View Full Version : It's official I just purchased SARMS

06-22-2023, 03:26 AM
I want so bad an athletic body , but due to my poor genetics ( I blame Amerindian) I can't gain muscle mass at all Instead all the fat goes to my stomach.

Just letting you know I will post my results In the next 3-6 months. Also will be posting less since In my free time would be more In the gym I think the results will be great I'm 5.11 Feet and slim /tall bone structure.


06-22-2023, 03:46 AM
What’s your diet like? Do you take protein supplementation?

06-22-2023, 03:51 AM
What’s your diet like? Do you take protein supplementation?

I'm not following a special diet plan, but I've stop eating anything that has sugar and less fatty meat pork etc I'm now eating more frequently vegetables and In morning I drink banana shake with some powder proteins I also bought.

06-22-2023, 04:23 AM
All the pretty boys on Grindr feel untouchable by god because of their lovely bodies! Will let me tell you I also want to feel part of the squad!!!! ;):cool:

06-22-2023, 04:40 AM
Will you get man boobs amd your testicals stop working if you stop taking them?

06-22-2023, 04:45 AM
Will you get man boobs amd your testicals stop working if you stop taking them?

Those things only happens with anabolic steroids, SARMs and Rad 140 are completely different drugs "legal drugs" I've been studying this topic I'm not just going to Insert things on my body without knowing the consequences , best of all those drugs are considered legal.

I guess you can say It's a "cheap legal drug" when I say cheap I mean a way to cutt of the line.

06-22-2023, 05:32 AM
I want so bad an athletic body , but due to my poor genetics ( I blame Amerindian) I can't gain muscle mass at all Instead all the fat goes to my stomach.

I've seen asian girls gaining butt naturally at the gym and you're telling me you can't gain muscle? I think you just don't have the discipline and patience to do it. That process takes time, you won't get ripped in 2 weeks.

06-22-2023, 05:35 AM
Hope it goes well :cool:

06-22-2023, 07:41 AM
Hope it goes well :cool:


06-22-2023, 07:50 AM
Honestly the results of some people I've seen online it's amazing mind blowing. Can't wait to see the same affects on me.

From Reddit



06-22-2023, 07:57 AM
I want so bad an athletic body , but due to my poor genetics ( I blame Amerindian) I can't gain muscle mass at all Instead all the fat goes to my stomach.

Just letting you know I will post my results In the next 3-6 months. Also will be posting less since In my free time would be more In the gym I think the results will be great I'm 5.11 Feet and slim /tall bone structure.


Your testicles will shrink and drop off

06-22-2023, 08:02 AM
Your testicles will shrink and drop off

Not it will not!! I just got a message my product will probably arrive by Friday , and will post It on this thread you guys going to see I'm not kidding, my body would look like It has been washed by the own Angels:thumb001:

06-24-2023, 03:13 AM
Your testicles will shrink and drop off

My baby did arrived today payed a good amount of money for this, might as well take the risk


06-25-2023, 12:32 AM
Woke up feeling a bit of aggressive, but my veins look deeper visible today will see what the results be within the 12 week cycle I would make sure I post my improvement photos.

06-28-2023, 01:11 AM
...paid a good amount of money for this...

https://i.imgur.com/pTwPs6A.png (https://sdmsuplementos.com/products/4lmt-sarms-testolone-mk-2866-10mg-100-tabs)

wait...that is almost thirty dollars.

so — two and a half days of minimum wage
at the new rate in mexico.

do they hold back taxes from your pay-check
in mexico :icon1:

Rafael Passoni
06-28-2023, 01:14 AM
Very "safe": "When taken by mouth: Ligandrol is possibly unsafe for most people when taken by mouth. Side effects include liver damage, heart attack, stroke, and others."

If there was a medicicine that can boost your testosterone with perhaps little side effects it would be Androxal:


It changes your set point. I just tried clomiphene citrate (which is similar, but not designed for males ) 25 mg/day and my testo raised from ~ 700 ng/dl to ~1500 ng/dl. Just to register.

06-28-2023, 01:45 AM
...provide the nutrients to grow muscles:

one pound of ground beef per day (20-25 pesos)

one dozen eggs per day (35 pesos)

sixteen ounces of water every hour.

4 four-ounce servings of beef
alternating with
4 servings of three soft-boiled or scrambled eggs

every two hours.
start with the beef as soon as you wake up.

the money you spent on drugs is wasted, if,
you do not consume the high-quality protein
and water in sufficient quantity
and frequency to grow the muscle.

06-28-2023, 01:53 AM
I want so bad an athletic body , but due to my poor genetics ( I blame Amerindian) I can't gain muscle mass at all Instead all the fat goes to my stomach.

Just letting you know I will post my results In the next 3-6 months. Also will be posting less since In my free time would be more In the gym I think the results will be great I'm 5.11 Feet and slim /tall bone structure.


I see you have been banned but maybe you'll still read this.

The side effects are simply unknown because there have been no clinical trails, that is not the same as safe. It is an experimental drug, wanna experiment on yourself? Go a ahead but don't say we didn't warn you.

If you really must use, go dianabol+primobolan or something similar at least those side effect are well known so you can monitor it.

06-28-2023, 03:02 AM
SARMS just like other oral steroids are bad for liver and it destroys your natural testosterone. These things are taking with test base (testosterone)
i doubt you think you have no genetics you just want easy and faster way :p

06-28-2023, 03:12 AM
...provide the nutrients to grow muscles:

one pound of ground beef per day (20-25 pesos)

one dozen eggs per day (35 pesos)

sixteen ounces of water every hour.

4 four-ounce servings of beef
alternating with
4 servings of three soft-boiled or scrambled eggs

every two hours.
start with the beef as soon as you wake up.

the money you spent on drugs is wasted, if,
you do not consume the high-quality protein
and water in sufficient quantity
and frequency to grow the muscle.

Greens are super important for strenght and energy, without greens you get that bloated short term strength, with greens you feel like athlete.

I would like to add things like spinach, collard, green salad, cucumbers, arugula and so on with every meal in large quantities.
Without greens you feel like shit compared when you eat greens.

I would also add quinoa, yam, sweet potato, potato(baked), rice, oats and fruits and not much else for carbs, especially bread, pasta, ice cream or candy/cakes

06-28-2023, 04:08 PM
Greens are super important for strength and energy, without greens
you get that bloated short term strength
with greens you feel like athlete.

I would like to add things like spinach, collard, green salad, cucumbers, arugula and so on
with every meal in large quantities.

the drug this poster has chosen
was designed as a superior substitute
for contemporary hormone-replacement-therapy for men (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androgen_replacement_therapy)

and succeeded. the clinical studies
and the "gym bro" experience is six weeks using rad-140
(extremely anabolic while slightly androgenic — the opposite of testosterone
and the analogs: hence the negative side-effects)

followed by six weeks of arimistane
to allow your endocrine system an opportunity to recover
from the suppression caused by the rad-140.

then, the next six weeks of rad-140 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAD140).

twelve weeks of any testosterone analog
is too long and leads to long-term health issues

such as a life-long physical dependency on testosterone analogs.

examine the tragic after-life of body-builders.

six weeks of rad-140.

then, six weeks of arimistane
combined with the leafy greens of your suggestion
would be the drug-user's better choice

than twelve weeks of the drug
with no significant diet or exercise changes.

the diet he described
with no reference to weight-lifting
means he will have less than an optimal return
on his five-hundred pesos investment.

06-28-2023, 04:27 PM
I see you have been banned but maybe you'll still read this.

The side effects are simply unknown because there have been no clinical trails, that is not the same as safe. It is an experimental drug, wanna experiment on yourself? Go a ahead but don't say we didn't warn you.

If you really must use, go dianabol+primobolan or something similar at least those side effect are well known so you can monitor it.

Good reply.

06-28-2023, 05:48 PM
https://i.imgur.com/pTwPs6A.png (https://sdmsuplementos.com/products/4lmt-sarms-testolone-mk-2866-10mg-100-tabs)

wait...that is almost thirty dollars.

so — two and a half days of minimum wage
at the new rate in mexico.

do they hold back taxes from your pay-check
in mexico :icon1:

I wonder where you getting the Idea I spent $30 dollars, I spent $50 dollars from a third party because they had one day delivery.

And NO I don't work, I gain my earnings from my OnlyFans and Freelance services.

06-28-2023, 05:51 PM
SARMS just like other oral steroids are bad for liver and it destroys your natural testosterone. These things are taking with test base (testosterone)
i doubt you think you have no genetics you just want easy and faster way :p

Im only taking a 12 week cycle, sarms Isn't as dangerous as anabolic pure asteroids the damages are very slim comparing with only one cycle.

06-28-2023, 05:54 PM
I see you have been banned but maybe you'll still read this.

The side effects are simply unknown because there have been no clinical trails, that is not the same as safe. It is an experimental drug, wanna experiment on yourself? Go a ahead but don't say we didn't warn you.

If you really must use, go dianabol+primobolan or something similar at least those side effect are well known so you can monitor it.

I'm already having side effects, severe acne on my back and shoulders, and some migraines but I'm already building muscle my arms look stronger and viable veins I didn't realize I had.

Plus I have a dry look on my face and I sweat a lot , but that's because that's the rapid results of burning a lot fat amounts that have been restored.

06-28-2023, 06:14 PM
I want so bad an athletic body , but due to my poor genetics ( I blame Amerindian) I can't gain muscle mass at all Instead all the fat goes to my stomach.

Just letting you know I will post my results In the next 3-6 months. Also will be posting less since In my free time would be more In the gym I think the results will be great I'm 5.11 Feet and slim /tall bone structure.

Good luck

It sounds like you know that these things are only going to work if you keep up with a diet and exercise regimen.

The biggest thing is not to get discouraged. It is great to have a goal, but it will take time. As long as you see slow, steady progress toward that goal, you are doing well. Though it is hard to do, focus less on the day-to-day gains. Checking in on a longer interval like once a week is easier to see what type of progress you are making. The day-to-day ups and downs are normal, so don't get worked up over them. Nothing is better than seeing where you were last week compared to today.

Don't beat yourself up over screwing up every once in a while. It happens, just don't succumb and make it a trend. Nothing will be achieved if you make every other day a "cheat day".

06-28-2023, 06:30 PM
Good luck

It sounds like you know that these things are only going to work if you keep up with a diet and exercise regimen.

The biggest thing is not to get discouraged. It is great to have a goal, but it will take time. As long as you see slow, steady progress toward that goal, you are doing well. Though it is hard to do, focus less on the day-to-day gains. Checking in on a longer interval like once a week is easier to see what type of progress you are making. The day-to-day ups and downs are normal, so don't get worked up over them. Nothing is better than seeing where you were last week compared to today.

Don't beat yourself up over screwing up every once in a while. It happens, just don't succumb and make it a trend. Nothing will be achieved if you make every other day a "cheat day".

Thanks man I appreciate It!

06-28-2023, 06:34 PM
Good reply.

Taking a rad 140 cycle Its safe for a first time cycle I know my natural testosterone are already suppressed for sure..by the end of the cycle I would follow a natural T booster rather than a highly medicated T supplement.

06-28-2023, 07:25 PM

06-28-2023, 07:30 PM

It's my money so..

06-28-2023, 07:36 PM
It's my money so..

That kind of stupid decision ends up being paid with something else than money, with your health usually.

06-28-2023, 07:58 PM
I wonder where you're getting the idea I spent $30 dollars...

...I gain my earnings from my OnlyFans and Freelance services.

will you be posting images of your progress there :icon1:

06-28-2023, 08:12 PM
I'm already having side effects, severe acne on my back and shoulders, and some migraines but I'm already building muscle my arms look stronger and viable veins I didn't realize I had.

Plus I have a dry look on my face and I sweat a lot , but that's because that's the rapid results of burning a lot fat amounts that have been restored.

Or your heart has trouble pumping blood. But I am not a MD, and neither are you.

How often do you train btw?

Also did you take a good before snapshot? Like measuring arms etc?

06-28-2023, 08:46 PM
Or your heart has trouble pumping blood. But I am not a MD, and neither are you.

How often do you train btw?

Also did you take a good before snapshot? Like measuring arms etc?

well yeah, honestly think one cycle wont cause much harm im eating like im supposed to lots of frutis and banana shakres, I gotta tell you this pills works im reducing fat from my stomach In a increable rate etc seriously I cant understand people like Mortimer and Richmond theres literally no excuse to lose weight I guess being fat Is an option for them.

06-28-2023, 08:49 PM
will you be posting images of your progress there :icon1:

Its a secret ;)


06-28-2023, 09:06 PM
I'm already having side effects,
severe acne on my back and shoulders, and some migraines...and I sweat a lot...

in my palæstra, dozens of clients (both young and old)
have utilised rad-140 with the protocols advised

and experienced none of these symptoms:

cystic body acne,
blood-pressure head-aches,

this substance is presenting
as an androgenic testosterone analog.

not as a selective androgen receptor modulator (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_androgen_receptor_modulator)
which were designed specifically to avoid these negative side-effects.

it is beginning to sound like
you were sold a much cheaper chemical
than the label promised. :tsk:

06-28-2023, 09:47 PM
in my palæstra, dozens of clients (both young and old)
have utilised rad-140 with the protocols advised

and experienced none of these symptoms:

cystic body acne,
blood-pressure head-aches,

this substance is presenting
as an androgenic testosterone analog.

not as a selective androgen receptor modulator (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_androgen_receptor_modulator)
which were designed specifically to avoid these negative side-effects.

it is beginning to sound like
you were sold a much cheaper chemical
than the label promised. :tsk:

Everybody goes through different side effects, educated myself from the Sport fitness community and other sources before actually getting where am at. some dude experienced baldness WHICH I HOPE I DO NOT xD

06-28-2023, 09:50 PM
in my palæstra, dozens of clients (both young and old)
have utilised rad-140 with the protocols advised

and experienced none of these symptoms:

cystic body acne,
blood-pressure head-aches,

this substance is presenting
as an androgenic testosterone analog.

not as a selective androgen receptor modulator (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_androgen_receptor_modulator)
which were designed specifically to avoid these negative side-effects.

it is beginning to sound like
you were sold a much cheaper chemical
than the label promised. :tsk:

yes, sounds like ordinary test to me.

Hey Laredo, what about hard-ons, getting more of those?

06-28-2023, 10:06 PM
yes, sounds like ordinary test to me.

Hey Laredo, what about hard-ons, getting more of those?

The side effects im having seem nothing out this world basically all users that tried sarms got the same effects theres a comunnity on reddit called Gymbros basically all topics are about sarms steroids gym work out . and yes my libido has increased into the roof.

I personality dont think I would end up like the guys of the images im basically looking for a tonization of my body basically 5-10 of pounds of muscle into arms than Im good for the cycle.

Im not gonna take a pct since it might cause more harm than good If you trying sarms make sure to have a Natural T booster because im sure your T reproductive system will be shut down.

06-28-2023, 10:50 PM
The side effects im having seem nothing out this world basically all users that tried sarms got the same effects theres a comunnity on reddit called Gymbros basically all topics are about sarms steroids gym work out . and yes my libido has increased into the roof.

I personality dont think I would end up like the guys of the images im basically looking for a tonization of my body basically 5-10 of pounds of muscle into arms than Im good for the cycle.

Im not gonna take a pct since it might cause more harm than good If you trying sarms make sure to have a Natural T booster because im sure your T reproductive system will be shut down.

Without training, and you don't train do you? not gonna happen bud.

Here is what is going to happen, in 24 weeks you be fatter than before you started. Oh and natural T booster don't work, why bother with roids if it did?

06-28-2023, 10:53 PM
Without training, and you don't train do you? not gonna happen bud.

Here is what is going to happen, in 24 weeks you be fatter than before you started. Oh and natural T booster don't work, why bother with roids if it did?

I do train In the mornings just 3 hours I mean they are not magical pills I get It, normally results start showing above 4 weeks.

I feel like uploading a pic but I dont know, but the shit works and not even on my fully week yet. I feel my arms heavier and my green veins are more visible.

06-28-2023, 10:56 PM
I do train In the mornings just 3 hours I mean they are not magical pills I get It, normally results start showing above 4 weeks.

I feel like uploading a pic but I dont know, but the shit works and not even on my fully week yet. I feel my arms heavier and my green veins are more visible.

high blood pressure and you are retaining water

3 hours is a lot btw

4 x 90 mins a week is plenty, you need the rest to recover

06-29-2023, 12:34 AM
high blood pressure and you are retaining water

3 hours is a lot btw

4 x 90 mins a week is plenty, you need the rest to recover
Workouts tear the muscles. It is the "pain" in "no pain-no gain". When the muscles recover, they rebuild and grow back stronger. That is how muscles grow. If you want maximum growth, you really need at least 48 hours between stressing the same muscles again.

06-29-2023, 12:50 AM
Im only taking a 12 week cycle, sarms Isn't as dangerous as anabolic pure asteroids the damages are very slim comparing with only one cycle.

Your luteinizing Hormone and testosterone will be 0 you will sleep all day and not be in gym
keep watch on liver enzymes

these things are taking with testosterone and ofc your natual production will shut down there is no avoid it but you will not be tired as f

better do natural way, good food , BCAA+ glutamine old school stuff ;)

06-29-2023, 12:58 AM
Your luteinizing Hormone and testosterone will be 0 you will sleep all day and not be in gym
keep watch on liver enzymes

these things are taking with testosterone and ofc your natual production will shut down there is no avoid it but you will not be tired as f

better do natural way, good food , BCAA+ glutamine old school stuff ;)

Thanks man, I'm honestly taking all you guys constructive criticism feedback, but I did some research before getting Into this. I read from many saying SARMS don't shut you down your natural T production but I know Is BS because I know It does specially from a very powerful sarms like rad 140 which It has a ratio of 90% anabolic.

I'm doing gym work out In the mornings I have cut everything that has sugar, I drink lots of banana shakes with proteins I'm also taking OMEGA 3 just In case my cholesterol goes out of the roof and cleans toxins that shouldn't be there.

I a lot people recommend taking strong pct after the cycle such as Novadex-D but I read they actually make more harm than good.

I think natural herbivore T boosters are good enough.

06-29-2023, 02:40 AM
I think these days Tongat ali and Fadogia Agrestis are best

06-30-2023, 03:26 AM
Your luteinizing Hormone and testosterone will be 0 you will sleep all day and not be in gym
keep watch on liver enzymes

these things are taking with testosterone and ofc your natual production will shut down there is no avoid it but you will not be tired as f

better do natural way, good food , BCAA+ glutamine old school stuff ;)New drug on the street, no side effects!

Always a catch. It's always best to watch guinea pigs first before jumping in.

06-30-2023, 03:39 AM
New drug on the street, no side effects!

Always a catch. It's always best to watch guinea pigs first before jumping in.

You are obviously clueless, plenty of drugs out there do more harm.

06-30-2023, 10:33 AM
selective androgen receptor modulator (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_androgen_receptor_modulator)

a deep comprehension of organic chemistry
or human physiology is not required

to understand these molecules were designed
to bind with androgen receptors
that do not cause the side-effects mentioned.

I'm already having side effects,
severe acne on my back and shoulders, and some migraines...and I sweat a lot...

Everybody goes through different side effects...
...some dude experienced baldness.

The side effects I'm having seem nothing out this world.
Basically all users that tried sarms got the same effects.

the side-effects mentioned
are caused by various androgenic testosterone analogs.

not by rad-140 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAD140).

rad-140 was designed specifically
to not fit any of those receptor-sites.

the reason different persons
had various side-effects is
they were taking different drugs
from a variety of sources.

not rad-140.

rad-140 is not the most power-full drug, but,
it is the cleanest. with no negative side-effects.

if some one purchases drugs
from a vendor that does not provide
third-party assay (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assay) certification of the product
(at an unreasonably low price) — this is what happens.

06-30-2023, 06:31 PM
selective androgen receptor modulator (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_androgen_receptor_modulator)

a deep comprehension of organic chemistry
or human physiology is not required

to understand these molecules were designed
to bind with androgen receptors
that do not cause the side-effects mentioned.

the side-effects mentioned
are caused by various androgenic testosterone analogs.

not by rad-140 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAD140).

rad-140 was designed specifically
to not fit any of those receptor-sites.

the reason different persons
had various side-effects is
they were taking different drugs
from a variety of sources.

not rad-140.

rad-140 is not the most power-full drug, but,
it is the cleanest. with no negative side-effects.

if some one purchases drugs
from a vendor that does not provide
third-party assay (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assay) certification of the product
(at an unreasonably low price) — this is what happens.

Better learn from the REDDIT community before commenting your none sense bullshit, As I said before everybody Is different.

06-30-2023, 08:09 PM
...not uncredentialed anonymities posting on the internet.

Better learn from the REDDIT community (https://www.google.com/search?q=reddit+sarms)

before commenting your none sense bullshit,

As I said before everybody Is different.

https://i.imgur.com/yLF2Eu2.png (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/copium#Noun)https://i.imgur.com/u7leimb.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/u7leimb.png

actually, different persons
experienced different side-effects
because they used various drugs from unreputable vendors.

if you are satisfied
with the short- and long-term negative side-effects
of using an androgenic testosterone analog, please,

post progressive images so every one can make an informed choice
based on your experience.

images from the twelve weeks after you stop
taking the drug will make an even bigger impression.

06-30-2023, 09:11 PM
...not uncredentialed anonymities posting on the internet.

https://i.imgur.com/yLF2Eu2.png (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/copium#Noun)https://i.imgur.com/u7leimb.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/u7leimb.png

actually, different persons
experienced different side-effects
because they used various drugs from unreputable vendors.

if you are satisfied
with the short- and long-term negative side-effects
of using an androgenic testosterone analog, please,

post progressive images so every one can make an informed choice
based on your experience.

images from the twelve weeks after you stop
taking the drug will make an even bigger impression.

Just go suck a dick dude.

06-30-2023, 09:51 PM
Just go suck a dick dude.

rise. strive for the behavior of a civilised person
and post progressive images to prove your point.

failure to do so proves mine.



07-04-2023, 11:54 PM
You are obviously clueless, plenty of drugs out there do more harm.And thats why I do none of em. Not even Tylenol

07-05-2023, 12:00 AM
And thats why I do none of em. Not even Tylenol

Im breaking badly of acne, my chest back and arms but I noticing more strength can do up to 100 push ups something that I was unable to do before but based from the online sarms community its a side common effect from Rad 140.

07-05-2023, 02:13 AM
Im breaking badly of acne, my chest back and arms...
but based from the online sarms community (https://www.google.com/search?q=reddit+sarms) its a common side-effect from Rad 140 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAD140).

yes, sounds like ordinary test (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Testosterone_(medication)#Side_effects) to me.

07-05-2023, 03:00 AM

Your obsession of me Is getting out of hands dude, Its like you are almost asking for dick pics.

07-09-2023, 02:39 AM
how many of these tablets did "the online sarms community (https://www.google.com/search?q=reddit+sarms)"
recommend you take each day?

https://i.imgur.com/pTwPs6A.png (https://sdmsuplementos.com/products/4lmt-sarms-testolone-mk-2866-10mg-100-tabs)

Your obsession of me Is getting out of hand dude,

Its like you are almost asking for dick pics (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?184752-I-dedicate-this-song-to-(The-gifts-we-members-could-give-each-other)&p=7748839#post7748839).

07-09-2023, 02:56 AM
Can you please stop? I know you want to see me puffed and naked already dude.

07-09-2023, 03:24 AM
does any one find cystic body acne (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acne#Hormones) visually stimulating :icon1:

I know you want to see me puffed and naked already dude.

07-09-2023, 03:27 AM
does any one find cystic body acne (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acne#Hormones) visually stimulating :icon1:


07-09-2023, 03:40 AM
how many of these tablets did "the online sarms community (https://www.google.com/search?q=reddit+sarms)"
recommend you take each day?

https://i.imgur.com/pTwPs6A.png (https://sdmsuplementos.com/products/4lmt-sarms-testolone-mk-2866-10mg-100-tabs)


07-09-2023, 10:28 PM
how many of these tablets did "the online sarms community (https://www.google.com/search?q=reddit+sarms)"

recommend you take each day :icon1:

https://i.imgur.com/pTwPs6A.png (https://sdmsuplementos.com/products/4lmt-sarms-testolone-mk-2866-10mg-100-tabs)
