View Full Version : Are you against gay marriage?

07-20-2023, 10:36 AM
If you are against it then. Are you also against people dating same gender? Do you want to ban homosexual?

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07-20-2023, 10:55 AM
Yes, I am against it. They are and used to be considered mentally ill and immoral. But they should not be persecuted again. Let them fuck and die of aids, if that is what they want. Just stop abominations like homosexual 'marriage' and adoption of children. No more homo propaganda or sex change operations for trannies which are the worst loonies of the whole 'LGBTQ' bunch.

07-20-2023, 10:58 AM
Marriage is a holy union between male and female to bring life into the world not sexual deviancy

07-20-2023, 11:03 AM
Marriage is a holy union between male and female to bring life into the world not sexual deviancySo i guess you are against gay marriage but don't want to ban homosexual?

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07-20-2023, 11:04 AM
So i guess you are against gay marriage but don't want to ban homosexual?

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But homosexuals and adults do in the bedroom is none of my business... I don't want to know..and I don't want it advertised either.

07-20-2023, 11:18 AM
No, everyone deserves to be happy. I am not married, I don’t have the right being against the marriage of random people.

Though gay people can’t become pregnant, therefore they don’t have any reason to marry(just kidding :D).

07-20-2023, 01:10 PM
No, everyone deserves to be happy. I am not married, I don’t have the right being against the marriage of random people.

Though gay people can’t become pregnant, therefore they don’t have any reason to marry(just kidding :D).

And regard gay adoptions ( not in the sense of adopting some gay ) and uterus for rent ?

07-20-2023, 02:02 PM
I am against it under the paradigm of the faith of the Church of England or the Anglican church but what other denominations choose as their policy is none of my business. I don't understand why a gay couple would need it officially recognized or sanctioned by the Church of England rather than just simply cohabiting.

07-20-2023, 02:19 PM
Gay people do not have to marry to be happy, it is my take, also, homosexualism seems to be an exclusive issue of the highly advanced societies so I probably have no right to say no. For my own situation, I am more happy than I deserve now so it is difficult for me to understand how gay couples could be more happy by marriage than without it( it is an issue of people with higher means than mine). But if you vote me to sit in the chair of Rotschild`s throne, I will not persecute gay nor will oppose it from my own sway, just let each state decide. But from my philosophy, pain is a part of men`s happiness, a life that is all too sweet is not really a happiness for men, gay people should bear the inherent social and structural responsibilities if they claim true love, even Romeo and Juliet suffered a grim fate for their passion like many hetero couples struggle for their loves and livelihoods today, why gay people today all being men, should cry for more equal rights?( let us say we are all proud of being men, it is a privildge) when have you really struggle for your love? except for legal parades? This sounds faulty, you can not just eat all the fruits of progress in the name of love.

Maybe by means I am not in position to understand(sharing feelings with) gay people, but from a philosophical and critical view, I can say happiness like a family should not be a major goal for gay lovers, and marriage alone will not solve the essential problems in gay people too, one symptom is they could be demanding more and more, doing a dishonor to their kind. I mean, legalization or marriage does not really change anything essential with being happy with relationships, either hetero or homo. For now they seem to be happy mostly because there is a common front against the norm.

07-20-2023, 02:24 PM
Gays should disappear, women who love men and women are not repulsive. .

07-20-2023, 02:31 PM
Marriage lost all its meaning these days. Marriage is pact made between a couple and God (or several Gods, depending on tradition) - usually in the presence of a priest/shaman. Whatever gays, lesbians, trannies, agnostic atheists and normies who don't even know the difference between a gnostic theist and an agnostic theist (probably don't even know what those words mean) consider 'marriage' is just an obligation, a contract, not something spiritual or sacred.
So no, I don't care or oppose gay/lesbian/interracial marriage, I encourage it. Go for it.

07-20-2023, 02:38 PM
Marriage lost all its meaning these days. Marriage is pact made between a couple and God (or several Gods, depending on tradition) - usually in the presence of a priest/shaman. Whatever gays, lesbians, trannies, agnostic atheists and normies who don't even know the difference between a gnostic theist and an agnostic theist (probably don't even know what those words mean) consider 'marriage' is just an obligation, a contract, not something spiritual or sacred.
So no, I don't care or oppose gay/lesbian/interracial marriage, I encourage it. Go for it.

Accelerationist lol.

07-20-2023, 02:53 PM
Gays should disappear, women who love men and women are not repulsive. .Yes women are not repulsive. Gay also mean lesbian and they can't disappear.

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07-20-2023, 02:59 PM
I'm neutral. Not my business.

07-20-2023, 05:19 PM
And regard gay adoptions ( not in the sense of adopting some gay ) and uterus for rent ?

I fully support that, isn’t that wonderful if an orphan finds a family. A couple doesn’t decide to adopt a child without thinking about all the consequences. People are crying about „oh no we have to protect our children“, said by single and childless guys who don’t understand gay people became homosexual although they grew up in a traditional family.

07-20-2023, 05:22 PM

07-20-2023, 05:46 PM
As a straight male, I am not against gay marriage.

07-21-2023, 06:30 AM
I fully support that, isn’t that wonderful if an orphan finds a family. A couple doesn’t decide to adopt a child without thinking about all the consequences. People are crying about „oh no we have to protect our children“, said by single and childless guys who don’t understand gay people became homosexual although they grew up in a traditional family.

In all the world and any time ( since ancient time ) the first word of every baby is : Ma... mam... mah......also in Chinese..妈妈 = Māmā

What about a baby with 2 fathers ?...

Please do not mention orphans or other misfortunes to compare with the misfortune of having 2 parents of the same sex and therefore gay.

Nobody (mentally healthy and therefore not perverted) would or would have wanted to have two gays instead of mum and dad..

The right to have a natural family with mum and dad must be protected. There is no right for capricious gays to adopt children to satisfy their needs.

It is terrifying to see how propaganda can influence the minds of weak people.

More and more boys/girls born from the 90s onwards think that two capricious gays (Gays who adopt and buy children are always capricious and rich ) have the right to adopt a child as if he/she were a small dog to play with. They are not interested in the life and fate of the poor child adopted or bought with a rented uterus.

07-21-2023, 06:35 AM
In all the world and any time ( since ancient time ) the first word of every baby is : Ma... mam... mah......also in Chinese..妈妈 = Māmā

What about a baby with 2 fathers ?...

Please do not mention orphans or other misfortunes to compare with the misfortune of having 2 parents of the same sex and therefore gay.

Nobody (mentally healthy and therefore not perverted) would or would have wanted to have two gays instead of mum and dad..Let's say a kid is staying in a shitty orphanage then wouldn't it be better for him/her to get adapted by a rich/gay couple.

I am talking about logically if you are worried about harassment. Then gay can only adapt girls and lesbian can only adapt boys. and harassment can also happen even if straight couple adapt.

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07-21-2023, 06:40 AM
Let's say a kid is staying in a shitty orphanage then wouldn't it be better for him/her to get adapted by a rich/gay couple.

I am talking about logically if you are worried about harassment. Then gay can only adapt girls and lesbian can only adapt boys. and harassment can also happen even if straight couple adapt.

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You prove that you are influenced by bad propaganda..

07-21-2023, 08:17 AM
Marriage lost all its meaning these days.

No it didn't, it's a conscious choice of grown up people who are willing to take responsibility for own actions, not just living for today's mood and passions. Men who purposefully live with woman outside of marriage, always keep in mind the option that they can finish their pseudo-marriage the next day, without any legal consequences. Singing a contract (without extremes) is also a very useful thing. When people run at each other like dogs, it's shameful and pathetic.

07-21-2023, 08:19 AM
No it didn't, it's a conscious choice of grown up people who are willing to take responsibility for own actions, not just living for today's mood and passions. Men who purposefully live with woman outside of marriage, always keep in mind the option that they can finish their pseudo-marriage the next day, without any legal consequences. Conclusion of a contract (without extremes) this is also a very useful thing. When people run at each other like dogs, it's shameful and pathetic.

You just confirmed my take, thanks.

07-21-2023, 08:23 AM
You just confirmed my take, thanks.

I've described it in civil meaning, for me it's has also a significant spiritual part of the question, but I didn't involve it as far as not all of us of the same religion/beliefes etc. Normal, healthy non-hedonist society functions on responsibility, obliges to each other, hierarchy and domination of brain over passions, such instruments help a lot.

07-21-2023, 08:28 AM
So no, I don't care or oppose gay/lesbian/interracial marriage, I encourage it. Go for it.
Why are Russians so "lucky" with this cretin? Nobody has cretins, only we tolerate a pervert...

07-21-2023, 08:32 AM
Why are Russians so "lucky" with this cretin? Nobody has cretins, only we tolerate a pervert...

You can barely put a sentence together and even when you do nobody can understand what you're trying to say. :rolleyes:

07-21-2023, 08:34 AM
I've described it in civil meaning, for me it's has also a significant spiritual part of the question, but I didn't involve it as far as not all of us of the same religion/beliefes etc. Normal, healthy non-hedonist society functions on responsibility, obliges to each other, hierarchy and domination of brain over passions, such instruments help a lot.

That's not marriage in a traditional sense, that's what I meant in the first place. What you're describing is a modern interpretation of marriage which has lost all of its initial meaning. I'm not saying it's wrong, it's just not actual marriage, it's whatever you have described.
That's also why I don't mind gay "marriage".

07-21-2023, 08:39 AM
You can barely put a sentence together and even when you do nobody can understand what you're trying to say. :rolleyes:
What a humorist. The best humorist of the forum.

07-21-2023, 08:42 AM
What a humorist. The best humorist of the forum.

Yes, I'm a humourist.

07-21-2023, 08:49 AM
Yes, I'm a humourist.
You're a cuckold. You suck European cocks.

07-21-2023, 08:52 AM
You're a cuckold. You suck European cocks.

I can't be a cuckold because I'm not married and I have never sucked a cock in my life.

07-21-2023, 07:12 PM
In all the world and any time ( since ancient time ) the first word of every baby is : Ma... mam... mah......also in Chinese..妈妈 = Māmā.

My first words weren't mama, mama can also mean "food" or "feed me" in baby language, at least for Turks.

What about a baby with 2 fathers ?...

Why not, though I think mothers milk shouldn't be replaced until you really have a mother. But besides of that, I dont see any problem there.

Please do not mention orphans or other misfortunes to compare with the misfortune of having 2 parents of the same sex and therefore gay.

Yes having two lovely homosexual parents is worse than growing up in a depressing orphanage.

Nobody (mentally healthy and therefore not perverted) would or would have wanted to have two gays instead of mum and dad..

I neither, I wouldn't want anyone else than my parents, that doesn't make sense. I am sure if both parents are lovely, that child wouldn't want anyone else either. On the other hand I know a lot of broken families where the children neither want their father nor mother. Family dynamics are complicated, having a traditional family isn't a precondition for health nor having homosexual parents is a precondition for unhealthiness.

The right to have a natural family with mum and dad must be protected. There is no right for capricious gays to adopt children to satisfy their needs.

Id really want to have children, in the past I didn't want even marry. I am not gay but now I understand people who have dreams and desires regarding having a family, and I dont want to forbid it for random people, considering I dont have children. If you want to protect your family, then be a good husband and father, that's enough for God8if you dont have a wife nor children, then our conversation is redundant).

It is terrifying to see how propaganda can influence the minds of weak people.

What propaganda, I dont even have a TV, I dont watch German news reports and I dont even have social media accounts. I often read different newspapers, but never about this topic, rather about global and national conflicts. Quite the contrary I grew up with friends and still have friends who are quite homophobic, my cultural background is homophobic too. Some years ago I wouldn't have even talked to someone who said the same thing which I am saying now. But I see and saw suppressing people can cause a lot of damages.

More and more boys/girls born from the 90s onwards think that two capricious gays (Gays who adopt and buy children are always capricious and rich ) have the right to adopt a child as if he/she were a small dog to play with. They are not interested in the life and fate of the poor child adopted or bought with a rented uterus.

No one decides to start a family without thinking of it and you can't easily get a child like you get a goldfish. And you are confusing something, most young, heterosexual couples decide to have a dog instead of a child. Therefore I should be against homosexual couples adopting a baby?

Men, I just gave my opinion now I feel like some woke guy with blue hairs and a nose ring. We both are big fan of Roman and Greek civilization, aren't we? Without them, Europe wouldn't have any civilization besides of some Stone Age cultures. They spread culture and science, and homosexuality by the way.

07-21-2023, 07:25 PM
No, every form of love is valid.

07-21-2023, 07:58 PM

07-21-2023, 08:36 PM
Civil unions between homosexuals yes, but not calling them "marriage".

07-22-2023, 07:49 AM
Men, I just gave my opinion now I feel like some woke guy with blue hairs and a nose ring. We both are big fan of Roman and Greek civilization, aren't we? Without them, Europe wouldn't have any civilization besides of some Stone Age cultures. They spread culture and science, and homosexuality by the way.

And Roman Empire empire stood on 2 legs:

A) Professional military organization

B) Extended slavery

What do you regret about ancient times?

If you regret homosexuality you regret extended slavery also...

In Italy and in the rest of Europe, adoption is not easy for hetero couple married... and someone wonders why.

In Italy you can't choose the "child" with certain physical characteristics and when the couples - scrupulously selected- are in front of the child (a couple of hours to get to know each other and decide Yes or No) in 50% of cases they SAY NO... for various reasons....
They don't find the baby beautiful.. they don't find the baby similar ect ect....

And many times when the "child" is initially accepted, there is a second abandonment (in 10% of cases in Italy) within a few months or years.

Also, when couples divorce or separate, no one wants to keep the adopted child because there is no biological bond ( and not even the grandparents and uncles would like the adopted child ) .

That said, how is it possible for a "judge" to establish in advance (a priori) whether a gay couple is worthy of adoption?

Gays are famous for the superficiality of their unions..

In Italy there is no gay marriage but there are civil unions.. Gays did not want the obligation of fidelity that exists in marriage..

07-23-2023, 05:04 AM
Yes. It's not real marriage, it's counterfeit. God defined marriage, not our government.

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07-24-2023, 05:50 AM
No, I don't care.

Cristiano viejo
07-24-2023, 05:52 AM
Absolutely against. To start, marriage means the union between a man and a woman.

07-24-2023, 01:49 PM
They do it for attention, a lot of them get great pleasure shoving their perversion in normal peoples face. Marriage is the base for starting a family and is why governments have many laws and benefits for families.

Personally I don't care what consenting adults do in private, I do care when weirdos push their crap on kids like the dingbats convincing their kids they are not the gender they where born with. Mostly women seeking attention doing this. I'm an older guy and as a kid I never knew some other boy wishing he was a girl.

07-24-2023, 02:46 PM
They do it for attention, a lot of them get great pleasure shoving their perversion in normal peoples face. Marriage is the base for starting a family and is why governments have many laws and benefits for families.

Personally I don't care what consenting adults do in private, I do care when weirdos push their crap on kids like the dingbats convincing their kids they are not the gender they where born with. Mostly women seeking attention doing this. I'm an older guy and as a kid I never knew some other boy wishing he was a girl.

Cristiano viejo
07-25-2023, 04:59 AM
No, every form of love is valid.
Stupid comment of the year.

So if a father and his daughter love each other, marry, have sex and descendants is valid for you, true?

Fukin clown...

07-25-2023, 01:13 PM
Stupid comment of the year.

So if a father and his daughter love each other, marry, have sex and descendants is valid for you, true?

Fukin clown...No because it is pedophile.
How can you compare a dude grooming his daughter with two 23 year old women who love each other?

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Cristiano viejo
07-25-2023, 03:51 PM
No because it is pedophile.
How can you compare a dude grooming his daughter with two 23 year old women who love each other?

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I dont compare anything and use the brain even if only for a moment: I am not talking about pedophilia since it could be a 45 years old father and a 23 years old daughter.

You globalists make me puke with your disgusting agenda pro-homosexualism and pro-immigration and your pathetic excuses about "any form of love is valid". You degenerates.

07-25-2023, 04:36 PM
I dont compare anything and use the brain even if only for a moment: I am not talking about pedophilia since it could be a 45 years old father and a 23 years old daughter.

You globalists make me puke with your disgusting agenda pro-homosexualism and pro-immigration and your pathetic excuses about "any form of love is valid". You degenerates.I am not talking about pro-immigration. You are imagining it lmao
Do you know what grooming is?

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