View Full Version : Beaujolais Day 2023 in Swansea, Wales

Tooting Carmen
11-17-2023, 09:10 AM


11-17-2023, 10:00 AM
Atlantids, borrebies, subnordics, paleo atlantids, meds, alpines. A minority of about 10% have darker looks with the great majority showing generic British looks.

11-17-2023, 11:46 AM
All can pass as Romanian very easily (except a handful that would look atypical, but still pass). The reason is that we share the same components, just shuffled differently. The Welsh have a lot more Old European (CM is the dominant element) while Romanians have more Anatolian Neolithic

Tooting Carmen
11-17-2023, 11:52 AM
All can pass as Romanian very easily (except a handful that would look atypical, but still pass). The reason is that we share the same components, just shuffled differently. The Welsh have a lot more Old European (CM is the dominant element) while Romanians have more Anatolian Neolithic

Funny you say that - I always think of Romanians and other Southern Balkanites as being the Europeans who least resemble the British.

11-17-2023, 11:59 AM
Brits grow beards nowadays.

Les chavettes next to a random fat guy, probably the local COO of Instagram.
Is Superdry considered a chav brand?


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11-17-2023, 01:10 PM
Apart from the few non Euro ones they all look Welsh asf, not surprising seeing as they are. The guy holding the wine glass looks like he has something else though.

Had many nights out with all these at uni, though the make up wasn't plastered on then. I do find Welsh girls are often quite chunky with big boobs, the most well known ones Charlotte Church and Katherine Jenkins are the same.