View Full Version : Classify a 19th Century Nobleman

07-14-2023, 02:07 AM
https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/347565519_2521347934683132_1719137098246068916_n.j pg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=1bWpcWnwgN8AX8MmXKY&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=00_AfAKkM0QFZSoONlh7moaKjjs_FltYYsu1ulGxZUiHZeC kw&oe=64B4F1CD

07-14-2023, 02:16 AM
Mortimer, I'm not one of those arrogant freaks who ignores friends. Sorry, I don't communicate in private messages. Write here. I always classify your eyes.

07-14-2023, 02:18 AM
Mortimer, I'm not one of those arrogant freaks who ignores friends. Sorry, I don't communicate in private messages. Write here. I always classify your eyes.

I have written about a russian ancestry, but it isnt that important anyways because its very small if it exists truly like 5-7% (1/16). Its ok, there is not much you could reply anyways to it. It is just a information, and it is very small part of my ancestry. It is more like a detail than anything.

07-14-2023, 02:20 AM
My message

I was told i have a cossack ancestor whos name was kachanov, but his descendants are all very black and do not look russian, but his daughter who was half had a picture of him, he was light and had a big beard, mustaches, looked very russian, but his grandchildren are very black typical gypsies. no one is like him. do you think they only think he is their grandfather but he was not? Sometimes someone else is the father then the one you think is your father? Do you think i can see if im like 5% russian or something on a genetic test? On AncestryDNA I get ukraine as a group, but im not sure if serbs(slavs too) or gypsies (partly or a little bit european, some overlap) could get that too or if it is actual russian/ukranian ancestry?


The Balkans
Your communities with a connection to this ethnicity regionYour connection to this ethnicity region may come through ancestors from these communities.
Eastern European Roma
Central Croatia
Northern India
Aegean Islands
Anatolia & the Caucasus
Eastern Europe & Russia
Your community with a connection to this ethnicity regionYour connection to this ethnicity region may come through ancestors from this community.
Ukrainians in Eastern Europe
Romania & Southwest Ukraine

07-14-2023, 02:24 AM
I have written about a russian ancestry, but it isnt that important anyways because its very small if it exists truly like 5-7% (1/16). Its ok, there is not much you could reply anyways to it. It is just a information, and it is very small part of my ancestry. It is more like a detail than anything.
0% Russian in you in appearance. We have a non-European appearance, a very specific Nordic one. Maybe you should ask the Hungarians?

07-14-2023, 02:27 AM
0% Russian in you in appearance. We have a non-European appearance, a very specific Nordic one. Maybe you should ask the Hungarians?

Russians do not look non-european maybe non-southern european. Nordic is European too. But I agree I do not look Russian Im too black and everything.

07-14-2023, 02:33 AM
Russians do not look non-european maybe non-southern european. Nordic is European too. But I agree I do not look Russian Im too black and everything.
Today I saw the Irish - they are, as it were, the standard of Europeans. Believe me, we are not like that ... We have a nordid as the main component. Secondary Baltides and northern Pontides. Nobody has this. We are a separate race.

07-14-2023, 03:06 AM
Today I saw the Irish - they are, as it were, the standard of Europeans. Believe me, we are not like that ... We have a nordid as the main component. Secondary Baltides and northern Pontides. Nobody has this. We are a separate race.

Ok. Anyways Im mostly Roma Gypsy with significant serbian ancestry as well. I think Im 37% Serbian... I estimated to be 37% Serbian. My direct paternal great grandfather was serbian, and my paternal grandmother was serbian too.

07-14-2023, 03:24 AM
Ok. Anyways Im mostly Roma Gypsy with significant serbian ancestry as well. I think Im 37% Serbian... I estimated to be 37% Serbian. My direct paternal great grandfather was serbian, and my paternal grandmother was serbian too.
That's why we find a common language. Serbs are the older brothers of Russians