View Full Version : Ask Victor anything

12-14-2023, 05:24 AM
I've always tried to be inconspicuous on this forum, discussing not myself, but various topics. Now I'm interested in analyzing myself through my own answers to exact questions, so feel free to ask almost anything.

12-14-2023, 05:26 AM
Do you go regulary to Liturgy, you do seem like a good orthodox believer, do you really go every sunday to liturgy how often do you receive pricest/communion and do you fast before receiving pricest? Do you follow orthodox laws and live according to it?

12-14-2023, 05:28 AM
Do you go regulary to Liturgy, you do seem like a good orthodox believer, do you really go every sunday to liturgy how often do you receive pricest/communion and do you fast before receiving pricest? Do you follow orthodox laws and live according to it?

I've mentioned it in another topic, I try to be at every Liturgy on Sunday and big holidays, I try to Commune at least once per month.

12-14-2023, 05:29 AM
I've mentioned it in another topic, I try to be at every Liturgy on Sunday and I try to Commune at least once per month.

In Serbian church I know that typically the communion would be before fasting or in fasts, like before christmas every sunday or something, but i dont go really often to Church so Im not sure. How is it in the russian church can you commune if you didnt fasted? In Serbian church fast means vegan + fish, but there are degrees of fasting some fastings require only bread and water no fish, no oil nothing.

12-14-2023, 05:31 AM
What is your favourite Russian phrase which is not possible to translate literally to English?

As an example, in Polish we have phrase "dać się zrobić w konia" which literally translates to "give yourself to become a horse" but it means "to be fooled by someone"

12-14-2023, 05:34 AM
In Serbian church I know that typically the communion would be before fasting or in fasts, like before christmas every sunday or something, but i dont go really often to Church so Im not sure. How is it in the russian church can you commune if you didnt fasted? In Serbian church fast means vegan + fish, but there are degrees of fasting some fastings require only bread and water no fish, no oil nothing.

There are different rules for those who regularly do it and those who do it after long pause, it's decided by a priest who witnesses your confession. There should be always an Eucharist abstinence of meat at least one day before the Communion. I think you should search some literature on this topic so we won't turn on this thread in a discussion of other topics. Read the Catechism, for example.

12-14-2023, 05:36 AM
How old are you now? I think you are at least in your thirties i think right? Have you ever been married or do you plann to if not yet? Why do you think you are in your thirties and are not married yet if you are not?

12-14-2023, 05:40 AM
How old are you now? I think you are at least in your thirties i think right? Have you ever been married or do you plann to if not yet? Why do you think you are in your thirties and are not married yet if you are not?

I'm 37 just like it says in my profile. I have never been married, but I "plan" it in 1-3 years. Between 20 and early 30+ years old I had a lot of fun, let's say, good that it didn't turn into kids. I've traveled a lot and lived the way I wanted in the very moment, back then I really didn't have any intention to create family, there were longer relationships, but not more than this.

12-14-2023, 05:43 AM
What is your favourite Russian phrase which is not possible to translate literally to English?

As an example, in Polish we have phrase "dać się zrobić w konia" which literally translates to "give yourself to become a horse" but it means "to be fooled by someone"

I'm trying to remember something like this, but it got out of my brain, I even tried to google some phrases, but still failed lol

12-14-2023, 06:54 AM
What is your opinion on Dugin's theorems.

Do you believe that Russia is destined to be the successor of the Byzantine Empire, aka the "Third Rome"?

Related video (re-played).


12-14-2023, 07:07 AM
What is your opinion on Dugin's theorems.

Do you believe that Russia is destined to be the successor of the Byzantine Empire, aka the "Third Rome"?

Related video (re-played).


I consider Dugin to be a gnostic New Age Satanist, I avoid him. Lots of his ideas are also half abstract, floating. As for the Third Rome concept, well, I just find it outdated and any practically useful for existence of Russia both in spiritual and pragmatic political meaning, for one person it's absolutely useless for a salvation as well, that's why I'm not very interested in it.

Just check out this Dugin's esoteric bullshit:

"Three Logos are not just two + one. This is not a mechanical addition of another figure to Apollo and Dionysus. This is something much more important and profound. Nietzsche's dual topic, brilliant in itself, which I started with and without which there would not even be an opportunity to approach the topic of the three Logos, obscures the fundamental difference between Dionysus and Cybele, which does not allow us to make an accurate diagnosis of our time, or rather, the contemporary state of modern European and Eurocentric civilization. And this diagnosis is the complete domination of the Great Mother. Cybele reigns supreme today. This is the most dramatic thing about Noomachy: we are not dealing with Dionysus replacing the Apollo of classical rationality. We are dealing with Titan and the kingdom of quantity (R. Guenon), with the Empire of Matter."

Scarface F
12-14-2023, 08:32 AM
How does orthodox confession works, if there is any?

Stance on hyper nationalism of Serbian orthodox church? And Russian? (I am not familiar enough)

What are main qualities you look for in a woman?

Name most overrated and underrated Russian cities and please explain.

What is your most cherished childhood memory?

12-14-2023, 09:39 AM
How does orthodox confession works, if there is any?

Stance on hyper nationalism of Serbian orthodox church? And Russian? (I am not familiar enough)

What are main qualities you look for in a woman?

Name most overrated and underrated Russian cities and please explain.

What is your most cherished childhood memory?

Q: How does orthodox confession works, if there is any?

A: You come to a priest who's a witness of your confession to God, with strong intention to confess and not repeat the sins you've done, after the confession you get your sins "resolved" personally by Christ and you receive a blessing from a priest. For most Orthodox Christians, confession is the cutting off of the grossest, most serious sins at the very beginning, and you can work on others all your life, cutting them off from yourself and cleansing them over and over again. At the same time, intention is important, and one of the worst sins is the thought that you have nothing to confess (meaning you see yourself as a saint). One may fall to the worst sins this way they couldn't imagine it can happen to them.

In sacrament of Confession we purify ourselves from sins, in sacrament of Eucharist we get united with Christ.

Q: Stance on hyper nationalism of Serbian orthodox church? And Russian? (I am not familiar enough).

A: It almost not existant between conscious Christians both in Russia and Serbia, mostly between "Cultural Christians" and people "around Church". Most of nationalists I know don't need Church, sacraments, they see it more as part of their culture. The absurd part is that they can be critical against something inside Church literally not being part of it (like ecumenism inside Church, I dunno what it has to do with them).

Q: What are main qualities you look for in a woman?

A: Directness, kindness, and at the same time the presence of temperament. I'm not a fan of all this nonsense that women should behave submissively by default, rather, a woman will be happy to please a man who behaves according to the status of a man. My mother sincerely respected my father all her life, and behaved extremely feminine in their hierarchy, but I am sure that with her domineering character, 95% of other men would be subordinate to her.

Q: Name most overrated and underrated Russian cities and please explain.

A: Sochi is overrated, while there are numerous of cities and towns of Central and Southern Russia which are literally unknown to lots of people including foreigners. I have same ignorance and prejudice towards Siberia and Far East which have numerous nice places to visit and to live, but I'm like not interested.

Q: What is your most cherished childhood memory?

A: That's not a separate memory. I like to remember summers in the South. When I was living in a house with a huge garden. During the day we often went to the Southern Bug river during a hot day in July feeling the smell of the grass which was burnt out on the sun. We had to go through the pine forest just before the river shore, I remember perfectly its smell and coolness of the air. We were fishing from the pier or spending whole day at the beach. Closer to the evening we always moved to the gaming salon in a department store "Ocean" where we played Mortal Kombat on Sega and drank cold kvas. I remember the evenings and this smell of herbs all over the place mixed with smell of horse shit dependant on the wind xD The stars were shining like insane with a Milky way sharply seen on the sky, I used to sleep outside quite often. Another story are the rains which are extremely rare in the summer down there, they usually came after the hottest days, when the dark black clouds were concentrating for few hours in the evening after that, torrential, tropical rain began to fall for two hours or so in the dark.

Scarface F
12-14-2023, 09:55 AM
A: That's not a separate memory. I like to remember summers in the South. When I was living in a house with a huge garden. During the day we often went to the Southern Bug river during a hot day in July feeling the smell of the grass which burnt out on the sun. We had to go through the pine forest just before the river shore, I remember perfectly its smell and coolness of the air. We were fishing from the pier or spending whole day at the beach. Closer to the evening we always moved to the gaming salon in a department store "Ocean" where we played Mortal Kombat on Sega and drank cold kvas. I remember the evenings and this smell of herbs all over the place mixed with smell of horse shit dependant on the wind xD The stars were shining like insane with a Milky way sharply seen on the sky, I used to sleep outside quite often. Another story are the rains which are extremely rare in the summer down there, they usually came after the hottest days, when the dark black clouds were concentrating for few hours in the evening after that, torrential, tropical rain began to fall for two hours or so in the dark.

That's incredible! Almost as I was there. What a lovely description.

You are man of depth. :)

12-14-2023, 10:00 AM
That's incredible! Almost as I was there. What a lovely description.

The river there is like 3 km wide and salty, it has the sea fish, as Nikolaev is located some 30 km away from the Black Sea, so it's almost an experience of the sea, not some tiny river.

Scarface F
12-14-2023, 10:02 AM
The river there is like 3 km wide and salty, it has the sea fish, as Nikolaev is located some 30 km away from the Black Sea, so it's almost an experience of the sea, not some tiny river.

Now I understand your feelings towards the war and Ukraine. You feel it as your home.

12-14-2023, 10:05 AM
Now I understand your feelings towards the war and Ukraine. You feel it as your home.

The house built my great grandfather where my mother lived until 20 years old and where my grandparents lived is now like confiscated from me as a property of Russian citizen. So, among other things, I have direct interest in whole situation ha ha.

12-14-2023, 10:35 AM
Have you ever visited a country that was not under Soviet orbit during the Cold War?

12-14-2023, 10:39 AM
Have you ever visited a country that was not under Soviet orbit during the Cold War?

Italy, Turkey, Greece, Serbia, Croatia, BiH, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia. Romania and Bulgaria were in Warsaw block.

12-14-2023, 10:47 AM
Italy, Turkey, Greece, Serbia, Croatia, BiH, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia. Romania and Bulgaria were in Warsaw block.

Serbia, Croatia, BiH, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia

Well, these were part of the Soviet orbit although Yugoslavia was not strictly part of the Warsaw Pact.

12-14-2023, 11:24 AM
Well, these were part of the Soviet orbit although Yugoslavia was not strictly part of the Warsaw Pact.

I think yugoslavia was third world neither west nor east but neutral am I wrong?

12-14-2023, 11:43 AM
I think yugoslavia was third world neither west nor east but neutral am I wrong?

Yes, it is assumed that it belonged in some way to the "non-aligned" although it was still under the orbit of the Soviet Union.

Due to its particular situation, perhaps it had more independence of action than other Eastern bloc countries in some areas of decision, but in others its policies were aligned with the interests of the Eastern bloc.

12-14-2023, 11:45 AM
Yes, it is assumed that it belonged in some way to the "non-aligned" although it was still under the orbit of the Soviet Union.

I think it was rather under the orbit of the west and enemy of the soviet union it was used by the west to create non aligned got also many loans from the west

12-14-2023, 11:49 AM
Yes, it is assumed that it belonged in some way to the "non-aligned" although it was still under the orbit of the Soviet Union.

Due to its particular situation, perhaps it had more independence of action than other Eastern bloc countries in some areas of decision, but in others its policies were aligned with the interests of the Eastern bloc.

I do not believe that really

12-14-2023, 11:50 AM
Yes, it is assumed that it belonged in some way to the "non-aligned" although it was still under the orbit of the Soviet Union.

Due to its particular situation, perhaps it had more independence of action than other Eastern bloc countries in some areas of decision, but in others its policies were aligned with the interests of the Eastern bloc.

In post WWII period, Finland was more tied to USSR than Yugoslavia in all measures, for example.

12-14-2023, 11:53 AM
In post WWII period, Finland was more tied to USSR than Yugoslavia in all measures, for example.

Im pro east I think yugoslavia should have been pro soviet but i think it was a tool of the west maybe iam wrong at least Titos yugoslavia not milosevic yugoslavia milosevic yugoslavia was pro east

12-14-2023, 12:32 PM
Yes, it is assumed that it belonged in some way to the "non-aligned" although it was still under the orbit of the Soviet Union.

Due to its particular situation, perhaps it had more independence of action than other Eastern bloc countries in some areas of decision, but in others its policies were aligned with the interests of the Eastern bloc.

In post WWII period, Finland was more tied to USSR than Yugoslavia in all measures, for example.

Yugoslavia was unofficial member of NATO pact since 1953 due to Balkan Pact https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balkan_Pact_(1953)
Until Stalin's death Yugoslavia was openly trolling Soviet Union. After Stalin relations improved (officially), but still Yugoslavia stayed pretty western shifted for one communist country. Official Yugo communist narrative was that both west and Soviet Union are same imperialist and we have own third peaceful way together with Africa, Asia and Latin America (Non-Aligned Movement whose founder was Yugoslavia). In reality Yugoslavia worked for the west. USA pumped several billions $ in Yugoslavia, and because of that Yugoslavia has developed and had good army. Large part of weapons in JNA (Yugoslavian People's Army) was of American origin. All time of existence of the Yugoslavia country was preparing for Soviet invasion, megalomanic project like this (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armijska_Ratna_Komanda_D-0) and this one (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Željava_Air_Base) were for that purpose.
Bloody dictator and criminal Josip Broz Tito was British agent and high ranked freemason. Via NAM Tito prevented many African, Asian and Latin American countries from ending up in Soviet's zone of influence. They would naturally turn to Soviet Union which was opponent to western imperialism, but Tito offered them alternative ('third way') and they got caught.


12-14-2023, 01:02 PM
Communist Tito's Yugoslavia was Anglo-Saxon project against Soviet Union and Germany in the same time. Preventing Soviet and German penetration in the Balkans and 'warm seas' was role of communist Yugoslavia, plus deterrence of Africa, Asia and Latin America from the alliance with Soviet Union via NAM.

12-14-2023, 01:08 PM
Communist Tito's Yugoslavia was Anglo-Saxon project against Soviet Union and Germany in the same time. Preventing Soviet and German penetration in the Balkans and 'warm seas' was role of communist Yugoslavia, plus deterrence of Africa, Asia and Latin America from the alliance with Soviet Union via NAM.

Anti german is good because germans are pro croat in the balkans anti soviet is bad

12-14-2023, 01:21 PM
Why Victor not Viktor?

12-14-2023, 01:22 PM
Opinions on Greeks?

Have you visited Greece? If yes, what places have been to?

12-14-2023, 01:23 PM
Why Victor not Viktor?

I don't like the transcriptions and Russian language is Cyrillic. I demand Victor to be printed even on my bank cards and it is so in my passport.

12-14-2023, 01:32 PM
Opinions on Greeks?

Have you visited Greece? If yes, what places have been to?

I don't know too much Greeks and I think we're not the most similar nations, but I have big respect towards Greek history, history of Orthodoxy in Greece and saints coming from your land. I've been twice to Greece, once Crete as a seaside tourist 10 years ago, other time at football match in Thessaloniki Aris-Red Star Belgrade 15 years ago. I knew some Greeks who were regularly coming to Belgrade to Red Star Belgrade matches plus two Greeks in Moscow who were raised here so they can be named Russians by mentality.

12-14-2023, 01:34 PM
Is your Greek, Ukranian, and Vlach ancestry distant or recent?

12-14-2023, 01:41 PM
Is your Greek, Ukranian, and Vlach ancestry distant or recent?

My mother is from Ukraine, her father - my grandfather is technically "Ukrainian" by his father (but Ukrainian is a peasant identity while my forefathers by this side were Russian speaking, urban imperial officers of artillery), by his mother he's Vlach in 1st gen/Greek 2nd gen, my maternal grandma is peasant Ukrainian (real Ukrainian of Northern part of Ukrainian South).

12-14-2023, 05:05 PM
Did you choose Pyotr Mamonov as your role model? Stormy youth full of adventures, rethinking your own life, then the path to God and becoming a “saint”?

12-14-2023, 05:17 PM
Did you choose Pyotr Mamonov as your role model? Stormy youth full of adventures, rethinking your own life, then the path to God and becoming a “saint”?

It's a nice example of a role model, when someone turned his life 180 degrees, but none of us is identical, we are all different, I didn't chose any path I can say. I'm really happy about him leaving the path of self-destruction in a proper time (and he was definitely on this path), I have never been that far. Yes, I became pragmatic, cautious, partly stoic, I watch what I say, unlike in my youth I never risk for fun or adrenaline now. I don't think it has something to do with "sainthood", because it's something very personal and unique in the way one achieves it.

Also, being sincere, I think that someone living life of 17 years old being 37 is a moron xD I know such people.

12-14-2023, 05:20 PM
I don't know too much Greeks and I think we're not the most similar nations, but I have big respect towards Greek history, history of Orthodoxy in Greece and saints coming from your land. I've been twice to Greece, once Crete as a seaside tourist 10 years ago, other time at football match in Thessaloniki Aris-Red Star Belgrade 15 years ago. I knew some Greeks who were regularly coming to Belgrade to Red Star Belgrade matches plus two Greeks in Moscow who were raised here so they can be named Russians by mentality.

Niiice... You consider visiting it once again any time soon?

12-14-2023, 05:23 PM
Niiice... You consider visiting it once again any time soon?

I really don't know, I'm more addicted to Serbia and Serbian part of BiH, let's say that's enough for me in my life, it's the places where I want to come over and over again. Maybe I will visit Greece if there will be a reason or occasion, maybe not.

12-14-2023, 05:27 PM
Niiice... You consider visiting it once again any time soon?

We need visas to Greece, my sister has 5 years valid one and had few of them before, I think she visited Greece like ten times in last 7-8 years, especially Crete.

12-14-2023, 05:36 PM
We need visas to Greece, my sister has 5 years valid one and had few of them before, I think she visited Greece like ten times in last 7-8 years, especially Crete.

Ah yes, I forgot this whole thing with Russia and Ukraine... You do need visas, which the Hellenic Republic rejects to Russian citizens, unfortunately.

12-14-2023, 05:40 PM
You do need visas, which the Hellenic Republic rejects to Russian citizens

Nope, that's not like automatic rejection to Russian citizens, I know that people get it. My sister got new one relatively short before.

12-14-2023, 05:41 PM
Nope, that's not like automatic rejection to Russian citizens, I know that people get it. My sister got new one relatively short before.

Ah, I understand then.

12-15-2023, 12:34 AM
I don't think it has something to do with "sainthood", because it's something very personal and unique in the way one achieves it.
It is clear that it is unlikely that you will become a saint, but the main thing is not to become a "svyatosha" in the eyes of others.

Also, being sincere, I think that someone living life of 17 years old being 37 is a moron xD I know such people.
That's right. Health is no longer the same, need to take care of it. And almost all (not all!) peers are already forever busy skufs, with a unpleasant wives and scandalous mothers-in-law:).

12-15-2023, 12:39 AM
It is clear that it is unlikely that you will become a saint, but the main thing is not to become a "svyatosha" in the eyes of others.

I don't care about this, who and how would see me. Irl I'm not very interested in discussing any of the topics except for the few people, I prefer like-minded people not opponents, and discussions not debates and I normally consider my opinion to be superior (lol). In most of times I seem to be totally uninterested person. If someone gonna ask me something most of times I will give short answers. I don't consider the small-talks or some relaxed ones, I'm quite communicable person. But in most of cases I'm not interested to share my political, religious, ethical and other views with people, the Apricity is another reality in this question where I can compensate it sometimes.

12-15-2023, 12:43 AM
It is clear that it is unlikely that you will become a saint, but the main thing is not to become a "svyatosha" in the eyes of others.

That's right. Health is no longer the same, need to take care of it. And almost all (not all!) peers are already forever busy skufs, with a unpleasant wives and scandalous mothers-in-law:).

I've corrected the msg a little bit

12-15-2023, 12:50 AM
I don't care about this, who and how would see me. Irl I'm not very interested in discussing any of the topics except for the few people, I prefer like-minded people, not opponents and discussions, not debates and I normally consider my opinion to be superior (lol). In most of times I seem to be totally uninterested person. If someone gonna ask me something most of times I will give short answers. I don't consider the small-talks or some relaxed ones, I'm quite communicable person. But in most of cases I'm not interested to share my political, religious, ethical and other views with people, the Apricity is another reality in this question where I can compensate it sometimes.
You're lucky, I'm quite extroverted, and in reality there are not many people with whom I can communicate on interesting topics. Having left Crimea, I lost my social circle, then within Moscow I will soon change my place of residence already for the 4th time, so that only my wife and a couple of relatives remain.
That's why I'm here, the Internet slightly compensates for this lack of communication.
I’m busy moving now, and my wife and son live with her parents most of the time; it’s easier to do this alone.
Отличный вариант нашёлся - тесную трёшку на Пресне в старом доме меняем на большую трёшку в КОПЭ на Героев Панфиловцев, лес с 3 сторон и канал. Ещё деньги остаются.

12-15-2023, 12:54 AM
You're lucky, I'm quite extroverted, and in reality there are not many people with whom I can communicate on interesting topics. Having left Crimea, I lost my social circle, then within Moscow I will soon change my place of residence already for the 4th time, so that only my wife and a couple of relatives remain.
That's why I'm here, the Internet slightly compensates for this lack of communication.
I’m busy moving now, and my wife and son live with her parents most of the time; it’s easier to do this alone.
Отличный вариант нашёлся - тесную трёшку на Пресне в старом доме меняем на большую трёшку в КОПЭ на Героев Панфиловцев, лес с 3 сторон и канал. Ещё деньги остаются.

Я бы не смог переехать откуда-то типа Пресни или Измайлово в этот сплошной спальник на Панфиловцев) Мы там кутили, лет 15 назад в Тушино - я работал на Аэродромной в сервисном центре и друзья жили чуть дальше у Сходненского ковша, в пятницу после работы стабильно там оставался. Да и на неделе иногда пересекались пивка выпить, ждал пока оба товарища приедут с Белорусской с работы, уже выпивая одно пивко, как правило. (во кстати пример тем которые я люблю обсуждать - воспоминания, природа, всякий угар).

12-15-2023, 12:56 AM
You're lucky, I'm quite extroverted

I've learnt to control my extroversion. I may know all the salesman in a district around, all officiants, where they're from, etc through everyday talks, but disabling it when needed with other people.

12-15-2023, 01:07 AM
Я бы не смог переехать откуда-то типа Пресни или Измайлово в этот сплошной спальник на Панфиловцев) Мы там кутили, лет 15 назад в Тушино - я работал на Аэродромной в сервисном центре и друзья жили чуть дальше у Сходненского ковша, в пятницу после работы стабильно там оставался. Да и на неделе иногда пересекались пивка выпить, ждал пока оба товарища приедут с Белорусской с работы, уже выпивая одно пивко, как правило. (во кстати пример тем которые я люблю обсуждать - воспоминания, природа, всякий угар).
Есть ещё вариант номер 2 - метро Аэропорт, ул. Ильюшина, в глубине от Ленинградки, кирпичная 8этажка. Площадь чуть меньше, и подороже, зато локация удобная. Ремонт и там и там крутой.
Мы с женой вообще малодвижняковые уже люди, почти предпенсы по духу, так что и Тушино сойдёт, тем более метро рядом. И школы есть хорошие.
А хорошая трёшка на Пресне - в жопе слипнется:). Если под Пресней не считать убогую Шелепиху, конечно.

12-15-2023, 01:12 AM
Есть ещё вариант номер 2 - метро Аэропорт, ул. Ильюшина, в глубине от Ленинградки, кирпичная 8этажка. Площадь чуть меньше, и подороже, зато локация удобная. Ремонт и там и там крутой.
Мы с женой вообще малодвижняковые уже люди, почти предпенсы по духу, так что и Тушино сойдёт, тем более метро рядом. И школы есть хорошие.
А хорошая трёшка на Пресне - в жопе слипнется:). Если под Пресней не считать убогую Шелепиху, конечно.

Аэропорт куда лучше, без сомнений. Знаю Ильюшина улицу, нормальный обжитой район, с нормальным контингентом, и такой как сказать, старый район. Недепрессовый как многие окраины. Петровский парк недалеко. А еще за железкой Тимирязевский парк. По мне, куда лучше прогуляться до ПП по этому району чем любые три леса Тушино в панельных джунглях. Моя сестра вернулась в Измайлово из Бирюлево и просто кайфует от целостности района и как и где в нем можно гулять, куда пойти итд.

12-15-2023, 01:19 AM
Аэропорт куда лучше, без сомнений. Знаю Ильюшина улицу, нормальный обжитой район, с нормальным контингентом, и такой как сказать, старый район. Недепрессовый как многие окраины. Петровский парк недалеко. По мне, куда лучше прогуляться до ПП по этому району чем любые три леса Тушино в панельных джунглях. Моя сестра вернулась в Измайлово из Бирюлево и просто кайфует от целостности района и как и где в нем можно гулять, куда пойти итд.
Бирюлёво топ:). Бывал.
Сходненская имхо нормальная окраина, достаточно обжитая, есть все типы домов - от сталинок до лужковок собянинок. Но много хрущей под снос, это может напрячь в будущем.
Измайлово смотрели - нет подходящих домов, сплошной старый хрущизм, свежие дома только ближе к Щелчку.
Аэропорт тоже старый фонд, зато хрущей под снос нету и место "породистое".

12-15-2023, 01:19 AM
И школы есть хорошие

Тут главное не переборщить и не положить всё в жизни на алтарь "хорошей школы") Я помню ты упоминал хорошие школы в контексте того, почему Москва, а не Севастополь :)

12-15-2023, 01:23 AM
Бирюлёво топ

Бирюлёво, Бибирево, Отрадное, Новогиреево-Перово, Вешняки-Текстильщики, как по мне одноликий тлен. Да и то что считается "дорохо-престижно" типа Строгино или Профсоюзная та же самая - те же панельки, просто контингент получше, наверное вся разница, а визуально ноль разницы, ну где-то зеленее, где-то поасфальтистее. А так унылые джунгли-спальники, разбавленные пятерочками, которые из меня бы жизнь высасывали, если б я в них жил.

12-15-2023, 01:32 AM
Бирюлёво, Бибирево, Отрадное, Новогиреево-Перово, Вешняки-Текстильщики, как по мне одноликий тлен. Да и то что считается "дорохо-престижно" типа Строгино или Профсоюзная та же самая - те же панельки, просто контингент получше, наверное вся разница, а визуально ноль разницы, ну где-то зеленее, где-то поасфальтистее. А так унылые джунгли-спальники, разбавленные пятерочками, которые из меня бы жизнь высасывали, если б я в них жил.
В Строгино за свежую КОПЭ требуют очень некислые деньги. Почти как за Крылатское. Если этаж высокий и видовой - то туши свет. Даже без ремонта если.
А 9этажные убогие панельки не интересуют - неликвидный хлам. Кирпичная 5этажка и то ликвиднее. Хотя там площади 3шек вообще никакие, и кухня маленькая.

А в Севас обратно пока не хочу - тока климат преимущество и народу меньше, мухоср с меня хватит:).

12-20-2023, 01:21 PM

Scarface F
12-20-2023, 01:22 PM
India or China - which is more interesting civilisation for you?

12-20-2023, 01:24 PM
India or China - which is more interesting civilisation for you?

Both are definitely alien to me and not very attractive, but I'd like to learn more about them if someone paid me the trips there, otherwise I'm not willing to spend my money on both :)

Scarface F
12-20-2023, 01:26 PM
Both are definitely alien to me and not very attractive, but I'd like to learn more about them if someone paid me the trips there, otherwise I'm not willing to spend my money on both :)

Fine, next question;

which exptic destination would you chose to live in for a year if forced to; Europe and any temperate countries with lots of whites in new world excluded?

12-20-2023, 01:27 PM
Dont mind me if im inspired by some ongoing discussion (: - What if your dream dictator/despot/monarch/charismatic leader whatever decides one day to import 5 mill Kenyans with such pretext= "We need workers and soldiers otherwise we will be lost, they will be our loyal and hardworking citizens" and all ruling elite and politburo agrees with him?

12-20-2023, 01:38 PM
Fine, next question;

which exptic destination would you chose to live in for a year if forced to; Europe and any temperate countries with lots of whites in new world excluded?

Then it will be some country of SE Asia, too bad I can't stand humid tropical climate, but it's better than cold climate or living in Somali :D

12-20-2023, 01:42 PM
Dont mind me if im inspired by some ongoing discussion (: - What if your dream dictator/despot/monarch/charismatic leader whatever decides one day to import 5 mill Kenyans with such pretext= "We need workers and soldiers otherwise we will be lost, they will be our loyal and hardworking citizens" and all ruling elite and politburo agrees with him?

I don't dream about anyone and I don't need political saviors, nor paradise on earth, plus I'm not interested in "charisma". My stance towards Monarchy is very hard to explain, I found very similar statements to mine in book of Ivan Solonevich "People's monarchy".

As practice shown, similar things happen in so called democratic societies (literal situation with "5 mln in a night" like you've described is technically too complicated even to them).

Scarface F
12-20-2023, 01:43 PM
Then it will be some country of SE Asia, too bad I can't stand humid tropical climate, but it's better than cold climate or living in Somali :D

lol agree. Colleague visited Bali recently and said it was pure hell and she couldn't breathe, insects, wet, muddy sea....
Somali much better.

Do you have any siblings and if yes are you close with them (sorry if already asked)?

12-20-2023, 01:45 PM
lol agree. Colleague visited Bali recently and said it was pure hell and she couldn't breathe, insects, wet, muddy sea....
Somali much better.

Do you have any siblings and if yes are you close with them (sorry if already asked)?

Sister who's born in 1978 and brother from first marriage of my father who was born in 1976. He lived in worked for years in UAE btw, in the Russian trade representative office.

12-20-2023, 01:48 PM
As practice shown, similar things happen in so called democratic societies (literal situation with "5 mln in a night" like you've described is technically too complicated even to them).

My point is you prefer a system in which individuals like you cant express any opinion and rather submit to the order. In your preferred system, if you question the order youre automatically a traitor while in democracy at least you can question it and some mechanisms decide that youre a traitor or not.

12-20-2023, 01:52 PM
My point is you prefer a system in which individuals like you cant express any opinion and rather submit to the order. In your preferred system, if you question the order youre automatically a traitor while in democracy at least you can question it and some mechanisms decide that youre a traitor or not.

It depends on the order. I'm against ideologies including quasi religious ones, but I'm pro order, order of things, law, I'm against chaos, anarchy and crime. I think all kinds of ideological parties (Communists and the rest) should be banned because if they're not some puppets, their ideological triumph consider blowing up the order of things.

Mopi Licinius Crassus
12-20-2023, 02:06 PM
Have you ever visited Lake Baikal or Kamchatka ?
What's the furthest East you've been in Russia?

12-20-2023, 02:08 PM
Have you ever visited Lake Baikal or Kamchatka ?
What's the furthest East you've been in Russia?

I've been to countless places in Central and Southern Russia but Kazan is the most Eastern city I've been to (I've been there two times). I have never been out of European part of Russia.

12-20-2023, 02:10 PM
Do you like mangoes and mango juice? How good is your handwriting?

12-21-2023, 10:14 AM
Do you like mangoes and mango juice? How good is your handwriting?

I don't like both mangoes and its juice just like all fruit juices :) I tried it but I already forgot how it tastes.

My handwriting has never been accurate, even before the era of online texting (still, better than what we call here "doctor's handwriting") now I cope when I have to write a page of text and my palm even hurts a little bit afterwards.

12-21-2023, 10:16 AM
Do you believe that Vladimir Putin is the new Tsar? I read that Baba Vanga predicted that Russian Vladimir will be the new Tsar and rule the world. Is this Russian Vladimir really Vladimir Putin?


12-21-2023, 10:27 AM
You're lucky, I'm quite extroverted, and in reality there are not many people with whom I can communicate on interesting topics. Having left Crimea, I lost my social circle, then within Moscow I will soon change my place of residence already for the 4th time, so that only my wife and a couple of relatives remain.
That's why I'm here, the Internet slightly compensates for this lack of communication.
I’m busy moving now, and my wife and son live with her parents most of the time; it’s easier to do this alone.
Отличный вариант нашёлся - тесную трёшку на Пресне в старом доме меняем на большую трёшку в КОПЭ на Героев Панфиловцев, лес с 3 сторон и канал. Ещё деньги остаются.
I am 100% introverted, very silent in real life. I don't like people. They annoy me. I rarely communicate with my wife at home, I have headphones in my ears. She is an extrovert and constantly wants to communicate. The daughter has grown up, and they communicate together. I'm on my own. By the way, this is very familiar to Tushino, I'm from Krasnogorsk. Tushino has changed a lot lately

12-21-2023, 10:33 AM
Do you believe that Vladimir Putin is the new Tsar?

No, he's president of Russia. And Vanga was just a demon-possessed woman.

12-21-2023, 10:36 AM
No, he's president of Russia. And Vanga was just a demon-possessed woman.

You are a little bit suspicious you really claim that Stalin was not a saint

Scarface F
12-21-2023, 10:38 AM
Do you have any football shirts collection?

12-21-2023, 10:41 AM
You are a little bit suspicious you really claim that Stalin was not a saint

This "icon" is a real blasphemy with Jesus Christ replaced by Stalin with open Bible and quote from Matthew "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest". You better remove this shit.

12-21-2023, 10:42 AM
This "icon" is a real blasphemy with Jesus Christ replaced by Stalin with open Bible and quote from Matthew "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest". You better remove this shit.

Ok this is blasphemy he is not Jesus Christ though, I removed, he is just a good man

12-21-2023, 10:42 AM
Do you have any football shirts collection?

I don't have currently, I had Serbia, Olympique Marseille, Spartak Moscow, Inter Milan with Materazzi's surname and 23 number. Some got torn while playing football through years, two got lost during renovating the flat :(

12-21-2023, 10:44 AM
Victor. I may be an introvert, but we can meet. You, me, Kirill Mazur. How do you see our meeting?

12-21-2023, 10:45 AM
Do you have any football shirts collection?

I want to order some tho, Spartak's classic shirt from 90s, Argentina national team, Red Star Belgrade and Lazio with Mihajlovic surname print, one of my fav players.

12-21-2023, 10:46 AM
Victor. I may be an introvert, but we can meet. You, me, Kirill Mazur. How do you see our meeting?

I have no problem with it.

12-21-2023, 10:47 AM
You are a little bit suspicious you really claim that Stalin was not a saint

Stalin has not yet been recognized as a saint in the Russian Orthodox Church. Let's wait 100 years.

12-21-2023, 10:48 AM
Stalin has not yet been recognized as a saint in the Russian Orthodox Church. Let's wait 100 years.

while we are at it, is alexander nevsky recognised as saint? if not he should be also general zhukov

12-21-2023, 10:51 AM
while we are at it, is alexander nevsky recognised as saint? if not he should be also general zhukov

There are related threads on TA, don't turn this one in same discussion.

12-21-2023, 10:52 AM
while we are at it, is alexander nevsky recognised as saint? if not he should be also general zhukov
Yes, Nevsky was recently recognized as a saint. Stalin will also be recognized as a saint. But we won't see it.

Scarface F
12-21-2023, 10:53 AM
I don't have currently, I had Serbia, Olympique Marseille, Spartak Moscow, Inter Milan with Materazzi's surname and 23 number. Some got torn while playing football through years, two got lost during renovating the flat :(

Nice, especially OM (I had 2, one signed by Barthez). Materazzi lol :p

Russia NT kits are some of most aestetic imo, I really liked these:

Scarface F
12-21-2023, 10:54 AM
Stalin has not yet been recognized as a saint in the Russian Orthodox Church. Let's wait 100 years.

Both you and Mortimer are tasteless clowns.

12-21-2023, 10:55 AM
There are related threads on TA, don't turn this one in same discussion.

I'm sorry for clogging up your topic. Then the question for you is: why did you return to the forum? Why did you leave? Is your care related to Scarface?

12-21-2023, 10:58 AM
Nice, especially OM (I had 2, one signed by Barthez). Materazzi lol :p

Russia NT kits are some of most aestetic imo

I like the minimalistic ones from WC 2018 in Russia


12-21-2023, 11:02 AM
I'm sorry for clogging up your topic. Then the question for you is: why did you return to the forum? Why did you leave? Is your care related to Scarface?

I just needed a pause, because I've spent more than three weeks at home in October with complicated sinusitis, having constant pain in the facial bone and teeth, temperature, weakness, I spent days in bed or walking around the house just to fall asleep after two hours, I even ordered food home because I didn't feel like going to the shops 100 meters away from me. Some ten days of regular life after the illness were enough, I thought I would need more.

12-21-2023, 11:02 AM
Both you and Mortimer are tasteless clowns.

Being friends with Mortimer doesn't humiliate me. Friendship with Mortimer humiliates only idiots who are nobody in life.

12-21-2023, 11:03 AM
Do you live in Serbia too?

12-21-2023, 11:06 AM
Do you live in Serbia too?

I lived and worked there from 2012 to 2017 (three long term stays in this period with several months pauses between). It's the only place (together with Republika Srpska in BiH) where I'd live out of Russia.

Scarface F
12-21-2023, 11:07 AM
Being friends with Mortimer doesn't humiliate me. Friendship with Mortimer humiliates only idiots who are nobody in life.

Don't play stupid - I referred to Stalin as orthodox icon. Disgusting.

12-21-2023, 11:09 AM
I just needed a pause, because I've spent more than three weeks at home in October with complicated sinusitis, having constant pain in the facial bone and teeth, temperature, weakness, I spent days in bed or walking around the house just to fall asleep after two hours, I even ordered food home because I didn't feel like going to the shops 100 meters away from me. Some ten days of regular life after the illness were enough, I thought I would need more.
Do you want to be pitied? This is what we all want when we announce our departure from the forum. If a person has sinusitis, he will never seek pity and support. The person will simply disappear for a while. Would you agree that you, me, Mazur are not quite psychologically healthy people?

12-21-2023, 11:15 AM
Do you want to be pitied? This is what we all want when we announce our departure from the forum. If a person has sinusitis, he will never seek pity and support. The person will simply disappear for a while. Would you agree that you, me, Mazur are not quite psychologically healthy people?

As I remember there was massive departure of members I got used to, including Jana and KirillMazur, some weird topics were discussed and my head was popping of 24/7 stay at home mode, so it all came in the same time. There's no need for analysis, I didn't seek for anything because after writing this in thread of KirillMazur I got banned by Loki by request.

You are weirdo indeed, as for KirillMazur there's nothing weird about him except paradoxal obsession with Communist ideas, out of this topic he's quite a relaxed person nice to chat with.

12-21-2023, 11:25 AM
As I remember there was massive departure of members I got used to, including Jana and KirillMazur, some weird topics were discussed and my head was popping of 24/7 stay at home mode, so it all came in the same time. There's no need for analysis, I didn't seek for anything because after writing this in thread of KirillMazur I got banned by Loki by request.

You are weirdo indeed, as for KirillMazur there's nothing weird about him except paradoxal obsession with Communist ideas, out of this topic he's quite a relaxed person nice to chat with.
I want to be a weirdo on the forum, because in real life everything is very difficult, I can't afford it. But you're also a weirdo and just as sick as I am, you're much lower in the real hierarchy than I am, but here we're equal.

12-21-2023, 11:30 AM
you're much lower in the real hierarchy than I am, but here we're equal.

As for this, you're quite obsessed with this topic, you constantly mention wealth, money, someone's salaries, property, I'm not a psychologist and I don't know where it comes from. I've noticed similar at people of Soviet mentality and their children, who moved from poverty of lowest tiers of working class to something better but they still have mentality of poor people and obsessed with these topics, they compare everyone around with themselves. They may have enough money and still buy cheapest or tasteless clothes, cheap or low quality food, their habits are still the same. You are very Prol minded person, no matter how you behave on this forum, general traits cannot be hidden. You have a constant need to remind own status to yourself and others which is a sign of insecurity.

I would mention only one trait, I won't make the list not to go too personal. For example, you drink sitting in car instead of going to restaurant or bar to order a drink and relax there, it's a part of depressed EE Prol mentality which cannot be modified by wealth. There are lots of things and small details I've noticed about you.

12-21-2023, 11:35 AM
I want to be a weirdo on the forum, because in real life everything is very difficult, I can't afford it. But you're also a weirdo and just as sick as I am, you're much lower in the real hierarchy than I am, but here we're equal.

You know what, Ugo? In fact all what we do is real life. This includes the activity here.

The only difference is that people feel more free here. Which maybe makes it even more real showing the person in question...

I think so.

12-21-2023, 11:35 AM
Do you speak fluent serbian? Do you like pljeskavica? Do you want to marry a serbian woman?

12-21-2023, 11:39 AM
Do you speak fluent serbian? Do you like pljeskavica? Do you want to marry a serbian woman?

Yes my Serbian is fluent. I may eat pljeskavica when I'm out in the city, I don't eat it regularly in Serbia. I find lots of Serbian women more compatible and unerstandable to me than Russian ones by mentality, so it's not like "I want to" but they're ok for this.

12-21-2023, 11:54 AM
What do you think of serbian cinema? Do you have a favorite serbian movie?

12-21-2023, 11:56 AM
What do you think of serbian cinema? Do you have a favorite serbian movie?

I've seen some movies, but generally I'm not a movie or series fan to rate whole cinema industry, I don't have TV and didn't watch anything for 1,5 years I think.

Still, I remember "Balkanski spijun" tragicomedy, a good one.

12-21-2023, 12:08 PM
I've seen some movies, but generally I'm not a movie or series fan to rate whole cinema industry, I don't have TV and didn't watch anything for 1,5 years I think.

Still, I remember "Balkanski spijun" tragicomedy, a good one.



12-21-2023, 12:14 PM
This is also good.


12-21-2023, 12:15 PM
This is also good.

An average Russian Stalinist of the forum :D


12-21-2023, 12:54 PM
You know what, Ugo? In fact all what we do is real life. This includes the activity here.

The only difference is that people feel more free here. Which maybe makes it even more real showing the person in question...

I think so.
This forum has changed a lot under my influence. It's obvious. I'm the same in life, but I won't throw poop at you when I meet you. I will be polite and courteous until we are in the same team for a long time)

12-21-2023, 01:11 PM
As for this, you're quite obsessed with this topic, you constantly mention wealth, money, someone's salaries, property, I'm not a psychologist and I don't know where it comes from. I've noticed similar at people of Soviet mentality and their children, who moved from poverty of lowest tiers of working class to something better but they still have mentality of poor people and obsessed with these topics, they compare everyone around with themselves. They may have enough money and still buy cheapest or tasteless clothes, cheap or low quality food, their habits are still the same. You are very Prol minded person, no matter how you behave on this forum, general traits cannot be hidden. You have a constant need to remind own status to yourself which is a sign of insecurity.
You're right about everything. I could tell you more about my manic-depressive syndrome and my thirst to humiliate people, especially women. I get everything I want from them. But this is your topic, I don't want to litter it with my psychological problems from childhood. My question is: why did you grow a beard in an online application? Nothing grows on your cheeks. But you look like Pushkin in one photo. By the way, I didn't do that. My beard is growing very slowly, but it is as it is in the photo.

12-21-2023, 01:25 PM
You're right about everything. I could tell you more about my manic-depressive syndrome and my thirst to humiliate people, especially women. I get everything I want from them. But this is your topic, I don't want to litter it with my psychological problems from childhood. My question is: why did you grow a beard in an online application? Nothing grows on your cheeks. But you look like Pushkin in one photo. By the way, I didn't do that. My beard is growing very slowly, but it is as it is in the photo.

I had two or three photos with beard on this forum (two from 2020 covid period, three from early 2022 pre war) and it didn't cover my cheeks (it has like 15-20% hair density in comparison to other parts of face), everywhere else it grows quite active. These photos have nothing to do with online apps.

12-22-2023, 12:18 AM
How did you end up in Serbia, lived there for several years and learned Serbian? What connects you with Serbia so strongly?
It would be easier for me to fly to Mars than to do all this.

I am 100% introverted, very silent in real life. I don't like people. They annoy me. I rarely communicate with my wife at home, I have headphones in my ears. She is an extrovert and constantly wants to communicate. The daughter has grown up, and they communicate together. I'm on my own. By the way, this is very familiar to Tushino, I'm from Krasnogorsk. Tushino has changed a lot lately
It’s simpler for me - my wife and our son go to visit her parents for 2-3 days every 10-14 days. My parents also live separately, although not far from each other. I don't understand how you can see the same face every day, 7 days a week, for many years. We need to take a break from each other:).
It will be decided after the New Year whether we will go to Tushino or to the vicinity of Leningradka near the Aeroport metro station.

My question is: why did you grow a beard in an online application? Nothing grows on your cheeks. But you look like Pushkin in one photo. By the way, I didn't do that. My beard is growing very slowly, but it is as it is in the photo.
Fell out of chair laughing. Vitya would not do this:).

Would you agree that you, me, Mazur are not quite psychologically healthy people?
To be sick with company isn't already so offensive, than alone?:)

12-22-2023, 12:39 AM
How did you end up in Serbia, lived there for several years and learned Serbian? What connects you with Serbia so strongly?
It would be easier for me to fly to Mars than to do all this

I always had some weird connection to Serbia since the wars started in ex-Yu, I remember everything what happened down there pretty well in 1993 and later. In early 2000s I've been related to our nationalist organizations, as an amateur journalist, like Russki Obraz which had strong ties with Serbia, I've been related to their magazine with same name. I've met a lot of Serbs who lived and worked/studied in Russia, I've met Serbian nationalists who came to Russia, at the same time friendly connections appeared between Spartak Moscow and Red Star Belgrade ultras. I know some Russian veterans of yugo-wars, as well, just like Serbs who participated in 2014 war in Donbass. I've been in all stuff related to Serbia in Moscow, helped in organization of concerts of Serbian bands who came here, I remember how active I was back then and I don't believe because now I'm totally different person.

I've started visiting Serbia in 2000s, me and my mates visited Red Star Belgrade friends from town of Ruma (30 km from Novi Sad), several times per year they came to us and we went down there. During one of visits I've met a girl in Ruma, neighbor of my good friend Goran, she's ethnic Croatian (but let's say a regular citizen of Serbia, not a Croatian nationalist), so after a period of friendhsip, around 3 months a relationship started, I already had an option to stay and work in Russian company, so I used it.

I've learnt Serbian without going to some courses, everyday practice only. It goes faster in relationship I must say. This girl from Ruma is a philologist, graduate of the Belgrade university, I remember how she created a linguistic system in my head xD

There were lots of stuff afterwards and two more relationships, but this coming to Serbia to my friends and meeting this girl was a start of whole story.

12-22-2023, 01:16 AM
Can you give your opinion on this thread? https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?380011-Ciganin-sam-al-najlepsi-I-am-a-Gypsy-but-the-most-beautiful

12-22-2023, 01:17 AM
Can you give your opinion on this thread? https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?380011-Ciganin-sam-al-najlepsi-I-am-a-Gypsy-but-the-most-beautiful

I have no opinion on thread, in context of song I understand the position of mentioned father.

12-22-2023, 01:26 AM
How do you think the war in Ukraine will end?

12-22-2023, 01:32 AM
How do you think the war in Ukraine will end?

Russian victory, liberation of SE regions, everything else (the rest of Ukraine etc) doesn't bother me to think about it.

12-22-2023, 03:05 AM
Materazzi lol :p

It was some kind of provocation, show-off. I bought this shirt in 2006 after Materazzi's accident with Zidane, when majority hated Materazzi. Back then I was a member of our university's football team, I've played as central defender, I used to be quite rude and harsh, always used some dirty tricks, but unlike most of university football players, I was a member of Torpedo Moscow football school in my teen ages, so I did it quite skillfully. I knew how to disable an opponent player by constant annoying, smaller fouls, pokes, which was unknown to amateurs. I always liked cocky and harsh, provocative central defenders, as I've mentioned before, Sinisa Mihajlovic is one of my fav players ever if not favorite one.

My second fav type of players are defensive midfielder watchdogs :D

12-22-2023, 03:17 AM
Since you are very close to the Serbs:

Have you ever visited Republika Srpska? And what do you think of the Bosnian Serbs? Do you see any differences (for example in mentality) to the Serbia Serbs?

12-22-2023, 03:27 AM
Since you are very close to the Serbs:

Have you ever visited Republika Srpska? And what do you think of the Bosnian Serbs? Do you see any differences (for example in mentality) to the Serbia Serbs?

Yes, I did, most of all I visited Bijeljina in Semberija region (btw Majevica mountain range is close to Bijeljina).

I find Bosnian Serbs as most pleasant Serbs by mentality to me en masse (there are good people everywhere), but it went so that my best friends in Serbia are Bosnian Serbs, both from RS and Novi Sad.

12-22-2023, 03:59 AM
Have to ever read "How the Steel was tempered"?

12-22-2023, 04:06 AM
Have to ever read "How the Steel was tempered"?

No, never, but I know it.

12-22-2023, 05:03 AM
Can you recommend me a list of Russian traditional songs to learn on Bayan? So far I'm working on Korobeiniki, Kalinka, Katyusha, Farewell to Slavianka, Taganka, The Long Road, Two brothers were going and When we were at war.

12-22-2023, 11:13 AM
Is Russia being ruined by the current war, or strengthened? And in what ways?

12-22-2023, 03:45 PM
Have you ever visited Banja Vrujci? Asking because of your “location”.

What’s your view on the usage of the pre-revolutionary orthography (дореформенная орѳографія) for the Russian language? Do you like it? (Personally, I’m a fan.) Do you ever encounter it in everyday life (perhaps except in old books)? Is it usually the pro-monarchy people who are associated with it?

12-22-2023, 06:43 PM
Can you recommend me a list of Russian traditional songs to learn on Bayan? So far I'm working on Korobeiniki, Kalinka, Katyusha, Farewell to Slavianka, Taganka, The Long Road, Two brothers were going and When we were at war.

I knew few tunes, not a pro Balalaika player :)

12-22-2023, 06:43 PM
Is Russia being ruined by the current war, or strengthened? And in what ways?

Not ruined at all, actually going well, switching to another order of things in the World.

12-22-2023, 06:47 PM
Have you ever visited Banja Vrujci? Asking because of your “location”.

What’s your view on the usage of the pre-revolutionary orthography (дореформенная орѳографія) for the Russian language? Do you like it? (Personally, I’m a fan.) Do you ever encounter it in everyday life (perhaps except in old books)? Is it usually the pro-monarchy people who are associated with it?

No, I didn't visit BV, but I know it. I visit Valjevo frequently now, next time in January, so it's a second location for me :)

Old orthography is nice, but you cannot use it in everyday life, just like Old Julian Calendar (we use it in Church, just like Church Slavic language). I don't encounter it in everyday life except for old books, when I need to read them, mostly historical or ethnographical ones. Old orthography is not a must for Monarchists, but some bizzare ones use it in the Internet as main orthography. I don't see it as something acceptable to me.

12-22-2023, 07:08 PM
Not ruined at all, actually going well, switching to another order of things in the World.

I am very glad to hear that! Russia deserves to flourish finally.
I only wish I had the opportunity when young to visit there!!!

12-22-2023, 07:25 PM
Old orthography is not a must for Monarchists, but some bizzare ones use it in the Internet as main orthography. I don't see it as something acceptable to me.

Indeed, I encountered it online. (Well, I couldn’t elsewhere. :)) From what I’ve gathered, they’re also publishing contemporary books with this spelling. I guess it’s a clear political statement to use it?

For me, I like it because it retains the etymological spelling of words and it’s the continuation of the tradition which the Soviets severed.

12-25-2023, 10:13 AM
Victor, are you celebrating Christmas? Do you consider January 7 to be the real birthday of Christ, and December 25 to be fake?

12-25-2023, 10:17 AM
Victor, are you celebrating Christmas? Do you consider January 7 to be the real birthday of Christ, and December 25 to be fake?

January 7 is 25th December according to Old Calendar, so it is the same before the calendar modification i think somewhere in the 15hundreds or 16th centry by Pope Gregory. So it is not fake really, neither is really fake.

12-25-2023, 10:26 AM
January 7 is 25th December according to Old Calendar, so it is the same before the calendar modification i think somewhere in the 15hundreds or 16th centry by Pope Gregory. So it is not fake really, neither is really fake.
Time does not obey calendars. There is a change of year and time. Christ will be born in 13 days, today you celebrate the birthday of the Western devil, who tempted Pope Gregorian to change the calendar.

12-25-2023, 10:27 AM
Time does not obey calendars. There is a change of year and time. Christ will be born in 13 days, today you celebrate the birthday of the Western devil, who tempted Pope Gregorian to change the calendar.

I celebrate both but main celebration for me is with my family on 7th janaury, on 6th january i go to church (usually but not every year, some years i miss it but i plann to go this year again) and eat fish, on 7th january i eat meat and celebrate

12-25-2023, 10:59 AM
Victor, are you celebrating Christmas?

No. But some canonical Orthodox Churches do so, like Greek, Romanian, Bulgarian and few others, so I can congratulate people from there.

12-25-2023, 11:04 AM
No. But some canonical Orthodox Churches do so, like Greek, Romanian, Bulgarian and few others, so I can congratulate people from there.
Not only the rotation of the earth around the sun is changing, but also the position of the solar system in the galaxy. Therefore, it probably does not matter for Christ how many days the earth turned around the sun, so that people would remember that he was born around this time. But Western culture still annoys me.

12-25-2023, 11:12 AM
Not only the rotation of the earth around the sun is changing, but also the position of the solar system in the galaxy. Therefore, it probably does not matter for Christ how many days the earth turned around the sun, so that people would remember that he was born around this time. But Western culture still annoys me.

Yes, it's something like this, it's not a heresy, but let's say a modernist mess, typical for modern humankind and society, not the worst one.

Today, it's a December 12, 7532 :D

12-25-2023, 11:37 AM
Yes, it's something like this, it's not a heresy, but let's say a modernist mess, typical for modern humankind and society, not the worst one.

Today, it's a December 12, 7532 :D

It is the year of our Lord 2023, but Christ has not yet been born, if we consider the earthly rhythms of life, and not human mathematics. Having created a new calendar and adopted it, the Orthodox are still guided by the rhythms of the earth and the sun.

Сейчас 2023 год от рождества Христова, но Христос еще не родился, если мы рассматриваем земные ритмы жизни, а не человеческую математику. Создав новый календарь и приняв его, православные все еще ориентируются на ритмы земли и солнца.

12-25-2023, 11:46 AM
It is the year of our Lord 2023, but Christ has not yet been born.

Christ was born from Father before the start of times, born in flesh as human 2023 years ago. Anyway, we're celebrating something what already happened so it may be considered legit, but having different days of celebrating the same thing is a sign of our times and general chaos and modernist disorder, mess.

12-25-2023, 12:12 PM
How close is Serbian language to Russian?

12-25-2023, 12:23 PM
How close is Serbian language to Russian?

Really, it's not too close, there are some similar words and if you know Ukrainian language in some measure it seems to be closer, there are lots of words which are archaic in Russian language plus I know Church Slavonic pretty well, so in general it seems closer for me than for majority of people.

Bulgarian could be the closest, but they lack cases and it changes everything.

12-31-2023, 04:24 PM
Is this at 1:38:25 - 1:43:32 true? https://youtu.be/rC_GH7jg9Lw?OR6tvsQoe8GV7xEz&t=5905

12-31-2023, 04:51 PM
What heresies do you consider the least serious, and what the most serious?

01-01-2024, 07:25 AM
What is the first thing you want to accomplish in 2024?

01-05-2024, 04:22 PM
What heresies do you consider the least serious, and what the most serious?

There are no less and more serious heresies, being a heretic is a state of approving the false teaching which is deadly if the person does not reject it during his life.

But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.
Gal 1:8

01-05-2024, 04:23 PM
What is the first thing you want to accomplish in 2024?

A paperwork which will slowly last from 9th of Jan to the end of the month, nothing exciting :)

01-05-2024, 04:28 PM
Is this at 1:38:25 - 1:43:32 true? https://youtu.be/rC_GH7jg9Lw?OR6tvsQoe8GV7xEz&t=5905

Peter the "Great" indeed made a lot of shit here, he fought against the regular traditions, mentality, lifestyle, he made a lot of significant destructive things towards Church, getting a nickname "Satan".

Same for Brezhnev, actually 90s alcoholism spread was the finishing of cause started by Brezhnev, in late 60s - early 70s. Both used mass heavy booze production and taverns which sell cheap booze as a tool of filling the state budget with a price of mass alcoholization.

Peter was cryptoprotestant (still not a conscious Prot, but being a blind copypaster) who hated "backward Orthodoxy", he mocked Church, priests, bishops, there was a lot of anti-Orthodox art, theatral acts, actually he learnt it in Europe from Protestants in their mockery towards Catholicism, just a copypaste.

Peter introduced all possible Northern European cultural bullshit here and created a copypaste of Polish serfdom (which still never managed to become as harsh as Polish and German).

Most of achievements of Peter are half mythical, for some things Russia needed 50-100 years to recover.

Peter was an obsessed white nigga cargo-cultist with a feeling of inferiority.

01-05-2024, 08:55 PM
There are no less and more serious heresies, being a heretic is a state of approving the false teaching which is deadly if the person does not reject it during his life.

But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.
Gal 1:8

Interesting. Do you also think that all sins are equally serious? For example, stealing something the same as murder?

01-06-2024, 01:51 AM
Interesting. Do you also think that all sins are equally serious? For example, stealing something the same as murder?

No, but all unrepented sins and staying firm in them is a path of damnation.

01-06-2024, 02:15 AM
Do most Russians support or like Putin as a leader?

01-06-2024, 02:52 AM
Do most Russians support or like Putin as a leader?

Yes, its just a fact. I never voted on presidental elections in my life, but this year I will do it just to turn regular 70% in 90% and I met similar minded people recently. So we are gonna enjoy the moanings from abroad.

01-06-2024, 02:57 AM
Yes, its just a fact. I never voted on presidental elections in my life, but this year I will do it just to turn regular 70% in 90% and I met similar minded people recently. So we are gonna enjoy the moanings from abroad.

I personally like Putin a very nationalist president that always looks for the best Interest of Russia. Every country should have a president like him.

Btw many mexicans are pro Putin/ Russia :)

Salty Ears
01-06-2024, 06:29 AM
Victor, there's a good man on your new avatar. Previously, when I tried to write poetry, it turned out that I was imitating Brodsky.

01-07-2024, 10:38 AM
Is this at 1:38:25 - 1:43:32 true? https://youtu.be/rC_GH7jg9Lw?OR6tvsQoe8GV7xEz&t=5905

Also, during Peter the "Great" rule he ordered mass demolition of banjas, Russian wet saunas which were presented in every household, used both by nobility and peasants. First he was radical in destroying them and eliminating as some kind of "oriental barbarianism", but then he monetized it, putting heavy taxation over banjas, so if before almost every household had them, later peasants had to own one banja for numerous households so they could afford the annual taxation.

After the death of this bastard banjas slowly recovered in % of households.

Washing yourself clean with hot streaming water was seen as "Turkic barbarianism" by insane Westernizator Peter and nobility was supposed to use perfumes and other bullshit which started to get imported in huge amounts from Western Europe during Peter's rule.

01-07-2024, 10:46 AM
I guess your not into drinking but my question is Vodka or Rakija ?

01-07-2024, 10:55 AM
I guess your not into drinking but my question is Vodka or Rakija ?

Rakija, for sure. My fav is Viljamovka and Jabukovaca, once we've made 65 litres of 46% rakija with my neighbor in Kamenica, from 500 kilos of Granny Smith apples. I drink vodka extremely rare (maybe 2 or 3 times in last 10 years) when I'm at someone's place and I can't choose, but people here normally drink more beer and wine in last few generations, for me serving vodka associates with something semi-Soviet.

I'm not a teetotaller, I drink enough of red dry wine through the year. I try to avoid beer (I drink it in summer hot days tho) because it makes me swollen after 4 beers and I can't drink 1 or 2 beers xD

01-07-2024, 10:58 AM
@Victor would you steal some kukuruza with me, grill them and drink some wodka or beer at your dacha with me?

(Btw I accidentally posted this in „Russia crosses Ukraine“ thread lol)

01-07-2024, 11:04 AM
@Victor would you steal some kukuruza with me, grill them and drink some wodka or beer at your dacha with me?

(Btw I accidentally posted this in „Russia crosses Ukraine“ thread lol)

Yes after the war you're welcome to my ancestral house where my mom grow up, it is currently in Ukraine and confiscated by state (staying sealed up for a year or so as relatives told) as a property of Russian citizen (me). There's kukuruza, enough of cheap booze (like fruit moonshines) and warm sunny cilmate.

01-07-2024, 11:04 AM
Rakija, for sure. My fav is Viljamovka and Jabukovaca, once we've made 65 litres of 46% rakija with my neighbor in Kamenica, from 500 kilos of Granny Smith apples. I drink vodka extremely rare (maybe 2 or 3 times in last 10 years) when I'm at someone's place and I can't choose, but people here normally drink more beer and wine in last few generations, for me serving vodka associates with something semi-Soviet.

I'm not a teetotaller, I drink enough of red dry wine through the year. I try to avoid beer (I drink it in summer hot days tho) because it makes me swollen after 4 beers and I can't drink 1 or 2 beers xD
I used to drink a lot of beer during several of my ill or fallen phases in life but nowadays only red wine on occasion .Or few wild pear small glasses of Rakija when i visit my relatives in Mountainous regions of SW Serbia .

01-07-2024, 11:10 AM
I used to drink a lot of beer during several of my ill or fallen phases in life but nowadays only red wine on occasion .Or few wild pear small glasses of Rakija when i visit my relatives in Mountainous regions of SW Serbia .

Good choice! After a few months pause I've drank dark beer few days ago, 2 and 3 January in Moscow pub and I didn't like it after all.

01-07-2024, 11:13 AM
Yes after the war you're welcome to my ancestral house where my mom grow up, it is currently in Ukraine and confiscated by state as a property of Russian citizen (me). There's kukuruza, enough of cheap booze (like fruit moonshines) and warm sunny cilmate.

My Russlanddeutsche friends taught that word to me haha, although many of them are originally from Kazakhstan.

Indeed, I always felt fascinated by Russia. One of my first „complicated“ roman was about Russia, unfortunately I don’t remember the name of that book(I was maybe 10 or 11). My views towards Russia amd Russians were influenced by Peter Scholl Latour and Gabrielle Krone Schmalz, I always wanted to see St. Petersburg and wanted to see Russia through Trans-Russian railway. So yes, I really want to visit Russia one day.

Scarface F
01-07-2024, 11:15 AM
In what way your mentality and views differ from average Russian?

01-07-2024, 11:18 AM
My favourite beer was Valjevsko because of the taste but it was hard to find in NS .I dont like dark beer also .
https://iili.io/J7ldZFI.jpg (https://freeimage.host/)

01-07-2024, 11:30 AM
In what way your mentality and views differ from average Russian?

Especially in my younger ages, I was way more opened than average Russian in public and with unknown people, I allow more jokes, I'm more like impudent, easily crossing the boundaries. Some people could not understand it and told that I behave like a kid, seeing some merry traits of my behavior like some kind of being "careless" (while it is not so, something different) and it was a surprise for me to find out that people in Balkans don't think so and I see them being similar to me.

I'm emotional. I speak very loud compared to an average volume of Russians, I can throw things into wall or floor when being angry, I even gesticulate with my hands (I dunno wtf it's from but my sister dislikes it lol).

I'm not a drama queen, I take everything easy and I never see a tragedy in anything.

At the same time, as I've said, I always had problems with Russian girls because here lots of people exist in some behavioral algorithms and what people expect from each other. I behave with girls like with my friends and if someone gonna annoy me with some nonsense I'm gonna say "stop f*king my brains and just leave. I'm not interested in jealousness, some intrigues, mind games and other bs, I don't need it in my life, some women here expect mind games and like you have to "win" them or behave like they're some queens (not normal human respect, but the perverted theatre). It comes to Balkans, too, but still less.

Some Russian women seek attitude towards them like nothing else more should exist in a life of a man except them and some men are eager for this. Like you're going to pub or football and she calls you telling she wants to see you and you have to give up everything. From the first day of the relationship they think that you have to behave like you're already married.

That's why I was in a good relationship with Tatar girl, who was simple (but not stupid) straight in her intentions and behavior. I remember she told me "I know you and you won't cheat me, but if you ever do, don't tell it to me and I will not try to find it out, too" xD

Also, you have some % of Russians who don't know what is merak. They cannot enjoy the moment, they always need to do something or to speak about some serious things. It also non existant in me.

01-07-2024, 11:36 AM
Do you like Miroslav Ilić?


01-07-2024, 11:39 AM
Do you like Miroslav Ilić?


Yes, I know some songs by heart, learnt them when I was taking bus from Novi Sad to Bijeljina and vice versa, one bus driver always listened to Ilic xD

01-07-2024, 11:48 AM
In what way your mentality and views differ from average Russian?

Also, there's a significant % of Russians, Belorussians, Poles and part of Ukrainians who cannot be opened and behave abnormally shy, silent, almost not able to watch eyes to eyes in normal conditions. But when they get drunk they turn into Brazilian carnival participators which is unpleasant to me. Next day they always feel ashamed xD Of the listed ethnic groups I consider populace of SE Ukraine and Southern Russia, partly central Russia to be the most extroverted.

It's totally ok in Balkans to approach and communicate with kids in presence of parents, while in EE people would think you're some paedophile.

EE people are obsessed with silence. There will be a scandal in some block houses if someone listens music a bit louder or if birthday lasts to late hours, people would literally call police.

01-07-2024, 11:52 AM
My favourite beer was Valjevsko because of the taste but it was hard to find in NS .I dont like dark beer also .
https://iili.io/J7ldZFI.jpg (https://freeimage.host/)

I just saw your Avatar pic , it looks like my next door neighbour who is a Macedonian guy in his early 70's.
He literally could be the guy in your Avatar pic lol.
Me and him got drunk together one night last year , fark the guy can drink for an old guy we had something like
12-14 beers in 2 hours. I was drunk as hell crawling on my knees talking to the cat when I got home.

01-07-2024, 11:54 AM
I just saw your Avatar, my next door neighbour is a Macedonian guy in his early 70's.
He literally could be the guy in your Avatar pic lol.
Me and him got drunk together one night, fark the guy can drink for an old guy we had something like
12-14 beers in 2 hours. I was drunk as hell crawling on my knees talking to the cat when I came home.

Have mercy to your kidneys, better palinka or wine than such amounts of liquid xD

01-07-2024, 12:07 PM
What do you do today or did so far depending on what is the time at your place

Merry Christmas

01-07-2024, 12:11 PM
I just saw your Avatar pic , it looks like my next door neighbour who is a Macedonian guy in his early 70's.
He literally could be the guy in your Avatar pic lol.
Me and him got drunk together one night last year , fark the guy can drink for an old guy we had something like
12-14 beers in 2 hours. I was drunk as hell crawling on my knees talking to the cat when I got home.

lol The guy from my avatar is a highlander from Zlatibor mountain in SW Serbia

01-07-2024, 12:12 PM
lol The guy from my avatar is a highlander from Zlatibor mountain in SW Serbia

A impressive look

01-07-2024, 12:40 PM
What do you do today or did so far depending on what is the time at your place

Merry Christmas

I usually go to Christmas service and night Liturgy since my childhood, which last from 11 pm of 6 Jan to 3 am of 7 Jan, but I had to leave Moscow for Stavropol earlier, so I arrived here just last evening. So, this time I went to the Liturgy in the morning, then had a dinner at my colleague and now back home, drinking cheap but very pleasant red dry wine from South of France with some snacks.

Merry Christmas!

01-23-2024, 02:23 PM
Question to the expert - should rakia have such a fruity smell and taste or is it a flavoring agent?
An empty glass smells like there was jam in it:).

01-28-2024, 07:55 PM
Question to the expert - should rakia have such a fruity smell and taste or is it a flavoring agent?
An empty glass smells like there was jam in it:).

It's not a flavoring agent, normal rakija should be so. Also if you gonna drink too much of it, your hangover will smell significantly with its smell, too, more than with mad spirits.

90% of rakija is homemade, I mostly drank homemade one, there are ok fabric rakijas, but most of people drink homemade which is considered to be better and it is. There are no restrictions on private producing and private selling (to other people), but it's being sold "under cover" in lots of bars, restaraunts, often nobody cares. On every 2nd-3rd house there's a sign in Serbia "I sell rakija" and its flavor mentioned, people sell by tens of litres, producing usually from fruits, grapes and berries which grow at their own piece of land (luckily they never had collectivization on level of little people and other bs).

02-01-2024, 08:01 PM
It's not a flavoring agent, normal rakija should be so. Also if you gonna drink too much of it, your hangover will smell significantly with its smell, too, more than with mad spirits.

90% of rakija is homemade, I mostly drank homemade one, there are ok fabric rakijas, but most of people drink homemade which is considered to be better and it is. There are no restrictions on private producing and private selling (to other people), but it's being sold "under cover" in lots of bars, restaraunts, often nobody cares. On every 2nd-3rd house there's a sign in Serbia "I sell rakija" and its flavor mentioned, people sell by tens of litres, producing usually from fruits, grapes and berries which grow at their own piece of land (luckily they never had collectivization on level of little people and other bs).

What do you think of the 1999 Moscow apartment bombings?
(It seems like state terrorism to me, similar to the Oklahoma City bombing)

What do you think of Alexander Litvinenko and his various allegations? At least some of them seem believable.

02-02-2024, 06:15 AM
What do you think of the 1999 Moscow apartment bombings?
(It seems like state terrorism to me, similar to the Oklahoma City bombing)

What do you think of Alexander Litvinenko and his various allegations? At least some of them seem believable.

No, you're completely wrong there. Litvinenko was a thug, and this Moscow apartment bombings allegations are nothing more than conspiracy theories created to smear and attack Putin with.

02-02-2024, 06:28 AM
What do you think of the 1999 Moscow apartment bombings?
(It seems like state terrorism to me, similar to the Oklahoma City bombing)

What do you think of Alexander Litvinenko and his various allegations? At least some of them seem believable.

I agree with Loki, so you may use his answer as mine.

02-02-2024, 06:29 AM
No, you're completely wrong there. Litvinenko was a thug, and this Moscow apartment bombings allegations are nothing more than conspiracy theories created to smear and attack Putin with.

It was still Yeltsin's presidency.

02-02-2024, 06:59 AM
What i would be considered in Russia? I mean i travell to russia or live there, could i get away with being a "serbian" or they would question that?

02-02-2024, 08:27 AM
What i would be considered in Russia? I mean i travell to russia or live there, could i get away with being a "serbian" or they would question that?

People will think you're some kind of unusual Middle Asian, you won't be seen as Serb.

02-02-2024, 08:31 AM
People will think you're some kind of unusual Middle Asian, you won't be seen as Serb.

I ask because in Austria usually people do not question me when i say im from serbia. What is a Middle Asian though? A Afghan?

02-02-2024, 09:42 PM
No, you're completely wrong there. Litvinenko was a thug, and this Moscow apartment bombings allegations are nothing more than conspiracy theories created to smear and attack Putin with.

I agree with Loki, so you may use his answer as mine.
Let's say that everything Litvinenko said/wrote was fiction.
He did defect to the West, and the West's generosity is not for free.
Likewise Pacepa (who defected from communist Romania) wrote some true things,
and he also wrote some "alternate realities" such as how the KGB killed Kennedy,
and how Syria was hiding Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

But the 1999 apartment bombings were very suspicious.
-Did anyone claim responsibility?
-Why did the bombings suddenly stop?
-Was there any serious investigation? What was the conclusion of this investigation?
-Why was no one caught, except FSB agents,
who were then released because they were participating in an exercise, according to Patrushev? Very suspicious

-Who benefited from the bombings?
Mostly the Russian regime in the short run (for the upcoming election and for the new Chechnyan war)

If we accept your theory that a malevolent 'anti-Putin' group caused the bombings,
then this would suggest that this was a rogue element of the Russian government, or a foreign power.

The considerable damage, sophisticated explosives, and success of multiple bombings with no one caught,
all suggest a state actor.

02-02-2024, 10:29 PM
Let's say that everything Litvinenko said/wrote was fiction.
He did defect to the West, and the West's generosity is not for free.
Likewise Pacepa (who defected from communist Romania) wrote some true things,
and he also wrote some "alternate realities" such as how the KGB killed Kennedy,
and how Syria was hiding Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

But the 1999 apartment bombings were very suspicious.
-Did anyone claim responsibility?
-Why did the bombings suddenly stop?
-Was there any serious investigation? What was the conclusion of this investigation?
-Why was no one caught, except FSB agents,
who were then released because they were participating in an exercise, according to Patrushev? Very suspicious

-Who benefited from the bombings?
Mostly the Russian regime in the short run (for the upcoming election and for the new Chechnyan war)

If we accept your theory that a malevolent 'anti-Putin' group caused the bombings,
then this would suggest that this was a rogue element of the Russian government, or a foreign power.

The considerable damage, sophisticated explosives, and success of multiple bombings with no one caught,
all suggest a state actor.

That's still just a malicious anti-Putin conspiracy theory, for which there is no proof. The only people who take it seriously are those hating Putin, and who want to smear or discredit him. Actually, the 9/11 conspiracy theories are more believable than these ones.

We know who were responsible for the bombings, it was Chechen terrorists.

As for Litvinenko, he was a crazy guy who pushed crazy theories. He was involved with many shady characters.

02-02-2024, 11:50 PM
That's still just a malicious anti-Putin conspiracy theory, for which there is no proof. The only people who take it seriously are those hating Putin, and who want to smear or discredit him. Actually, the 9/11 conspiracy theories are more believable than these ones.

We know who were responsible for the bombings, it was Chechen terrorists.
The level of skill suggests a state power.
Anyway just like al-Qaeda, the Chechens were funded by the Saudis, who were a known cutout for the US.
The US/NATO is known to engage in terrorism, or attempt terrorism, throughout the Cold War and beyond,
including against its OWN people (Operation Northwoods, Operation Gladio, many others).
The Israeli state was also known for terrorism (car bombings) throughout the Lebanese Civil War,
and was known to encourage the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas to weaken the PLO.
The USSR also financed terrorism throughout the Cold War.
Even the AWB in pre-1994 South Africa likely had a connection to the security services.
Like I said, I believe that the US regime had a role in Oklahoma City and 9/11,
maybe other terrorist attacks as well, such as other bombings, 'random' assassinations, school shootings, mass shootings, etc.

I would not be naive about Russia either, I would keep open the possibility of the unthinkable.
-Either Russia was attacked by a very skilled foreign power;
-or Russia was attacked by a rogue element of its own state;
-or Russia was attacked by its own state for political motives.

As for Litvinenko, he was a crazy guy who pushed crazy theories. He was involved with many shady characters.
And he paid with his life, publicly. His murder was certainly a strong public message to NOT do what he did, or else.
(I don't think that he accidentally poisoned himself with polonium in London)

02-03-2024, 09:01 AM
The level of skill suggests a state power.
Anyway just like al-Qaeda, the Chechens were funded by the Saudis, who were a known cutout for the US.
The US/NATO is known to engage in terrorism, or attempt terrorism, throughout the Cold War and beyond,
including against its OWN people (Operation Northwoods, Operation Gladio, many others).
The Israeli state was also known for terrorism (car bombings) throughout the Lebanese Civil War,
and was known to encourage the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas to weaken the PLO.
The USSR also financed terrorism throughout the Cold War.
Even the AWB in pre-1994 South Africa likely had a connection to the security services.
Like I said, I believe that the US regime had a role in Oklahoma City and 9/11,
maybe other terrorist attacks as well, such as other bombings, 'random' assassinations, school shootings, mass shootings, etc.

I would not be naive about Russia either, I would keep open the possibility of the unthinkable.
-Either Russia was attacked by a very skilled foreign power;
-or Russia was attacked by a rogue element of its own state;
-or Russia was attacked by its own state for political motives.

And he paid with his life, publicly. His murder was certainly a strong public message to NOT do what he did, or else.
(I don't think that he accidentally poisoned himself with polonium in London)

Speculation speculation, no proof or evidence. Sorry but I don't buy into this narrative at all. It stinks.
As for Litvinenko, if he was assassinated, then it was probably for a purpose. He was a spy and lived a spy life of cheat and betrayal. Don't tell me the US and UK agencies never did assassinations....

02-03-2024, 09:11 AM
People will think you're some kind of unusual Middle Asian, you won't be seen as Serb.

Which ethnic groups in the ex-ussr (russian federation) do you consider as "native" only slavs or also some caucasus populations what about siberian like populations? Im curious.

02-03-2024, 10:09 AM
Speculation speculation, no proof or evidence. Sorry but I don't buy into this narrative at all. It stinks.
Likewise the official narrative stinks as well, there is no proof about the Chechens, only speculation,
no one was arrested except for the FSB agents.
The only public evidence (a lower standard than proof) points to the regime at the time.
There is no proof one way or the other.
And no one claimed responsibility, which is very strange for a terrorist attack.

And the only beneficiary was also the regime at the time.
The bombings provided the pretext to re-invade Chechnya,
and thus boosted the regime's popularity and stability (which was tenuous at the time).

This is very disturbing even if one loves Russia.
I think that most Russians are cynical enough to trust their state publicly but not privately.

In the West, most conspiracy theories are validated after a certain number of years,
due to the mostly free flow of information.
In Russia the mystery remains for a long time, possibly forever.

Moreover I don't need proof to know that a pandemic was imminent by fall 2019,
or that the pandemic originated from the Wuhan Lab by January 2020.
Circumstantial evidence, artifacts, intuition, instinct are sufficient for a very perceptive person. (not for a court of law)
Proof will arrive late or not at all.

Please convince me otherwise, I am open-minded, I am not anti-Russia but I am disturbed by the events of the 1990s.

As for Litvinenko, if he was assassinated, then it was probably for a purpose. He was a spy and lived a spy life of cheat and betrayal. Don't tell me the US and UK agencies never did assassinations....
Yes the US and UK also conduct assassinations, including of their own people.
For example several British spies died of auto-erotic asphyxiation over the years in Britain.
The possibility of this occurring naturally is zero.

02-03-2024, 01:55 PM
Likewise the official narrative stinks as well, there is no proof about the Chechens, only speculation,
no one was arrested except for the FSB agents.
The only public evidence (a lower standard than proof) points to the regime at the time.
There is no proof one way or the other.
And no one claimed responsibility, which is very strange for a terrorist attack.

And the only beneficiary was also the regime at the time.
The bombings provided the pretext to re-invade Chechnya,
and thus boosted the regime's popularity and stability (which was tenuous at the time).

This is very disturbing even if one loves Russia.
I think that most Russians are cynical enough to trust their state publicly but not privately.

In the West, most conspiracy theories are validated after a certain number of years,
due to the mostly free flow of information.
In Russia the mystery remains for a long time, possibly forever.

Moreover I don't need proof to know that a pandemic was imminent by fall 2019,
or that the pandemic originated from the Wuhan Lab by January 2020.
Circumstantial evidence, artifacts, intuition, instinct are sufficient for a very perceptive person. (not for a court of law)
Proof will arrive late or not at all.

Please convince me otherwise, I am open-minded, I am not anti-Russia but I am disturbed by the events of the 1990s.

Yes the US and UK also conduct assassinations, including of their own people.
For example several British spies died of auto-erotic asphyxiation over the years in Britain.
The possibility of this occurring naturally is zero.

If you believe all this nonsense, of course you are anti -Russian, or have been duped by these targeted narratives. Russia owes you nothing.

If the Russians wanted another government, they would have had one long ago. But they don't. They trust President Putin, and he has constant approval ratings that Western leaders can only dream about. They are jealous of his success, and it shows. But Putin's success lies in the fact that he has sacrificed his life for his country, his people. Not for money or popularity like his Western counterparts. He knows he has a job to do, a calling. And Russians know it too.

02-04-2024, 01:21 AM
If you believe all this nonsense, of course you are anti -Russian, or have been duped by these targeted narratives.
I don't know what to believe on this subject, the official Russian explanation seems like a targeted narrative as well.
I was hoping that maybe Victor or you could ease my concerns as a thinking person.
But the inability to do so only makes me more suspicious.

Russia owes you nothing.
Obviously! But you are speaking on behalf of all of Russia now? :confused:

What happened to Victor anyway?

If the Russians wanted another government, they would have had one long ago. But they don't. They trust President Putin, and he has constant approval ratings that Western leaders can only dream about. They are jealous of his success, and it shows. But Putin's success lies in the fact that he has sacrificed his life for his country, his people. Not for money or popularity like his Western counterparts. He knows he has a job to do, a calling. And Russians know it too.
I didn't mention Putin throughout this conversation, I don't know why you keep mentioning him. :confused:

Putin had only been Prime Minister for 1 month at the time of the bombings,
though he had been FSB director for 1 year, and Patrushev was the FSB director and a career agent like Putin.

02-07-2024, 09:42 AM
As a declared monarchist, which song would you like to see as the Russian national anthem? Is it perhaps any of these two?



02-07-2024, 09:47 AM
As a declared monarchist, which song would you like to see as the Russian national anthem? Is it perhaps any of these two?


02-08-2024, 10:49 AM

What do you think about Russia's future after Putin, for the 2030 election?
I know it is far away, and a lot will happen in the meantime, but how do you see things going?

Putin and all of his closest associates will be around 80, so with the successor there will be a large cadre of new people.

What do you think about Dyumin? What do you think about Medvedev? (he seems to have changed a lot since 2008)

Are there any heroes from the Ukraine War who may be entering politics and rising quickly?

02-29-2024, 08:23 AM
1. how did Russians take the switch from state Atheism to state Orthodoxism? is it different by region or between urban and rural side? how do non-Orthodox Russians see it?

2. is there a nationalist feeling prevailing among Russians, as in strictly Russian nationalism, not internationalism as in a Soviet way, like in pride with the flag, with the Orthodoxy etc? or is it an offshoot of Soviet times with some imperialism/desire for ruling over non-Russian ethnics (when one doesn't want to limit to the territory naturally inhabited by his ethnic group - and I am not referring to the situation with Ukraine, let's ignore that for this point, I refer to non-Slavic ethnic groups). also another point on here would be: all these non-Slavic Russians have been living for so long in a Russian-speaking environment and with all Russian/Soviet/Russian culture that they must be quite Russified in customs and aligned in mindset and culture with the ethnic Russians, right? I mean there's no reason to objectively call them something other than Russian, even though some might not have any Slavic blood, right? you still feel connected to a Bashkir, Tatar, Tuvan etc, as Russian, let's say you travel abroad and you are on an airport in Vienna surrounded by Germans but you find an Ossetian/Yakut/Karelian, you two would feel connected to home, right? while those Germans on the airport are just strangers. how that expands to people from ex-Soviet countries? like a non-Russian-ethnic but Russian-speaking Moldovan, Lithuanian, Latvian, Tajik, Uzbek, Gruzin...

02-29-2024, 08:41 AM
1. how did Russians take the switch from state Atheism to state Orthodoxism? is it different by region or between urban and rural side? how do non-Orthodox Russians see it?

There's no state Orthodoxism, Russia's big part of populace is Cultural Orthodox, like "I trust in existence of God", and some 3-5-7% of populace dependent on region being conscious OC. Russia is secular, but not an atheist state, some people incorrectly equate secularism with state atheism, and there's a phrase "Светский не значит Советский". These cultural Orthodox people existed during USSR as well, we never had conscious atheist majority, so this "switch" just let them associate themselves free with Christianity as a part of ancestral tradition. Non-Orthodox of other religions are generally ok with it, you have no problems in professing Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, there are regions where these religions dominate and have same positions and role.

I think it's good, I beware the clerical state or state religion, because in clerical states politicians and rulers at some point start to feel themselves as theologians. State here does not give a damn and does not interfere in intra-church life, does not bother about dogmas and teaching, in fact, this expression of the concept "Caesar's is Caesar's, and God's is God's."

I would answer the second question later, I have to think over it.

02-29-2024, 08:55 AM
Germans are respected and were always respected here, no WWI or WWII or something from previous centuries had influence on it. Unlike Poles, for example. But Poles were always in attention seeker position in these antipathic neighborly relations, our antipathy towards them is mild and uninterested.

Why did you feel the need to answer the question that was not directed to you?

02-29-2024, 08:58 AM
Why did you feel the need to answer the question that was not directed to you?

The message I responded to had no question in it xD Why not use intermediate messages of other users as an anchor?

02-29-2024, 09:02 AM
The message I responded to had no question in it xD Why not use intermediate messages of other users as an anchor?

So you just felt the urge to say your view to the whole discussion I had with that guy? Ok, got it.

02-29-2024, 09:03 AM
So you just felt the urge to say your view to the whole discussion I had with that guy? Ok, got it.

Yeh, it's a random, spontaneous action :>

02-29-2024, 09:06 AM
What do you think about Russia's future after Putin, for the 2030 election?
I know it is far away, and a lot will happen in the meantime, but how do you see things going?

Putin and all of his closest associates will be around 80, so with the successor there will be a large cadre of new people.

What do you think about Dyumin? What do you think about Medvedev? (he seems to have changed a lot since 2008)

Are there any heroes from the Ukraine War who may be entering politics and rising quickly?

I think that my answer would be boring and irrelevant. Sometimes I prefer to see how it wanna be irl instead of thinking over it.

Medvedev, Dyumin and the other ones have an important trait, they're not Soviet minded and not sentimental towards our "brothers" like Ukraine.

02-29-2024, 09:19 AM
Are you aware that you look quite exotic for western european northern or central european standards for example in germany? That you would stick out as "foreigner" do you identify as northern european. Somehow it seems russians here or many identify as very northern?

02-29-2024, 09:30 AM
Are you aware that you look quite exotic for western european northern or central european standards for example in germany? That you would stick out as "foreigner" do you identify as northern european. Somehow it seems russians here or many identify as very northern?

I've been confused with SE Europeans lots of times and I think that I should normally look exotic somewhere between average ethnic Germans. Never been confused with Caucasians/Transcaucasians facially here in Russia, as I've never been stopped by cops for checking my ID somewhere in the street, it happens here from late 90s and cops see whom they should check immediately.