View Full Version : Do these Serbs look more eastern or western European or where could they pass in Europe

10-16-2023, 10:21 AM
https://iili.io/JFAfHzb.jpg (https://freeimage.host/)
https://iili.io/JFAfqdP.jpg (https://freeimage.host/)

10-16-2023, 10:47 AM
They look central-euro, south eastern euro, most of them can pass in Hungary as well.

10-16-2023, 07:53 PM
They look central-euro, south eastern euro, most of them can pass in Hungary as well.

BTW they are Serbs from central Serbia.Photos are taken in the time between ww1 and ww2. In the town i currently live i happen to know several Hungarians and i cant tell them apart from local Serbs.

10-16-2023, 08:06 PM

10-16-2023, 08:42 PM
They certainly don't look German.
Many would definitely pass as German without much problems.

They look very eastern European.
Because everything in these photos - quality, clothes and even Cyrillic makes you think of post-communist area. :)

They could pass in Hungary because Hungary is a lot darker and more eastern looking than Germany. Germany looks northwestern(since it is ethnically).
Yeah, not really as most Germans are dark-haired and not necessarily different from most Hungarians. It's not like Germany is only composed of its northern part.

10-16-2023, 08:52 PM

I cannot talk about those from the old photos, because it's hard to decide based on them.

Wheres those from the other ones look probably what you would expect in the Northern Balkans, namely Balkan-Central European mix. Some could pass in Poland, some not (or at least stand out somewhat more). A couple looks Russian, some German etc. Overall most do not look Polish, but still not very far.
So let's say Hungary, Slovakia, Austria etc.

10-16-2023, 08:56 PM

10-16-2023, 08:57 PM

10-16-2023, 09:02 PM
They certainly look more Polish than Austrian. Very slavic looking eyes and small eastern European heads.

Both guys you posted in the post #7 have very big heads so I don't exactly follow your way of thinking in this case.

10-16-2023, 09:07 PM

10-16-2023, 09:24 PM
The people in the pictures don't look German because they are small headed(an eastern European trait), whereas most Germans are large headed. They also have asiatic features and eastern looking eyes.

Most Hungarians look heavily asiatic influenced much like other eastern Europeans.
Very Asiatic looking, looks Polish, Russian, or Ukrainian. He couldn't pass as native in Germany, the eyes alone look very foreign. Germans aren't mixed with Asian so they look western even when their hair and eye color is dark. In fact, dark Germans probably look more western due to looking more like the English and Irish who are also dark but they still look northwestern.
I cannot tell whether you're joking or being serious.

All Northern Europeans are slightly Asian-admixed because of their ancestral genes, but the admixture is very small.


Source: https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2020/06/29/a-race-by-race-breakdown-of-human-genetic-diversity-illustrated-guide-for-novices/

More modern one looks somewhat like this:
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FSG3VLjp.png&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=243b5845782687093575bcff942a772738a7c4c1413a7b d38ad5de022a4faac8&ipo=images
(cannot guarantee its accuracy)

Many Germans are of Polish (Lechitic) and Czech descent so how could they have completely different genetics? Same with many Austrians who are descended from Carinthian (Slovenian) population.

Genetically speaking the Northern Europeans are pretty close to one another genetically.
See for example:


Source: https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?217432-West-Eurasian-Genetic-Continuums

10-16-2023, 09:40 PM

10-16-2023, 10:04 PM
Very Asiatic looking, looks Polish, Russian, or Ukrainian.
They look Mongoloid because they don't have people like Alexander Von Weigand. Lol.

10-16-2023, 11:24 PM
I cannot tell whether you're joking or being serious.

That happens if someone knows Europe only from internet :rolleyes2:

10-17-2023, 12:45 AM
1st and 4th picture look definitely eastern euro
2nd and 3rd look west euro

10-17-2023, 03:06 PM
That happens if someone knows Europe only from internet :rolleyes2:

Yeah, some Americans say stuff that makes you wonder if they've ever been here.

10-17-2023, 03:17 PM
Most people would pass here as an individual. In group, it seems more tricky. In last picture, people seem too pale as a group for Belgians, but this could be quality of picture.
The old pictures are too vague.