View Full Version : Borreby?

10-14-2023, 04:20 PM
I'm new to this forum and was wondering if these facial and skull metrics would be in the borreby range? I apologize if this is not the right forum, and I will not post a picture due to privacy concerns. Thanks.

Skull length: 202mm
Skull Width: 161mm
Bizygomatic Width: 151mm
Bigonial Width: 115mm
Total Face Height:122mm
My brow ridge is very strong and protrudes, I have a cleft chin(if that matters at all), and I also have a high head height, but I do not remember the measurement.

Additional information-
Bodytype: Mesomorphic(without lifting very heavily muscled, but do not carry much bodyfat)
Shoulder width: Around 23 inches wide(wide clavicle width)
About average height for England and Germany (not tall like it often says for borreby, but also not short)

Of German and English ancestry, my face/skull looks similar to the borreby plates of Coon and the Faelid plates of Gûnther(although not the Brad Pitt looking examples I find online for faelid). Metrically I think my measurements are more similar to the measurements given by Coon for borreby, and as far as I remember Günther didn't have measurements.