View Full Version : Mediterenean?, Balkanic? South East Euro?Paleobalkan population? or simply Dinarics?

07-18-2023, 12:52 PM
How do Albanians identify themselvs racially? and which of the above labels they feel identifies them better?

07-18-2023, 03:00 PM
We don't dwell on that. We just are.

07-18-2023, 05:32 PM
We don't dwell on that. We just are.

By just being its a good way to avoid internal conflicts as well, by doing so, u expand to foreign nations right?
Like claiming all Greeks were Albanians before 1800 and other such staff ?

07-18-2023, 05:35 PM
By just being its a good way to avoid internal conflicts as well, by doing so, u expand to foreign nations right?
Like claiming all Greeks were Albanians before 1800 and other such staff ?

Most not all. Or only the bravest ones rather.

Albanians don't wanna be part of a bigger club but of a smaller one, elitist of sorts. Even within ourselves we are proud to be from a certain region, capital etc. Whatever you think makes sense for you, turn it on reverse.

07-18-2023, 05:48 PM
Yes, the bravest ones of the ravolutionaries were Albanians, and others were gypsies and Aethiopians like your kind claim on the internet.....?
And where is the albanian bravery? I see none , if Albanians were so braver and elits as u claim, they would have expand and create empire, or empires, and i dont see any empire created by Albanians through history with all respect.
I just feel u albanians are just hahols,and singing songs of greatness and gagging when there is nothing to gag about. I would respect u much more, if u had stayed in your country, trying to built it and not sneak into Greece in the 90s, like Bulgarians or Serbians or other Balkanians did do. U are literaly the last wheel of the car. The above characteristics are poor and negative values of a nation

07-18-2023, 05:50 PM

07-18-2023, 05:52 PM

Thats a good answer , i respect u

Your Old Comrade
07-18-2023, 05:56 PM
I see what he is trying to do: sowing division.

07-23-2023, 03:57 AM
From my short time here I have learned all Balkan men are Supermen. Any Balkan country could kick the US, UK, France, Germany or Russian ass if they wanted, hell even their women could.

I like them because they remind me of my fellow hillbillies, we would kick everyones ass also but got other shit to do instead.

08-26-2023, 03:38 PM
As an Albanian I identify with Ancient Balkan people the reason is because majority of our lineages come from these populations and we speak a non-Slavic language, I also believe Anatolians were genetically somewhat close to some parts of the Balkans, but I also realize that modern Albanians have been affected by Slavic and I don't take these calculators that give me shit loads of Illyrian and with good distance as serious. Albanians have Thracian input too. And I have become more interested in Thracians, my interest has shifted less towards Illyrians and more towards Thracians, Anatolians, Ancient Greeks etc.

I don't have this need to identify with Ancient Balkan populations but the early Albanians were Paleo-Balkan. Many people in the Balkans are mixed in general with each other.

08-26-2023, 03:59 PM
From my short time here I have learned all Balkan men are Supermen. Any Balkan country could kick the US, UK, France, Germany or Russian ass if they wanted, hell even their women could.

I like them because they remind me of my fellow hillbillies, we would kick everyones ass also but got other shit to do instead.