View Full Version : Potential danger in genealogical DNA tests

11-25-2023, 02:58 PM
We all know Nazis have utilised anthropological "evidences" to segregate between Aryans and non Aryans. I also foresee a dictator might use the "evidences" obtained from genealogical DNA tests to push the idea of determining one's ethnicity/nationality in the future. Don't you also see such a danger in genealogical DNA tests?

11-25-2023, 03:10 PM
We all know Nazis have utilised anthropological "evidences" to segregate between Aryans and non Aryans. I also foresee a dictator might use the "evidences" obtained from genealogical DNA tests to push the idea of determining one's ethnicity/nationality in the future. Don't you also see such a danger in genealogical DNA tests?

Dont think so, people are way to mixed, majority dont get 100% of any ethnicity/nationality, and what calcutalors should they use, not one calculator ever gives exakt the same results, not even the companies give same results.. if that scenario would come up, it would only to see if you are, black, white,asian or middles eastern, that could probbaly be more accurate the the others, but even there could be problems,..so my awnser is NO