View Full Version : What's wrong with Zionism?

10-30-2023, 01:47 AM
A lot of people complain about it. To me, I'm not one in particular but I find it based and alluring because it's a form of nationalism. I am a true nationalist, and I see nothing wrong with the Jews wanting to have their own nation state and doing everything they can do to keep it. Zionism is a term that gets thrown around loosely to anyone who doesn't constantly criticize Israel or blame it for all the world's problems. To me, I'd rather be a Zionist than a whiny, Godless commie who supports a group of people who have no connection to the land in which they claim.

10-30-2023, 02:05 AM

10-30-2023, 03:11 AM
Listen to Rabbi Dovid Feldman. What Israel is doing is WRONG. It is FORBIDDEN.


10-30-2023, 05:16 AM
Three reasons…




10-30-2023, 05:18 AM
To me, I'd rather be a Zionist than a whiny, Godless commie who supports a group of people who have no connection to the land in which they claim.

Richest thing I’ve heard this week.

10-30-2023, 06:22 AM
Personally i prefer a jewish state controlling levant instead of muslim states. But here are things=

*Jews are a people who think theyre superior to "others"
*Thus they dont respect any other nation or even human life
*Whatever they do and they plan are always harmful for rest of the world
*Current biggest problems in Europe also are mostly result of Zionism and JudeoAmerican involvement in MENA region

10-30-2023, 06:46 AM
I dont support zionism and im not against it. Its not my business.

10-30-2023, 07:03 AM
For you, AIPAC and the ADL, and the countless millions of US dollars streaming into Israel with no reciprocity for decades.

There's none so blind as those who won't see.

10-30-2023, 07:54 AM
For you, AIPAC and the ADL, and the countless millions of US dollars streaming into Israel with no reciprocity for decades.

There's none so blind as those who won't see.

Is it possible that those dollars are some sort of geopolitical investment and in the interest of the USA?
Just because money goes to Israel (Jews) doesn't mean the US is being milked as people have a tendency to think.

10-30-2023, 09:31 AM
Just digging a big hole for themselves again.
Whether its Egypt enslaving them, or Russia expelling them or Spain expelling them or Germany expelling them I guess next in rank are the Iranian/Aryan... it's such a pigface ideology.

10-30-2023, 09:31 AM
Is it possible that those dollars are some sort of geopolitical investment and in the interest of the USA?
Just because money goes to Israel (Jews) doesn't mean the US is being milked as people have a tendency to think.
I don't see how it's in the interest of Americans (as opposed to the Jews who pull the strings in their government), but I'm open to suggestions. As far as I can see the complete support for Israel since 1948 has been a nothing but a burden for the US, particularly in its relations with the Muslim world, which ultimately lead to September 11 and the disastrous Afghanistan and Iraq invasions (for which Israel didn't send any troops in support of the US).

10-30-2023, 10:33 AM
Is it possible that those dollars are some sort of geopolitical investment and in the interest of the USA?
Just because money goes to Israel (Jews) doesn't mean the US is being milked as people have a tendency to think.

I agree to Creoda's answer on this comment of your's. i. e. I currently don't see the advantage for the common people in the USA but I'm open for elaborations as I could miss something.

What I do see is that the Americans have become the second most hated people on this planet directly after the Jews if you consider what citizens are endangered when they are out in the world. To my perception Israel friendly Jews have taken control of the USA since decades (without any conspiracy, simply by adding up the influence in one particular direction) and in some sort of strange cooperation that serves both the goy cowboy mentality as well as the goy bible belt mentality they have managed to really integrate millions of goys in such an agenda.

How abt. 50 million essentially meanwhile zionist (Richmondbread-like) Evangelical Christians in the USA did emerge is still a conundrum to me. It's a comparably new thing and there was nothing like that in Europe.

Also, the chuzpah of American Exceptionalism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_exceptionalism smells to me like a loan from the chosen people philosophy.

Maybe it's irrelevant but it now comes across my mind and fits in: Why are so many goy Americans voluntarily circumcised with some health pretexts? They will not seriously have deviating scientific health insights from those in Europe. (I refrain from explaining the biological function of the foreskin.)

10-30-2023, 10:41 AM
I don't see how it's in the interest of Americans (as opposed to the Jews who pull the strings in their government), but I'm open to suggestions. As far as I can see the complete support for Israel since 1948 has been a nothing but a burden for the US, particularly in its relations with the Muslim world, which ultimately lead to September 11 and the disastrous Afghanistan and Iraq invasions (for which Israel didn't send any troops in support of the US).


With what is written there do you disagree with?

10-30-2023, 10:45 AM
Zionism is more than just about a "homeland for the jews", it's about absolute conquest of the world and total subjegation of the gentiles, but it has to fulfill prophecy so they need to clean out all the goyim from the holy land so that their mossiach (messiah) can arrive and conquer the world. When this happens everyone in the world will be subject to Noahide laws where "idol worshippers" like Christians or Hindus are to be sumarily executed by beheading, this is not some radical fringe belief, but mainline Talmudic Judaism.

10-30-2023, 10:55 AM
Meade excuses are very lame, like fulfilling the prophecies. The prophecies tell that apostatic Talmudic Jews will build the temple once again, they will accept the fake "Messiah", the antichrist. Participating in evil makes you evil. Crucifying Jesus was also fulfilling the prophecies through the evil deeds of Jews, maybe you would bless Judas for helping them? It's the same. We have nothing to do with Talmudic rats, only those who will repent after the sermon of Elijah may be saved. God is not some kind of robot or AI, by participating in evil deeds to "fulfil prophecies" nothing good is done and such person will receive just eternal damnation.

10-30-2023, 11:08 AM
I have been warning about the Talmud for years. Good to see others have investigated it as well.
It really is a piece of garbage literature that should be banned.

10-30-2023, 11:13 AM

10-30-2023, 11:21 AM
I have been warning about the Talmud for years. Good to see others have investigated it as well.
It really is a piece of garbage literature that should be banned.

Talmudic Jews literally mock Jesus and His death on Cross and ressurection, they humiliate the name of Most Holy Theotokos and her earthly life, the fact of the immaculate conception of Christ. One must be blind not to despise them, I don't even mention seeing them as something blessed.

10-30-2023, 11:29 AM
Meade excuses are very lame, like fulfilling the prophecies. The prophecies tell that apostatic Talmudic Jews will build the temple once again, they will accept the fake "Messiah", the antichrist. Participating in evil makes you evil. Crucifying Jesus was also fulfilling the prophecies through the evil deeds of Jews, maybe you would bless Judas for helping them? It's the same. We have nothing to do with Talmudic rats, only those who will repent after the sermon of Elijah may be saved. God is not some kind of robot or AI, by participating in evil deeds to "fulfil prophecies" nothing good is done and such person will receive just eternal damnation.

Muslims also wait for their fake Messiah.

10-30-2023, 11:35 AM

With what is written there do you disagree with?

Comments on quotes:

„But it is a two-way partnership whose benefits to the United States have been substantial. The other, less tangible costs of the U.S.-Israeli alliance -- mainly, damage to Washington's reputation in Arab and Muslim countries, a problem also caused by American interventions (...)“:

These interventions were caused in favour of Israel, both the Iraq II as well as the Syria intervention as for destroying Isreal-hostile local military powers.

„Israel remains a counterweight against radical forces in the Middle East, including political Islam and violent extremism.“:

In contrary, Isreal is triggering all this.

And regardless of this: Why should the USA naturally at all care about Islam, Arabic nationalism and terrorism in the Middle East when it’s not at all concerned by anything of that?

„Israel continues to help the United States deal with traditional security threats.“:

There are no traditional security threats to the USA. The USA borders just Mexico and Canada and none of these are of any threat to the USA and nobody else can at all come and successfully invade the USA.

”Israel's military experiences have shaped the United States' approach to counterterrorism and homeland security.“:

Prior to the US engangement for Israel which caused the whole Middle East dealings all the way from Libyia to Afghanistan there was no need for things like counterterrorism and homeland security. The USA does also not naturally engange this way in non-Arab Africa.

„Israeli innovators have also come up with novel solutions to the water and food security challenges posed by population growth, climate change, and economic development. By necessity, given the geography of the Middle East, Israel is a world leader in water conservation and management and high-tech agriculture. Israel recycles more than eighty percent of its wastewater -- the highest level in the world -- and has pioneered widely used techniques of conserving or purifying water, including drip irrigation and reverse osmosis desalination.“

Yeah, and nothing of that is much needed in the USA.

10-30-2023, 11:46 AM
Unfortunately each country needs to have an ally to spread its influence. It would be very nice if we all could get along, but it is an impossible task.

What if we put Iran or Syria or whatever instead of Israel? Would you think differently then?

How do you imagine a scenario where there is no need for a bullwark nation in the Middle East or anywhere else?

For starters the US fought those wars in the Middle East so the oil doesn't go towards the East (China) according to none other than American TA member. Again, it was in the interest of the US. If it along the way fought Israel enemies it was two birds with one stone.

10-30-2023, 11:57 AM
Noahide laws explained.

10-30-2023, 12:30 PM
Muslims also wait for their fake Messiah.

Their delusions do not matter and none consciously simps them, unlike some strange Christians simp the Talmudic Jews and their projects.

11-02-2023, 02:05 AM
Zionism is more than just about a "homeland for the jews", it's about absolute conquest of the world and total subjegation of the gentiles, but it has to fulfill prophecy so they need to clean out all the goyim from the holy land so that their mossiach (messiah) can arrive and conquer the world. When this happens everyone in the world will be subject to Noahide laws where "idol worshippers" like Christians or Hindus are to be sumarily executed by beheading, this is not some radical fringe belief, but mainline Talmudic Judaism.

Muslims want to conquer the entire west, you know that, right? When they finish with Israel (hopefully not) they will come for us, and they are eager in killing all infidels- that includes Christians.