View Full Version : Why dogs bark at Gypsies?

08-01-2023, 10:21 AM
This is not a joke, but real thing. I noticed that long tome ago. I had forgotten about that until yesterday. Yesterday i was in Belgrade visiting my relative. My cousin has dog (in the private house). We were in the yard several hours and dog was near us all time. We were sitting a few meters from the street in the yard overlooking the street. A lot of people passing the street during that period. The dog only went to the fence twice and started barking when people passed by - once when white guy with a dog passed by (because of dog), and second time when two Gypsy girls (alone without dog) were passing by. My cousin said in that neighborhood there is only only two Gypsy families and local dogs always barking at them. Even more interesting is that one of two Gypsy families from neighborhood is not typical Gypsy by lifestyle - they are calm, clean, tidy, educated, they have normal jobs etc. (only by their physical appearance is visible they are Gypsies), but regardless of that the dogs always bark on them. Other Gypsy family from neighborhood is typical Gypsy by behavior and life style.

08-01-2023, 10:23 AM
Maybe because they look different to other people?

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
08-01-2023, 10:34 AM
They are also more prone to bark at black people from my experience. Dogs see the world differently than we do and are not able to process the same range of colors, so perhaps they have a harder time interpreting darker colors. It can also be related to some unfamiliar scent or smell that gypsies or other ethnicity might have.

08-01-2023, 10:35 AM
Maybe because they look different to other people?

Could be.

My cousin, neighbors of cousin and me are not only persons here who noticed that phenomenon. This guy on Twitter wrote (in Serbian) 'Why dogs bark at Gypsies' https://twitter.com/Preduhitrivach/status/575474490991226882

08-01-2023, 10:40 AM
It happens here too. When I was a child we would even sic stray dogs in the neighborhood on gypsies and they would bark at them and attack them and sometimes they did it on their own.

08-01-2023, 10:40 AM
Probably the same why they bark at black people (melanin in skin eyes and hair?)? Heard that before often from racist owners, but dogs dont bark at me. I had several dogs myself... and walk dogs of friends... a croat lady told me her dog barks at serbs? Probably he barks at serbs, for the same reason your dog barks at gypsies or an American dog barks at blacks...


08-01-2023, 10:42 AM
They are also more prone to bark at black people from my experience. Dogs see the world differently than we do and are not able to process the same range of colors, so perhaps they have a harder time interpreting darker colors. It can also be related to some unfamiliar scent or smell that gypsies or other ethnicity might have.

black people and gypsies are dog owners often themselfes, dogs are loyal to their owners, if the owner is white, the dog will perceive the gypsies or blacks as enemies, especially if the owner perceives them as enemies dogs feel that Varda dislikes gypsies... or that an american guy hates blacks

08-01-2023, 10:43 AM
Maybe even dogs know what's the score. I guess castrated dogs like Mortimer.:rolleyes:

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
08-01-2023, 10:45 AM
black people and gypsies are dog owners often themselfes, dogs are loyal to their owners, if the owner is white, the dog will perceive the gypsies or blacks as enemies, especially if the owner perceives them as enemies dogs feel that Varda dislikes gypsies... or that an american guy hates blacks

Yes, dogs are able to sense if you dislike someone or whenever you are distressed, anxious or fearful. If you as a owner happen to change your emotional state whenever you are around a certain group of people your dog might pick it up. I'm not a vet however so I might be saying something that is not really accurate, it is just my impression. My previous dog wouldn't hurt a fly.

08-01-2023, 10:46 AM
Maybe even dogs know what's the score. I guess castrated dogs like Mortimer.:rolleyes:

I had a dog like in 2016 and he liked me and my mum he liked even more...

When I was a kid we always had a dog in serbia... almost every gypsy i know has a dog in serbia.... often german shepherds (big dogs) i dont think dogs hate gypsies, i think dogs hate gypsies if the owner is white


08-01-2023, 10:46 AM
Yes, dogs are able to sense if you dislike someone or whenever you are distressed, anxious or fearful. If you as a owner happen to change your emotional state whenever you are around a certain group of people your dog might pick it up. I'm not a vet however so I'm just guessing, my previous dog wouldn't hurt a fly.

That is true, i have a female friend and she said a group of refugees was cat calling her and her dog got angry... the dog felt she is in danger

08-01-2023, 10:49 AM
I feel sorry for all the animals that are mistreated, beaten, mutilated or killed by certain gypsies in the towns. Especially the poor horses. They should get the same themselves.

08-01-2023, 10:50 AM
That is true, i have a female friend and she said a group of refugees was cat calling her and her dog got angry... the dog felt she is in danger
You don't have friends. Austrians must be very nice people and they feel sorry for you and they pretend they like you.

08-01-2023, 10:50 AM
I feel sorry for all the animals that are mistreated, beaten, mutilated or killed by certain gypsies in the towns. Especially the poor horses. They should get the same themselves.

I love animals and dont approve or defend animal abusers.

08-01-2023, 10:51 AM
You don't have friends. Austrians must be very nice people and they feel sorry for you and they pretend they like you.

lets say someone i know and talk sometimes to.

The pittbul i walk in the video is her dog

08-01-2023, 10:52 AM
My cousin, neighbors of cousin and me are not only persons here who noticed that phenomenon. This guy on Twitter wrote (in Serbian) 'Why dogs bark at Gypsies' https://twitter.com/Preduhitrivach/status/575474490991226882

He answered himself (expressed an opinion) - 'I thing dogs are racists'

08-01-2023, 10:53 AM
lets say someone i know and talk sometimes to.

The pittbul i walk in the video is her dog

Pitbulls are legal in Austria? Be careful it doesn't eat you face.

08-01-2023, 10:54 AM
He answered himself (expressed an opinion) - 'I thing dogs are racist'

That is the same what americans say about blacks, gypsies are the negroes of serbia.... they share high levels of melanin in skin, hair and eyes though... but i dont think dogs are racist, and if they are why would they be white racists and not black racists (racist to whites?)

08-01-2023, 10:57 AM
That is the same what americans say about blacks, gypsies are the negroes of serbia.... they share high levels of melanin in skin, hair and eyes though... but i dont think dogs are racist, and if they are why would they be white racists and black racists (racist to whites?)

Many blacks in South Africa are racist towards white minority. It would be interesting to know if their dogs bark at white people.

08-01-2023, 10:57 AM
Pitbulls are legal in Austria? Be careful it doesn't eat you face.

They are legal, many own a pittbul. They are not legal in romania?

08-01-2023, 10:58 AM
Many blacks in South Africa are racist towards white minority. It would be interesting to know if their dogs bark at white people.

i think you can train a dog to hate certain people or to attack someone at command like "get him" in german "fass" if you say that the dogs eats him. I think blacks could have a dog and give him that command.

08-01-2023, 10:59 AM
They are legal, many own a pittbul. They are not legal in romania?

They are but you have to muzzle them when outside and I heard they are illegal in many countries.

08-01-2023, 11:21 AM
Here we say that dogs bark at Tajiks and Uzbeks

08-01-2023, 11:22 AM
They are but you have to muzzle them when outside and I heard they are illegal in many countries.

Here you have to muzzle any medium/big dog in a public place. That's no one problem if he's a good or bad boy. There are still idiots who set the dogs free in parks, so they chase the cyclists or runners, there were accidents when people shot the dogs with traumatic guns being afraid of them. But generally people maintain their doggos adequately.


08-01-2023, 12:02 PM
This phenomenon also exists in Hungary. I think the main reason for this is that Gypsies have a distinctive smell, and dogs are known to have a much more sophisticated sense of smell than humans, so they can sense it better.

I think that those dogs react so sensitively to Gypsies whose owner is white and they don't know any Gypsies. I have heard of a landlord whose dog does not really bark at Gypsies, since the people he knows are Hungarians and Gypsies as well. This dog prefers to bark at Black people, which the owner considers understandable, since the animal does not know any
Black person.

I think it depends a lot on what kind of races the animal is socialized with and what kind of races it doesn't socialize with. Gypsies also keep dogs, but their dogs are used to their smell.

08-01-2023, 12:06 PM
This phenomenon also exists in Hungary. I think the main reason for this is that Gypsies have a distinctive smell, and dogs are known to have a much more sophisticated sense of smell than humans, so they can sense it better.

I think that those dogs react so sensitively to Gypsies whose owner is white and they don't know any Gypsies. I have heard of a landlord whose dog does not bark at Gypsies, since the people he knows are Hungarians and Gypsies as well. This dog prefers to bark at Black people, which the owner considers understandable, since the animal does not know any
Black person.

I consider that understandable since dogs bark at strangers and if the owner is white gypsies are more distinctive for the dog

08-01-2023, 12:11 PM
When we are talking about barking dogs, one scene from this Yugoslavian move came to my mind https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0170841/plotsummary/?ref_=tt_ov_pl


08-01-2023, 12:20 PM
I think the main reason for this is that Gypsies have a distinctive smell

Here we relate it that Central Asians have a strong odor of their sweat caused by ram's fat they consume every day. If you meet a Central Asian in public transportation you may feel sick of this odor, even if this person takes shower twice a day, he still smells with it, the smell of ram's fat is built into his metabolism.

I've heard the same from Bosnian Serbs, like "muslimani smrde na loj" - Muslims stink with ram's fat

08-01-2023, 12:24 PM
Here we relate it that Central Asians have a strong odor of their sweat caused by ram's fat they consume every day. If you meet a Central Asian in public transportation you may feel sick of this odor, even if this person takes shower twice a day, he still smells with it, the smell of ram's fat is built into his metabolism.

I think every race has a distinctive smell just like every individual has a own smell the dog recognises his owner I did not interpreted that gypsies stink though but whites might laugh about this seems like a satiriric meme that dogs are racist like some say

08-01-2023, 12:27 PM
No, dogs are not racist, only humans are. Cases of dogs barking at Roma are individual, of course this doesn't mean that they hate them.

08-01-2023, 12:39 PM
funnily that seems to be universal - in Romania I've seen dogs barking unprovoked at Roma and drunk people if they just pass by

08-01-2023, 12:41 PM
funnily that seems to be universal - in Romania I've seen dogs barking unprovoked at Roma and drunk people if they just pass by

Drunk people have an extremely unpleasant and unusual odor for dogs, much stronger than for a human smelling it.

08-01-2023, 12:41 PM
Maybe because they look different to other people?

And smell

08-01-2023, 12:42 PM
Drunk people have an extremely unpleasant and unusual odor for dogs, much stronger than for a human smelling it.

yeah as a former alcoholic often returning by foot at home late at night I've experienced it well with the stray dogs of Romania xD

08-01-2023, 12:46 PM
yeah as a former alcoholic often returning by foot at home late at night I've experienced it well with the stray dogs of Romania xD

A stray dog rescued my sister in serbia from a gang of young male thughs I think the cases are individual I just know that dogs are not racist nor do roma stink I know dogs who bark at old people for example that is individual

08-01-2023, 12:48 PM
A stray dog rescued my sister in serbia from a gang of young male thughs I think the cases are individual I just know that dogs are not racist nor do roma stink I know dogs who bark at old people for example that is individual

I don't know the reason but the observation made in the OP seems a bit universal, even if biased but strangely universal.

I get barked much more often than my wife for example and I blame it on my anxiety around street dogs (I also don't like pets/dogs/cats at all) but we jokingly also say "maybe I'm a Gypsy" because of this common belief that dogs bark at Roma

08-01-2023, 12:51 PM
I don't know the reason but the observation made in the OP seems a bit universal, even if biased but strangely universal

How it is universal because 3 people report it? Nurzat vadar and hungarian master

08-01-2023, 12:54 PM
I don't know the reason but the observation made in the OP seems a bit universal, even if biased but strangely universal.

I get barked much more often than my wife for example and I blame it on my anxiety around street dogs (I also don't like pets/dogs/cats at all) but we jokingly also say "maybe I'm a Gypsy" because of this common belief that dogs bark at Roma

In russia they believe it about central asians and in america about blacks do all dogs only like white people?

08-01-2023, 12:57 PM
I think the main reason for this is that Gypsies have a distinctive smell, and dogs are known to have a much more sophisticated sense of smell than humans, so they can sense it better.
I heard from some Serbs who visited India or were in the contact with Indians that Indians naturally have a strong and unpleasant smell, something quite different than among white people. Gypsies in the Balkans and wider are known for not taking care of hygiene, and people usually associate their unpleasant odors with it. Maybe Gypsies also have naturally unpleasant smell as Indians, they are cousins.

I've heard the same from Bosnian Serbs, like "muslimani smrde na loj" - Muslims stink with ram's fat
Muslims should not eat pork and pork products. In more distant past they ate lambs and goats and used tallow of lamb or goat. Many Bosnian Muslims in Yugoslavian time started eating pork and drink rakija, some of even earlier in AH period. My grandfather saw some Muslim workers in Drvar in 1960s how they eat bacon, but they hide it from each other. They ate bacon when they are alone or in company with non-Muslims, never when they are together. For the rakija they even didn't hide from each other, it was more acceptable for them to drink alcohol than to eat pork. In Sandžak was quite different. Rahmetli mufti Muamer Zukorlić said that once some Muslims were roasting rakija in Sandžak and it was shock for entire area, Sandžak talked about that incident for decades. He also said in the same period roasting of rakija was normal for Bosnian Muslims and still is. I heard several times from Zukorlić that Sandžakians and more traditional and more related to Islam than Bosnian Muslims who are more secularized, he was right. Sandžakians in general are more like Muslim Albanians than like Bosnian Muslims.

08-01-2023, 12:59 PM
In russia they believe it about central asians and in america about blacks do all dogs only like white people?

We have few gypsies in comparison to lots of Eastern and SE European countries, I see the gypsies rarely. But Central Asians are presented here. That's the deal.

08-01-2023, 01:03 PM
Muslims should not eat pork and pork products. In more distant past they ate lambs and goats and used tallow of lamb or goat. Many Bosnian Muslims in Yugoslavian time started eating pork and drink rakija, some of even earlier in AH period. My grandfather saw some Muslim workers in Drvar in 1960s how they eat bacon, but they hide it from each other. They ate bacon when they are alone or in company with non-Muslims, never when they are together. For the rakija they even didn't hide from each other, it was more acceptable for them to drink alcohol than to eat pork. In Sandžak was quite different. Rahmetli mufti Muamer Zukorlić said that once some Muslims were roasting rakija in Sandžak and it was shock for entire area, Sandžak talked about that incident for decades. He also said in the same period roasting of rakija was normal for Bosnian Muslims and still is. I heard several times from Zukorlić that Sandžakians and more traditional and more related to Islam than Bosnian Muslims who are more secularized. Sandžakians are more like Albanians than like BosnianbMuslims.

In 2009 I got my head smashed related to football and ended up in hospital. I spent two weeks there and my mom got me 1 kg of homemade slanina. In my room there was a Tatar guy, a Muslim with two broken legs, he had no relatives so nobody came to him. I gave him something like juice etc, in the evening I took the slanina from the fridge, got some onion, and I've noticed how he watches me eating it. So, I asked him if he wants some of it, my mom will bring more if needed. He watched outside through the window and said "we are under the roof, sun got down, so Allah does not see, ok" I sliced him some 200 gramms of it and he ate it with big pleasure xD

08-01-2023, 01:03 PM
We have few gypsies in comparison to lots of Eastern and SE European countries, I see the gypsies rarely. But Central Asians are presented here. That's the deal.

That just confirms my point further it is replaceable with the largest minority in a country

Sebastianus Rex
08-01-2023, 01:29 PM
They mostly react to unusual smells, fear/anxiety, body language and when they perceive danger/ territorial menace.

A dog owned by gypsies or a person from another racial group will react differently from the dog you described.

Near my grandparents house there was a fishmonger woman who owned several cats and she walked by the houses everyday to go to work and all the dogs on the street went crazy barking at her, every single time, and she was not a stranger since she lived in a house further down the road. It was possibly the strong smells of the fish and cats that make them went berserk. They can also sense other things that are still not fully explained by science.

08-14-2023, 09:16 PM

08-14-2023, 09:25 PM
they can bathe all day long and they will still have a specific gypsy smell and the dogs can smell it

08-15-2023, 05:27 AM
they can bathe all day long and they will still have a specific gypsy smell and the dogs can smell it

Every group has a specific smell, even every individual, thats why if you put a piece of clothes of someone under the dogs nose, he can find that person.

08-15-2023, 07:21 AM
Dogs will never forgive Gypsies for using wolfsbane against their cousins the wolves.