View Full Version : Post people who are quite atypical for your ethnicity etc. but still within natural variation

12-14-2023, 05:54 PM
It can be also for people that represent your ethnic mix so for instance for many White Americans that tend to be mutts it would English + German.

For Poles

This Polish journalist looks oddly NW Euro to me and far from whatever I consider as plain or typical here but there are such people too among native Poles. It's just that they are rare, maybe more common in some regions in the north.


Thos two singers are from the south and in their region they're not really atypical but otherwise he's a little bit for my ethnicity.



Facial features are neutral but red hair is rare so I put him into my thread for atypical native people.


Those Polish women are not typical either but certainly Polish (Renata Przemyk & Megitza) - both have roots in Southern Poland.


Slightly atypical guys


In the case of this Pole it is both his facial features and pigmentation (light hair with dark eyes rarely occur here unlike in ... Austria where it's a common combination for some reason)


Maciej Grabowski (atypically light and facial features are not what I'm used to seeing at least in the southwestern Poland where I'm from. IIRC he comes some town close the Baltic sea.

And some Polish female redhead (not sure whether it's her natural hair colour though)


Agnieszka Więdłocha




And this Polish director Marek Koterski is a good example too. There's though a non-negligible chance that he has distant Armenian ancestry as he's from Kraków.


12-14-2023, 07:36 PM
'Within the natural variation'

Wouldn't that be everyone in that ethnicity? So it's just posting atypical people (which is most of what people do on this forum anyway).

12-18-2023, 08:40 PM
'Within the natural variation'

Wouldn't that be everyone in that ethnicity? So it's just posting atypical people (which is most of what people do on this forum anyway).

No. Because there are people who look foreign or odd enough that you suspect some additional ancestry being there or ther\se are some who are very atypical so those are not to be considered for my thread. And also there are people who claim to be your ethnicity but it's clear that they do have for instance Roma ancestry besides Polish because their skin is ... brown/dark olive skinned and we know that children get adopted by people belonging to other ethnicity + ... cheating happens too. And now also there are many people whose 50% of ancestry is from a sperm donor who can be from everywhere in the world pretty much - but it's mostly the case in some countries.

When people post atypical people they tend to post the most atypical ones they can find and calling them ''atypical'' instead of ''highly atypical'' etc.

12-18-2023, 08:43 PM
Among mexicans there's some really strong European Individuals who look could be from any Central European country others look straight up from the jungle / hills how ever most of us are mixed looking.

Tooting Carmen
12-18-2023, 08:49 PM
BBC journalist Daniel Sandford

Singer Jake Quickenden

12-18-2023, 08:52 PM

12-18-2023, 09:22 PM
No. Because there are people who look foreign or odd enough that you suspect some additional ancestry being there or ther\se are some who are very atypical so those are not to be considered for my thread. And also there are people who claim to be your ethnicity but it's clear that they do have for instance Roma ancestry besides Polish because their skin is ... brown/dark olive skinned and we know that children get adopted by people belonging to other ethnicity + ... cheating happens too. And now also there are many people whose 50% of ancestry is from a sperm donor who can be from everywhere in the world pretty much - but it's mostly the case in some countries.

When people post atypical people they tend to post the most atypical ones they can find and calling them ''atypical'' instead of ''highly atypical'' etc.
how typical are he?
how much % of ethnical polish looks like him?

12-18-2023, 09:27 PM
Agnieszka Więdłocha



Looks Jewish

Scarface F
12-18-2023, 09:35 PM
And this Polish director Marek Koterski is a good example too. There's though a non-negligible chance that he has distant Armenian ancestry as he's from Kraków.


Is he that atypical? Common Croatian grandpa. To me very familiar face

Scarface F
12-18-2023, 09:39 PM

Cro lookalike


12-18-2023, 09:50 PM
Cro lookalike


What percentage of these mexicans pass as Crotians?

Higher/high class mexicans


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRPiNObXMbnjiVwmRwVYxm5G40WSLi4w oGYdQ&usqp=CAU

Working class/middle

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT4fWb_yqEDThUFN6NPMUFSrx5YMeqeB Go36A&usqp=CAU

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRoH1z4ufqzpMpRS5ZK5_skh1dh5kShK wHpyQ&usqp=CAU

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTwAgTZrgfU2C7NxzkwEupAxRmu8KXzS Dl2gA&usqp=CAU

Specially since many Slavs can look pseudo amerindian influenced xD