View Full Version : Cultural Appropriation

Grace O'Malley
09-04-2023, 05:02 AM
What do people think about Hamza Yassin who was born in Sudan wearing a kilt? If this was the other way around there would be howls of cultural appropriation. Do people think it is okay? I'm interested in opinions on this.


Also Humza Yousaf wearing a kilt. He is the First Minister of Scotland but is of Pakistani heritage. How do you feel about this?


09-04-2023, 05:16 AM
"Cultural Appropriation" is just another concept developed in the anglosphere and I reject anything coming from the angloshphere (except for money and women).

Grace O'Malley
09-04-2023, 05:46 AM
"Cultural Appropriation" is just another concept developed in the anglosphere and I reject anything coming from the angloshphere (except for money and women).

It appears overwhelmingly American to me. The American media is where I've come across it.

Anyway is it okay to wear a national costume of some other ethnicity or do people not care if someone don's a Mexican sombrero or dresses as an American Indian. I've even read about African American women accusing white women of cultural appropriate for wearing dreadlocks etc. However dreadlocks are not just African and have been worn in other cultures.

I think the discussion is interesting.

09-04-2023, 05:50 AM
Im sure there are many whites who do not like it, and express their opinions about it. There are also many whites who do not like Disney or Marvel for casting black vikings, Im not sure "howls of cultural appropriation" are more then whites who dont like a non-white being first minister of scotland or wearing a kilt. As for me, I wear austrian tracht sometimes, but in austria it is quite commercial, they sell it even in discounters like hofer (something like lidl a store). But still. So I also do that, and do not care, i would also not care if someone wears gypsy clothes or what is suppossed to be gypsy clothes.

https://i.ibb.co/87hGjzD/Grottenbahn5.jpg (https://ibb.co/P6SJ5TZ)

09-04-2023, 05:53 AM
The Question also arises if a Pakistani or Sudanese should be prime minister of Scotland, England or Britain, no matter what he wears, Im sure many do not like that at all either.

Grace O'Malley
09-04-2023, 05:57 AM
The Question also arises if a Pakistani or Sudanese should be prime minister of Scotland, England or Britain, no matter what he wears, Im sure many do not like that at all either.

It's an interesting question to ponder. Will they have the same loyalties to their adopted country? Human nature would presume you would still feel more a connection to your ethnic background.

09-04-2023, 06:00 AM
It's an interesting question to ponder. Will they have the same loyalties to their adopted country? Human nature would presume you would still feel more a connection to your ethnic background.

If they do would that make a difference for many who opposse it? I mean if they wear a kilt they try hard to show they are scottish. But i dont think that is the key question for the ones who do not like it.

09-04-2023, 06:27 AM
Here we don't have problems about that, I mean if I dress like an indigenous Mexican or an Afro-Mexican nobody would care.

So that's the reason I think the people who got offended it's something new for me and I cannot understand well, except if it they use the "cultural appropriation" just to make fun/being disrespectful, there I'd understand.

Grace O'Malley
09-04-2023, 06:29 AM
If they do would that make a difference for many who opposse it? I mean if they wear a kilt they try hard to show they are scottish. But i dont think that is the key question for the ones who do not like it.

I think it comes across as posturing. I do think you can want the best for a country even if you are from a migrant background. I'm an example of this. I don't think people should wear kilts if they haven't got a family connection to that kilt. It's the same here with every Government meeting and broadcast doing a Welcome to Country. I find that just insincere and ticking a box. I do think of it as Cultural Appropriation as I think it shouldn't be done by people who have no Aboriginal heritage. I think the same with people wearing kilts when they have no Scottish heritage.

09-04-2023, 06:30 AM
Any image of a Muslim in Britain makes me want to vomit full stop, but as I'm not Scottish the kilt-wearing specifically is just amusing.

Grace O'Malley
09-04-2023, 06:37 AM
Any image of a Muslim in Britain makes me want to vomit full stop, but as I'm not Scottish the kilt-wearing specifically is just amusing.

I don't like how in period pieces now they use non-Europeans. It was ridiculous having a black woman play Anne Boleyn for example. I think all this goes one way now. I know in the past they had whites playing Egyptians, Chinese etc. I don't think you have to be the same ethnicity but you should be the same race. Is that controversial? Give your views on the topic?

09-04-2023, 06:48 AM
What do people think about Hamza Yassin who was born in Sudan wearing a kilt? If this was the other way around there would be howls of cultural appropriation. Do people think it is okay? I'm interested in opinions on this.


Also Humza Yousaf wearing a kilt. He is the First Minister of Scotland but is of Pakistani heritage. How do you feel about this?


Bleah...it is a joke...

A cultural identity can be obtained (but it is very difficult for an Arab Muslim to be convinced of changing his culture.. if he does it is only for opportunism) but a blond Viking who jumps among the Masai of Kenya would make me a little disgusted .

Even if I criticize scandinavia ( only from a cultural point of view .. and not for physical or genetic ) I would like them to preserve their physical appearance too .. For me a Scandinavian must have light eyes and light hair ( even light brown ) and the face with Caucasian somatic features. Point.

09-04-2023, 06:50 AM
I don't like how in period pieces now they use non-Europeans. It was ridiculous having a black woman play Anne Boleyn for example. I think all this goes one way now. I know in the past they had whites playing Egyptians, Chinese etc. I don't think you have to be the same ethnicity but you should be the same race. Is that controversial? Give your views on the topic?
Well I wouldn't care if in an African or Asian production for example they had non-Whites playing European historical characters, but there's no excuse for Western productions doing the same. In the past they had White actors playing non-Europeans but it was for White audiences and ensured bums on seats, now they are clearly putting non-whites in European roles for political rather than financial and practical reasons, in spite of their audiences and the acting talent. They're evil.

09-04-2023, 06:54 AM
What do people think about Hamza Yassin who was born in Sudan wearing a kilt? If this was the other way around there would be howls of cultural appropriation. Do people think it is okay? I'm interested in opinions on this.

According to this theory, cultural appropriation only occurs over a minoritised group, not by it. Thus, a Subsaharan African can still wear a kilt, t-shirt or jeans, but a European can't wear a Native American feather headdress etc.
This is just for explanation, I dislike the theory as much as anybody on this board.

09-04-2023, 07:27 AM
According to this theory, cultural appropriation only occurs over a minoritised group, not by it. Thus, a Subsaharan African can still wear a kilt, t-shirt or jeans, but a European can't wear a Native American feather headdress etc.
This is just for explanation, I dislike the theory as much as anybody on this board.
Just like Blacks and Browns can't be racist in the Cultural Marxist conception, as racism requires power + privelige, which Whites always have by definition.

Grace O'Malley
09-04-2023, 08:01 AM
Bleah...it is a joke...

A cultural identity can be obtained (but it is very difficult for an Arab Muslim to be convinced of changing his culture.. if he does it is only for opportunism) but a blond Viking who jumps among the Masai of Kenya would make me a little disgusted .

Even if I criticize scandinavia ( only from a cultural point of view .. and not for physical or genetic ) I would like them to preserve their physical appearance too .. For me a Scandinavian must have light eyes and light hair ( even light brown ) and the face with Caucasian somatic features. Point.

I wouldn't wear those Viking horns. Anyway they aren't even historically accurate. I don't appropriate Viking culture as my own even if they have a history in Ireland. My connection is with my Gaelic heritage.

09-04-2023, 08:01 AM
Any image of a Muslim in Britain makes me want to vomit full stop, but as I'm not Scottish the kilt-wearing specifically is just amusing.

England is: King Arthur, Shakespeare, Newton, Castles, Royal family( with no black-african blood ), Robin Hood, celtic tradition, green country, anglican "christianity"......and bad cuisine ( eh ehe )

Grace O'Malley
09-04-2023, 08:05 AM
England is: King Arthur, Shakespeare, Newton, Castles, Royal family( with no black-african blood ), Robin Hood, celtic tradition, green country......and bad cuisine ( eh ehe )

I'm being pedantic but I wouldn't call King Arthur England. He is a Briton and was trying to remove the Anglo-Saxons from Britain who were invaders at that time. England to me starts with the Anglo-Saxons.

09-04-2023, 08:08 AM

09-04-2023, 08:08 AM
What do people think about Hamza Yassin who was born in Sudan wearing a kilt? If this was the other way around there would be howls of cultural appropriation. Do people think it is okay? I'm interested in opinions on this.

Also Humza Yousaf wearing a kilt. He is the First Minister of Scotland but is of Pakistani heritage. How do you feel about this?

If there would all be fine and a tourist from Nigerian doing this, it would just be funny and okay.

But in the current case with mass immigration and an ongoing genocide/replacement regarding the indigenous population that kilt wearings are some landmarks of this apocalyptic wrong.

09-04-2023, 08:15 AM
According to this theory, cultural appropriation only occurs over a minoritised group, not by it. Thus, a Subsaharan African can still wear a kilt, t-shirt or jeans, but a European can't wear a Native American feather headdress etc.
This is just for explanation, I dislike the theory as much as anybody on this board.


But I'd not support such a wilful usage. The words cultural appropriation do have a syntax and that applies very well also beyond such arbitrary restrictions. And such things can be irritating to a majority group as well.

09-04-2023, 08:22 AM
They both live in Scotland. I don't see any issue with it. They are trying.

Probably seems weirder to non Scots seeing those pictures tbh lol

09-04-2023, 08:25 AM
I'm being pedantic but I wouldn't call King Arthur England. He is a Briton and was trying to remove the Anglo-Saxons from Britain who were invaders at that time. England to me starts with the Anglo-Saxons.

Great Britain is ok ?

09-04-2023, 08:28 AM

Don't forget half Switzerland please..

Grace O'Malley
09-04-2023, 08:45 AM
They both live in Scotland. I don't see any issue with it. They are trying.

Probably seems weirder to non Scots seeing those pictures tbh lol

Thanks for answering. I haven't noticed any Scots having issues with it. Being an immigrant myself I think one can have a different perspective on these issues. I think people still have an instinctive loyalty to their ethnicity. That's my honest view. I think we are still tribal to a certain extent.

09-04-2023, 08:47 AM
I'm being pedantic but I wouldn't call King Arthur England. He is a Briton and was trying to remove the Anglo-Saxons from Britain who were invaders at that time. England to me starts with the Anglo-Saxons.
Ideally Arthurian legend wouldn't be associated with England as it incongruous just as you say, but (no) thanks to the Normans it has undeniably been made a part of English culture, from Geoffrey of Monmouth to Thomas Malory down to the Pre-Raphaelites.

Grace O'Malley
09-04-2023, 08:54 AM
Ideally Arthurian legend wouldn't be associated with England as it incongruous just as you say, but (no) thanks to the Normans it has undeniably been made a part of English culture, from Geoffrey of Monmouth to Thomas Malory down to the Pre-Raphaelites.

I know the history but Arthur is a symbol of the pre-Anglo-Saxon population. When I see the term Briton I think of the pre-Anglo-Saxon population not how it is used today. I know I'm an odd fish but historically Britons were invaded by the Anglo-Saxons and the ethnogenesis of the English starts with the Anglo-Saxons.

09-04-2023, 08:55 AM
England is: King Arthur, Shakespeare, Newton, Castles, Royal family( with no black-african blood ), Robin Hood, celtic tradition, green country, anglican "christianity"......and bad cuisine ( eh ehe )
What Celtic tradition? This is in Scotland. An Englishman wearing a kilt would be a joke too (unless in a Scots regiment).

09-04-2023, 09:04 AM
I know the history but Arthur is a symbol of the pre-Anglo-Saxon population. When I see the term Briton I think of the pre-Anglo-Saxon population not how it is used today. I know I'm an odd fish but historically Britons were invaded by the Anglo-Saxons and the ethnogenesis of the English starts with the Anglo-Saxons.

Some people in Italy say:

He is "british" to define a well educated person...

He is "english" to define a rough person without style and education, and very ignorant..

09-04-2023, 09:10 AM
I know the history but Arthur is a symbol of the pre-Anglo-Saxon population. When I see the term Briton I think of the pre-Anglo-Saxon population not how it is used today. I know I'm an odd fish but historically Britons were invaded by the Anglo-Saxons and the ethnogenesis of the English starts with the Anglo-Saxons.
There's no doubt it's very odd that Arthur has been so celebrated in England, but I put that down to him being an imposed legend by the culturally dominant Normans. It's not grassroots. Then again they believed all sorts of historical nonsense in the Middle Ages, the English were descended from Trojans, the Irish from Milesians, the Scots from Scythians etc.

I agree Briton sounds a bit odd today to include the English, when it historically meant Celts/Welsh. In the 19th and early 20th centuries they still said 'Britisher' a lot, which might be better.

09-04-2023, 10:09 AM
Who cares who wears kilts. The real crying shame is that Britain is not British anymore and the fact that the prime minister of the UK is Indian and Hindu, the mayor of London is a Paki Muslim and the first minister of Scotland is yet another Paki Muslim is actually only a small part of it. The real British themselves probably in very large part don't even care that they and their nation are dying out. It's absolutely disgusting what the world has come to.

Grace O'Malley
09-04-2023, 10:16 AM
Who cares who wears kilts. The real crying shame is that Britain is not British anymore and the fact that the prime minister of the UK is Indian and Hindu, the mayor of London is a Paki Muslim and the first minister of Scotland is yet another Paki Muslim is actually only a small part of it. The real British themselves probably in very large part don't even care that they and their nation are dying out. It's absolutely disgusting what the world has come to.

I think they do care. It's why they are so pissed off with the boat arrivals. Many do say they are concerned with mass migration. It is a problem in many European countries.

09-04-2023, 10:22 AM
I've noted a number of times that to my perception the English (or the whole UK population?) do hardly have any ethnic identity and feeling. If I'm not mistaken the identity was more social and the English upper classes never felt commonality and solidarity with the English lower classes. "The people" was kind of never a topic and the cohesion within the English people is pretty low. I don't just refer to today but also to history.

Any opinions on this, maybe also regarding the reasons?

09-04-2023, 10:23 AM
I think it comes across as posturing. I do think you can want the best for a country even if you are from a migrant background. I'm an example of this. I don't think people should wear kilts if they haven't got a family connection to that kilt. It's the same here with every Government meeting and broadcast doing a Welcome to Country. I find that just insincere and ticking a box. I do think of it as Cultural Appropriation as I think it shouldn't be done by people who have no Aboriginal heritage. I think the same with people wearing kilts when they have no Scottish heritage.

I knew austrians in austria who wore kilts on a strong men competition do you think of that as cultural aproporiation too or not because they are white? They are white but they also do not have a family connection to that kilt like you said

09-04-2023, 10:27 AM
I think cultural appropriation is a good thing and Russia should actively start it towards "cancelled" parts of European culture. If you don't need it, we will take it, in 50 years nobody will recognize it as foreign.

We should start filming the movies based on novels of foreign authors which are "cancelled" in the USA and EU, learn them more . For example, Soviet Sherlock movie is a superb adaptation recognized in UK. Same for "Ten little niggers" by Agatha Christie.

Grace O'Malley
09-04-2023, 10:29 AM
I've noted a number of times that to my perception the English (or the whole UK population?) do hardly have any ethnic identity and feeling. If I'm not mistaken the identity was more social and the English upper classes never felt commonality and solidarity with the English lower classes. "The people" was kind of never a topic and the cohesion within the English people is pretty low. I don't just refer to today but also to history.

Any opinions on this, maybe also regarding the reasons?

That's a really interesting question. I do know that English identity is not encouraged and I'm not sure what their culture is? This is most probably because English culture has become part of American, Canadian and Australian culture etc. In fact countries like Ireland have a very similar culture to English but Ireland for example has retained a stronger ethnic identity than English. I know that if you are Irish or Scottish it is much less frowned on to promote that identity or culture.

Someone else should answer this though. :)

Grace O'Malley
09-04-2023, 10:35 AM
I knew austrians in austria who wore kilts on a strong men competition do you think of that as cultural aproporiation too or not because they are white? They are white but they also do not have a family connection to that kilt like you said

It's most probably harmless people wearing kilts. I don't think it is to do with whether you are white or not. I think unless you have a connection to that culture I don't know why you would wear a kilt.

Irish wear the saffron kilt for example.


It is an interesting discussion and I wonder what other people feel about it. Some people might not think it is an issue so all opinions are welcomed.

09-04-2023, 10:37 AM
That's a really interesting question. I do know that English identity is not encouraged and I'm not sure what their culture is? This is most probably because English culture has become part of American, Canadian and Australian culture etc. In fact countries like Ireland have a very similar culture to English but Ireland for example has retained a stronger ethnic identity than English. I know that if you are Irish or Scottish it is much less frowned on to promote that identity or culture.

Someone else should answer this though. :)

Irish are seen as opressed that is why it is less frowned upon I think in kick it like Beckham there is an irish Football coach who says because he is irish he understands minorities if I remember that movie correctly still

Grace O'Malley
09-04-2023, 10:41 AM
Irish are seen as opressed that is why it is less frowned upon I think in kick it like Beckham there is an irish Football coach who says because he is irish he understands minorities if I remember that movie correctly still

Bend It Like Beckham. Irish aren't oppressed these days anymore than Scots are but yes it is to do with English and colonialism.

09-04-2023, 10:42 AM
It's most probably harmless people wearing kilts. I don't think it is to do with whether you are white or not. I think unless you have a connection to that culture I don't know why you would wear a kilt.

Irish wear the saffron kilt for example.


It is an interesting discussion and I wonder what other people feel about it. Some people might not think it is an issue so all opinions are welcomed.

I think there are people who play bagpipes or enjoy Celtic music but are not irish or scottish i indeed think it is harmless laly bought a bavarian dirndl for her daughter and dressed her up I think it is harmless unless someone is mocking someone but even then it is freedom of artistic expression

Grace O'Malley
09-04-2023, 10:45 AM
I think there are people who play bagpipes or enjoy Celtic music but are not irish or scottish i indeed think it is harmless laly bought a bavarian dirndl for her daughter and dressed her up I think it is harmless unless someone is mocking someone but even then it is freedom of artistic expression

Yes I think it depends on the situation. :thumb001:

09-04-2023, 10:48 AM
"Cultural Appropriation" is just another concept developed in the anglosphere and I reject anything coming from the angloshphere (except for money and women).
What else can you hear from a chimpanzee? Sex, women, sex, women... 0% of human behavior

09-04-2023, 10:51 AM
Yes I think it depends on the situation. :thumb001:

The ones who are most offended are black americans and maybe some natives americans I do not think africans in africa are offended I do not think it is a reason to be offended and it is racist I can understand some arguments that it is a form of colonialism but the reverse is true too that europe is colonised by non whites now and saying that would lable you racist so something is wrong but not with mixing cultures generally just the dominant political narrative

09-04-2023, 10:56 AM
I've noted a number of times that to my perception the English (or the whole UK population?) do hardly have any ethnic identity and feeling. If I'm not mistaken the identity was more social and the English upper classes never felt commonality and solidarity with the English lower classes. "The people" was kind of never a topic and the cohesion within the English people is pretty low. I don't just refer to today but also to history.

Any opinions on this, maybe also regarding the reasons?
Why do you think the English have no ethnic identity, and in comparison to who? I disagree. If there's any deficit in national identity vs the 'Celtic nations' it's because they have devolved status within the UK while England doesn't.

I've heard people say similar about modern Germans, that for example they won't wave the flag except at sporting events. But as I don't know Germans well I can't comment.

That's a really interesting question. I do know that English identity is not encouraged and I'm not sure what their culture is? This is most probably because English culture has become part of American, Canadian and Australian culture etc. In fact countries like Ireland have a very similar culture to English but Ireland for example has retained a stronger ethnic identity than English. I know that if you are Irish or Scottish it is much less frowned on to promote that identity or culture.

Someone else should answer this though. :)
Are you serious?

Grace O'Malley
09-04-2023, 11:00 AM
Are you serious?

Yes because I think it has become mainstream in countries like the US and Australia. What's your opinions on the subject? Things like rugby, cricket and soccer for example were English. Things that are English have been exported all over the world.

09-04-2023, 11:23 AM
Yes because I think it has become mainstream in countries like the US and Australia. What's your opinions on the subject? Things like rugby, cricket and soccer for example were English. Things that are English have been exported all over the world.
Right, but the fact that e.g. Cricket has been exported around the world doesn't make it any less of a quintessential example of English culture. Within the British Isles it is basically associated only with the English too. If you mean to say there are fewer things that are now uniquely English, because of the spread of English culture and people to other countries, then I'd agree.

Gee, if you're not sure what English culture is I dread to ask what Australian culture is!

Grace O'Malley
09-04-2023, 11:46 AM
Right, but the fact that e.g. Cricket has been exported around the world doesn't make it any less of a quintessential example of English culture. Within the British Isles it is basically associated only with the English too. If you mean to say there are fewer things that are now uniquely English, because of the spread of English culture and people to other countries, then I'd agree.

Gee, if you're not sure what English culture is I dread to ask what Australian culture is!

Haha you're taking offense when none was meant. I was just going to add that even in Ireland there is so much that was introduced by the English. What I was meaning is there anything uniquely English? In Ireland for example they have the language of course, Irish literature, music and myths. I guess I should have made clear I meant unique to England.

09-04-2023, 12:42 PM
I'm not really too fussed to be honest, while I am no fan of mass immigration at least they are trying to assimilate or celebrate the culture of the country they now live in.

Is it anymore offensive than a German King wearing a kilt? it's certainly less patronising.

Grace O'Malley
09-04-2023, 12:52 PM
I'm not really too fussed to be honest, while I am no fan of mass immigration at least they are trying to assimilate or celebrate the culture of the country they now live in.

Is it anymore offensive than a German King wearing a kilt? it's certainly less patronising.

I did actually think of the Royals wearing kilts also. :)

09-04-2023, 01:23 PM
What is different to some of you guys making such comments here and radical leftist who invited this cultural appropriation thing? No one knows to be calm nowadays, who cares what people wear, if a child wears a Native American costume it’s because they have high esteem among people here, as brave and strong people with rich culture. And why do you guys care what this Paki wears, should he wear traditional Pakistani clothes or what? A reaction causes a counter-reaction, thats the reason why all woke movements are successful and why all right wing movements are successful, both couldn’t exist without each other. Years ago I wouldn’t even take suc questions seriously.

Nevertheless, if someone wears traditional clothing of someone’s culture, people rather should feel flattered.

Grace O'Malley
09-04-2023, 01:32 PM
What is different to some of you guys making such comments here and radical leftist who invited this cultural appropriation thing? No one knows to be calm nowadays, who cares what people wear, if a child wears a Native American costume it’s because they have high esteem among people here, as brave and strong people with rich culture. And why do you guys care what this Paki wears, should he wear traditional Pakistani clothes or what? A reaction causes a counter-reaction, thats the reason why all woke movements are successful and why all right wing movements are successful, both couldn’t exist without each other. Years ago I wouldn’t even take suc questions seriously.

Nevertheless, if someone wears traditional clothing of someone’s culture, people rather should feel flattered.

It's an interesting discussion. That is why I asked the question. :)

If you wore Native American headgear now in the US you would get plenty of backlash. The same with braids as many African-Americans feel it is cultural appropriate.

Clip is quite interesting.


09-04-2023, 01:36 PM
Haha you're taking offense when none was meant. I was just going to add that even in Ireland there is so much that was introduced by the English. What I was meaning is there anything uniquely English? In Ireland for example they have the language of course, Irish literature, music and myths. I guess I should have made clear I meant unique to England.
Well most things from England before it was an Imperial State in the 1600s were unique to there, too many of those to list. In terms of modern things I guess it's the leftovers that nobody else in the Anglosphere wants....Jellied eels...Rice pudding...Chip butties?

In all seriousness there's lots of things. Lots of regional foods, for example where my mum is from there's the Oatcake. The English language is global but there loads of distinct accents/dialects in England, probably more than anywhere else. A few old myths like Beowulf and Robin Hood. A relative wealth of Medieval literature. Plenty of English folk and traditional music (often mislabelled Celtic for some reason), and the likes of Greensleeves or Amazing Grace are popular everywhere but they are identifiably English. I wonder since many Irish songs like Danny Boy are popular abroad can they be called distinctly Irish anymore?

Grace O'Malley
09-04-2023, 01:42 PM
Well most things from England before it was an Imperial State in the 1600s were unique to there, too many of those to list. In terms of modern things I guess it's the leftovers that nobody else in the Anglosphere wants....Jellied eels...Rice pudding...Chip butties?

In all seriousness there's lots of things. Lots of regional foods, for example where my mum is from there's the Oatcake. The English language is global but there loads of distinct accents/dialects in England, probably more than anywhere else. A few old myths like Beowulf and Robin Hood. Plenty of English folk and traditional music (often mislabelled Celtic for some reason), and the likes of Greensleeves or Amazing Grace are popular everywhere but they are identifiably English. I wonder since many Irish songs like Danny Boy are popular abroad can they be called distinctly Irish anymore?

Yes that's the point and why people say the English don't have any culture. It is because English culture has spread to so many countries that they don't even realise it or think that is the case. Look how we are all speaking English for example as you have pointed out.

09-04-2023, 02:34 PM
The fact that English language, culture and people have spread to other parts of the globe, doesn't mean that England doesn't have a culture anymore. The popularity of a culture and the cultural appropriation by foreign peoples of certain aspects of that culture, doesn't mean that such a culture stops being a national culture to a certain country as well. In Romania no one would think of saying of England that it doesn't have a culture. The very idea seems absurd! People usually say this more often of the US because it seems to many that the only culture America has is the corporate produced pop culture that has been spread to the whole world, but even that is not true. All civilized and semi-civilized countries have a national culture. I think it is at least pretentious or inappropriate to speak of whatever American blacks or various primitive aborigines have as actual cultures, especially when compared with the sophisticated cultures of more civilized peoples.

09-04-2023, 02:46 PM
What is different to some of you guys making such comments here and radical leftist who invited this cultural appropriation thing? No one knows to be calm nowadays, who cares what people wear, if a child wears a Native American costume it’s because they have high esteem among people here, as brave and strong people with rich culture. And why do you guys care what this Paki wears, should he wear traditional Pakistani clothes or what? A reaction causes a counter-reaction, thats the reason why all woke movements are successful and why all right wing movements are successful, both couldn’t exist without each other. Years ago I wouldn’t even take suc questions seriously.

Nevertheless, if someone wears traditional clothing of someone’s culture, people rather should feel flattered.
Who cares about a Scottish costume when people see Turkish black faces? Who are you here?

Sebastianus Rex
09-04-2023, 02:47 PM
They look ridiculous but no big deal imo, the millions of unassimilated dressing as they do in muslim countries and wanting to impose the sharia law are the real problem.

09-04-2023, 02:53 PM
Who cares about a Scottish costume when people see Turkish black faces? Who are you here?

You are right, I am sorry that I made a comment. A country cannot be safe until there aren’t any Turkish faces on streets. Do you think it is a cultural appreciation if I dress like a Bavarian? Should I do skin bleaching?

09-04-2023, 02:57 PM
You are right, I am sorry that I made a comment. A country cannot be safe until there aren’t any Turkish faces on streets. Do you think it is a cultural appreciation if I dress like a Bavarian? Should I do skin bleaching?
This question is not for me. I think the Europeans are against your staying in Spain. Dude, meditation saves me...everyone is against me too. I would like to see you in Russia, but you won't go

09-04-2023, 03:00 PM
it's called the integration trajectory of immigrants, a common thing across the western countries

09-04-2023, 03:04 PM
Europeans, do not give in to this cunning Turk - everyone offends him...he is very smart and cunning. He wants to leave his seed in Germany or France.
https://i.ibb.co/9sM1ph1/1660903042-2-krasivosti-pro-p-zhalostlivie-glaza-kota-krasivo-foto-4.jpg (https://ibb.co/yW3ZNpZ)

09-04-2023, 03:06 PM
Yes that's the point and why people say the English don't have any culture. It is because English culture has spread to so many countries that they don't even realise it or think that is the case. Look how we are all speaking English for example as you have pointed out.

English culture=Classic liberalism basically. If we have liberalism all over the world today, its direct and strong spread of English culture.

09-04-2023, 03:15 PM
It's an interesting discussion. That is why I asked the question. :)

If you wore Native American headgear now in the US you would get plenty of backlash. The same with braids as many African-Americans feel it is cultural appropriate.

Clip is quite interesting.


I think it was a good discussion and I liked the other black woman who was not offended and who said that kim kardashian has plenty of black followers who like it

09-04-2023, 03:19 PM
You are right, I am sorry that I made a comment. A country cannot be safe until there aren’t any Turkish faces on streets. Do you think it is a cultural appreciation if I dress like a Bavarian? Should I do skin bleaching?

I think no problem that you dress like a bavarian everyone does at Oktoberfest it is commerciell I do too but some might think it is inaproppriate or make fun of us outside Oktoberfest

09-04-2023, 03:21 PM
Why not? So many people try an abaya on when they enter Dubai just for fun. It think he looks good in his kilt
Plus in medieval times many men around the world wore skirt garments and I want that trend to come back

09-04-2023, 04:26 PM
It appears overwhelmingly American to me. The American media is where I've come across it.

Yeah, but everytime the US comes with any of those twisted ideas, the rest of the anglosphere is always craving to follow suit.

Anyway is it okay to wear a national costume of some other ethnicity or do people not care if someone don's a Mexican sombrero or dresses as an American Indian. I've even read about African American women accusing white women of cultural appropriate for wearing dreadlocks etc. However dreadlocks are not just African and have been worn in other cultures.

I think the discussion is interesting.

Here's your answer:


09-04-2023, 06:07 PM
I think cultural appropriation is a good thing and Russia should actively start it towards "cancelled" parts of European culture. If you don't need it, we will take it, in 50 years nobody will recognize it as foreign.

We should start filming the movies based on novels of foreign authors which are "cancelled" in the USA and EU, learn them more . For example, Soviet Sherlock movie is a superb adaptation recognized in UK. Same for "Ten little niggers" by Agatha Christie.

Russia makes some great movies. Maybe remake some older American movies with the original content, I'm old enough to have seen some movies which today have parts removed.

As far as the kilt goes I'll let the Scots decide. Where I live we are mainly from Scots-Irish but the only kilts worn are during things like highland games. Real Scots probably get a laugh about it because we have been in the US for many generations.

Most complaints come from American blacks, it doesn't take much to upset them. lol

I don't think the UK is becoming more American culture wise mainly because the US has always been close to the Brits. Most of our army and navy customs came from the Brits for example.

09-04-2023, 08:03 PM
It appears overwhelmingly American to me. The American media is where I've come across it.

It's Jewish. All these commie newspeak terms you hear these days are Jewish and have nothing to do with genuine American values.

09-04-2023, 08:39 PM
I advise any visiting the US to avoid places like NYC, LA, Atlanta, Miami and etc.. You must go into other parts to discover the real America, hell some of those cities have more immigrants than Americans.

09-04-2023, 08:47 PM
An example:
The Greeks today wear an Albanian dress which I find a disgrace:


Other than this, cultural appropriation is not something I give a shit about personally, it's to be expected in a globalised world. We belong to the same species, therefore it's not like I can forbid someone to speak Greek at home and adhere to Greek cultural values.

09-04-2023, 09:33 PM
An example:
The Greeks today wear an Albanian dress which I find a disgrace

Cossacks appropriated Caucasian highlanders outfits and music, dances. What's wrong with it?

09-05-2023, 07:47 AM
I advise any visiting the US to avoid places like NYC, LA, Atlanta, Miami and etc.. You must go into other parts to discover the real America, hell some of those cities have more immigrants than Americans.

Can you explain something to me?

Do clandestine immigrants in AMERICA pay using money from their wallets when they need hospital or medicine or do they have everything for free like clandestine immigrants arriving in Europe ?

In Italy we have to pay the cost of hotel, food, medicine, hospital, doctors, "tutor" teachers, cigarettes and internet/phone call, ect ect.. for every single clandestine immigrants.

They could live in Italy ( we have ours problems and we don't need other's problem ) for years doing NOTHING in the best scenario... because many clandestines LOVE to sell drugs, to manage prostitution or become a normal "criminals" and sometime a crazy killers like KABOBO.

Every single clandestine immigrants cost 3.000 € ( or 3.500 $ ) per month paid with MY TAX..

09-05-2023, 09:14 AM
It only shows culture is strongly attached to race. All sides find it more or less cringe worthy to see a mismatch between the two, this is what the term "cultural appropriation" really describes in politcally correct terms. Minorities and their controllers, are just more sensible to it as they automatically assume from their own prejudices on top of that, it's to make fun of theses cultures.

Nobody is gonna be triggerd to see some Japanese or Ehtiopian disguised in traditionnal european costumes, just funny or strange maybe, but many will if some Whites disguise in Apache or Zulu attires, at least in the media politic space.

09-05-2023, 09:27 AM
It only shows culture is strongly attached to race. All sides find it more or less cringe worthy to see a mismatch between the two, this is what the term "cultural appropriation" really describes in politcally correct terms. Minorities and their controllers, are just more sensible to it as they automatically assume from their own prejudices on top of that, it's to make fun of theses cultures.

Nobody is gonna be triggerd to see some Japanese or Ehtiopian disguised in traditionnal european costumes, just funny or strange maybe, but many will if some Whites disguise in Apache or Zulu attires, at least in the media politic space.

I could do youtube videos dressed in zulu, appache attire, maybe i could get a rasta hairstyle, or afro hair.... and then i make youtube videos. I want to make fun of those people who are offended. I could do blackface too.

09-05-2023, 09:28 AM
I could do youtube videos dressed in zulu, appache attire, maybe i could get a rasta hairstyle, or afro hair.... and then i make youtube videos. I want to make fun of those people who are offended. I could do blackface too.

The point is, if you were any kind famous, you would be cancelled. Maybe even if you just had a job in a corporate company.

09-05-2023, 09:31 AM
The point is, if you were any kind famous, you would be cancelled. Maybe even if you had a job in a corporate company.

Probably. But Im angry at cancell culture. So I want to make fun of it. I will do a Youtube Video with rasta hair cut, and playing reggae music. I will buy a whig with afro hair or rasta hair and then i will do such a thing. That is my contribution to fight cancell culture even if im not famous.

09-05-2023, 09:36 AM
It only shows culture is strongly attached to race. All sides find it more or less cringe worthy to see a mismatch between the two, this is what the term "cultural appropriation" really describes in politcally correct terms. Minorities and their controllers, are just more sensible to it as they automatically assume from their own prejudices on top of that, it's to make fun of theses cultures.

Nobody is gonna be triggerd to see some Japanese or Ehtiopian disguised in traditionnal european costumes, just funny or strange maybe, but many will if some Whites disguise in Apache or Zulu attires, at least in the media politic space.

Do you know why ? Many Sub sahara west africans have exaggerated facial features..

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQkGOZ02vcnAELwA8lN1uiw773E3lXRH 4Z8749To2f8Uw4RcsEHnsPKKtHlZSqL0CsDRBI&usqp=CAU

The slavery suffered by black S.S. africans was different from any other slavery ( they were seen as gorilla because their facial traits..)
Google Photos Tags African-Americans As Gorillas Through Facial ..

09-05-2023, 10:15 AM
The point is, if you were any kind famous, you would be cancelled. Maybe even if you just had a job in a corporate company.

A friend once told me that a couple of guys around here wanted to play reggae music at a concert and were chased away because they aren't black but white. Now I imitate reggae. Let's see if they censor me. I wanted to buy a Rasta wig, but then I realized there are snapchat filter.


09-06-2023, 03:59 AM
In Serbia, no one comes up with such idiotic ideas as cultural appropriation...

Serbs dressed like Roma Gypsies, no problem for me at all, I even like it because it's cool


Grace O'Malley
09-06-2023, 06:05 AM
My view is that it is a non-issue. I do agree that it can be flattering. I think this Serbian band are a good example.


Daco Celtic
09-06-2023, 06:45 AM
The Irish should be culturally appropriated on a worldwide scale...for a better world. No thanks needed, no ego, just act like the Irish.

09-06-2023, 06:45 AM
I could do youtube videos dressed in zulu, appache attire, maybe i could get a rasta hairstyle, or afro hair.... and then i make youtube videos. I want to make fun of those people who are offended. I could do blackface too.

What about dressed in gypsy ?

09-06-2023, 07:11 AM
What about dressed in gypsy ?

Im often dressed as Gypsy, half of my videos are about Gypsies. But it cannot be considered cultural aproppriation because im a real Gypsy myself, Gypsy to the bones. Im not offended if you dress as Gypsy either. I would even call you a Gypsy if it helps you. Usually it doesnt help you but if it would.


09-06-2023, 07:32 AM
Im often dressed as Gypsy, half of my videos are about Gypsies. But it cannot be considered cultural aproppriation because im a real Gypsy myself, Gypsy to the bones. Im not offended if you dress as Gypsy either. I would even call you a Gypsy if it helps you. Usually it doesnt help you if it would.


Example of gypsy dress ?

09-06-2023, 07:34 AM
Example of gypsy dress ?

It is in the video. Hat, Colorful shirts, boots.... Women dress in colorful long skirts


Grace O'Malley
09-06-2023, 08:07 AM
The Irish should be culturally appropriated on a worldwide scale...for a better world. No thanks needed, no ego, just act like the Irish.

Well they kind of do with St Paddy's Day and Halloween. Most of that thanks to the US. :p

09-06-2023, 10:53 PM
What do people think about Hamza Yassin who was born in Sudan wearing a kilt? If this was the other way around there would be howls of cultural appropriation. Do people think it is okay? I'm interested in opinions on this.


Also Humza Yousaf wearing a kilt. He is the First Minister of Scotland but is of Pakistani heritage. How do you feel about this?


The whole Brigadoon thing got popular in the 19th century, so Judi Dench is just playing the part of Queen Victoria here.

The bloke here can pull it off as he is a unit, could easily be a ex forces guy, lots of Fijians for example in the Army.

Humza on the other hand can't pull it off and looks ridiculous, chicken legs don't help here. Humza is a joke anyway tbh