View Full Version : Classify the greek guy from the famous Greek-Turkish debate video!

11-29-2023, 06:23 PM
Michael Zannis Arxigos


11-29-2023, 06:30 PM

11-30-2023, 11:16 AM
Big bump

11-30-2023, 10:32 PM
Pontid + slight Anatolid

11-30-2023, 11:15 PM
Looks part gypsy. Around %25 at least.

12-01-2023, 12:23 AM
Pontid & Arabid

Greek Islander.

12-01-2023, 01:37 AM


12-01-2023, 01:42 AM

12-01-2023, 02:27 AM

12-01-2023, 12:58 PM
He looks Arab only on the second picture, but on the others he looks like a normal Balkan/Southern european white person.
Also, he likes his pictures with darker effects , so that adds to the darker complexion, but that is not his real skin color, as you can see on picture 1, he is completely different.

12-01-2023, 01:02 PM

12-01-2023, 01:23 PM
but on the others he looks like a normal Balkan/Southern european white person.

Joke of the day.

12-01-2023, 01:55 PM
Joke of the day.

Well he is definitely not arab or mongol either... Even though I know that you non-white guys want every white person to be your genetic relative and descendant, so you can justify your illegal immigration with your judeo-bolshevik masters to destroy white countries....
But hey, who am I to make a judgement....

12-01-2023, 01:57 PM
Well he is definitely not arab or mongol either... Even though I know that you non-white guys want every white person to be your genetic relative and descendant, so you can justify your illegal immigration with your judeo-bolshevik masters to destroy white countries....
But hey, who am I to make a judgement....

XDDDDDDDDDDDD Why do you want to whitewash him so bad? Are you part Gypsy like him?

12-01-2023, 02:02 PM
Pontid & Arabid

Greek Islander.


Kostas Manolas that played for Roma and Napoli is a Greek Islander.

12-01-2023, 02:41 PM
XDDDDDDDDDDDD Why do you want to whitewash him so bad? Are you part Gypsy like him?

A white person doesn't need white washing. Unlike your kind, who does blackwashing and brownwashing in Netflix series about "historical eras".

12-01-2023, 02:42 PM

Kostas Manolas that played for Roma and Napoli is a Greek Islander.

Pefect example. And both of them are white. Also, the other greek football player who did the nazi salute.

12-01-2023, 03:44 PM

Anyone who actually knows him (unfortunately) he uses heavy filters to look darker than he is, and that's just one of the aspects of him trying to look like an unironical gangster. I mean, he regularly invites prostitutes in his live shows on Twitch.

12-01-2023, 03:46 PM

Looks Iraqi/Levantine.

12-01-2023, 04:38 PM
brown, gypsy

12-01-2023, 04:39 PM
https://scontent.fskg1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/86874656_2861153663945241_8056505284538925056_n.jp g?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=7f8c78&_nc_ohc=dOURE2HlQkoAX-w7ubp&_nc_ht=scontent.fskg1-2.fna&oh=00_AfAYzvX2zn-H8B6HhjJht5vDm7aVeB1JSJnm6F9nhppyUg&oe=65918859

https://scontent.fskg1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/59837459_2292026177524662_3046872906706452480_n.jp g?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=7f8c78&_nc_ohc=7EdH7r-fM64AX89cjTT&_nc_ht=scontent.fskg1-1.fna&oh=00_AfByflCqt8xwNQh6YVFHPt1yA9psbzUAQcyA9z6PPKvE EA&oe=659185BF

https://scontent.fskg1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/87845396_2882406745153266_6149324610073526272_n.jp g?stp=cp0_dst-jpg_e15_p320x320_q65&_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=7afa59&_nc_ohc=xz-J6WG6-jYAX_kJ-CG&_nc_ht=scontent.fskg1-1.fna&oh=00_AfA3FoHhIH-wIV8n3Cfq52FwABjEyOGrHfWwLFaQq7hzMw&oe=65917110

https://scontent.fskg1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/32072978_1772891036104848_1690465322018013184_n.jp g?stp=dst-jpg_p526x296&_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dd63ad&_nc_ohc=n8FsNLtUNMEAX8k9feS&_nc_oc=AQnUrGFe-4y8NbQC8nyla3YU_eyLTSGt2vaAKZLiyKAdnRQBZIyqCfowI-wo3KorNhWTEq8DivAwJwk94GQbawCS&_nc_ht=scontent.fskg1-1.fna&oh=00_AfBfVTmDW7Vj89Dj-Hgtoc6LuHatmo20jLFfP7JW35zkjw&oe=659190F3

Aegean Mediterranid. Turks are hilarious.

12-01-2023, 05:12 PM
Pefect example. And both of them are white. Also, the other greek football player who did the nazi salute.

He does look greek and he is not brown but olive but you set the bar low what it means to look like a white guy if it is a greek because he does look middle eastern the turk really looks whiter then him

12-01-2023, 05:14 PM
https://scontent.fskg1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/86874656_2861153663945241_8056505284538925056_n.jp g?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=7f8c78&_nc_ohc=dOURE2HlQkoAX-w7ubp&_nc_ht=scontent.fskg1-2.fna&oh=00_AfAYzvX2zn-H8B6HhjJht5vDm7aVeB1JSJnm6F9nhppyUg&oe=65918859

https://scontent.fskg1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/59837459_2292026177524662_3046872906706452480_n.jp g?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=7f8c78&_nc_ohc=7EdH7r-fM64AX89cjTT&_nc_ht=scontent.fskg1-1.fna&oh=00_AfByflCqt8xwNQh6YVFHPt1yA9psbzUAQcyA9z6PPKvE EA&oe=659185BF

https://scontent.fskg1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/87845396_2882406745153266_6149324610073526272_n.jp g?stp=cp0_dst-jpg_e15_p320x320_q65&_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=7afa59&_nc_ohc=xz-J6WG6-jYAX_kJ-CG&_nc_ht=scontent.fskg1-1.fna&oh=00_AfA3FoHhIH-wIV8n3Cfq52FwABjEyOGrHfWwLFaQq7hzMw&oe=65917110

https://scontent.fskg1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/32072978_1772891036104848_1690465322018013184_n.jp g?stp=dst-jpg_p526x296&_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dd63ad&_nc_ohc=n8FsNLtUNMEAX8k9feS&_nc_oc=AQnUrGFe-4y8NbQC8nyla3YU_eyLTSGt2vaAKZLiyKAdnRQBZIyqCfowI-wo3KorNhWTEq8DivAwJwk94GQbawCS&_nc_ht=scontent.fskg1-1.fna&oh=00_AfBfVTmDW7Vj89Dj-Hgtoc6LuHatmo20jLFfP7JW35zkjw&oe=659190F3

Aegean Mediterranid. Turks are hilarious.

He looks greek but the turk is whiter then him he has coal black eyes black hair and olive skin but i see he is a greek

12-01-2023, 05:16 PM
Looks Greek

Med with minor Orientalid also has that nigger lips

12-01-2023, 05:20 PM
Looks Greek

Med with minor Orientalid also has that nigger lips

If it is a greek it is enough to be lighter than dark brown to be white for them

12-01-2023, 05:23 PM
He's Greek from Albania. Typical Epirus face, northwest.

12-01-2023, 06:32 PM
A white person doesn't need white washing. Unlike your kind, who does blackwashing and brownwashing in Netflix series about "historical eras".





12-01-2023, 06:49 PM
He does look greek and he is not brown but olive but you set the bar low what it means to look like a white guy if it is a greek because he does look middle eastern the turk really looks whiter then him

Set the bar low? The greeks were the builders of ancient civilisation in Europe and they were white, like this guy. Nothing low about him. This is the true diversity within the white race.
Olive skin, pale skin, "normal" skin, blue eyes, green eyes, hazel eyes, brown eyes, blonde hair, red hair, dirty blonde hair, brown hair, dark brown hair, dark hair and THEY ARE STILL WHITE.
Oh and dont even get my started on pseudo-asian eyes that some whites have... They dont have asian mixture, they just happen to have different eyes, but still belonging to the white race.
This is real diversity

12-01-2023, 06:50 PM




Any pole who wanted to be germanized, were welcomed in the Reich. The stupid ones who stayed with the bolsheviks deserved their fate.

12-01-2023, 06:52 PM
Looks Greek

Med with minor Orientalid also has that nigger lips

And here I thought I was the racist one :'(

12-01-2023, 06:54 PM
And here I thought I was the racist one :'(

I call "Apples", "Apples"

I know one when I see them.

12-01-2023, 06:57 PM
I call "Apples", "Apples"

I know one when I see them.

Ok, cool. I mean, as long as asians are calling blacks the "N" word and beat each other, I have no problem!
The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy though, so you are no better than the africans, you homeless goat-bugger steppe boy.

12-01-2023, 07:38 PM
Any pole who wanted to be germanized, were welcomed in the Reich. The stupid ones who stayed with the bolsheviks deserved their fate.

This is how Nazis saw Poles:124916

12-02-2023, 06:47 AM
I call "Apples", "Apples"

I know one when I see them.

Says the one whose people often call oranges "apples". Yeah, ok.

12-02-2023, 06:56 AM
Set the bar low? The greeks were the builders of ancient civilisation in Europe and they were white, like this guy. Nothing low about him. This is the true diversity within the white race.
Olive skin, pale skin, "normal" skin, blue eyes, green eyes, hazel eyes, brown eyes, blonde hair, red hair, dirty blonde hair, brown hair, dark brown hair, dark hair and THEY ARE STILL WHITE.
Oh and dont even get my started on pseudo-asian eyes that some whites have... They dont have asian mixture, they just happen to have different eyes, but still belonging to the white race.
This is real diversity

You are a meme, i doubt you have all these ancestries, you just want to be only "white" i think you are this hungarian romanian guy with turanid grandmother

Edit: The real craddle of civilisation and also european civilisation starts further east and south, like egypt, mesopomatia, babylon etc. Not with greeks really. Were they white? I know your answer, they were white but now they are not because they mixed with "arabs".

12-02-2023, 07:04 AM
I know your answer, they were white but now they are not because they mixed with "arabs".

Egyptians and Mesopotamians were not white, and modern-day Mesopotamians and Egyptians did not become mixed race because they mixed with Arabs. and what kind of Arab are you talking about? Arabs are diverse. Go do some research and then talk about it, creep.

12-02-2023, 07:05 AM
Egyptians and Mesopotamians were not white, and modern-day Mesopotamians and Egyptians did not become mixed race because they mixed with Arabs. and what kind of Arab are you talking about? Arabs are diverse. Go do some research and then talk about it, creep.

Im not saying this, but i know what similar "white nationalist types" say. You misunderstood me that this is my opinion.

12-02-2023, 04:15 PM
This is how Nazis saw Poles:124916

Stop taking propaganda out of context. Everybody knew it didn't matter where you came from, because If you were white and didn't practice judaism and decided to fight against bolshevism, you were welcomed in the Reich. Even Hitler's chauffeor, Erich Kempka, was of polish descent. You can't say anything that will break my ideology and world view. History proved itself time and time again, that our view is right.

12-02-2023, 04:17 PM
You are a meme, i doubt you have all these ancestries, you just want to be only "white" i think you are this hungarian romanian guy with turanid grandmother

Edit: The real craddle of civilisation and also european civilisation starts further east and south, like egypt, mesopomatia, babylon etc. Not with greeks really. Were they white? I know your answer, they were white but now they are not because they mixed with "arabs".

Yet, you still live in Austria like a parasite as a gypsy. How ironic!

06-16-2024, 01:15 PM
Stop taking propaganda out of context. Everybody knew it didn't matter where you came from, because If you were white and didn't practice judaism and decided to fight against bolshevism, you were welcomed in the Reich. Even Hitler's chauffeor, Erich Kempka, was of polish descent. You can't say anything that will break my ideology and world view. History proved itself time and time again, that our view is right.
Your delusional, we were subhumans to the Nazis and Hitler reaffirmed that many times. You white-washing their crimes is pathetic. Ukrainian fascists aided the Nazis and the Nazis still planned to eliminate them. "If you were white" - that's such a fucking stupid take. Whiteness wasn't even a concept taken into consideration, your historical revisionism due to inferiority complex is sad. Maybe you should've been a soap bar made by your uncle Adolf. Also, you realize there were even Jews in the SS?

06-19-2024, 09:14 AM
Your delusional, we were subhumans to the Nazis and Hitler reaffirmed that many times. You white-washing their crimes is pathetic. Ukrainian fascists aided the Nazis and the Nazis still planned to eliminate them. "If you were white" - that's such a fucking stupid take. Whiteness wasn't even a concept taken into consideration, your historical revisionism due to inferiority complex is sad. Maybe you should've been a soap bar made by your uncle Adolf. Also, you realize there were even Jews in the SS?

I'm sorry. You are absolutely right.