View Full Version : Spot the three Englishmen among these Welshmen

Tooting Carmen
09-18-2023, 07:34 PM
OK anthrotards (esp. Oliver and Creoda): have a go.


09-18-2023, 07:39 PM
I admit this is going to be tough, they mostly have generic NW Euro looks, funnily enough it would probably be easier with younger people especially women because of distinct grooming habits

Tooting Carmen
09-18-2023, 07:41 PM
Anyone else?

09-18-2023, 07:41 PM
I would bank on these being Welsh

09-19-2023, 07:12 AM
OK anthrotards (esp. Oliver and Creoda): have a go.

You're the anthrotard, faggot. Tens of thousands of pointless classify threads and hopeless classifications for a decade, meanwhile eschewing genetic data.

Tooting Carmen
09-29-2023, 05:56 PM
You're the anthrotard, faggot. Tens of thousands of pointless classify threads and hopeless classifications for a decade, meanwhile eschewing genetic data.

Well genetically, all British Isles groups are very similar, yet you and Oliver like to nitpick differences between them. Anyway, would you like to have a go?

09-29-2023, 07:08 PM
Well genetically, all British Isles groups are very similar, yet you and Oliver like to nitpick differences between them.
Saying that Welsh, English, Scottish and Irish aren't the same isn't nitpicking, and if I've laboured that point on here it's only in response to you and others pretending that they are (meanwhile drawing distinctions with British diaspora abroad!)

You prove again that you don't pay attention to genetic data. 'All British Isles groups' aren't genetically that similar in the context of NW Europe, English are intermediate between Dutch/Flemish and Welsh/Scottish, and intermediate between Germans and Irish. Physical anthropology is another matter, but even there, quantitatively there is nothing distinct and unifying about the whole British Isles vs other NW Europeans, regardless of what genuine anthrotards of this forum think.

Anyway, would you like to have a go?
What's the point? So if I get it wrong you can chuckle at your strawman that I think Welsh and English are Tolkienesque races apart, with no individual overlap.

Tooting Carmen
09-29-2023, 07:20 PM
Saying that Welsh, English, Scottish and Irish aren't the same isn't nitpicking, and if I've laboured that point on here it's only in response to you and others pretending that they are (meanwhile drawing distinctions with British diaspora abroad!)

You prove again that you don't pay attention to genetic data. 'All British Isles groups' aren't genetically that similar in the context of NW Europe, English are intermediate between Dutch/Flemish and Welsh/Scottish, and intermediate between Germans and Irish. Physical anthropology is another matter, but even there, quantitatively there is nothing distinct and unifying about the whole British Isles vs other NW Europeans, regardless of what genuine anthrotards of this forum think.

But NW Europeans in general are pretty close in the grand scheme of things, even including Scandinavia (apart from the very exceptional case of Finland). Even Southern France isn't genetically that incredibly far-removed from England or Germany, despite the strong Mediterranean influences (albeit vastly exacerbated by 19th and 20th century mass immigration from Iberia and Italy).

09-30-2023, 03:28 AM
Dutch/Flemish .

These are not the same.

09-30-2023, 04:11 AM
These are not the same.
Didn't say they were, but if I was to follow TC's lead I'd say you're just nitpicking.

Tooting Carmen
10-09-2023, 07:53 PM
OK the correct answers are:
https://democracy.swansea.gov.uk/UserData/7/9/4/Info00000497/bigpic.jpg (albeit part-Austrian)