View Full Version : Which phenotype is more passable in your country?

06-20-2023, 12:21 PM
Phenotype A
Phenotype B

06-20-2023, 12:50 PM
The face shape of A is pretty much common here. Very alpine looking. However, she is way to dark to pass here. B is also common, both saturation and face shape. So I think a mix of A and B would describe the average person here well.
But if had to select one, I would take B because well… A is too dark.

06-20-2023, 02:39 PM
The face shape of A is pretty much common here. Very alpine looking. However, she is way to dark to pass here. B is also common, both saturation and face shape. So I think a mix of A and B would describe the average person here well.
But if had to select one, I would take B because well… A is too dark.

A looks like half Asian or Latina lol

06-20-2023, 02:44 PM
The first one by a not so big margin.

06-20-2023, 02:54 PM
A looks like every second woman in Tatarstan

B looks like a German Borreby

For me it is like asking if there are more Tatars or Germans in Russia, and the answer is obviously Tatars

06-20-2023, 02:57 PM
B just looks too Germanic, imho

06-20-2023, 03:39 PM
A, because she looks like a mix of Amerindian, Med and Alpine.

06-20-2023, 04:08 PM
A, looks latina

06-20-2023, 05:10 PM
1 is every 3rd or 4th girl that i see any day.

06-20-2023, 05:18 PM
I wonder who is A? is she Uralic?

Salty Ears
06-20-2023, 05:25 PM
In region where i live, first pic can pass among bashkir minority with pseudo latin looking

06-20-2023, 05:28 PM
A looks nice to me. 8/10 even perhaps.

06-20-2023, 05:33 PM
In region where i live, first pic can pass among bashkir minority with pseudo latin looking

Don't Bashkirs look more Mongoloid on average?

06-20-2023, 05:35 PM
1 is every 3rd or 4th girl that i see any day.

I respect you Hektor, but I think your girls look tougher. Convince me :)

06-20-2023, 05:44 PM
Convince me :)

I close my eyes not to see her whenever tough girl appears. Convinced? (:

06-20-2023, 05:47 PM
I close my eyes not to see her whenever tough girl appears. Convinced? (:

OK. I hope you don't have to blink to much, my friend :D

Salty Ears
06-20-2023, 05:54 PM
Don't Bashkirs look more Mongoloid on average?

On average yes, but they are diverse. Anyway second pic couldn't be easily found somewhere here

06-20-2023, 09:43 PM
B by far. A looks Asian and very foreign.

Occiput in Starlight
06-20-2023, 09:47 PM
Serbia: Phenotype B
NZ: Phenotype B

06-20-2023, 11:25 PM

06-21-2023, 09:34 AM
A could pass latina here in my country, we have a big cuban and puerto rican community here.
B Looks just like any white girl here