View Full Version : Adolf Jakub Hitler's natal chart

11-07-2023, 03:51 AM
A quick glance shows that he was an Aries rising... energetic... leader... and full of courage....Mars, the god of war, rules Aries so no surprise there either.

Mercury in his first house signifies a very good speaker, high intelligence and photographic memory.

Saturn in the 5th house tells us that he wasn't meant to have any offspring.

8th house is empty, never married....

11th house empty... a worthless bum.

"Written in the Stars" as the saying goes.

Basically a boring chart overall.


11-07-2023, 04:11 AM

11-07-2023, 05:04 AM
A quick glance shows that he was an Aries rising... energetic... leader... and full of courage....Mars, the god of war, rules Aries so no surprise there either.

Mercury in his first house signifies a very good speaker, high intelligence and photographic memory.

Saturn in the 5th house tells us that he wasn't meant to have any offspring.

8th house is empty, never married....

11th house empty... a worthless bum.

"Written in the Stars" as the saying goes.

Basically a boring chart overall.


Quite a messy chart

11-07-2023, 05:35 AM
Adolf Ben Rothschild

11-08-2023, 01:05 AM
Adolfowitz was defintely born to be a "full of shit" silver tongued politician and war monger.

He would've been a poor nobody if it wasn't for the mighty Miercoles in his 1st house.

I have Mercury retrograde and Zeus (Jupiter)...Zeus sounds way cooler and badass....Ancient Grek Indo-Europeans were badass high IQ motherfuckers.... in my 1st house...eccentricity...intellectual giftedness...esoteric autist.

He also could've been a ladies man if he wanted to....Mars beside Venus in retrograde though.... but it seems as though he was a woman hater or had relationship issues unfortunately...thoughts and feelings can be changed...it will take time and practice to retrain your brain. Eventually those self defeating thoughts will become less and less frequent....this is not set in stone...you can change your path in life as long as you find out your chart.

11-08-2023, 01:42 AM
12 houses = 12 disciples....12 Olympians.


Jesus definitely worshipped Zeus which wouldn't be a surprise since the Arameans mixed with the ancient Greeks.

Jesus was the sacrificial lamb (ovis ARIES) that ended the Age of Aries...the bloodiest Age in peoplekind...and ushered in the Age of Pisces.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTVar26e5Qshe3IgNf4pKBsqPpxcvFrV JCezracC8bQqbV6-XWvaXu_1rM6-0LkklsjeAc&usqp=CAU

The ichthys or ichthus, from the Greek ikhthus.

He knew what he was doing....He really did sacrifice himself for the sins of man.


11-14-2023, 07:50 PM
Jesus definitely worshipped Zeus which wouldn't be a surprise since the Arameans mixed with the ancient Greeks.

What's wrong with you man...you better stop this blasphemous bullshit very soon. I actually should prohibit you from posting until you underwent a thorough deliverance session.

11-15-2023, 12:16 AM
I actually should prohibit you from posting until you underwent a thorough deliverance session.
Please don't prohibit Dick from posting; every person is entitled to their opinion.

11-15-2023, 03:17 AM
Please don't prohibit Dick from posting; every person is entitled to their opinion.

When it comes to blasphemy, no-one is entitled to anything on this website.

11-15-2023, 04:08 AM
What's wrong with you man...you better stop this blasphemous bullshit very soon. I actually should prohibit you from posting until you underwent a thorough deliverance session.

Bringing up similarities is not automatic proof of anything. Does the Bible not say that angels rebelled from Heaven and went to humankind (pagan Gods)

I don't really consider the Book of Enoch canon, but it does expand more on that these fallen angels taught mankind alot of advanced knowledge, as well as their smear/slander campaign against God making up all these false Gods vaguely in Gods image but also differing in other core ways to create confusion and to smear God's name by causing confused people to associate God with other false gods who have abominable qualities, but because some confused people see some similarities between God and some other demon/pagan god, they then say that the Christian God/God is really just these pagan demons rebranded version (when really the pagan demons are the rebranded version of God)

(part of the psy-op made by demons, demons and satan are the masters of pyschological warfare (He is called the "Deceiver" for a reason) just like Laveyan Satanism, witchcraft, Freemasonry knows alot about Psychology in order to give depth to it's magick rituals since they are associated with demons who have been studying humans since Genesis.)

There's this guy on Youtube called Sun of Saturn who dedicates making hours long videos blaspheming God (I used to watch them so I know what his arguments are, the music's cool but his conclusion definitley isn't unbiased.) saying he is a copy of all these other false pagan Gods from ancient times, guy thinks that us Christians are deceived when he hasn't even stopped to think that maybe he's been being hood-winked by demons this entire time. You know your argument is bad when you haven't even stopped to consider the other side of the argument you're against.

11-16-2023, 01:02 AM
Please don't prohibit Dick from posting; every person is entitled to their opinion.

The Ascended Master was also accused of blasphemy

07-30-2024, 07:08 PM
A quick glance shows that he was an Aries rising... energetic... leader... and full of courage....Mars, the god of war, rules Aries so no surprise there either.

Mercury in his first house signifies a very good speaker, high intelligence and photographic memory.

Saturn in the 5th house tells us that he wasn't meant to have any offspring.

8th house is empty, never married....

11th house empty... a worthless bum.

"Written in the Stars" as the saying goes.

Basically a boring chart overall.


Dick, you have the wrong natal chart. What is your source for the birth time? You didn't provide it.

Astro.com has his correct chart from the time on his actual birth certificate. Hitler was a Taurus with Libra rising.

Hitler, Adolf Gender: M
born on 20 April 1889 at 18:30 (= 6:30 PM )
Place Braunau, Austria, 48n15, 13e04
Timezone LMT m13e04 (is local mean time)
Data source
BC/BR in hand
Rodden Rating AA
Collector: Scholfield
Astrology data s_su.18.svg s_taucol.18.svg 00°48' s_mo.18.svg s_capcol.18.svg 06°38 Asc.s_libcol.18.svg 26°41'

