View Full Version : Describe the dream you had last night

11-27-2023, 12:11 PM
I’ll start: Last night I dreamt about checking on the news about supposedly the largest looting in the 21st century and perhaps first large scale genocide in U.S history since the Amerindian wars. It took place in the far eastern suburbs of St Louis. It was caused when a YouTuber maybe akin to someone like that MrBeast guy hosted a large medieval LARP event that was also the largest of its ow with probably 7500-20000 attendants. They had horses, armor, weapons, and other equipment easily available. A key aspect to this was that the teams were mostly either White people or Black people, which backfired when someone killed an opponent from the other team, either black or white. The teams were filled with rage and started trying to kill each other, causing at least 1000 casualties. Those that survived retreated to the neighboring suburb to take avenge those killed by sacking the towns and killing people of the opposite race. The national guard failed to suppress the looters as they acquired modern weapons that they either owned or were stolen either from civilians home or gun shops. There were supposedly 15 thousand dead the last time I checked the news. There was panic that the fighting would spread to the city and thousands more would parish if the government didn’t do anything about it. So martial law was put in place in the St. Louis metropolitan area to establish more control in the area. Other then the riots. I was in some European style maybe close to St. Louis going to see some show at the theater. That’s all I could remember.

11-27-2023, 12:42 PM
I had a dream I was standing inside some sort of convenience store or small fast food store and I was under some sort of trance participating in a satanic ritual citing verses from the Book of Revelation while holding a bowl of some sort of lava and blood like substance, once I realized what was going on I had to empty the bowl somewhere to cut my self off from the ritual, but there was nowhere to pour out the liquid. I don't really remember much more of it.

Scarface F
11-27-2023, 01:26 PM
I was hanging from Golden Gate bridge by one hand and with other I tried to prevent my mobile phone from falling out from my pocket. It fell down but somehow later water brought it to me. Than I remember running on some highway bridge in form of a male. I was searching for woman I loved who was named Pam and she was supposed to wait for me but she was nowhere to be found which evoke feelings of huge dissapointment, abandonment and loneliness for me, and than I realized I might never find "my person" again.

Than scene changed, I was back to female form and I was in some beautiful Venice-like looking city that was full with people having good time and awaiting concert of some pop band named "Pretty Boys".

12-02-2023, 07:43 AM
Just woke up from another World War 3 dream (I've had many these last couple of years).

Me and a friend are sitting inside looking at some old crap I drew back in highschool and just in general goofing off, then we hear the sound of some distant auto-cannon going off and we make an assuption it's an Apache gunship for whatever reason, then we hear fighter jets flying above and we hear explosions in the distance. We proceed to go out into the street and we hear and see people panicking, a lot of people are running into a pub a bit further down the street so we run down there aswell and try to get inside, but it's too crowded, but through the window we can see Biden addressing the world on a TV screen. I woke up with anxiety and a feeling of the collective soul of humanity screaming out of fear. I hate the feeling these dreams give me, feels like I'm falling into some dark abyss of destruction.

12-02-2023, 08:27 AM
I had a dream that I joined an old long gone friend at an amusement park and we went on really scary rides together I never would have imagined doing lol, this was after I went for a walk and got lost in a video-game like forest. Then all of the sudden the amusement park shut down and we were flung violently out of the ride and everything disappeared it was scary and then the old friend yelled "Please save me, I need help!" as she was rocketed away into the unknown and I tried to destroy the landscape in the dream to help her but then I woke up. It was a depressing dream for many reasons.

12-03-2023, 11:14 AM
Just woke up from another World War 3 dream (I've had many these last couple of years).

Me and a friend are sitting inside looking at some old crap I drew back in highschool and just in general goofing off, then we hear the sound of some distant auto-cannon going off and we make an assuption it's an Apache gunship for whatever reason, then we hear fighter jets flying above and we hear explosions in the distance. We proceed to go out into the street and we hear and see people panicking, a lot of people are running into a pub a bit further down the street so we run down there aswell and try to get inside, but it's too crowded, but through the window we can see Biden addressing the world on a TV screen. I woke up with anxiety and a feeling of the collective soul of humanity screaming out of fear. I hate the feeling these dreams give me, feels like I'm falling into some dark abyss of destruction.

I've been having a lot of these lately too, except it's usually me stuck in traffic with everyone trying to escape while the city burns in the distance. Occasionally a mushroom cloud makes an appearance.

12-03-2023, 11:44 AM
I totally forgot it after an hour when I woke up.

12-03-2023, 02:06 PM
I totally forgot it after an hour when I woke up.

It’s easier to remember when you write it down right after you get up without any other form of stimulation.

12-03-2023, 03:18 PM
It’s easier to remember when you write it down right after you get up without any other form of stimulation.

Yeah, but I prefer to forget my dreams and focus on real life.

12-14-2023, 10:02 AM
Had a dream I was driving the Montreal. Now I think I want to plan a trip for real.

12-14-2023, 10:10 AM
Some lunatic bs like I'm at someone's birthday, then something like renovating the house we've already finished to renovate xD Such dreams come if I sleep over 7 hours.

12-14-2023, 10:57 AM
The past night I dreamed that I was in the Hospital at night, I was about to go through some patient's room with an usually beautiful nurse (However, that night her face was haggard, and she looked extremely thin and old.), and instead of grabbing a handful of nitrile gloves, I grabbed a Kalashnikov, with two magazines that fit poorly. One of them only had 20 bullets, and the other was empty.

I asked myself "maybe I should divide the bullets into the two magazines..."

The dream was not distressing nor did I feel any kind of apprehension because something bad could happen, it was as if everything was usual routine, except for the fact that there were few bullets to fill both magazines, something that I found quite annoying at first.

Until recently, I had never dreamed of anything related to the Hospital, but lately it is becoming more and more common.

12-14-2023, 11:05 AM
The past night I dreamed that I was in the Hospital at night, I was about to go through some patient's room with an usually beautiful nurse (However, that night her face was haggard, and she looked extremely thin and old.), and instead of grabbing a handful of nitrile gloves, I grabbed a Kalashnikov, with two magazines that fit poorly. One of them only had 20 bullets, and the other was empty.

I asked myself "maybe I should divide the bullets into the two magazines..."

The dream was not distressing nor did I feel any kind of apprehension because something bad could happen, it was as if everything was usual routine, except for the fact that there were few bullets to fill both magazines, something that I found quite annoying at first.

Until recently, I had never dreamed of anything related to the Hospital, but lately it is becoming more and more common.

Strange dream.

12-14-2023, 11:08 AM
The past night I dreamed that I was in the Hospital at night, I was about to go through some patient's room with an usually beautiful nurse (However, that night her face was haggard, and she looked extremely thin and old.), and instead of grabbing a handful of nitrile gloves, I grabbed a Kalashnikov, with two magazines that fit poorly. One of them only had 20 bullets, and the other was empty.

I asked myself "maybe I should divide the bullets into the two magazines..."

The dream was not distressing nor did I feel any kind of apprehension because something bad could happen, it was as if everything was usual routine, except for the fact that there were few bullets to fill both magazines, something that I found quite annoying at first.

Until recently, I had never dreamed of anything related to the Hospital, but lately it is becoming more and more common.

My father dreamt once that he entered the bathroom to take a shower, pulled back the curtain and Hitler who was taking shower there started to yell, father took some rifle next to him and shot the Adolf, then he woke up xD

12-14-2023, 11:09 AM
In my dream last night, just like yesterday, I found myself experiencing diarrhea again.

12-14-2023, 11:11 AM
In my dream last night, just like yesterday, I found myself experiencing diarrhea again.

During the year, I dream 2-3 times that my teeth are falling out