View Full Version : White People Don't Exist? Culture, Politics, Social Construct

Your Old Comrade
07-11-2023, 03:59 AM

This is my public complete response to the idea that white people don't exist. Is it true? is it correct? is it false? Does it apply only to white people?

White is a racialized classification of people and a skin color specifier, generally used for people of European ancestry, although the definition can vary depending on context, nationality, and point of view.

The proposed explanation is that white people are a societal construct, or flawed arbitrary group classifier, based on the fact that within this very group, "white", we put together people of different cultural background, with different cultures. White Europeans, An English man, A French man an Italian a Scandinavian, a German, an American of European descent, what do they have in common? Nothing, so white people don't exist.

07-11-2023, 04:25 AM
what do they have in common? Nothing

https://i.imgur.com/GtRZZrQ.png (https://www.ostarapublications.com/product/race-and-racial-differences/)

Chapter One: An Introduction to Race

A summary of the history of racial differentiation and the development of the science of DNA, with the latter definitively proving the link between biology and race, including physical appearance.

· Racial Descriptions from the Ancient World

· The Development of Scientific Race Classification

· Race-Denial Emerges after 1945

· Emergence of Genetic Science Undercuts Race-Denial Theory

· History of the Science of DNA

· DNA Testing Companies Divide Globe into Seven “Major Populations”

· Law Enforcement uses DNA to Identify Race and Create Identikits

· Genetics Makes a Final Definition of Race Possible: A Group with Common DNA.

Chapter 2: The Structure of Human DNA

A comprehensive but easily understandable overview human genetics, and of how racial differences are generated by specific genes.

· Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA): Nucleobases, Nucleotides, and Polynucleotides

· Haplotypes: X, Y, and mtDNA and Autosomal DNA (atDNA)

· Chromosomes, Genes, Alleles, and Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)

· Race is the Product of Variations in Alleles and SNPS

Chapter Three: Race Defined by Y And mtDNA Haplotype Groups

An overview of the world’s major Y and mtDNA Haplogroups—which are passed paternally and maternally in a never-changing line—and how they separate mankind into seven geographical regions.

· Y-Chromosome Family Trees by Geographic Origin

· Y-DNA Haplogroups (and subclades)

· Y-DNA Haplogroups Divide Humans into Seven Major Geographical Categories

· mtDNA-Chromosome Family Trees by Geographic Origin

· mtDNA Haplogroups (and subclades)

· mtDNA Haplogroups Divide Humans into Seven Major Geographical Categories

Chapter Four: Race Defined by Autosomal DNA

The exact process whereby Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) create physical and psychological differences which manifest themselves as seven major racial groups.

· The Role of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in Shaping Racial Differences

· SNP Analysis Divides World’s Population into Seven Distinct Categories

· SNP Analysis Links Geography to Racial Delineation

Chapter Five: Race and Racial Differences Created at the Gene and SNP Level

An explanation of how the different geographic distribution levels of certain genes and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) create the physical and psychological differences which manifest themselves as racial groups.

· List of Defining Racial Characteristics: Skin color, eye color, hair color, hair texture, skull shape, skeletal structure, psychological differences, and intelligence.

· Race Created through Different Geographical Concentration of SNPs and Genes

Chapter Six: The Genes Which Determine Racial Differences in Skin, Eye, and Hair Color; Hair Texture and Shape

A complete listing of the exact genes and SNPS which cause racial differences in hair texture, skin, eye, and hair color, broken down by racial category.

· Skin Color: The Genetics of Melanin Production

· Different SNPs Create Different Skin Tones in Europeans, Mongoloids, Sub-Saharan Africans, and San (“Bushmen”)

· The Genetics of Hair Color: The Genes which Cause Black, Brown, Blond and Red Hair

· The Genetics of Hair Texture: The Genes which Cause “Round” European Hair, “Oval” Asian Hair, and “Flat” African Hair

· The Genes Which Cause Blue, Brown, and Black Eyes—and the Ranges In Between

Chapter Seven: The Genes Which Determine Racial Differences in Skull Structure and Facial Features

An analysis of racial differences in skull shape and all facial structure, along with a complete list of the SNPs and genes responsible for these physical differences.

· Differences in Skull Shapes are used by Forensic Anthropologists to Determine Race

· The Genes which are Responsible for Different Racial Skull Shapes

· The Genes Which Determine Face Shape, Nose Shape, Eye Position, and All Other Facial Features

· The Genes Which Cause Epicanthic Folds in Certain Asian Racial Subgroups

Chapter Eight: The Genes Which Determine Racial Differences in Skeletal Structure

A complete overview of the major differences in skeletal structure, bone density, height, and other forensically known attributes used to determine race, and the individual genes responsible for these differences.

· The Limit of Environment Upon Skeletal Development

· Average Height by Race

· The Genes Which Determine Height

· Racial Differences in Height Caused by Specific Gene Differences

· Physical Differences in Skeletal Structure as Used by Forensic Specialists and Anthropologists to Determine Race

· Racial Skeletal Physical Differences Include Limb to Torso Ratios, Bone Density and Strength

Chapter Nine: The Genes Which Determine Racial Differences in Intelligence

An analysis of IQ scores by racial group, with a complete listing of the specific SNPs and gene locations responsible for intelligence—and how these SNPs are unequally distributed among the races.

· Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Scores and Environment

· IQ Scores by Race from Around the World

· Advances in Genetics Explain Racial IQ Differences

· The Genes which Determine Brain Size and Function

· The SNPs which Determine Intelligence

· Racial Differences in Genetics Linked to Racial Differences in Intelligence

· List of the Most Important SNPs Affecting Intelligence—and Their Unequal Distribution among the Races

Chapter Ten: The Genes Which Determine Racial Differences in Psychology

An overview of two of the most important differences in psychology which affect the functioning of society: the mental illness of schizophrenia, and the levels of violent criminality. The specific genes link to schizophrenia and violent criminality are identified, and their unequal distribution by race detailed.

· The Genes which Determine Schizophrenia

· Genetic Link between Schizophrenia, Low Intelligence, and Criminal Activity

· The Specific Genetic Basis of Schizophrenia

· Racial Differences in Schizophrenia Rates

· MAOA: The “Aggression” Gene

· Genetics Reveals MAOA Gene More Prevalent in Africans

Chapter Eleven: The Seven Major Races Named

The division by genetics of mankind into seven major categories allows these seven groups to be named according to their geographic territories or language families. Each of these major racial groups have subgroups within them, but all share genetic commonality.

· Region: Europe. Racial group name: “Europid.”

· Region: Africa (sub-Saharan). Racial group name: “Negroid.”

· Region: East Asia. Racial group name: “Mongoloid.”

· Region: Central Asia. Racial group name: “Indo-Iranoid.”

· Region: Middle East. Racial group name: “Semitic.”

· Region: Oceania. Racial group name: “Australoid.”

· Region: Americas. Racial group name: “Amerindians.”

Chapter Twelve: The Seven Major Races—A Typological Overview

A comprehensive and illustrated overview of the seven major races of the world and their subgroups. Includes physical descriptions, IQ levels, and geographic locations.

· The Cephalic Index as a Measure of Race

· Facial Features as a Measure of Race

· 1. Europid. Subraces: Nordic, Alpine, Mediterranean

· 2. Negroid. Subraces: Bantu, San or Khoi

· 3. Semitic. Subrace: Jews:

· 4. Indo-Iranoids. Subraces: Dravidian, Pre-Dravidian, Iranoid

· 5. Mongoloid. Subraces: Han Chinese, Mongols, Yayoi, Far North Asiatic

· 6. Australoid. Subraces: Negrito, Aborigine, Bornean, Maori, Polynesian

· 7. Amerindian. Subraces: Far North Amerind, Northern Amerind, Central Amerind, Southern Amerind, Far South Amerind

Chapter Thirteen: Five Common Racial Myths Debunked

The five most used racial myths spread by race deniers, analyzed and rebutted with data and statistics.

· “All humans are 99 percent genetically the same, so there is no genetic difference.”

· “Race has no basis in biology.”

· “Race is a social construct.”

· “Race is only skin deep.”

· “Racial differences in intelligence are explained by socio-economic factors.”

https://i.imgur.com/JU55Mid.png (https://youtu.be/Vic_-wDuk3c)https://i.imgur.com/u7leimb.png

07-11-2023, 04:41 AM
https://scontent-qro1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/125110943_1787485008085229_473341192847863882_n.jp g?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_eui2=AeGIfiis4ZlDHmt63FI4nxsx9a1m9PoX5zr1rWb0-hfnOl5nf8E38SUkYO-dksSwARSdZ7Fx0nflYgxNi1eAv2kv&_nc_ohc=RjsCJO0_fx0AX9NhJJ4&_nc_ht=scontent-qro1-1.xx&oh=00_AfAcb9B_DR3rsJK9GHBZKQnCJUB5YKICQ5WtsXuFGdA8 tw&oe=64D4353A

White Swan
07-11-2023, 05:57 AM
Let it be mentioned that denying a culture exists is a step to genocide.

Now, why?

07-11-2023, 08:37 AM
White People exist, like Black people exist. But they are social concepts, somewhat rooted in nature (for example: white skin colour but even that is relative because you can be skin type I or skin type III and be "white"). Identity generally is not truly objective, like racialists want it, but also you dont need to deny that white people exist at all like some on the left do. Im somewhere inbetween, the far right and the far left view.

07-11-2023, 09:32 AM
White People exist, like Black people exist. But they are social concepts, somewhat rooted in nature (for example: white skin colour but even that is relative because you can be skin type I or skin type III and be "white"). Identity generally is not truly objective, like racialists want it, but also you dont need to deny that white people exist at all like some on the left do. Im somewhere inbetween, the far right and the far left view.

There are numerous peculiar political arguments claiming that "X is a 'social construct' and, as such, it is illegitimate or arbitrary." People often engage in elaborate attempts, often using statistical data, to prove something that is typically straightforward and evident (as in the case of the existence of white people, for instance). However, there is nothing inherently flawed about "constructs"; they are integral to society and culture, constituting their very fabric.

07-11-2023, 09:44 AM
https://scontent-qro1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/125110943_1787485008085229_473341192847863882_n.jp g?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_eui2=AeGIfiis4ZlDHmt63FI4nxsx9a1m9PoX5zr1rWb0-hfnOl5nf8E38SUkYO-dksSwARSdZ7Fx0nflYgxNi1eAv2kv&_nc_ohc=RjsCJO0_fx0AX9NhJJ4&_nc_ht=scontent-qro1-1.xx&oh=00_AfAcb9B_DR3rsJK9GHBZKQnCJUB5YKICQ5WtsXuFGdA8 tw&oe=64D4353A

I have never met a White Mexican. Do they hide in reservations?

07-11-2023, 10:05 AM
There are numerous peculiar political arguments claiming that "X is a 'social construct' and, as such, it is illegitimate or arbitrary." People often engage in elaborate attempts, often using statistical data, to prove something that is typically straightforward and evident (as in the case of the existence of white people, for instance). However, there is nothing inherently flawed about "constructs"; they are integral to society and culture, constituting their very fabric.

Im not saying it is illegitimate though. I dont have a political agenda, but yes it is arbitrary in my opinion but not illegitimate.

07-11-2023, 10:23 AM
I have never met a White Mexican. Do they hide in reservations?

They are all over the United States, the thing Is YOU Anglos associate certain looks as If all Mexicans were universally cloned of George Lopez or something short, fat, square , ugly etc.

But they look like this.

