View Full Version : Classify a group of people placed in Huelva Spain

09-18-2023, 12:25 PM
The man on the top left looks like he could be descended from Iranian highlanders, the younger woman in the middle looks similar to some of the women in the Roman portraits of ancient Egypt
https://www.canaveraldeleon.es/export/sites/canaveral/es/.galleries/imagenes-noticias/73026714_1360731537434245_3840959853761658880_n.jp g

09-18-2023, 12:31 PM
Young woman

Gracile Med + Alpine

Bearded man

Atlanto Med + slight Baskid


Pred. Berid + Atlanto Med

09-18-2023, 12:34 PM
Young woman

Gracile Med + Alpine

Bearded man

Atlanto Med + slight Baskid


Pred. Berid + Atlanto Med

Thanks, i would say the most charectaristic Spanish looks are the older women except one in middle below the younger woman and the man on right

09-18-2023, 12:42 PM
the men and the younger woman look AF- perhaps even Natufian, very Med-ish looks. The older women are a bit too old, bit too overweight but certainly more varied/"mixed" in terms of looks

Tooting Carmen
09-18-2023, 01:39 PM
Young woman

Gracile Med + Alpine

Bearded man

Atlanto Med + slight Baskid


Pred. Berid + Atlanto Med

Something like that.

09-19-2023, 06:46 AM
The bearded man seems like an example taken from prehistory

09-19-2023, 08:00 AM
The photo as always is in the line of lighting and contrast of Oliver for Spain.

Cañaveral de León

Encomienda Mayor de León
Five towns in Badajoz and Huelva that were repopulated eight centuries ago by residents of the province still retain the surname of León "with pride", as they say, in their shields and their name

The place was repopulated by Leonese, especially from the towns surrounding the capital, and who arrived through the Ruta de la Plata, a vital artery at that time. Thus the five villages located on the border with the Arabs constituted the Encomienda Mayor de León (extinguished in 1833), and the Order of Santiago acquired a great economic domain in the area until its disappearance in 1485.

The girl Mercedes Gordo in the center is the mayor and looks like baskid.



Some more photos of the event about the discovery of the bronze stele.

https://www.canaveraldeleon.es/export/sites/canaveral/es/.galleries/imagenes-noticias/72245779_1360731360767596_4486407401565585408_n.jp g

https://www.canaveraldeleon.es/export/sites/canaveral/es/.galleries/imagenes-noticias/72068996_1360731154100950_4549229484477251584_n.jp g

https://www.canaveraldeleon.es/export/sites/canaveral/es/.galleries/imagenes-noticias/72385658_1360730930767639_6480312433628938240_n.jp g

Nothing strange to highlight for what has been the European West.

Tough and victorious people over the Muslim occupation is basically what I can observe.