View Full Version : Why Mongolia Has Lower IQ Compared to Other East Asian Nations?

11-26-2023, 04:49 PM
What Genes caused this?

IQ seems very hereditary. North Korea is one of the poorest nations on Earth, yet their IQ scores are still very similar to South Koreans.

South Korea 103 IQ
North Korea 100 IQ


11-26-2023, 04:55 PM
What Genes caused this?

IQ seems very hereditary. North Korea is one of the poorest nations on Earth, yet their IQ scores are still very similar to South Koreans.

South Korea 103 IQ
North Korea 100 IQ


It is to a degree hereditary, but it's also due to education.

And it makes sense, considering that Mongolians don't have nearly as many people having university degrees, let alone masters or bachelor's degrees.

But I think the environment, which has certainly influenced genetics, plays a role here: big part of the Mongolian population is nomadic still. Too big in fact for a modern nation.

11-26-2023, 05:05 PM
Selection based on survival rather than intelligence related traits. Selection pressures such as this can be quite rapid in a population. They still have a relatively high IQ in comparison to their condition of living and developpement, nowhere near the equivalent in Africa, and the same IQ than Israel for example, whereas Israeli are 10 times richer and in more developped society.

11-26-2023, 05:05 PM

mongols are "smarter" than greeks? this iq thing must be an utter joke

11-26-2023, 05:14 PM
Probably because they are proto-Turkic.

11-26-2023, 05:15 PM

mongols are "smarter" than greeks? this iq thing must be an utter joke

100% Garbo. Israel is also pretty high. [ Low iQ ] Mizrahi stand for the majority of Israelis.

11-26-2023, 05:20 PM
Topics of IQ are very complex, so I won't focus on that specifically but to think that a low GDP means bad education isn't accurate at all. I know a lot of people here don't want to believe it but in the Eastern Bloc people were much more advanced educationally speaking than Westerners, in math alone the knowledge attained by someone in gr. 12 is similar these days to things a 6th grader would be learning in the Eastern Bloc. Mongolia has been far less industrial developing than North Korea, due to their large nomadic population.

11-26-2023, 05:23 PM
Topics of IQ are very complex, so I won't focus on that specifically but to think that a low GDP means bad education isn't accurate at all. I know a lot of people here don't want to believe it but in the Eastern Bloc people were much more advanced educationally speaking than Westerners, in math alone the knowledge attained by someone in gr. 12 is similar these days to things a 6th grader would be learning in the Eastern Bloc.

Yes. This applies to all post-communist states more or less. I won't comment current PISA scores, but when I attended very good high school in US I was top of the class in math and calculus. Back home I struggled to get a passing grade. What they learned in HS we already did in elementary school. Even when it comes to literature, standards there were very low while back home you were expected to read about 2 serious classics per month.

Tooting Carmen
11-26-2023, 05:26 PM
Yes. This applies to all post-communist states more or less. I won't comment current PISA scores, but when I attended very good high school in US I was top of the class in math and calculus. Back home I struggled to get a passing grade. What they learned in HS we already did in elementary school. Even when it comes to literature, standards there were very low while back home you were expected to read about 2 serious classics per month.

Indeed, the other day I was treated by a nurse from Portugal, and she told me that although salaries in Portugal are still low compared to Britain, at the same time their education is a lot more advanced and difficult.

11-26-2023, 05:30 PM
What you expect they had(have ?) nomadic lifestyle and drink donkey milk. Borat-level culture has let them behind. Still a country that is very nice.

11-26-2023, 05:31 PM
Indeed, the other day I was treated by a nurse from Portugal, and she told me that although salaries in Portugal are still low compared to Britain, at the same time their education is a lot more advanced and difficult.

Well, it depends. Just because education is more difficult doesn't mean it's more advanced. In former communist block for example schools produce people with intellectual aptitude and wide range of knowledge about trivial things but without much practical value in life.

In my country most people are finanically illiterate and don't know how to start a business to compete in the market. Maybe schools should provide more of such knowledge rather than knowing all capitals and philosophical greats.

11-26-2023, 05:33 PM
Could it be that their natural environment is rather simplistic (steppe) and doesn't require much intellectual capacity to navigate and survive?

Tooting Carmen
11-26-2023, 05:34 PM
Well, it depends. Just because education is more difficult doesn't mean it's more advanced. In former communist block for example schools produce people with intellectual aptitude and wide range of knowledge about trivial things but without much practical value in life.

In my country most people are finanically illiterate and don't know how to start a business to compete in the market. Maybe schools should provide more of such knowledge rather than knowing all capitals and philosophical greats.

Aka the US model. Actually, the most extreme example of what you're talking about is Cuba: a country with really lousy salaries and living standards but with a remarkably good education system.

11-26-2023, 05:36 PM
Education. In east asia if you fail with school its one of the biggest shames.

11-26-2023, 05:36 PM
Aka the US model. Actually, the most extreme example of what you're talking about is Cuba: a country with really lousy salaries and living standards but with a remarkably good education system.

I noticed countries with excellent PISA scores like Finland don't have overly difficult nor complicated education system. US is too large to generalize; best Universities are still American even when public school level is abysmally low.

Tooting Carmen
11-26-2023, 05:39 PM
best Universities are still American even when public school level is abysmally low.

The best universities there are heavily dependent on Jews and Asians, often from overseas.

11-26-2023, 05:41 PM
The best universities there are heavily dependent on Jews and Asians, often from overseas.

They were best long before Asian migration in the US, when they were heavily white. Current level is sinking.

11-26-2023, 06:00 PM

mongols are "smarter" than greeks? this iq thing must be an utter joke

Consider we have a lot of migrants who quite literally are from countries in the region of high 70s to at best low 80s on the scale. They weigh the average pretty down. Because from the research in the 80s we're in the 100s.

11-26-2023, 06:02 PM
Topics of IQ are very complex, so I won't focus on that specifically but to think that a low GDP means bad education isn't accurate at all. I know a lot of people here don't want to believe it but in the Eastern Bloc people were much more advanced educationally speaking than Westerners, in math alone the knowledge attained by someone in gr. 12 is similar these days to things a 6th grader would be learning in the Eastern Bloc. Mongolia has been far less industrial developing than North Korea, due to their large nomadic population.

Well, Greece is in terms of GDP per capita much lower than the US, but it has a guaranteed more qualitative education system than the US, in all of its constituent states.