View Full Version : Traditional Swiss sport of Hornussen

11-11-2023, 05:56 PM
This sport is the most popular in the german-speaking part of the country. It is weird combo of golf and baseball.

One player of the team hit the small object "hornuss" laying on ramp called "bock" using a flexible and tapered whip called "traf". Then, the opposing team tries to prevent the hornuss from hitting the ground using large wooden shields called "schindel". If the opposing team doesn't strike a hornuss then the goal is scored which is pretty rare.

The game is time consuming and there are some differences in ways of counting points, but in general the further the hornuss goes the more points you get, you can also get points regarding the technique you use or if you had a bad condisions like strong wind.

After the game both teams get a meal together, it's basically a good way to socialize a bit.

More details on the videos below


