong among gypsies if you mean prostitution arranged marriage is another topic

Sacrificed Ram
06-19-2023, 03:28 PM
The problem of gypsies is the eternal conflict Sedentary VS Nomadic. They have different concepts of space and property.

This movie show a similar conflict of circassians and bedouins:


06-19-2023, 03:32 PM
The problem of gypsies is the eternal conflict Sedentary VS Nomadic. They have different concepts of space and property.

This movie show a similar conflict of circassians and bedouins:


To a degree true but the discussion is pretty much racialized unlike bedouins and circassians trying to fit the discussion into pseudo scientific concepts of race so racism is part culture too class caste crime it is a mix and complex

06-19-2023, 04:05 PM
What? Are hungarians darker skinned than gypsies?

In my town gypsies looks germans.

What? The "bull" of the cell is not darker.

06-19-2023, 04:08 PM
I didnt know yet you are a nazi writing me reputation comments regulary I wondered who you are

Yepp, nazis and nazis everywhere :)

You should say: "yes youre right, gypsies are overrepresented in crime statistics, but im not not criminal, so dont judge my person because of other gypsies"

This is a normal and valid answer.

06-19-2023, 04:29 PM
Yepp, nazis and nazis everywhere :)

You should say: "yes youre right, gypsies are overrepresented in crime statistics, but im not not criminal, so dont judge my person because of other gypsies"

This is a normal and valid answer.

But Eva Justin who he linked to was a Nazi Anthropologist I think she tried to fit Nazi law into pseudo science

06-19-2023, 04:53 PM
But Eva Justin who he linked to was a Nazi Anthropologist I think she tried to fit Nazi law into pseudo science

Just smoke a cigarette and take your pills.

Sacrificed Ram
06-19-2023, 04:57 PM
What? The "bull" of the cell is not darker.

Funny! A day working selling candies I found a boy with asian traits, I asked him if he had some asian ancestry, he said he was of magyar ancestry. In my town gypsies have mongolian traits because some are of recent migration from Romania (cuman?). I must have mongolian input because old migration from ottoman territories.

I said for him magyars are from eastern Urals, they are related with Khanty and Mansi people.

06-19-2023, 05:01 PM
Funny! A day working selling candies I found a boy with asian traits, I asked him if he had some asian ancestry, he said he was of magyar ancestry. In my town gypsies have mongolian traits because some are of recent migration from Romania (cuman?). I must have mongolian input because old migration from ottoman territories.

I said for him magyars are from eastern Urals, they are related with Khanty and Mansi people.

You can find pseudo asian looking individuals in complete East Europe, not just in Hungary. Modern hungarians are not related with other ugrics or uralics, this relation is only linguistical. But ancient hungarians were eurasian mixed.

Sacrificed Ram
06-19-2023, 05:10 PM
To a degree true but the discussion is pretty much racialized unlike bedouins and circassians trying to fit the discussion into pseudo scientific concepts of race so racism is part culture too class caste crime it is a mix and complex

I found a pic of a gypsy man dressing a Cherkeska (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chokha), but probably he was absorbed into Cossacks.

06-19-2023, 05:23 PM
I was a conscript soldier some years ago, there were a few gypsies among the fellow soldiers , and I was expecting to get robbed by them sooner or later. One day my charger goes missing and I start looking for it, asking everyone about it. One of the gypsies shows up, and says: ''here's your charger bro, didn't know it was yours. My bad.''

A few months later, part of my uniform goes missing and I couldn't find it. I learned some days later the ones who robbed me were two Greek soldiers (a Pontic Greek from Athens and a mainlander from Peloponnisos), both of which were good friends of mine and whom I'd trust more than anyone in that period. Payed 60 euros for a new one.

Was a good lessone for me.

06-19-2023, 05:27 PM
In Hungary even extreme LMBTQ whatever + PC libtards hate gypsies. Why do you think that is, Morti?

Sacrificed Ram
06-19-2023, 06:30 PM
These can be jews, foreigners or northern hungarians who have crazy accent.

Austrian chronicles tell magyars were jews in religion, what makes sense if they were converted or a sub-branch of Khazars (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazars). If it is true, it can be the (one of) source of hungarian jews.

Sadly I cannot quote some of these sources, because I didn't find one in english and I'm null in german language. Maybe Mortimer that lives in Austria can help us...

06-19-2023, 07:46 PM
Tons of them dont have real job, but its just "közmunka", modern feudalism. The hungarian government forced gypsies to work some hour per day, and they will get very low salary, much lower than in the case of normal jobs. Its a classic communist method to falsifying the numbers, just like in the communism when 2 people did one persons job, because the elite did not want to see unemployment. These gypsies have no real income.
And what is the name of the defective effective capitalist optimization of "excessive" jobs, when one person combines 3 positions for a "slightly" increased salary, not having time to fulfill his direct duties on time and forced to work from morning to night? At the same time, the relatives of the director continue to receive the salaries of the "optimized" employees.

It's still a job, and very good incentive from government. Other countries should try similar methods.
In any case, it is much better than giving money directly to the unemployed. In Russia, there are many such "fictitious" positions for a small salary.

06-19-2023, 07:47 PM
just imagine how the european forum members start taking a knee at the front of the topic starter in real life, lol

06-19-2023, 08:05 PM
Are you serious? It doesn't help anyone at this point. It's only a good tool for politics to hide the trouble, not a way to solve it.
Having a job only in order to have a job, why to make anything efficient? So they will get enough to live, not enough for anything else, thinking they do something productive because they work, sounds a bit like what elites wanna do, didn't know you're NWO enjoyer

NWO is basically new feudalism and you call out such ideas as good for society, but we all follow this direction yet most of people here don't seem to be happy about it

You seem to be livving in the bubble and aren't aware of how Gypsies live. For them such communal jobs are big step forward as their culture supports illegal income and leeching.

06-19-2023, 08:08 PM
That is why Roma lives matter because people strongly dislike them and consider them harmful they would not mind if gypsies were to be killed or beaten up I guess in some places police could brutalise kids for not having a ticket on a subway most would cheer if they died from beating calling them criminals

You live in a German state receiving - lika a lot of your compatriots - welfare at expense of the indigenous people. And what do you do? Complaining and victimizing Roma with some absurd being-killed fantasies. This is a chutzpah.

06-19-2023, 08:15 PM
Austrian chronicles tell magyars were jews in religion, what makes sense if they were converted or a sub-branch of Khazars (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazars). If it is true, it can be the (one of) source of hungarian jews.

Sadly I cannot quote some of these sources, because I didn't find one in english and I'm null in german language. Maybe Mortimer that lives in Austria can help us...

Arthur Koestler quoted something in his well-known book The Thirteenth Tribe. But it was just about one of the tribes that came with Magyars. There might be a small such contribution to Jews as the genetic study on the medieval Erfurt Jews showed. But it's about a pretty minor contribution just.

06-19-2023, 09:35 PM
You seem to be livving in the bubble and aren't aware of how Gypsies live. For them such communal jobs are big step forward as their culture supports illegal income and leeching.

I agree it can be a step for them, yet I can't agree it should be their final form(which was my first thought after reading your post even tho obviously you didn't write anything like that), it can be a good start to get some experience and overall trust of people, it seems as usual I took wrong conclusions, sorry for that

06-19-2023, 10:08 PM
I agree it can be a step for them, yet I can't agree it should be their final form(which was my first thought after reading your post even tho obviously you didn't write anything like that), it can be a good start to get some experience and overall trust of people, it seems as usual I took wrong conclusions, sorry for that

No problem. I agree with you.

White Swan
06-19-2023, 10:49 PM
Everyone would terrorise eatch other if put in such a harsh environment behind closed doors like in that prison, also rabbits start eating eatch other and having sex with their siblings, in prison people also become homosexual which they wouldnt be in normal circumstances. Also even if gypsies are majority in prison, that doesnt mean majority of gypsies are criminals, and there are still more hungarians in prison, then gypsies in absolute numbers, you related it to their population that there are more gypsie criminals.

Were they put in prison because they were lawless or because they were fruitful? Who would put a fruitful people in prison? What exactly are you saying Mortimer?

06-19-2023, 11:19 PM
Austrian chronicles tell magyars were jews in religion, what makes sense if they were converted or a sub-branch of Khazars (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazars). If it is true, it can be the (one of) source of hungarian jews.

Sadly I cannot quote some of these sources, because I didn't find one in english and I'm null in german language. Maybe Mortimer that lives in Austria can help us...

Nomad hungarians were not jews, they belived tengrism. Jews migrated to Hungary in medieval age and in 19. century from Ukraine and Germany.

06-20-2023, 04:04 AM
You live in a German state receiving - lika a lot of your compatriots - welfare at expense of the indigenous people. And what do you do? Complaining and victimizing Roma with some absurd being-killed fantasies. This is a chutzpah.

I do receive welfare, but that doesnt mean that i was never discriminated or that no roma is discriminated that is a wrong conclusion. Even a roma who receives welfare can be beaten or brutalised too (eventhough he receives welfare), if he is at the wrong place at the wrong time and it happens often there are many such examples. like a father and his son collecting trees in the woods in bulgaria were beaten by the police and died of injuries. People would probably think it is good because they are criminals, maybe the forest was public or pivate owned and it would be illegal to collect trees?


06-22-2023, 10:37 AM
Respect, my friend! All lives matter including Roma too.

06-22-2023, 10:38 AM
Respect, my friend! All lives matter including Roma too.

Thank you. I agree.