View Full Version : Classify a Half Aboriginal Half Finnish Actress

Grace O'Malley
07-09-2023, 05:53 PM
Finnish mother and Aboriginal Father. I've seen her in a tv program and she is really pretty. Her name is Tuuli Narkle and she is from Western Australia.

https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNDUzMGZlODItNTJhNC00MzViLWEyNjItMmJmMmJhNjcxM2 M1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTI5NjIyMw@@._V1_.jpg




Mopi Licinius Crassus
07-09-2023, 05:55 PM
Cute girl. That mix turned out well. I can definitely see the Finnish in her

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Grace O'Malley
07-09-2023, 05:57 PM
Cute girl. That mix turned out well. I can definitely see the Finnish in her

Sent from my CPH2195 using Tapatalk

She's even prettier when you seen her on screen.

07-09-2023, 05:58 PM
She doesn´t look like an Aboriginal at all.

07-09-2023, 05:58 PM
Fenno Nordid + Desert Australid.

Grace O'Malley
07-09-2023, 06:02 PM
She doesn´t look like an Aboriginal at all.

Her father looks definitely Aboriginal. He was an Aussie Rules footballer who used to play for South Fremantle.


07-09-2023, 06:04 PM
Looks latin american

07-09-2023, 06:06 PM
I see a maximum of 1/4 aborigines.

Grace O'Malley
07-09-2023, 06:06 PM
Looks latin american

I don't see it. I can see the Aboriginal side in her definitely. She doesn't look Latin American to me.

07-09-2023, 06:11 PM
Looks latin american

Looks somewhat Polinesian IMO.

Grace O'Malley
07-09-2023, 06:14 PM
I see a maximum of 1/4 aborigines.

Definitely more than that. Her father looks typical Aboriginal. Most Aboriginals have some European in them but he doesn't have much. He could be 1/8 European.

07-09-2023, 06:15 PM
You wanna talk about actresses? Let me tell you, these Australian actresses are somethin' else! I mean, forget about it! They're like a bunch of koalas, cute and cuddly, but with some serious talent! You got Margot Robbie, Nicole Kidman, Cate Blanchett, and now we got Tuuli Freakin' Narkle ova here. These ladies, they're like a kangaroo kick right to your emotions! They can make you laugh, they can make you cry, and they can make you forget about your troubles faster than you can say "G'day, mate!" And let's not forget about their beauty. They're like a bunch of dazzling crocodiles, fierce and irresistible. They got those sparkling eyes, that radiant smile, and a charm that can make any Italian stallion weak in the knees. I mean, these actresses are hotter than a summer day in the Outback! You see 'em on the big screen, and you're like, "Whoa, now that's a sheila I wouldn't mind sharing a meat pie with!" So Australia keep producing these fantastic actresses. You're like the Hollywood of the Southern Hemisphere, but with better accents and fewer paparazzi. And to all the Aussie actresses out there, keep doin' what you're doin'. You're like the icing on the lamington, the shrimp on the barbie, and the sauce on the meat pie. You're top-notch, and us Italians salute ya!

07-09-2023, 06:18 PM
Mixing with the Aboriginal people is a dead end for Australia.

Grace O'Malley
07-09-2023, 06:20 PM
You wanna talk about actresses? Let me tell you, these Australian actresses are somethin' else! I mean, forget about it! They're like a bunch of koalas, cute and cuddly, but with some serious talent! You got Margot Robbie, Nicole Kidman, Cate Blanchett, and now we got Tuuli Freakin' Narkle ova here. These ladies, they're like a kangaroo kick right to your emotions! They can make you laugh, they can make you cry, and they can make you forget about your troubles faster than you can say "G'day, mate!" And let's not forget about their beauty. They're like a bunch of dazzling crocodiles, fierce and irresistible. They got those sparkling eyes, that radiant smile, and a charm that can make any Italian stallion weak in the knees. I mean, these actresses are hotter than a summer day in the Outback! You see 'em on the big screen, and you're like, "Whoa, now that's a sheila I wouldn't mind sharing a meat pie with!" So Australia keep producing these fantastic actresses. You're like the Hollywood of the Southern Hemisphere, but with better accents and fewer paparazzi. And to all the Aussie actresses out there, keep doin' what you're doin'. You're like the icing on the lamington, the shrimp on the barbie, and the sauce on the meat pie. You're top-notch, and us Italians salute ya!

She is a very good actress also. She won the Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts Award for Best Actress in a television drama. So she's got a lot of promise.

Grace O'Malley
07-09-2023, 06:23 PM
Mixing with the Aboriginal people is a dead end for Australia.

It is more an issue for Aboriginal people because they aren't high in numbers and they are the ones who would die out. In fact a lot of people that call themselves Aboriginal look completely white. It's a bit ridiculous sometimes.

07-09-2023, 06:24 PM
She is a very good actress also. She won the Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts Award for Best Actress in a television drama. So she's got a lot of promise.

Her skin is to die for! Golden and beautiful

07-09-2023, 06:24 PM
It is more an issue for Aboriginal people because they aren't high in numbers and they are the ones who would die out. In fact a lot of people that call themselves Aboriginal look completely white. It's a bit ridiculous sometimes.

I'm pretty sure you wouldn't let your daughter date a native Australian man, and yet your post screams appreciation of the looks of a half Aboriginal woman.

07-09-2023, 06:26 PM
Definitely more than that. Her father looks typical Aboriginal. Most Aboriginals have some European in them but he doesn't have much. He could be 1/8 European.
I read that there are very few full-blooded Aborigines of Australia left. Have you ever seen them? They have 56% of their Y chromosomes from their Eurasian ancestors.

07-09-2023, 06:29 PM
I'm pretty sure you wouldn't let your daughter date a native Australian man, and yet your post screams appreciation of the looks of a half Aboriginal woman.
Right. There is no need to dilute the blood of the few natives.

Grace O'Malley
07-09-2023, 06:30 PM
I'm pretty sure you wouldn't let your daughter date a native Australian man, and yet your post screams appreciation of the looks of a half Aboriginal woman.

Oh lighten up. I'm not pushing anything here. She is pretty and it is an unusual combination. No need to be overly dramatic.

Grace O'Malley
07-09-2023, 06:32 PM
I read that there are very few full-blooded Aborigines of Australia left. Have you ever seen them? They have 56% of their Y chromosomes from their Eurasian ancestors.

Oh yes I've seen full blooded Aboriginals. Some of them don't speak English. They come to Perth sometimes for medical treatment. Most full blooded Aboriginals live up north and some live in isolated communities and haven't mixed with Europeans.

07-09-2023, 06:37 PM
I can see the aboriginal in the first picture but she definitely favours her Finnish side overall.

07-09-2023, 06:39 PM
Probably a "quadroon". Her father looks in between Aboriginal and Caucasoid

07-09-2023, 06:40 PM
I can see the aboriginal in the first picture but she definitely favours her Finnish side overall.
Will she pass in Albania?

Grace O'Malley
07-09-2023, 06:46 PM
Probably a "quadroon". Her father looks in between Aboriginal and Caucasoid

Aboriginals that mix dilute very quickly. He is what most Aboriginals look like. In fact he is darker than a lot of them.

Here's a couple of Aboriginal families. They still identify as Aboriginal and some who do look completely European.

https://www.indigenous.gov.au/sites/default/files/styles/indig_full_image/public/HAPEE%20local%20ambassador%20Daniella%20Borg%2C%20 Perth.jpg?itok=tko-hDON


Jingle Bell
07-09-2023, 06:47 PM
she looks more 25%/75% rtaher 50%/50%
idk abt aboriginal side bt euro must be somewhat long skulled like Nordid

07-09-2023, 06:55 PM
She's got a hint of Mongoloid in her eyes from her Finnish side, the downward slant on the inner corner. Her mother must have looked even more Mongoloid.

Grace O'Malley
07-09-2023, 06:55 PM
she looks more 25%/75% rtaher 50%/50%
idk abt aboriginal side bt euro must be somewhat long skulled like Nordid

This man below identifies as Aboriginal.



The four people on this link identify as Aboriginal.


07-09-2023, 07:00 PM
They still identify as Aboriginal and some who do look completely European.

It doesn't matter what they identify, it matters what they are. How close is she from these:

https://live-production.wcms.abc-cdn.net.au/30c10d02af71e0dc3ebd065dec50b9b1?impolicy=wcms_cro p_resize&cropH=1193&cropW=1794&xPos=0&yPos=0&width=862&height=575

As close as I am to a Congolese

Grace O'Malley
07-09-2023, 07:01 PM
She's got a hint of Mongoloid in her eyes from her Finnish side, the downward slant on the inner corner. Her mother must have looked even more Mongoloid.

Her mother doesn't look Mongoloid at all. Her mother below. Her mother's name is Sanna Vuorinen-Akkanen


Grace O'Malley
07-09-2023, 07:04 PM
It doesn't matter what they identify, it matters what they are. How close is she from these:

https://live-production.wcms.abc-cdn.net.au/30c10d02af71e0dc3ebd065dec50b9b1?impolicy=wcms_cro p_resize&cropH=1193&cropW=1794&xPos=0&yPos=0&width=862&height=575

As close as I am to a Congolese

She identifies as Aboriginal and would be seen as Aboriginal here. The people above are full blooded and there are a lot more mixed Aboriginals than full blood Aboriginals. People pictured are most likely from far north Queensland, Northern Territory or the north of Western Australia. Aboriginals down south and in city areas are mixed.

07-09-2023, 07:04 PM
Tasmanian, also an aboriginal. I'm not hinting at anything.
https://i.ibb.co/kJQxs7g/1e2566dbc4a3099090610a814a6e80a0.jpg (https://ibb.co/FXgKLrb)
https://i.ibb.co/HhpDtqb/ab.jpg (https://ibb.co/xF8S16B)
https://i.ibb.co/SmzD947/4-1.jpg (https://ibb.co/M1my3x5)
https://i.ibb.co/hZ0hJLH/86389850.jpg (https://ibb.co/fnJBzqt)

Grace O'Malley
07-09-2023, 07:13 PM
Tasmanian, also an aboriginal. I'm not hinting at anything.
https://i.ibb.co/kJQxs7g/1e2566dbc4a3099090610a814a6e80a0.jpg (https://ibb.co/FXgKLrb)
https://i.ibb.co/HhpDtqb/ab.jpg (https://ibb.co/xF8S16B)
https://i.ibb.co/SmzD947/4-1.jpg (https://ibb.co/M1my3x5)
https://i.ibb.co/hZ0hJLH/86389850.jpg (https://ibb.co/fnJBzqt)

Full blooded Aboriginals would not be very attractive to most people. The white men that came here early on though still mixed with them. In places like Broome and Darwin Aboriginals are mixed with whites, Asians. So it didn't stop men having sex with them.

07-09-2023, 07:18 PM
Full blooded Aboriginals would not be very attractive to most people. The white men that came here early on though still mixed with them. In places like Broome and Darwin Aboriginals are mixed with whites, Asians. So it didn't stop men having sex with them.
It is better to have sex with a kangaroo.

Grace O'Malley
07-09-2023, 07:21 PM
It is better to have sex with a kangaroo.

Good luck with that.


07-09-2023, 07:36 PM
It doesn't matter what they identify, it matters what they are. How close is she from these:

https://live-production.wcms.abc-cdn.net.au/30c10d02af71e0dc3ebd065dec50b9b1?impolicy=wcms_cro p_resize&cropH=1193&cropW=1794&xPos=0&yPos=0&width=862&height=575

As close as I am to a Congolese

Not all (full blooded) Aboriginals look like those, and looks will vary from region to region, her father looks close to 100% Aboriginal
That aside these aboriginals look more removed than most SSA :eek:

From what I've seen the Melanesians look much more "caucasoid" than the Aboriginals.

07-09-2023, 10:04 PM
I think she passes as full European to the untrained eyed. She can say she has some Southern European or MENA roots to fool some (since her skin tone Is darker than average North West European) So I don't think she's 50/50 her father does look around the range Grace.

07-09-2023, 10:21 PM
Her father looks definitely Aboriginal. He was an Aussie Rules footballer who used to play for South Fremantle.


I can see her dad's features too. He's not bad looking at all, especially for an Aboriginal Australian.

07-09-2023, 10:26 PM
This man below identifies as Aboriginal.



The four people on this link identify as Aboriginal.


That's quite alarming. Is there some kind of benefits/Affirmative Action handed to aboriginals which causes whites to identify as one? Because to me this just looks like the co-opting of an identity

07-09-2023, 10:30 PM
I can see her dad's features too. He's not bad looking at all, especially for an Aboriginal Australian.
He looks Ethiopian.

07-09-2023, 10:33 PM
I wonder why Aboriginals tend to have looser hair given the environment they evolved in is very hot, shouldn't it be afro like?

07-09-2023, 10:38 PM
I wonder why Aboriginals tend to have looser hair given the environment they evolved in is very hot, shouldn't it be afro like?
Apparently their race was formed in the forests before migrating to Australia.
The English are of course complete barbarians.
https://i.ibb.co/LQg1ySw/evqafnusoqo.jpg (https://ibb.co/dbpDvB9)

07-09-2023, 10:47 PM
ofc most are mixed, it was state policy not too long ago

'Breeding out' Aboriginal blood
The answer was to take such children, as young as possible, from their Aboriginal mothers, bring them up in a white environment and then marry them off to white people. In this way the Aboriginal strain of blood would be bred out in a few generations


in a way I can sympathize with this man identifying as aboriginal


07-09-2023, 11:29 PM
She looks like what she is.
Alot of the mixed white abos look white to me

07-09-2023, 11:49 PM
Looks somewhat like Jennifer Lopez.

07-10-2023, 04:15 AM
I can see her dad's features too. He's not bad looking at all, especially for an Aboriginal Australian.

Guys, stop it! We're fed up with cultural marxism in Europe: people are NOT what they "feel" (eg: man feeling that he's a woman or a nigger feeling he's French), but what they OBJECTIVELY ARE...

Her dad looks Sri Lankan. Resembles a Gypsy Romanian footballer that got over-tanned... There is no way he's a full blooded aboriginal: if so then most dalits in Southern India would qualify

07-10-2023, 04:39 AM
Guys, stop it! We're fed up with cultural marxism in Europe: people are NOT what they "feel" (eg: man feeling that he's a woman or a nigger feeling he's French), but what they OBJECTIVELY ARE...

Her dad looks Sri Lankan. Resembles a Gypsy Romanian footballer that got over-tanned... There is no way he's a full blooded aboriginal: if so then most dalits in Southern India would qualify

Sorry man, but it has nothing to do with cultural marxism real neo-nazis and people on the far right just as much generalise ancestries like marxists, or whoever, it is not a specific marxist thing. Nor is anything objective about ancestry or identity. You yourself are not a cultural marxist but you declared me hundred percent punjabi, i dont even know if my indian ancestry from over thousand years back is from punjab or another state like rajasthan but anyways objectively im not hundred punjabi, im not punjabi at all. You declared all of my family "as typical gypsies" eventhough some of them are only 1/16 gypsy or zero like my grandmother and my great grandfather, you said all of them are "typical gypsies". So you do that too you generalise, and most others too who are not cultural marxists, they usually also forget that i said what my full ancestry and seem surprised again and again that i have a russian ancestor for example, and i heard them saying he was a russian gypsy or that i invented that, that im "only" gypsy. So that is one example of how people on the far right think and you, not cultural marxists. Her dad is probably minimum over half aboriginal, and he is not sri lankan either, so what should he be or identify as that it isnt cultural marxism to you?

Grace O'Malley
07-10-2023, 04:47 AM
Guys, stop it! We're fed up with cultural marxism in Europe: people are NOT what they "feel" (eg: man feeling that he's a woman or a nigger feeling he's French), but what they OBJECTIVELY ARE...

Her dad looks Sri Lankan. Resembles a Gypsy Romanian footballer that got over-tanned... There is no way he's a full blooded aboriginal: if so then most dalits in Southern India would qualify

He's unambiguously Aboriginal to me. He doesn't appear to have much European.

These are all indigenous footballers. Some obviously look mostly white.


This woman below is a First Nation Greens Senator. She obviously has a lot of white heritage as well but you can recognise she has Aboriginal ancestry.


Some of these "whiter" looking people have brothers and sisters than look more "Aboriginal". It's complicated what people identify as. I know that people that are half white and half Aboriginal identify with the Aboriginal side. They would be considered Aboriginal here at any rate.

07-10-2023, 04:49 AM
He's unambiguously Aboriginal to me. He doesn't appear to have much European.

These are all indigenous footballers. Some obviously look mostly white.


This woman below is a First Nation Greens Senator. She obviously has a lot of white heritage as well but you can recognise she has Aboriginal ancestry.


Some of these "whiter" looking people have brothers and sisters than look more "Aboriginal". It's complicated what people identify as. I know that people that are half white and half Aboriginal identify with the Aboriginal side. They would be considered Aboriginal here at any rate.

I think the cousin of my mother could pass as aboriginal or someone who is at least 50% aboriginal but also more... i guess... What do you think?

https://i.ibb.co/VChCdsz/abolookinggypsy2.jpg (https://ibb.co/Zgwg30F)
https://i.ibb.co/h79Gk4Z/Abolookinggypsy.jpg (https://ibb.co/mDTnm2X)

Finnish Swede
07-10-2023, 04:51 AM
Finnish mother and Aboriginal Father. I've seen her in a tv program and she is really pretty. Her name is Tuuli Narkle and she is from Western Australia.

https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNDUzMGZlODItNTJhNC00MzViLWEyNjItMmJmMmJhNjcxM2 M1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTI5NjIyMw@@._V1_.jpg




She has gotten Finnish given name. Tuuli means Wind (''free'' as a wind?)

Tie red
07-10-2023, 05:19 AM
I have been in Australia during a few months. I remember many Aboriginals during my travel on that main road from Broome to Darwin. It was sad to see. Anyway it's unlikely that her father is 100% Aboriginal. Very good looking girl.

Grace O'Malley
07-10-2023, 05:27 AM
That's quite alarming. Is there some kind of benefits/Affirmative Action handed to aboriginals which causes whites to identify as one? Because to me this just looks like the co-opting of an identity

This is what he says about his identity.

In our household, Aboriginality was never discussed as being something special or anything less than ordinary. It was just who we were, both as individuals and as a family. I never looked at my family members and thought, 'Wow, you look really Aboriginal.' Or, 'Gee, you look really white!'...

Impeding my growth from that young person into the adult I wanted to become was the profound issue of identity. I was a 'white' black man...

I grew up in a place where everyone knew I was Aboriginal and part of an Aboriginal family, but the moment I moved outside that environment, I found I had to constantly explain away that aspect of my identity...


07-10-2023, 06:48 AM
Her mother doesn't look Mongoloid at all. Her mother below. Her mother's name is Sanna Vuorinen-Akkanen

I can see it a bit, her cheek bones and eye area.:)

07-10-2023, 07:03 AM
Her mother doesn't look Mongoloid at all.

She doesnt need to demonstrate all. I see some signs in her daughter which i think are "Uralic" signs.

Finnish Swede
07-10-2023, 07:13 AM
I can see it a bit, her cheek bones and eye area.:)

She doesnt need to demonstrate all. I see some signs in her daughter which i think are "Uralic" signs.

LOL. If Grace would have said she is Brit (mom), none of these TA’s ”Experts” could have seen anything Mongoloids on daughter or mother.

07-10-2023, 07:20 AM
LOL. If Grace would have said she is Brit (mom), none of these TA’s ”Experts” could have seen anything Mongoloids on daughter or mother.

In 2nd pic her facial metrics, particularly cheeks-maxilla-mandible lines look consistent with what we call "Uralic" profile to some degree. I dont have any special reason to falsely classify her.

Grace O'Malley
07-10-2023, 07:22 AM
LOL. If Grace would have said she is Brit (mom), none of these TA’s ”Experts” could have seen anything Mongoloids on daughter or mother.

I was going to post that I think the Mongoloid is exaggerated on here as far as Finns go.

07-10-2023, 07:30 AM
LOL. If Grace would have said she is Brit (mom), none of these TA’s ”Experts” could have seen anything Mongoloids on daughter or mother.

It’s so obvious are you blind! And we’re not saying we’re experts literally just giving our opinions. Calm the fuck down.

Grace O'Malley
07-10-2023, 07:56 AM
Ivan Sen is a film director. Just wondering what people's thoughts are on him? He is also half Aboriginal and half white. His mother is Aboriginal and his father is half German/half Hungarian.






07-10-2023, 08:10 AM
Finnish mother and Aboriginal Father. I've seen her in a tv program and she is really pretty. Her name is Tuuli Narkle and she is from Western Australia.

Honestly, if she wasn't half Aboriginal would you make a point of saying how pretty she is?

07-10-2023, 08:19 AM
Ivan Sen is a film director. Just wondering what people's thoughts are on him? He is also half Aboriginal and half white. His mother is Aboriginal and his father is half German/half Hungarian.






Can he pass as maori with little white ancestry? Or do Maoris look different? To me he resembles a maori or maybe a polynesian white mix a bit.

Grace O'Malley
07-10-2023, 08:33 AM
Honestly, if she wasn't half Aboriginal would you make a point of saying how pretty she is?

Yes I would. It's not because she has Aboriginal ancestry. I just thought she is a pretty girl. There are some lovely Indian and Chinese women also. I don't think only European origin women are good looking. If she was half Indian and half European I would acknowledge if I thought she was pretty. Why would it be because she has Aboriginal ancestry? Also the combination is unusual. What's the problem with commenting on it?

Grace O'Malley
07-10-2023, 08:34 AM
Can he pass as maori with little white ancestry? Or do Maoris look different? To me he resembles a maori or maybe a polynesian white mix a bit.

I think he could be mistaken for someone with Polynesian ancestry.

07-10-2023, 08:41 AM
Can he pass as maori with little white ancestry? Or do Maoris look different? To me he resembles a maori or maybe a polynesian white mix a bit.

He could actually

07-10-2023, 08:50 AM
As for first generation mixtures they do for logics not turn out particularly diverse as they get an essentially homogenous pure breed from both sides.

Never ever this woman's father was a pure Aboriginal (having 100% Oceanian DNA). Would like to see her 23andMe results.

(I don't doubt that her father might have socially been an Aboriginal as I guess there will have been applied a kind of one-drop-rule in Australian society with half-breeds ending up in the Aboriginal population.)

07-10-2023, 08:56 AM
Yes I would. It's not because she has Aboriginal ancestry. I just thought she is a pretty girl. There are some lovely Indian and Chinese women also. I don't think only European origin women are good looking. If she was half Indian and half European I would acknowledge if I thought she was pretty. Why would it be because she has Aboriginal ancestry? Also the combination is unusual. What's the problem with commenting on it?

Would you have posted her and commented that she's pretty if she would have been (fully) Italian?

Grace O'Malley
07-10-2023, 09:17 AM
Would you have posted her and commented that she's pretty if she would have been (fully) Italian?

It's not as interesting however I have commented on here on beautiful Italian women. I think Monica Bellucci is one of the most beautiful women I've seen. Some others I think are beautiful and I've commented on are Vivien Leigh, Julie Christie and Elizabeth Taylor. In fact many women are beautiful and it has nothing to do with their ethnicity.

I'm baffled by the fact that because she has Aboriginal ancestry it is to be questioned why I would say she is pretty? I don't think she is beautiful like the women mentioned above but she is a pretty girl. What is your problem with it?

Just a quick search and this is a comment I made about Monica.

Monica is the most beautiful. Models and actresses aren't really interchangeable. A lot of models have more angular features and I think more rounded features are more beautiful and feminine. Some of the most beautiful faces have been actresses not models.

07-10-2023, 09:27 AM
Nice girl.. She has nothing "aboriginal" in her look..

Grace O'Malley
07-10-2023, 09:37 AM
Would you have posted her and commented that she's pretty if she would have been (fully) Italian?

What's interesting is that if I post on an Irish woman I'd be lucky to get a couple of replies. That's the way it is. I posted a very pretty Irish girl here not long ago but there is not much interest.


Also an Irish/Norwegian woman. No one was much arsed. I think 3 people responded.


07-10-2023, 10:08 AM
Yes I would. It's not because she has Aboriginal ancestry. I just thought she is a pretty girl. There are some lovely Indian and Chinese women also. I don't think only European origin women are good looking. If she was half Indian and half European I would acknowledge if I thought she was pretty. Why would it be because she has Aboriginal ancestry? Also the combination is unusual. What's the problem with commenting on it?

For many white nationalist/racist admiting mixed blood people can be very beautiful/attractive are worse fear they cant fool themselves. I drool all the time seeing harnizas and castizas 60-75% white Spanish both women and men.


Grace O'Malley
07-10-2023, 10:22 AM
For many white nationalist/racist admiting mixed blood people can be very beautiful/attractive are worse fear they cant fool themselves. I drool all the time seeing harnizas and castizas 60-75% white Spanish both women and men.


I also think some Inuit and Native Americans are attractive. Uncas from Last of the Mohicans was very handsome and many women think so.


07-10-2023, 10:35 AM
It's not as interesting however I have commented on here on beautiful Italian women. I think Monica Bellucci is one of the most beautiful women I've seen. Some others I think are beautiful and I've commented on are Vivien Leigh, Julie Christie and Elizabeth Taylor. In fact many women are beautiful and it has nothing to do with their ethnicity.

I'm baffled by the fact that because she has Aboriginal ancestry it is to be questioned why I would say she is pretty? I don't think she is beautiful like the women mentioned above but she is a pretty girl. What is your problem with it?

Just a quick search and this is a comment I made about Monica.

This is the point. She's simply not noticeable beautiful. I have no "problem" with that but I was curious if you were aware of that you posted her and told she was beautiful because she was a mixture. And you are seemingly not.

07-10-2023, 10:35 AM

Men you are one of the weirdest individuals in this forum. Your obsession with anthropology is abnormal and you are even more absurd if it comes to this topic than most other weirdos here. I bet you are traveling not for sightseeing but listing how many have Aryan appearance.

Grace O'Malley
07-10-2023, 10:45 AM
This is the point. She's simply not noticeable beautiful. I have no "problem" with that but I was curious if you were aware of that you posted her and told she was beautiful because she was a mixture. And you are seemingly not.

I said she was pretty and that her mixture was "unusual". It isn't a common mix. I think some people are making a mountain out of a molehill. In fact I'm not sure what I'm being accused of? I usually post just Irish and in fact someone commented that is all I post on. People pick up what they want in the end. It's like how I'm simultaneously accused of being right wing by some and left wing by others. :rolleyes:

I just thought she was a pretty girl with an unusual mixture. What are people reading into this and why is it particularly questionable for me personally to post a mixed race person? There are loads posted on here.

07-10-2023, 10:54 AM
I said she was pretty and that her mixture was "unusual". It isn't a common mix. I think some people are making a mountain out of a molehill. In fact I'm not sure what I'm being accused of? I usually post just Irish and in fact someone commented that is all I post on. People pick up what they want in the end. It's like how I'm simultaneously accused of being right wing by some and left wing by others. :rolleyes:

I just thought she was a pretty girl with an unusual mixture. What are people reading into this and why is it particularly questionable for me personally to post a mixed race person? There are loads posted on here.

It does make sense in a place where aboriginals are not considered humans or the same species as the rest of humanity, and where only white women get compliments. To me your thread makes sense, you dont need to justify yourself. They are just angry, that a aborginal looks beautiful.

07-10-2023, 10:59 AM
I also think some Inuit and Native Americans are attractive. Uncas from Last of the Mohicans was very handsome and many women think so.


Yes, amerindian ancestry beautifies.


Grace O'Malley
07-10-2023, 11:10 AM
It does make sense in a place where aboriginals are not considered humans or the same species as the rest of humanity, and where only white women get compliments. To me your thread makes sense, you dont need to justify yourself. They are just angry, that a aborginal looks beautiful.

Aboriginals are considered as human as anyone else. There is a lot of people that have very negative views about them though.

07-10-2023, 11:11 AM
Aboriginals are considered as human as anyone else. There is a lot of people that have very negative views about them though.

In Australia maybe not on TA. On TA they were at least i dont know if something changed by the majority (or maybe a minority but loud one?) considered non-human, they even posted genetic studies that they descendt from homo errectus or something not like other humans.

Grace O'Malley
07-10-2023, 11:13 AM
This is her sister.

https://scontent.fper7-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/51966164_559005277938741_3064350468663672832_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=101&cb=99be929b-59f725be&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=174925&_nc_ohc=IAiedj5mB-UAX-r99wB&_nc_ht=scontent.fper7-1.fna&oh=00_AfD6zNA0nQhTOSsszawGq8-UEGj-jfgGBUaK-6dlOUVeYA&oe=64D3560C

https://scontent.fper7-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/38614884_444005946105342_5728449688017829888_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=107&cb=99be929b-59f725be&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=174925&_nc_ohc=5MbuEFOlxssAX_y4JQR&_nc_ht=scontent.fper7-1.fna&oh=00_AfD21J8a1aQc9iU_daxaKrXwpoxK1ibL4gb5Unlki5Qc EQ&oe=64D34237

Grace O'Malley
07-10-2023, 11:19 AM
In Australia maybe not on TA. On TA they were at least i dont know if something changed by the majority (or maybe a minority but loud one?) considered non-human, they even posted genetic studies that they descendt from homo errectus or something not like other humans.

They are definitely considered equally human here. They are just a very old race. One of the oldest races out of Africa. I don't think anyone is lesser than anyone else because of their ethnicity or race. I don't understand why people think like that? You can be proud of your ancestry and so can everyone else be proud of their ancestry. It's just a form of narcissism to think the ethnicity you belong to is superior to someone's else's.

07-10-2023, 11:20 AM
This is her sister.

https://scontent.fper7-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/51966164_559005277938741_3064350468663672832_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=101&cb=99be929b-59f725be&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=174925&_nc_ohc=IAiedj5mB-UAX-r99wB&_nc_ht=scontent.fper7-1.fna&oh=00_AfD6zNA0nQhTOSsszawGq8-UEGj-jfgGBUaK-6dlOUVeYA&oe=64D3560C

https://scontent.fper7-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/38614884_444005946105342_5728449688017829888_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=107&cb=99be929b-59f725be&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=174925&_nc_ohc=5MbuEFOlxssAX_y4JQR&_nc_ht=scontent.fper7-1.fna&oh=00_AfD21J8a1aQc9iU_daxaKrXwpoxK1ibL4gb5Unlki5Qc EQ&oe=64D34237

She actually looks more pretty imo.

I said she was pretty and that her mixture was "unusual". It isn't a common mix. I think some people are making a mountain out of a molehill. In fact I'm not sure what I'm being accused of? (...)

Are you sure that you are accused at all? I've not seen you being that.

07-10-2023, 11:21 AM
They are definitely considered equally human here. They are just a very old race. One of the oldest races out of Africa. I don't think anyone is lesser than anyone else because of their ethnicity or race. I don't understand why people think like that? You can be proud of your ancestry and so can everyone else be proud of their ancestry. It's just a form of narcissism to think the ethnicity you belong to is superior to someone's else's.

I never implied you think that or that australians in australia think that on average, i think majority of australians are liberals for TA standards? I dont understand it either why someone thinks he is superior, but some do.

07-10-2023, 11:23 AM
Aboriginals are considered as human as anyone else. There is a lot of people that have very negative views about them though.
I read somewhere that Aborigines and Tasmanians have the highest percentage of Denisovian human admixture. Europeans have an admixture of primitive people from 1-4%. The aborigines have much higher. How high is the intelligence of an aborigine, can you estimate?

07-10-2023, 11:26 AM
I read somewhere that Aborigines and Tasmanians have the highest percentage of Denisovian human admixture. Europeans have an admixture of primitive people from 1-4%. The aborigines have much higher. How high is the intelligence of an aborigine, can you estimate?

When the first discovery of non-human admixture came out, they said europeans have 4% but SSA have none i think now they say something else, but TA racialists bragged they are neanderthals and that makes them superior they even fantasized about neanderthal skulls how they have them and called themselfes names like neanderthal as usernames. So whatever europeans are makes them superior and whatever the others are is always inferior. That is just good propaganda, and if you repeat a lie thousand times people will believe it Goebbels

07-10-2023, 11:35 AM
Nature seems to have deliberately disfigured the aborigine in order to frighten humanity with this. Although their eyes are very kind. It takes a long time to get used to their appearance in order to start considering them a human species
https://i.ibb.co/2Kq6Y2w/Darwin-Art-Fair-2016.jpg (https://ibb.co/12ZnJV3)
https://i.ibb.co/XZZbPGh/die-situation-der-ureinwohner.jpg (https://ibb.co/pvvxTkt)
https://i.ibb.co/3R9v7Vv/e3bd79b3cb25bb8fc6e69b730e5e629f.jpg (https://ibb.co/5Kgk6Ck)
https://i.ibb.co/N6fpJ4M/image.jpg (https://ibb.co/qMh9cZv)
https://i.ibb.co/v3LDSQ0/fc2d64d5e181cafef1e33b167fba699f.jpg (https://ibb.co/HtGXjx5)
https://i.ibb.co/cch5yrx/Getty-Images-75093037.jpg (https://ibb.co/RpTngD7)

Grace O'Malley
07-10-2023, 11:35 AM
She actually looks more pretty imo.

Are you sure that you are accused at all? I've not seen you being that.

I'm pretty sure you wouldn't let your daughter date a native Australian man, and yet your post screams appreciation of the looks of a half Aboriginal woman.

Honestly, if she wasn't half Aboriginal would you make a point of saying how pretty she is?

Would you have posted her and commented that she's pretty if she would have been (fully) Italian?

Well you tell me what the issue is? I'm watching a series at the moment called Mystery Road and she was in it. I thought she was pretty so looked her up and found out she was half Aboriginal and half Finnish. I knew she was mixed anyway but would not have picked mixed with Finnish. I just thought that was an unusual combination. You can correct me if I'm reading this wrong but I get the impression people think I'm promoting mixing with Aboriginal people. I'm not promoting anything. I've got no say in who people procreate with and it isn't my business anyway. I really just posted her for the reasons I've stated.

I after all just procreated with someone who is the exact same ethnicity as myself.

Grace O'Malley
07-10-2023, 11:37 AM
I never implied you think that or that australians in australia think that on average, i think majority of australians are liberals for TA standards? I dont understand it either why someone thinks he is superior, but some do.

I knew you weren't implying I think that. I did think you thought here in Australia they were viewed like that. Thanks for clarifying.

Grace O'Malley
07-10-2023, 11:43 AM
I read somewhere that Aborigines and Tasmanians have the highest percentage of Denisovian human admixture. Europeans have an admixture of primitive people from 1-4%. The aborigines have much higher. How high is the intelligence of an aborigine, can you estimate?

Full Aboriginals have a different type of intelligence. They are adept at living in harsh desert conditions. If you were lost in the bush they would be the people you would want to come across. Some early explorers in Australia were saved from death by Aboriginal people. Aboriginal trackers in the present have found lost people in the outback.

You might find this interesting.


07-10-2023, 11:46 AM
I read somewhere that Aborigines and Tasmanians have the highest percentage of Denisovian human admixture. Europeans have an admixture of primitive people from 1-4%. The aborigines have much higher. How high is the intelligence of an aborigine, can you estimate?

The median IQ out of 17 Studies on Aboriginals is 62, see Lynn, The Global Bell Curve, p. 48: https://www.intelligence-humaine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Richard-Lynn-The-Global-Bell-Curve.pdf

Grace O'Malley
07-10-2023, 11:47 AM
Nature seems to have deliberately disfigured the aborigine in order to frighten humanity with this. Although their eyes are very kind. It takes a long time to get used to their appearance in order to start considering them a human species
https://i.ibb.co/2Kq6Y2w/Darwin-Art-Fair-2016.jpg (https://ibb.co/12ZnJV3)
https://i.ibb.co/XZZbPGh/die-situation-der-ureinwohner.jpg (https://ibb.co/pvvxTkt)
https://i.ibb.co/3R9v7Vv/e3bd79b3cb25bb8fc6e69b730e5e629f.jpg (https://ibb.co/5Kgk6Ck)
https://i.ibb.co/N6fpJ4M/image.jpg (https://ibb.co/qMh9cZv)
https://i.ibb.co/v3LDSQ0/fc2d64d5e181cafef1e33b167fba699f.jpg (https://ibb.co/HtGXjx5)
https://i.ibb.co/cch5yrx/Getty-Images-75093037.jpg (https://ibb.co/RpTngD7)

They were very discriminated against in the past but so were all sorts of people. I don't have to look very far from my own history to see that. Irish people were also discriminated against in their own country and also in the US etc. People were pretty bigoted in the past especially when people wanted to steal their land.

07-10-2023, 11:48 AM
When the first discovery of non-human admixture came out, they said europeans have 4% but SSA have none i think now they say something else, but TA racialists bragged they are neanderthals and that makes them superior they even fantasized about neanderthal skulls how they have them and called themselfes names like neanderthal as usernames. So whatever europeans are makes them superior and whatever the others are is always inferior. That is just good propaganda, and if you repeat a lie thousand times people will believe it Goebbels
Racism is boring. The world is beautiful in its diversity. This is the only reason why I am against mixed marriages and the averaging of humanity. I want both sophisticated Irish and clumsy Aborigines to live on equal terms in this world. Although the European idea of beauty may differ from the aboriginal one.

07-10-2023, 11:50 AM
This is her sister.

https://scontent.fper7-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/51966164_559005277938741_3064350468663672832_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=101&cb=99be929b-59f725be&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=174925&_nc_ohc=IAiedj5mB-UAX-r99wB&_nc_ht=scontent.fper7-1.fna&oh=00_AfD6zNA0nQhTOSsszawGq8-UEGj-jfgGBUaK-6dlOUVeYA&oe=64D3560C

https://scontent.fper7-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/38614884_444005946105342_5728449688017829888_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=107&cb=99be929b-59f725be&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=174925&_nc_ohc=5MbuEFOlxssAX_y4JQR&_nc_ht=scontent.fper7-1.fna&oh=00_AfD21J8a1aQc9iU_daxaKrXwpoxK1ibL4gb5Unlki5Qc EQ&oe=64D34237

stunning my goodness

Grace O'Malley
07-10-2023, 11:51 AM
The median IQ out of 17 Studies on Aboriginals is 62, see Lynn, The Global Bell Curve, p. 48: https://www.intelligence-humaine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Richard-Lynn-The-Global-Bell-Curve.pdf

Yes the same Lynn who puts Irish IQ quite low even though they have one of the best PISA scores and one of the best educated populations in Europe. Now their IQ has miraculously gone up.


07-10-2023, 11:53 AM
Yes the same Lynn who puts Irish IQ quite low even though they have one of the best PISA scores and one of the best educated populations in Europe. Now their IQ has miraculously gone up.


Have you heard of the Irish Curse which supposedly meant that Irish men have tiny "members"? Why were other Europeans so racist to Irish people back in the day?

07-10-2023, 11:53 AM
The median IQ out of 17 Studies on Aboriginals is 62, see Lynn, The Global Bell Curve, p. 48: https://www.intelligence-humaine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Richard-Lynn-The-Global-Bell-Curve.pdf
This is sad news. Apparently there is a really big admixture of primitive man of another kind in them. With such an IQ, it will be difficult for the Aborigines to survive.

Grace O'Malley
07-10-2023, 11:56 AM
Yes the same Lynn who puts Irish IQ quite low even though they have one of the best PISA scores and one of the best educated populations in Europe. Now their IQ has miraculously gone up.


As I've pointed out Aboriginals are expert at living in their environment. How can you measure the IQ of people that live very different lives with the same method? Asian people have high IQ but they also study much longer and harder than anyone else.

Grace O'Malley
07-10-2023, 11:59 AM
Have you heard of the Irish Curse which supposedly meant that Irish men have tiny "members"? Why were other Europeans so racist to Irish people back in the day?

That's a load of BS believe me. :)

Latest penis size map have been updated and Russian men are now cursed with that affliction. ;) Logically why would Irish be different than Scots or English? Are Bell Beakers who mostly descent from the Steppes somehow deficient in that department? I don't think so.

07-10-2023, 12:00 PM
Yes the same Lynn who puts Irish IQ quite low even though they have one of the best PISA scores and one of the best educated populations in Europe. Now their IQ has miraculously gone up.

In fact, IQ is bullshit. People may have different degrees of concentration or poor memory or confusion during the test. All this affects the result. Moreover, the test itself sometimes includes material with which one person was already familiar in his life, the other person was not. If we compare populations of people or nations, the social level is very important. An uneducated person, in whom mental abilities were laid down, may end up being stupider due to lack of education.

Grace O'Malley
07-10-2023, 12:02 PM
In fact, IQ is bullshit. People may have different degrees of concentration or poor memory or confusion during the test. All this affects the result. Moreover, the test itself sometimes includes material with which one person was already familiar in his life, the other person was not. If we compare populations of people or nations, the social level is very important. An uneducated person, in whom mental abilities were laid down, may end up being stupider due to lack of education.

True. Also students can be taught to be better at IQ tests.

07-10-2023, 12:03 PM
That's a load of BS believe me. :)

Latest penis size map have been updated and Russian men are now cursed with that affliction. ;) Logically why would Irish be different than Scots or English? Are Bell Beakers who mostly descent from the Steppes somehow deficient in that department? I don't think so.

goes to show how untrustworthy those maps are. nothing but propaganda

07-10-2023, 12:06 PM
They were very discriminated against in the past but so were all sorts of people. I don't have to look very far from my own history to see that. Irish people were also discriminated against in their own country and also in the US etc. People were pretty bigoted in the past especially when people wanted to steal their land.

Yeah, and some of those depicted by ugochavez got even their dreams stolen if I'm not mistaken.


Grace O'Malley
07-10-2023, 12:10 PM
Have you heard of the Irish Curse which supposedly meant that Irish men have tiny "members"? Why were other Europeans so racist to Irish people back in the day?

Other Europeans weren't. In fact French and Spanish offered a lot of Irish sanctuary. It was a British issue because Britain colonised Ireland and wanted Irish to change their religion and be loyal to Britain. They weren't and wanted to live their own customs and religion so Britain brought in laws like the Statues of Kilkenny and the Penal Laws to heavily discriminate against the Irish.

"It [the Penal Laws] is a machine of wise and elaborate contrivance, and as well fitted for the oppression, impoverishment, and degradation of a people, and the debasement, in them, of human nature itself, as very proceeded from the perverted ingenuity of man." Edmund Burke

Statutes of Kilkenny

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statutes_of_Kilkenny#:~:text=The%20Statutes%20of%2 0Kilkenny%20were,Hiberno%2DNorman%20Lordship%20of% 20Ireland.

Penal Laws


07-10-2023, 12:12 PM
This is sad news. Apparently there is a really big admixture of primitive man of another kind in them. With such an IQ, it will be difficult for the Aborigines to survive.

All living beings have lower IQ than man, so that's no contradiction to life and existence.

07-10-2023, 12:15 PM
That's a load of BS believe me. :)

Latest penis size map have been updated and Russian men are now cursed with that affliction. ;) Logically why would Irish be different than Scots or English? Are Bell Beakers who mostly descent from the Steppes somehow deficient in that department? I don't think so.
We have no complexes about our small penises. I wonder if the same Lynn measured them? I can't imagine this measurement procedure. First you take an IQ test, and then you take off your pants?

Finnish Swede
07-10-2023, 12:15 PM
It’s so obvious are you blind! And we’re not saying we’re experts literally just giving our opinions. Calm the fuck down.

Well, I guess this is then just a same thing as I seeing sandniggers (among of some Europens…as they simply look too weird/wrong for me) and some others opposite keeps them normal (= ”whites”). Just as they have so used to ”copper/brownish” colors. Me? To look of that mother.

07-10-2023, 12:27 PM
Her mother doesn't look Mongoloid at all. Her mother below. Her mother's name is Sanna Vuorinen-Akkanen

Ural features are really noticeable in it. Cheekbones. By the same token, I determined that these two depegmented women are Turkish, not European.

07-10-2023, 12:59 PM
Yeah, and some of those depicted by ugochavez got even their dreams stolen if I'm not mistaken.

https://i.imgur.com/1fQ2Nfn.jpggenocide of aborigines
https://i.ibb.co/yfWgt18/individuellt-3.jpg (https://ibb.co/cgD20HN)

07-10-2023, 02:54 PM
Mongoloid was the first thing I noticed about her, I didn't bother to comment on it because I thought it was so obvious.

07-10-2023, 03:11 PM
Ivan Sen is a film director. Just wondering what people's thoughts are on him? He is also half Aboriginal and half white. His mother is Aboriginal and his father is half German/half Hungarian.


Hungarian side seems strong. Especially his mouth area reminds me of Orbán.


What's interesting is that if I post on an Irish woman I'd be lucky to get a couple of replies. That's the way it is. I posted a very pretty Irish girl here not long ago but there is not much interest.

I think one of the reasons should be your low, almost non-existent interest in things that arent Irish-related. It demotivates people to attend your topics. Its like visiting somebody often who never visits you back.

I feel the same with for example CV and i honestly told him that i would skip his classifications due to not seeing him in my classifications. Sorry but this is real life, i treat consumers as consumers.

Finnish Swede
07-10-2023, 03:13 PM
Hungarian side seems strong. Especially his mouth area reminds me of Orbán.


I think one of the reasons should be your low, almost non-existent interest in things that arent Irish-related. It demotivates people to attend your topics. Its like visiting somebody often who never visits you back.

I feel the same with for example CV and i honestly told him that i would skip his classifications due to not seeing him in my classifications. Sorry but this is real life, i treat consumers as consumers.

The only thing which matters here: What a ugly looking man! Mongoloid / non-mongoloid or whatever ...

07-10-2023, 03:21 PM
The only thing which matters here: What a ugly looking man! Mongoloid / non-mongoloid or whatever ...

He is 60. Lets imagine how you would look like at age 60?

Here younger=


07-10-2023, 03:22 PM
Hungarian side seems strong. Especially his mouth area reminds me of Orbán.


I think one of the reasons should be your low, almost non-existent interest in things that arent Irish-related. It demotivates people to attend your topics. Its like visiting somebody often who never visits you back.

I feel the same with for example CV and i honestly told him that i would skip his classifications due to not seeing him in my classifications. Sorry but this is real life, i treat consumers as consumers.
Do you want Grace O'Malley to be interested only in Turks and not in her own people? From my observations, she has a very broad outlook.

07-10-2023, 03:23 PM
Do you want Grace O'Malley to be interested only in Turks and not in her own people? From my observations, she has a very broad outlook.

No but visiting my topics sometimes would be good.

07-10-2023, 03:30 PM
No but visiting my topics sometimes would be good.
This is jealousy) Where are your topics? Turkish culture interests me a lot. I'm not even going to troll... I would really like to know from the Turks why the Turks from the series do not look like the Turks in real life.

07-10-2023, 03:31 PM
I would really like to know from the Turks why the Turks from the series do not look like the Turks in real life.

Think of why Russian actors dont look like you, answer is the same.

07-10-2023, 03:37 PM
No but visiting my topics sometimes would be good.
These are the Turks from the series

These are the Turks I saw in real life in Turkey

Think of why Russian actors dont look like you, answer is the same.
I mean racial differences. Russian actors are no different from me. Your actors are similar to the Spaniards and the British, but not to the Turks ..

Finnish Swede
07-10-2023, 03:37 PM
He is 60. Lets imagine how you would look like at age 60?

Here younger=


Does he have gypsy blood or something? If I would see him here, I would think so.

07-10-2023, 03:42 PM
I mean racial differences. Russian actors are no different from me.

I dont think Russian actors look Mongolian. Do they?

Your actors are similar to the Spaniards and the British, but not to the Turks ..

I get your point, especially couples like this=


But i have bad news for you= If we can find them, that means we have reliable sources for them.

07-10-2023, 03:44 PM
Does he have gypsy blood or something? If I would see him here, I would think so.


07-10-2023, 03:49 PM
These are the Turks from the series

These are the Turks I saw in real life in Turkey

I mean racial differences. Russian actors are no different from me. Your actors are similar to the Spaniards and the British, but not to the Turks ..[/QUOTE]

Turks from Turkey usually just look like their southern European neighbours and mostly don’t have any central Asian etc input. When they take a DNA test they come out as Greek, Italian or Sardinian and some middle eastern ancestry.

07-10-2023, 03:52 PM
I dont think Russian actors look Mongolian. Do they?

I get your point, especially couples like this=


But i have bad news for you= If we can find them, that means we have reliable sources for them.
You saw my photos? Do I look like a Mongolian? This is lol))) I repeat once again - real Turks are similar to Azerbaijanis, but not to Spaniards and Slavs (like the girl singer from the video). You can troll me as much as you can. I and most Russians have a pure Slavic look. The Turks do not. To the west you sell films with European faces, to the east with Asian ones.
https://i.ibb.co/nf1fXMc/image.jpg (https://ibb.co/5vjvQh8)

07-10-2023, 03:52 PM
Turks from Turkey usually just look like their southern European neighbours and mostly don’t have any central Asian etc input. When they take a DNA test they come out as Greek, Italian or Sardinian and some middle eastern ancestry.

what? lmao

07-10-2023, 03:59 PM
Turks from Turkey usually just look like their southern European neighbours and mostly don’t have any central Asian etc input. When they take a DNA test they come out as Greek, Italian or Sardinian and some middle eastern ancestry.
I disagree. I have seen very black people in Turkey. In the series, the Turks are very light and European.
https://i.ibb.co/L5hfL6Z/hande-jerchel-41-foto-18.jpg (https://ibb.co/m8F7Ltc)
his actress is on my daughter's phone screen saver, she's her fan right. Damn Turkish TV series. I would like to have her on my daughter's screensaver:
https://i.ibb.co/N6fpJ4M/image.jpg (https://ibb.co/qMh9cZv)

07-10-2023, 05:03 PM
LOL. If Grace would have said she is Brit (mom), none of these TA’s ”Experts” could have seen anything Mongoloids on daughter or mother.

Look at the inner corner of her eyes. Closely. That's a Mongoloid trait. That downward slant of the corner. There are many eye features that reveal Mongoloidism. Even one is enough.

07-10-2023, 05:18 PM
This is sad news. Apparently there is a really big admixture of primitive man of another kind in them. With such an IQ, it will be difficult for the Aborigines to survive.

Very hard to mark intelligence in a population that's never been exposed to tests and puzzles. Most people who do well just tend to be exposed more.

07-10-2023, 05:28 PM
https://i.ibb.co/N6fpJ4M/image.jpg (https://ibb.co/qMh9cZv)

Everytime i see this girl, it reminds me of Greta Thunberg.

07-10-2023, 05:42 PM
Well, I guess this is then just a same thing as I seeing sandniggers (among of some Europens…as they simply look too weird/wrong for me) and some others opposite keeps them normal (= ”whites”). Just as they have so used to ”copper/brownish” colors. Me? To look of that mother.
Girll what the hell are you saying?
Another insecure woman on here. :sick2:

07-10-2023, 05:54 PM
Yes the same Lynn who puts Irish IQ quite low even though they have one of the best PISA scores and one of the best educated populations in Europe. Now their IQ has miraculously gone up.

Feel free to calculate a more applicable median of the 17 studies that Lynn reports and that were made by these authors:


07-10-2023, 05:55 PM
Everytime i see this girl, it reminds me of Greta Thunberg.
No, this is an actress from the Turkish detective - knock on my door, I answer

07-10-2023, 05:57 PM
Will it take place in Albania? Why are you ignoring me?

07-10-2023, 06:08 PM
Will it take place in Albania? Why are you ignoring me?

Oh right sorry I missed that.
No dear she can’t. I think her unique ancestry gives her a sort of new world look.

07-10-2023, 06:11 PM
[Victor Orban] Does he have gypsy blood or something? If I would see him here, I would think so.

Do you meanwhile have so many "EU-migranter" that the probability that someone looking like an Hungarian is a Gypsy descendant is that high?

07-10-2023, 06:13 PM
Oh right sorry I missed that.
No dear she can’t. I think her unique ancestry gives her a sort of new world look.
Agree. I saw Africans, Arabs, Greta Tumberg, Asians, Europeans. But the natives - I can not get used to their alien appearance.

07-10-2023, 06:13 PM
The only thing which matters here: What a ugly looking man! Mongoloid / non-mongoloid or whatever ...
If a politician has crap policies but is super handsome, will you support him?

Does he have gypsy blood or something? If I would see him here, I would think so.
Many people in Hungary believe he's part Gypsy, but his looks can pass as fully Magyar to me.

07-10-2023, 06:15 PM
Yes I would. It's not because she has Aboriginal ancestry. I just thought she is a pretty girl. There are some lovely Indian and Chinese women also. I don't think only European origin women are good looking. If she was half Indian and half European I would acknowledge if I thought she was pretty. Why would it be because she has Aboriginal ancestry? Also the combination is unusual. What's the problem with commenting on it?
Each to their own. My thought process is just that she is average-looking at best in Australia (on TV or real life), and so I suspect anyone who would say she is 'really pretty' is only doing so because they think/know half-Aboriginals generally aren't good-looking, and over-rating her on the basis of her mixed-race.

07-10-2023, 06:22 PM
If a politician has crap policies but is super handsome, will you support him?

Many people in Hungary believe he's part Gypsy, but his looks can pass as fully Magyar to me.
There is a category of women who thinks with a cunt.

07-10-2023, 06:39 PM
There is a category of women who thinks with a cunt.


Believe it or not: I always found it good and somewhat factual that Germany had such a not handsome chancellor like Helmut Kohl


compared to the various US American handsome mannequin-like presidents.

Btw. maybe funny how his two sons inherited his somewhat specific facial expression.


07-10-2023, 07:09 PM

Believe it or not: I always found it good and somewhat factual that Germany had such a not handsome chancellor like Helmut Kohl


compared to the various US American handsome mannequin-like presidents.

Btw. maybe funny how his two sons inherited his somewhat specific facial expression.

I don't remember when Kohl ruled. I know that in Russia it is popular as a Shredder. Your liver sausage is ridiculous today. My sister spent about a year doing scientific work in Germany in the city of Kiel together with German doctors. They even made some kind of medical discovery. I didn't go into details, she's a nephrologist. They lived there with her husband and they had a lot of German friends. The conclusion was as follows. Germans and Russians are not different at all. We easily find a common language with each other if there is no language barrier.. In 2000, they went to Italy with German friends to celebrate the millennium. We saw the Polish pope. I was little, but I remember watching it on TV. The best times of relations between Europe and Russia. I started learning German after that, but alas, now there is a wall between us...and it won't come in handy...

Grace O'Malley
07-10-2023, 11:25 PM
Hungarian side seems strong. Especially his mouth area reminds me of Orbán.


I think one of the reasons should be your low, almost non-existent interest in things that arent Irish-related. It demotivates people to attend your topics. Its like visiting somebody often who never visits you back.

I feel the same with for example CV and i honestly told him that i would skip his classifications due to not seeing him in my classifications. Sorry but this is real life, i treat consumers as consumers.

If there is no interest that is fine by me. I just won't bother much posting them. It was an example to people who were making a fuss about me posting this girl. Sorry I don't post on classification threads because I'm not a classifier and to be honest don't know what you would classify people of. I mainly wonder if the Irish people I post can pass in other populations. The classifications I'm not too bothered about as I think anthropology is more subjective on here rather than anything else. :)

Grace O'Malley
07-10-2023, 11:27 PM
This is jealousy) Where are your topics? Turkish culture interests me a lot. I'm not even going to troll... I would really like to know from the Turks why the Turks from the series do not look like the Turks in real life.

Yes I'm interested in Turkish culture. I've always thought Ataturk was a fascinating man.

Grace O'Malley
07-10-2023, 11:32 PM
Feel free to calculate a more applicable median of the 17 studies that Lynn reports and that were made by these authors:


There has been a lot of criticism of Lynn. He doesn't compare like with like for instance. Anyway the point is IQ studies aren't really suitable for all populations because of their differences in education, culture etc.

Grace O'Malley
07-10-2023, 11:34 PM
Each to their own. My thought process is just that she is average-looking at best in Australia (on TV or real life), and so I suspect anyone who would say she is 'really pretty' is only doing so because they think/know half-Aboriginals generally aren't good-looking, and over-rating her on the basis of her mixed-race.

I like her look. That is the reason I posted her.

07-10-2023, 11:39 PM
Yes I'm interested in Turkish culture. I've always thought Ataturk was a fascinating man.
My daughter is a fan of these moronic Turkish TV series, wants to go to Turkey, asks me to buy her a house there. I tell her that they are black aborigines, she starts arguing with me...Damn Turks, I hate them.

07-10-2023, 11:40 PM
If there is no interest that is fine by me. I just won't bother much posting them. It was an example to people who were making a fuss about me posting this girl. Sorry I don't post on classification threads because I'm not a classifier and to be honest don't know what you would classify people of. I mainly wonder if the Irish people I post can pass in other populations. The classifications I'm not too bothered about as I think anthropology is more subjective on here rather than anything else. :)

Everybody here are interested in anthropology even though some see it as a hobby for noobs or some are real bored. Speaking of myself, im always eager to post in topics of people that i see in my topics. Although i get nothing back, i sometimes post in your topics too because of the reason you stated above and it will continue as long as i continue posting. (Cheers!)

07-10-2023, 11:42 PM
By the way Gracie, didnt know you were a blonde. I always thought you as a brown haired girl. Irish stereotypes? (:

07-11-2023, 12:03 AM
I disagree. I have seen very black people in Turkey. In the series, the Turks are very light and European.
https://i.ibb.co/L5hfL6Z/hande-jerchel-41-foto-18.jpg (https://ibb.co/m8F7Ltc)
his actress is on my daughter's phone screen saver, she's her fan right. Damn Turkish TV series. I would like to have her on my daughter's screensaver:
https://i.ibb.co/N6fpJ4M/image.jpg (https://ibb.co/qMh9cZv)

turkish women are just stunning

07-11-2023, 12:08 AM
turkish women are just stunning
One of them is Swedish. Turkish women are charming in their traditional values. And not in prostitution and the rejection of their faith, which liberals impose on them

07-11-2023, 01:03 AM
There has been a lot of criticism of Lynn. He doesn't compare like with like for instance. Anyway the point is IQ studies aren't really suitable for all populations because of their differences in education, culture etc.

That is a bit difficult to explain, and I am not going to argue about this …

My understanding is that the “white man’s” view is from a separate, self-existing ego reference point which focuses on compartmentalizing and classifying things/forms.
Typical of this way of thinking was how plants (flora) and animals (fauna), were taught as separate subjects in school before. Now that we do understand eco-systems better, we understand how those two are interrelated and interdependent.

Aboriginal (also ours, how I learned it as a child), view of the world is more from an all-accommodating, all-inclusive (nondual) space reference point of view, which zooms in on the interconnected relationships of things/people/everything and this in turn brings about awareness of the underlying energy behind and beyond form reality.

Met an Amerind in the Central desert. He looked a bit Asiatic, but I didn’t think anything of it at first. It was only when he started to narrate how he had perceived different energies (Sacred Sites) within the landscape that I realized he too had had indigenous upbringing. Collectively, we do seem to have this similarity.
But when people claim to be indigenous and claim to be promoting indigenous culture – yet can only see the world through the” white man’s” cultural prism – one cannot but wonder how genuine they are.


07-13-2023, 05:22 AM
These are all indigenous footballers. Some obviously look mostly white.


Some look completely British, some look British-Indian mixes, one guy looks deeply low caste Tamil (the very dark one). The last one can be a full blood, but he's atypical because he resembles unmixed Veddoids in India, lacking the archaic features Australoids have.

You consider them "Aboriginal" because that's what they feel, based on trotskyist idea of race struggle that made them identify against the evil white oppressor. This is ridiculous! They are just brainwashed idiots...

Who can be objectively Aboriginal:
- someone that looks aboriginal (only 1 qualifies)
- someone that speaks an aboriginal language (probably 0 qualify)

07-13-2023, 05:34 AM
Some look completely British, some look British-Indian mixes, one guy looks deeply low caste Tamil (the very dark one). The last one can be a full blood, but he's atypical because he resembles unmixed Veddoids in India, lacking the archaic features Australoids have.

You consider them "Aboriginal" because that's what they feel, based on trotskyist idea of race struggle that made them identify against the evil white oppressor. This is ridiculous! They are just brainwashed idiots...

Who can be objectively Aboriginal:
- someone that looks aboriginal (only 1 qualifies)
- someone that speaks an aboriginal language (probably 0 qualify)
It's gone too far with these people's pretensions, and the majority-Whites identifying as Aboriginal should be shamed, but I and most Australians would consider the half-castes to be Aboriginal; now and historically. Not because it's accurate, but because people have to socially belong to some category - and they sure as hell aren't White!

Ultimately it's this racial double-standard that has kept Whites in former British colonies relatively pure while the natives become mixed. Never heard them complain about that though, they seem to accept and even embrace Whites/mixed people identifying with them. Full Aborigines are a small minority afterall.

07-13-2023, 05:37 AM
If a politician has crap policies but is super handsome, will you support him?

It's possible. This guy was elected because MILFs thought he was hot:


07-13-2023, 05:56 AM
It's possible. This guy was elected because MILFs thought he was hot:


Your obsession with Mexico Is out of control Peruvian!

07-13-2023, 06:05 AM
She comes out as a pred alpine, maybe with berid touches. Interesting!

07-13-2023, 06:07 AM
Your obsession with Mexico Is out of control Peruvian!

The post is not related to Mexico but to the fact some politician was elected for being "hot".

07-13-2023, 06:09 AM
The post is not related to Mexico but to the fact some politician was elected for being "hot".

Mexico Is already politically a shit hole , and I just don't appreciate you being supposed a Mexican expert of everything Is just pathetic man.

07-13-2023, 06:47 AM
Mexico Is already politically a shit hole , and I just don't appreciate you being supposed a Mexican expert of everything Is just pathetic man.

lol wut?

07-13-2023, 06:53 AM
lol wut?

Yeah, I know you want to be Mexican so bad and live In Monterrey Nuevo Leon, don't fool me.

Grace O'Malley
07-13-2023, 12:30 PM
Some look completely British, some look British-Indian mixes, one guy looks deeply low caste Tamil (the very dark one). The last one can be a full blood, but he's atypical because he resembles unmixed Veddoids in India, lacking the archaic features Australoids have.

You consider them "Aboriginal" because that's what they feel, based on trotskyist idea of race struggle that made them identify against the evil white oppressor. This is ridiculous! They are just brainwashed idiots...

Who can be objectively Aboriginal:
- someone that looks aboriginal (only 1 qualifies)
- someone that speaks an aboriginal language (probably 0 qualify)

I'm not saying I consider them all Aboriginal. Just showing the range of what they look like. Some that say they are Aboriginal don't look like it.

07-13-2023, 03:28 PM
Yeah, I know you want to be Mexican so bad and live In Monterrey Nuevo Leon, don't fool me.

Dude, nobody wants to live in Mexico. That's why you are the second biggest diaspora in the whole world. Maybe you don't notice cause you have some autism and consume drugs but it is what it is.

07-13-2023, 03:31 PM
It's gone too far with these people's pretensions, and the majority-Whites identifying as Aboriginal should be shamed, but I and most Australians would consider the half-castes to be Aboriginal; now and historically. Not because it's accurate, but because people have to socially belong to some category - and they sure as hell aren't White!

Ultimately it's this racial double-standard that has kept Whites in former British colonies relatively pure while the natives become mixed. Never heard them complain about that though, they seem to accept and even embrace Whites/mixed people identifying with them. Full Aborigines are a small minority afterall.

Does/did Australia have the one-drop rule the way the US did? That might explain why they're identifying as Aborigines?
Also, it might be a similar mindset to Americans who boast about having Native American heritage, even though that would make them less Caucasoid. They think it makes them more legit somehow.

07-13-2023, 03:34 PM
Lol she looks siberian

Grace O'Malley
07-13-2023, 03:35 PM
Does/did Australia have the one-drop rule the way the US did? That might explain why they're identifying as Aborigines?
Also, it might be a similar mindset to Americans who boast about having Native American heritage, even though that would make them less Caucasoid. They think it makes them more legit somehow.

No they didn't have the one drop rule. Aboriginal people do get more benefits so that possibly could be an incentive. I also think that people don't want to deny their heritage. The people that do identify as Aboriginal do have Aboriginal ancestry even though with some it is a small part of their ancestry.

Finnish Swede
07-13-2023, 03:49 PM
For some reason Grace put me thinking this old singer (even as she was probably Scottish and not Irish ... no matter of hers ginger hair?)

I hope you do not mind :)


Grace O'Malley
07-13-2023, 03:57 PM
For some Grace put me thinking this old singer (even as she was probably Scottish and not Irish ... no matter of hers ginger hair?)

I hope you do not mind :)


With a surname like Reilly she definitely has Irish ancestry. I absolutely love this song.

Maggie Reilly (born 15 September 1956 in Glasgow) is a Scottish singer of Irish descent best known for her collaborations with the composer and instrumentalist Mike Oldfield. Most notably, she performed lead vocals on the Oldfield songs "Family Man", "Moonlight Shadow", "To France" and "Foreign Affair", all of which were international hits in the early 1980s.


07-13-2023, 04:08 PM
Pseudo Pardo look

If I don't know she was half Australian aboriginal
I can pass her as local girl of my area

07-13-2023, 04:45 PM
Dude, nobody wants to live in Mexico. That's why you are the second biggest diaspora in the whole world. Maybe you don't notice cause you have some autism and consume drugs but it is what it is.

Well that's because the richest country In the world Is next to Mexico , I'm sure If Peru or any other Sudaca nation border the U.S Southern America would be butt empty right now lmao anyway regardless of that I can guarantee living In Mexico Is better than living In Peru In many aspects, starting with the fact the majority of your population Is hardly mixed that would be the equivalent of living In Oaxaca In terms of development index, and mestizaje etc

07-13-2023, 09:54 PM
Some look completely British, some look British-Indian mixes, one guy looks deeply low caste Tamil (the very dark one). The last one can be a full blood, but he's atypical because he resembles unmixed Veddoids in India, lacking the archaic features Australoids have.

You consider them "Aboriginal" because that's what they feel, based on trotskyist idea of race struggle that made them identify against the evil white oppressor. This is ridiculous! They are just brainwashed idiots...

Who can be objectively Aboriginal:
- someone that looks aboriginal (only 1 qualifies)
- someone that speaks an aboriginal language (probably 0 qualify)

Here again we do run into the boundary of perception, which could be likened to the idea of looking vs “seeing”.
For a white person looking comes first - after which the mind map (i.e. gathered past knowledge/data) tries to figure out or calculate or sum up what it had “seen”: “ trotskyist idea of race struggle that made them identify against the evil white oppressor”.
So, this “seeing” part ends up becoming more of a perceiver’s mind-projection onto the observed, rather than a true perception of what actually is.

From my ‘indigenous’ side I learned to “see” first and then look (zoom into the details of the “seen”) and this has served me well among the Aboriginals.
You neutrally (from space-reference-point) “see” – the whole energy-field of a person first - after which you zoom into the details that stood out.

An example of this.
In Central Australia I met a man who had come to rediscover his indigenous roots. He was half White, ¼ ‘Afghan’, ¼ Aboriginal, but wanted to identify as an Aboriginal, because he had hated his white father who had been a violent alcoholic. Of course, in general, he was accepted into the fold so he studied and collected all the possible data about his Aboriginal side – the people and the culture.

One day, as we stood by the park – him wearing a t-shirt with a printed image of a red kangaroo on it, he started boasting about his totemic moiety and the red kangaroo, the most powerful of those totems being one of them. But as he was so arrogantly lecturing with his data knowledge, to his left 2 old men sat beneath a tree with red kangaroos superimposed on their energy-field.
You look – and you see two old Aboriginal men.
You “see” – and there are 2 red kangaroos sitting, half lying there.

Here he was lecturing about them, yet could not “see” them was just too surreal a situation to take in!
I wasn’t the only one dumbstruck staring at him in total disbelief. Went to one Aboriginal person to verify what I saw, and he, with the air of utter normalcy assured me that everybody else can see it too … that superimposed image being the form their spirit takes ….
Well since sensing, feeling, detecting or “seeing” ‘spirit doubles’ is in my culture, I found this similarity fascinating …

And about this inferiority-superiority thing ….
In many ways a white mind is superior …. but from an Aboriginal point of view not being aware of ‘spirit doubles’ (or not having a totemic spirit double) is seen as living an inferior existence ….

With the link-up service quite a few stolen generation descendants came back. Some of them were still Aboriginal or quickly caught on, some weren’t anymore, like my example. He could only see his Aboriginality through the “white man’s” mind/prism - barrier of perception.

This is just my cultural similarity experience story about the situation, mind you.

07-13-2023, 10:28 PM
Here again we do run into the boundary of perception, which could be likened to the idea of looking vs “seeing”.
For a white person looking comes first - after which the mind map (i.e. gathered past knowledge/data) tries to figure out or calculate or sum up what it had “seen”: “ trotskyist idea of race struggle that made them identify against the evil white oppressor”.
So, this “seeing” part ends up becoming more of a perceiver’s mind-projection onto the observed, rather than a true perception of what actually is.

From my ‘indigenous’ side I learned to “see” first and then look (zoom into the details of the “seen”) and this has served me well among the Aboriginals.
You neutrally (from space-reference-point) “see” – the whole energy-field of a person first - after which you zoom into the details that stood out.

An example of this.
In Central Australia I met a man who had come to rediscover his indigenous roots. He was half White, ¼ ‘Afghan’, ¼ Aboriginal, but wanted to identify as an Aboriginal, because he had hated his white father who had been a violent alcoholic. Of course, in general, he was accepted into the fold so he studied and collected all the possible data about his Aboriginal side – the people and the culture.

One day, as we stood by the park – him wearing a t-shirt with a printed image of a red kangaroo on it, he started boasting about his totemic moiety and the red kangaroo, the most powerful of those totems being one of them. But as he was so arrogantly lecturing with his data knowledge, to his left 2 old men sat beneath a tree with red kangaroos superimposed on their energy-field.
You look – and you see two old Aboriginal men.
You “see” – and there are 2 red kangaroos sitting, half lying there.

Here he was lecturing about them, yet could not “see” them was just too surreal a situation to take in!
I wasn’t the only one dumbstruck staring at him in total disbelief. Went to one Aboriginal person to verify what I saw, and he, with the air of utter normalcy assured me that everybody else can see it too … that superimposed image being the form their spirit takes ….
Well since sensing, feeling, detecting or “seeing” ‘spirit doubles’ is in my culture, I found this similarity fascinating …

And about this inferiority-superiority thing ….
In many ways a white mind is superior …. but from an Aboriginal point of view not being aware of ‘spirit doubles’ (or not having a totemic spirit double) is seen as living an inferior existence ….

With the link-up service quite a few stolen generation descendants came back. Some of them were still Aboriginal or quickly caught on, some weren’t anymore, like my example. He could only see his Aboriginality through the “white man’s” mind/prism - barrier of perception.

This is just my cultural similarity experience story about the situation, mind you.
You're not an aborigine, your boyfriend is an aborigine. Finns are very European locals, despite my trolling of reindeer herders, these people are local Europeans.

07-13-2023, 10:48 PM
You're not an aborigine, your boyfriend is an aborigine. Finns are very European locals, despite my trolling of reindeer herders, these people are local Europeans.

No, I am not.
And my boyfriend passed on ….
In the end I could only detect, "see" and verify 2 totemic spirit doubles. The one given to me and it’s opposite the kangaroo.
Because I am not Aboriginal by birth - the rest of the totems were unfamiliar. It would have taken time and guidance to familiarize with them.
So here was where my personal boundary of perception came in.

07-13-2023, 11:00 PM
No, I am not.
And my boyfriend passed on ….
In the end I could only detect, "see" and verify 2 totemic spirit doubles. The one given to me and it’s opposite the kangaroo.
Because I am not Aboriginal by birth - the rest of the totems were unfamiliar. It would have taken time and guidance to familiarize with them.
So here was where my personal boundary of perception came in.
Australian aborigine dumped a white woman? This is amazing, I'm disappointed again. Where was your father when he saw this? Did a white woman become an aboriginal woman after the stress of parting with her primitive beliefs? That's why I want a Siberian woman in the future. They are innocent and like children in this world of depravity...

07-13-2023, 11:28 PM
Australian aborigine dumped a white woman? This is amazing, I'm disappointed again. Where was your father when he saw this? Did a white woman become an aboriginal woman after the stress of parting with her primitive beliefs? That's why I want a Siberian woman in the future. They are innocent and like children in this world of depravity...

Nobody dumped anybody - although when he died, I guess I did feel “dumped”. Wasn’t supposed to happen, he was always supposed to be there. First his father, then his mother – then him in a short period of time.
My parents did meet the whole community.

07-13-2023, 11:31 PM
Nobody dumped anybody - although when he died, I guess I did feel “dumped”. Wasn’t supposed to happen, he was always supposed to be there. First his father, then his mother – then him in a short period of time.
My parents did meet the whole community.
I feel sorry for him and for you... If it really was love and not lust. I know what true love is and how I killed her with my madness..

Grace O'Malley
07-14-2023, 03:24 AM
Nobody dumped anybody - although when he died, I guess I did feel “dumped”. Wasn’t supposed to happen, he was always supposed to be there. First his father, then his mother – then him in a short period of time.
My parents did meet the whole community.

I'm sorry for you loss Aila. I hope you have lots of support where you are? He was obviously a young man and this was unexpected. Time does help but you will always hold him in your heart. Condolences to you and your family.

White Swan
07-14-2023, 04:04 AM
Here again we do run into the boundary of perception, which could be likened to the idea of looking vs “seeing”.
For a white person looking comes first - after which the mind map (i.e. gathered past knowledge/data) tries to figure out or calculate or sum up what it had “seen”: “ trotskyist idea of race struggle that made them identify against the evil white oppressor”.
So, this “seeing” part ends up becoming more of a perceiver’s mind-projection onto the observed, rather than a true perception of what actually is.

From my ‘indigenous’ side I learned to “see” first and then look (zoom into the details of the “seen”) and this has served me well among the Aboriginals.
You neutrally (from space-reference-point) “see” – the whole energy-field of a person first - after which you zoom into the details that stood out.

An example of this.
In Central Australia I met a man who had come to rediscover his indigenous roots. He was half White, ¼ ‘Afghan’, ¼ Aboriginal, but wanted to identify as an Aboriginal, because he had hated his white father who had been a violent alcoholic. Of course, in general, he was accepted into the fold so he studied and collected all the possible data about his Aboriginal side – the people and the culture.

One day, as we stood by the park – him wearing a t-shirt with a printed image of a red kangaroo on it, he started boasting about his totemic moiety and the red kangaroo, the most powerful of those totems being one of them. But as he was so arrogantly lecturing with his data knowledge, to his left 2 old men sat beneath a tree with red kangaroos superimposed on their energy-field.
You look – and you see two old Aboriginal men.
You “see” – and there are 2 red kangaroos sitting, half lying there.

Here he was lecturing about them, yet could not “see” them was just too surreal a situation to take in!
I wasn’t the only one dumbstruck staring at him in total disbelief. Went to one Aboriginal person to verify what I saw, and he, with the air of utter normalcy assured me that everybody else can see it too … that superimposed image being the form their spirit takes ….
Well since sensing, feeling, detecting or “seeing” ‘spirit doubles’ is in my culture, I found this similarity fascinating …

And about this inferiority-superiority thing ….
In many ways a white mind is superior …. but from an Aboriginal point of view not being aware of ‘spirit doubles’ (or not having a totemic spirit double) is seen as living an inferior existence ….

With the link-up service quite a few stolen generation descendants came back. Some of them were still Aboriginal or quickly caught on, some weren’t anymore, like my example. He could only see his Aboriginality through the “white man’s” mind/prism - barrier of perception.

This is just my cultural similarity experience story about the situation, mind you.

Reminds me of the common belief that children can see spirits better than adults can, since they have not developed as much mentally yet. Children are wonderful, yet a healthy adult recognizes that growing into and adult is a good thing. Albeit more spiritually minded adults do also seek to harness the inner child simultaneously. It's seems most productive to think about how we can accomplish both rather than seeing the child or adult as inferior to the other. That is to gain one without losing the other, though to do so completely seems to be a paradox.

Without children, adults lead empty lives, without adults, it's Lord of the Flies. With children, we are full of joy and novelty, with adults we have higher level guidance to reach our full potential. I'd view the white aboriginal man in your example as an individual attempting to reconcile these two pursuits, which we should all be trying to do. Is there some reason you were so put off by him or was it that you may have a bias in favor of the "noble savage"? (Lord knows there is excess of propoganda to encourage the association between whiteness and evil). Again, I'm not discounting your sentiment as a whole, I did name my online self after an animal afterall. At that, it was my fully white husband who told me I seem like a Swan; the more I thought and read about it the more I marveled about how he had said this off the cuff while being so symbolically accurate. Additionally, whites make up the majority of Christians, who use plenty of animal symbology to describe people. I don't quite grasp why it would seem impossible to use both of the aforementioned approaches in balanced measure, or to do our best to attempt it at least, rather than demonizing one over the other. An interesting comment nonetheless.

07-14-2023, 06:22 AM
I'm sorry for you loss Aila. I hope you have lots of support where you are? He was obviously a young man and this was unexpected. Time does help but you will always hold him in your heart. Condolences to you and your family.

Not that young, but too young anyways.
It is a few years ago now, but perhaps one never fully gets over missing 'the significant other'.

Grace O'Malley
07-14-2023, 06:27 AM
Not that young, but too young anyways.
It is a few years ago now, but perhaps one never fully gets over missing 'the significant other'.

No I don't think you ever really get over it but the pain subsides with time but never really goes.

07-14-2023, 06:27 AM
Is there some reason you were so put off by him or was it that you may have a bias in favor of the "noble savage"?

Long story, but the Shamanic and the Aboriginal worldviews have their recognizable similarities and this barrier of perception had always perplexed me.

I mentioned the all-accommodating, all-inclusive (nondual) space reference point of view and this Elder (R.I.P.) talks about “Space” (4:12) in his way ….

The Tibetan Buddhist Lamas who came to visit the Elders occasionally had no problem recognizing similarities either as the Buddhist worldview also relates.

07-17-2023, 09:16 AM
Does/did Australia have the one-drop rule the way the US did? That might explain why they're identifying as Aborigines?
Also, it might be a similar mindset to Americans who boast about having Native American heritage, even though that would make them less Caucasoid. They think it makes them more legit somehow.
No, such a law would never pass muster in Australia, even in the White Australia era. The playing-up of Aboriginal ancestry is a recent, media-driven thing. Not long ago White people were ashamed or embarrassed to admit Aboriginal ancestry. Like Grace said, Australians unlike Americans don't pretend to have Aboriginal ancestry they don't actually have, we're not that crazy yet at least.

07-17-2023, 09:30 AM
I'm sorry for you loss Aila. I hope you have lots of support where you are? He was obviously a young man and this was unexpected. Time does help but you will always hold him in your heart. Condolences to you and your family.
I don't want to sound cynical. Native people are parents and children. A wife or husband are random people who happen to be nearby. Isla is young, and her future husband hardly wanted her to keep her ex-boyfriend in her heart.

07-17-2023, 12:57 PM
Nordid with Desert Australid

07-17-2023, 04:54 PM
No, such a law would never pass muster in Australia, even in the White Australia era. The playing-up of Aboriginal ancestry is a recent, media-driven thing. Not long ago White people were ashamed or embarrassed to admit Aboriginal ancestry. Like Grace said, Australians unlike Americans don't pretend to have Aboriginal ancestry they don't actually have, we're not that crazy yet at least.


07-17-2023, 06:35 PM
One can only wonder how desperate those white convicts must have been to have sex with these half-apes. Yes, first generation mixes look like South Indians, but pure-bread ones are more like a different species...

07-17-2023, 06:45 PM
One can only wonder how desperate those white convicts must have been to have sex with these half-apes. Yes, first generation mixes look like South Indians, but pure-bread ones are more like a different species...

In theory they are closer to Homo Erectus than Homo Sapiens .

07-18-2023, 03:52 AM
The playing-up of Aboriginal ancestry is a recent, media-driven thing. Not long ago White people were ashamed or embarrassed to admit Aboriginal ancestry.

Yes, have met many with stories like those.
One person stands out for me the most, because all his life he had been told he had Italian ancestry (to account for his dark complexion) – yet I saw an Aboriginal man superimposed onto his energy-field and when he later told what he had “felt” at a particular “Site” … I was sure.
He then did confront his white mother about this and learned the real truth.

It is a long time ago when I read the book “My Place” by Sally Morgan, but at the time I thought it was a good one on the subject.

My other gran also hid her Saami ancestry. Not because of the shame or the embarrassment of it, but because of her fear of racial discrimination and the fear of religious persecution (the family trauma, I later learned about) which did hang about us like a dark cloud - always.
She like the old ways Orthodox had become “Silent like Waters”.

Australians unlike Americans don't pretend to have Aboriginal ancestry they don't actually have, we're not that crazy yet at least.
I didn’t think so either – but then came across this!
Who would have believed it!


Haven’t heard of his books “Fox” and “The Dark Emu”, but now I am curious ….
I imagine them to represent Aboriginality through the “white mind” - cultural prism.

There really is a big difference, but in general White Australians, due to the barrier of perception, do not seem to have a clue.

Take the word “feeling” (mentioned in these previous posts) for example and the "Western White" understanding of the word is completely different how I have learned to understand it in the Aboriginal meaning of that word.

Many examples – but here is just one:
When you enter the periphery of a specific “Site” – the whole atmosphere changes – you feeeeel it, and you feel it so well …. And (multidimensionally) you *shift your awareness* and then listen to the *singing* of that land or rock or tree ….
White joggers or bushwalkers walk by without detecting anything!
The barrier of perception is truly is perplexing!

As I mentioned – the Shamanic worldview and Aboriginal worldview do have many recognizable overlapping similarities.

07-18-2023, 04:26 AM
I didn’t think so either – but then came across this!
Who would have believed it!
I forget sometimes what year I'm living in, where transexualism and transracialism are institutionally supported......should have known by the unrealistic jump in 'Indigenous' in the last Census. Jesus wept.

There really is a big difference, but in general White Australians, due to the barrier of perception, do not seem to have a clue.

Take the word “feeling” (mentioned in these previous posts) for example and the "Western White" understanding of the word is completely different how I have learned to understand it in the Aboriginal meaning of that word.

Many examples – but here is just one:
When you enter the periphery of a specific “Site” – the whole atmosphere changes – you feeeeel it, and you feel it so well …. And (multidimensionally) you *shift your awareness* and then listen to the *singing* of that land or rock or tree ….
White joggers or bushwalkers walk by without detecting anything!
The barrier of perception is truly is perplexing!

As I mentioned – the Shamanic worldview and Aboriginal worldview do have many recognizable overlapping similarities.
I enjoy your insights Aila, and am receptive to the idea that us and them have different consciousness for certain things. Like I've said before, while I love walking in nature in Australia, the land has always felt spiritually empty; I can believe it's instinctively different for them.

07-18-2023, 04:39 AM
I forget sometimes what year I'm living in, where transexualism and transracialism are institutionally supported......should have known by the unrealistic jump in 'Indigenous' in the last Census. Jesus wept.

Same thought crossed my mind.
I thought we were immune to this crap.

07-18-2023, 05:10 AM
extinct Tasmanians
https://i.ibb.co/5G4PbTv/82d13cfd93fde4078e9fcb626665d6d2.jpg (https://ibb.co/KbhJT67)
https://i.ibb.co/m64JZQn/188-1.jpg (https://ibb.co/ZWxd4yQ)
https://i.ibb.co/y6NwZhK/12345.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)
https://i.ibb.co/C5bH9RH/images-custom-2017-11-0-d23e6-90891ba8-orig.jpg (https://ibb.co/TB4g09g)
https://i.ibb.co/ccjnhrW/Truganini-Alfred-Winter.jpg (https://ibb.co/tM9rpJ0)
https://i.ibb.co/vYymDfR/image.jpg (https://ibb.co/Zm4KNv7)
онлайн конвертер фото в jpg (https://ru.imgbb.com/)

Arne Eriksson
07-18-2023, 11:05 AM
Looks like a light skin Indid.

07-20-2023, 05:25 AM
https://i.ibb.co/vYymDfR/image.jpg (https://ibb.co/Zm4KNv7)

Homo Erectus in a suit

07-20-2023, 04:58 PM
In a way they look more archaic than anyone from Africa. The following video suggests they were the first explorers who left Africa.

07-20-2023, 04:59 PM
It's still puzzling why despite being the first to leave Africa, they also seemed to have evolved less than people who stayed in Africa.

07-20-2023, 05:11 PM
My unscientific theory, looking at Gondwana and how it broke apart into Africa, India, Australia, Madagascar, S.America and Antartica, is that Australia and South India were linked once upon a time. And that people existed in India and Australia then and must have had some link. Then India broke off and floated north to hit Asia, and Australia floated east later.
But this theory doesn't make sense with the human evolution timeline which supposedly happened much later (after all the continents had split and ended up looking like the current day world). According to the video above, Australians moved north out of Africa, and took the land route all the way to Asia and then down south to Australia. But Australia was for sure inaccessible being too far way to travel by sea.

07-20-2023, 07:54 PM
Looks like some sort of mixed-race latin American

07-22-2023, 04:41 PM
Guys, stop it! We're fed up with cultural marxism in Europe: people are NOT what they "feel" (eg: man feeling that he's a woman or a nigger feeling he's French), but what they OBJECTIVELY ARE...

Her dad looks Sri Lankan. Resembles a Gypsy Romanian footballer that got over-tanned... There is no way he's a full blooded aboriginal: if so then most dalits in Southern India would qualify

You do realise that there's variation in looks among the Aboriginese? Not all of them have massive browridges, they do have different phenotypes.