View Full Version : Classify Anissa Khel

10-24-2023, 10:56 AM
She's known as an Algerian gold digger. She married a rich very ill dying man to inherit from him. His family was furious.

https://www.gala.fr/imgre/fit/http.3A.2F.2Fprd2-bone-image.2Es3-website-eu-west-1.2Eamazonaws.2Ecom.2Fprismamedia_people.2F2017.2F 06.2F30.2F2ba2088e-4936-4a17-8144-fb16e86ea4d1.2Ejpeg/2216x1536/quality/80/anissa-delarue.jpeg

https://www.voici.fr/imgre/fit/http.3A.2F.2Fprd2-bone-image.2Es3-website-eu-west-1.2Eamazonaws.2Ecom.2Fprismamedia_people.2F2017.2F 06.2F30.2F2ed10913-a050-412f-ab5b-a09eeb870167.2Ejpeg/2048x1536/quality/80/anissa-delarue.jpeg

https://fac.img.pmdstatic.net/fit/http.3A.2F.2Fprd2-bone-image.2Es3-website-eu-west-1.2Eamazonaws.2Ecom.2Fprismamedia_people.2F2017.2F 06.2F30.2Faf6040de-c09a-4dec-86e7-4d753d644953.2Ejpeg/345x258/quality/80/crop-from/center/anissa-delarue.jpeg










https://www.parismatch.com/lmnr/var/pm/public/media/image/2022/03/20/16/Anissa-Khel-magicienne.jpg?VersionId=FyUVuFOjLjZcRfRdQhCF2xmkn NqlWj7N

10-24-2023, 11:30 AM
Where from was he?

If I were a rich man and I was dying, maybe I would let myself be robbed by her too.

10-24-2023, 11:42 AM
Where from was he?

If I were a rich man and I was dying, maybe I would let myself be robbed by her too.

Really!? You would do that rather than giving your money to your own family, your previous wife and your kid, as he did?

He was a Polish-Russian-Hungarian Jew and Anissa Khel asked him to convert to Islam for the marriage, which he did.

10-24-2023, 11:45 AM
Trans Med & Gracile Med

10-24-2023, 11:53 AM
His ex-wife sued Anissa Khel and she lost the trial, Anissa won.

10-24-2023, 11:56 AM
incredibly stupid guy

10-24-2023, 11:57 AM
He actually doesn't look that much older than her. 15 years at most

10-24-2023, 12:06 PM
Really!? You would do that rather than giving your money to your own family, your previous wife and your kid, as he did?

He was a Polish-Russian-Hungarian Jew and Anissa Khel asked him to convert to Islam for the marriage, which he did.

In Spain there is a part that must necessarily go to your family, it's called "la legítima".

"la legítima"(the Legitimate?) is the portion of property that the testator cannot dispose of because the law has reserved it for certain heirs, therefore called forced heirs.

The inheritance is divided into three thirds:

Free disposal third
Third improvement
Third of legitimate

1) Free disposal third
Of the freely available third, the testator may freely dispose of a third of his assets without subjective limitation.

That is, you may dispose of all or part of this third in favor of the person who suits you, without it being necessary for them to be descendants or relatives.

2) Third improvement
The third improvement is another third part of the inheritance that the testator can use to improve one or more of his children or descendants.

Even though it can be considered freely available, it is true that it is intended to benefit children or descendants and never in favor of third parties.

3) Third of legitimate
It is the third part of the inheritance that is reserved by law to the forced or legitimate heirs of the testator.

So being rich with at least a third of my fortune, I doubt they would go hungry.

The money belongs to that man, allocating a fair portion to his wife and children. Doesn't he have the right to allocate the money he sees fit to whoever he sees fit?

Who was his previous wife? Was he already rich when he married her?

Let the moralists call her a prostitute if they want, but spending part of your youth satisfying the wishes of a dying man, no matter how rich he may be, I doubt it will be a comfortable or pleasant task.

Plus, maybe they had real affection for each other. Why not?

10-24-2023, 12:25 PM
In Spain there is a part that must necessarily go to your family, it's called "la legítima".

So being rich with at least a third of my fortune, I doubt they would go hungry.

The money belongs to that man, allocating a fair portion to his wife and children. Doesn't he have the right to allocate the money he sees fit to whoever he sees fit?

Who was his previous wife? Was he already rich when he married her?

Let the moralists call her a prostitute if they want, but spending part of your youth satisfying the wishes of a dying man, no matter how rich he may be, I doubt it will be a comfortable or pleasant task.

Plus, maybe they had real affection for each other. Why not?

This is very precisely a moral issue. Everything took place in a very short period of time. Within a few months, he met Anissa Khel, started dating her, converted to Islam for her, married her and just three months after the wedding, he died. It was obvious, when he met her, that he was already on his last legs, he was already agonising. According to his family, his friends, she completely manipulated him and he was not in a state in which he could exercise discernment.

He was already rich when he married his previous wife. This is his previous wife:

https://www.voici.fr/imgre/fit/http.3A.2F.2Fprd2-bone-image.2Es3-website-eu-west-1.2Eamazonaws.2Ecom.2Fprismamedia_people.2F2017.2F 06.2F30.2F7b07f28a-9fa5-440d-809c-dba99a270469.2Ejpeg/2048x1536/quality/80/elisabeth-bost.jpeg

10-24-2023, 12:38 PM
This is very precisely a moral issue. Everything took place in a very short period of time. Within a few months, he met Anissa Khel, started dating her, converted to Islam for her, married her and just three months after the wedding, he died. It was obvious, when he met her, that he was already on his last legs, he was already agonising. According to his family, his friends, she completely manipulated him and he was not in a state in which he could exercise discernment.

He was already rich when he married his previous wife. This is his previous wife:

I don't expect that if my wife dies, she will pay me for my love with money. If I have children and need money, I work.

And as I said, I highly doubt that his ex-wife and children are poor. You don't need to receive an inheritance of one hundred million to live well.

I wouldn't do what that man did, but I'm no one to judge him or her either.

If that man let himself be deceived or if he did it all consciously because he wanted to feel free and fly right at the end of his life, fleeing from a reality that he did not love, it is a question of that man and his conscience, not yours or mine. .

10-24-2023, 01:07 PM
I don't expect that if my wife dies, she will pay me for my love with money. If I have children and need money, I work.

And as I said, I highly doubt that his ex-wife and children are poor. You don't need to receive an inheritance of one hundred million to live well.

I wouldn't do what that man did, but I'm no one to judge him or her either.

If that man let himself be deceived or if he did it all consciously because he wanted to feel free and fly right at the end of his life, fleeing from a reality that he did not love, it is a question of that man and his conscience, not yours or mine. .

It seems you are true to yourself, tepid in any circumstance. :)

Anyway, there are chances he is rotting in hell.

He is described, even in his Wikipedia page, as "addicted to power, money, sex and cocaine". He was, among other things, found guilty of violence and sexual assault, including for touching the ass, the breasts of a stewardess in a plane...

Also, in 1994, under the influence of alcohols and cocaine, he tried to kill himself crashing his car, while he was in the car with his girlfriend of the time and her brother. They were seriously injured, covered with blood, and he didn't even apologise.

10-24-2023, 01:08 PM

Easy to find face anywhere in Southern and Southeastern Europe, btw

10-24-2023, 01:37 PM
He actually doesn't look that much older than her. 15 years at most

He was actually 18 years older than her. :)

10-24-2023, 02:23 PM
It seems you are true to yourself, tepid in any circumstance. :)

Anyway, there are chances he is rotting in hell.

He is described, even in his Wikipedia page, as "addicted to power, money, sex and cocaine". He was, among other things, found guilty of violence and sexual assault, including for touching the ass, the breasts a stewardess in a plane...

Also, in 1994, under the influence of alcohols and cocaine, he tried to kill himself crashing his car, while he was in the car with his girlfriend of the time and her brother. They were seriously injured, covered with blood, and he didn't even apologise.

It's their problem, they're all adults and it's their personal life.

As for "tepid under any circumstances" I think I have been quite clear, the money is his and he can do what he wants with it since neither his ex-wife nor his children are going to go hungry.

How many children and what ages are they, by the way?

What does his ex-wife do for a living?

I can only give a more precise judgment if I had much more data or knew how everything really was, that is, being themselves. The only version that seems to prevail here is that of the ex-wife, with that alone I don't know how anyone dares to be anything but lukewarm.

How dare you not be tepid in something like this and why do you expect others to take a stand against that girl and him?

We need to ask ourselves why you position yourself where you position yourself in this case? Do you find a parallel with something that you fear might happen to you in the future?

Laly, don't point fingers at others and don't try to give me lessons about life.

10-24-2023, 04:13 PM
Trans Med & Gracile Med

I agree, she looks Mediterranean predominantly.

Tooting Carmen
10-24-2023, 04:45 PM
Looks kind of Mestiza.

10-24-2023, 05:34 PM
Looks kind of Mestiza.

Really? her features are pretty much atlanto med, i would place her in the Balkans or in parts of the east mediterranean