View Full Version : Classify This European Looking Afghan Man

11-03-2023, 11:10 PM
He looks %100 Euro to me.

11-03-2023, 11:13 PM
I always wanted to know why there are tons of "european looking non-europeans" threads rather than the opposite.

Thats a interesting phenomenom, althought... :rolleyes:

11-03-2023, 11:20 PM
I always wanted to know why there are tons of "european looking non-europeans" threads rather than the opposite.

Thats a interesting phenomenom, althought... :rolleyes:

Lol i once posted a thread of a Asian looking Breton girl

11-03-2023, 11:21 PM
Anyway hes atlantid-iranid

11-04-2023, 12:00 AM

11-04-2023, 12:08 AM
Anyway hes atlantid-iranid

He looks very Atlantid to me as well. To be honest, if I didn't mention his ethnicity, you probably would say just Atlantid.

11-04-2023, 12:08 AM

He looks rather Atlantid instead of Irano-Nordid

11-04-2023, 12:36 AM
I always wanted to know why there are tons of "european looking non-europeans" threads rather than the opposite.

Thats a interesting phenomenom, althought... :rolleyes:

Keep note it's usually people other ethnicities posting these things . It's a European Anthropology forum, deal with it.

As for OP , I disagree, does he pass? Sure, but to my eyes he looks like a Panjshiri Tajik without a shadow of a doubt . This is more of a " European looking " ( whatever that means ) Afghan

https://i.ibb.co/KWLwC3B/Screenshot-20231021-223940-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/M7G6q3K)
https://i.ibb.co/6FzHzFh/Screenshot-20231101-134546-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/hVbBbV5)

11-04-2023, 12:38 AM
He looks very Atlantid to me as well. To be honest, if I didn't mention his ethnicity, you probably would say just Atlantid.

Yeah, he has minor med influence but looks Euro, can you classify these please?

11-04-2023, 07:30 PM
Keep note it's usually people other ethnicities posting these things.
Sure, the main reason is their inferiority complex, all of those people want to be europeans at certain level.

Bad for them, they will never be europeans :laugh:

11-04-2023, 07:34 PM
Sure, the main reason is their inferiority complex, all of those people want to be europeans at certain level.

Bad for them, they will never be europeans :laugh:

What's so great about being European if you are a dark Bulgarian or Greek etc?

Tooting Carmen
11-04-2023, 08:13 PM
What's so great about being European if you are a dark Bulgarian or Greek etc?

To paraphrase Germaine Greer: "Caucasoid is real and it is race. European is unreal and it is ethnicity". Dark Caucasoids are just as Caucasoid as light Caucasoids.

11-04-2023, 08:17 PM
To paraphrase Germaine Greer: "Caucasoid is real and it is race. European is unreal and it is ethnicity". Dark Caucasoids are just as Caucasoid as light Caucasoids.

I would say though that there are very very few areas outside of the European continent that are as European as places in Europe, maybe just parts of the Caucasus, isolated tribes in Pakistan/Afghan/Tajik borders and possibly some Riffian and Algerian mountain areas.

Tooting Carmen
11-04-2023, 08:20 PM
I would say though that there are very very few areas outside of the European continent that are as European as places in Europe, maybe just parts of the Caucasus, isolated tribes in Pakistan/Afghan/Tajik borders and possibly some Riffian and Algerian mountain areas.

You are speaking in tautologies. MENAs without significant SSA are just as Caucasoid as Europeans, while Central Asians and South Asians aren't really Caucasoid at all (at least not fully).

Tooting Carmen
11-04-2023, 08:22 PM
More generally, the notion that "all Europeans are more alike than any are to non-Europeans" is a shibboleth almost on par with "trans women are women". For example, I remember reading a genetic plot that put Greeks roughly halfway between English people and Iranians.

11-04-2023, 08:31 PM
More generally, the notion that "all Europeans are more alike than any are to non-Europeans" is a shibboleth almost on par with "trans women are women". For example, I remember reading a genetic plot that put Greeks roughly halfway between English people and Iranians.

Indeed though you could argue that the liberal European culture probably only really expanded across the European continent rather than Turkey or the Mena because of the higher nordic and Cro Magnid influence in continental Europe.

Tooting Carmen
11-04-2023, 08:34 PM
Indeed though you could argue that the liberal European culture probably only really expanded across the European continent rather than Turkey or the Mena because of the higher nordic and Cro Magnid influence in continental Europe.

I think religion had rather more to do with that than any CM or Nordic influence... Besides, even within Europe it cannot really be argued that (classical) liberalism has been anything like as strong in Southern or Eastern Europe as in Northwestern Europe.

11-04-2023, 08:47 PM
I think religion had rather more to do with that than any CM or Nordic influence... Besides, even within Europe it cannot really be argued that (classical) liberalism has been anything like as strong in Southern or Eastern Europe as in Northwestern Europe.

The reason those regions adopted those religions was related to ethnic group, much like how Islam didn't spread deep into tropical Africa or even southern Sudan because the fully blooded Negroids didn't seem to want to adopt it or why less mediterranean influenced muslims are less likely to wear the burka or jilbab i.e Senegalese, Central Asians, probably Bosnians too. Liberalism has a centre in the western north sea region and it's influence wanes the further from there you get, i would say that Nordics and Cro Magnons are quite liberal and intellectual compared to other ethnic types.

11-04-2023, 09:04 PM
Sure, the main reason is their inferiority complex, all of those people want to be europeans at certain level.

Bad for them, they will never be europeans :laugh:

But OP user is Turkish not Afghan.....

11-04-2023, 09:07 PM
More generally, the notion that "all Europeans are more alike than any are to non-Europeans" is a shibboleth almost on par with "trans women are women". For example, I remember reading a genetic plot that put Greeks roughly halfway between English people and Iranians.

Iranian-type ancestry has existed in Greece since at least the Bronze Age (in Crete and the Aegean). Mixing an Englishman and a Persian will certainly not result in a Greek, I can guarantee you that.


other than that:

all Europeans are more alike than any are to non-Europeans

is certainly true in the case of Greeks , at least for mainland Greeks. your opinion is subjective and de facto gay (therefore woke).

Tooting Carmen
11-04-2023, 09:16 PM
Iranian-type ancestry has existed in Greece since at least the Bronze Age (in Crete and the Aegean). Mixing an Englishman and a Persian will certainly not result in a Greek, I can guarantee you that.


other than that:

is certainly true in the case of Greeks , at least for mainland Greeks. your opinion is subjective and de facto gay (therefore woke).

While Iranians may indeed be a stretch, Greeks are certainly closer to Turks, Kavkazians and even some Levantines (aka not Gazans and Jordanians) than to NW Europeans. And never mind Cypriots...

11-04-2023, 09:33 PM
But OP user is Turkish not Afghan.....

Both have the same behavior sometimes, but Turks are more discreet :laugh:

11-04-2023, 09:37 PM
While Iranians may indeed be a stretch, Greeks are certainly closer to Turks, Kavkazians and even some Levantines (aka not Gazans and Jordanians) than to NW Europeans. And never mind Cypriots...

Target: Turkish_Balikesir
Distance: 5.4902% / 0.05490243
85.8 Greek_Laconia
14.2 Han_Fujian