View Full Version : Intelligent Design in Kansas

04-17-2009, 02:53 AM
Here is an actual letter that was sent to the Kansas State School Board:

Open Letter To Kansas School Board (http://www.venganza.org/about/open-letter/)

It starts off:

"I am writing you with much concern after having read of your hearing to decide whether the alternative theory of Intelligent Design should be taught along with the theory of Evolution. I think we can all agree that it is important for students to hear multiple viewpoints so they can choose for themselves the theory that makes the most sense to them. I am concerned, however, that students will only hear one theory of Intelligent Design.
Let us remember that there are multiple theories of Intelligent Design. I and many others around the world are of the strong belief that the universe was created by..."

Powerful stuff, no?

04-17-2009, 03:09 AM
There are not enough facepalms for things like this...


04-17-2009, 03:12 AM
There are not enough facepalms for things like this...


^ Reminds me of the last time I was in church...:D