View Full Version : classify/place gay horse breeders

12-28-2023, 11:03 AM

12-28-2023, 11:12 AM
Off topic
I don't know why, but even if they don't have a particularly effeminate voice, even without knowing they're gay, I would have a doubt about their sexual orientation (the way they move, their gestures, their way of speaking).

12-28-2023, 11:22 AM
Matt Harnacke is half German half Italian and pretty exotic looking for his ancestry IMO. I tought he is part Pakistani or sth like half Hawaiian half NW Euro.



12-28-2023, 11:24 AM
Off topic
I don't know why, but even if they don't have a particularly effeminate voice, even without knowing they're gay, I would have a doubt about their sexual orientation (the way they move, their gestures, their way of speaking).

To me blond guy has very effeminate voice but a brunette guy is just a regular modern metrosexual man. I would guess brunette guy is a man in a relationship and blond guy a woman lool.

12-28-2023, 11:30 AM
Jesse Drent is ethnic Dutch and looks like one of those idealized angelic Nordic types.



12-28-2023, 11:30 AM
classify/place gay horse breeders

They breed gay horses?

12-28-2023, 11:31 AM
They breed gay horses?

Does it mean that horses breeded by you would be bald horses?

12-28-2023, 11:34 AM
Does it mean that horses breeded by you would be bald horses?

It would be a superior breed of horse, I'm considering doing it...

12-28-2023, 11:36 AM
They breed gay horses?

They are professional horse trainers - horse dressage. I must admit I enjoy their videos, they are so "pretty" and nice guys. I think they met while both worked as models but they are now into serious horse breeding/training/sales.

I follow their channel on YouTube.

12-28-2023, 11:47 AM
I don't really see the brown haired guy as exotic for his ancestry, generally a dark Western Euro type.

He can basically have any woman he wants and he is gay, lol the irony :D

12-28-2023, 11:52 AM
They are

on YouTube.

It was just a silly joke of mine, you don't have to justify yourself.

And I donīt classify, sorry.

12-28-2023, 11:57 AM
I don't really see the brown haired guy as exotic for his ancestry, generally a dark Western Euro type.

He can basically have any woman he wants and he is gay, lol the irony :D

I bet half of their vieweres are hetero female audience because they are so handsome xD

Noticed that gay men are often above average looking, and ofc above average groomed.

12-28-2023, 12:02 PM
I don't really see the brown haired guy as exotic for his ancestry, generally a dark Western Euro type.

He can basically have any woman he wants and he is gay, lol the irony :D

dunno bout that - women aren't exclusively into looks (like many men are instead xD), looks can help you one night in the club but in any social situation it's initially the way you are able to interact, if you are a good speaker then you have a better start, and then the character gets more and more visible with time as the relation is progressing. job/occupation is also coming in as important for serious relationships, especially for women, I feel. although there are exceptions, of course - some people we know have it the other way around, she has a very high wage (2.5 times the average wage on here) while he at some point didn't work for about 10 years, but that is a rare exception I guess. so strictly looks seem overrated in men. in women I think it's more appreciated by the men than it is in men appreciated by women, looks I mean.

btw about horses, these are a big thing in my ethnic group, we even have a horse breed with our name (Hutsul) and almost each village has a herd of such horses, with a pro stable working uninterruptedly since late 1700s in my paternal grandad's village, we have a festival around horses etc. so much that some speculated that Hutsuls have some Mongol or Turkic ancestry as well, because of our link to the horses, although we live in the highest portion of habitable Carpathians. well, two cousins of mine have been bitten by horses on separate occasions and one of them died because of it when he was 19 - we used to play football together in the countryside all summers in childhood

12-28-2023, 12:09 PM
dunno bout that - women aren't exclusively into looks (like many men are instead xD), looks can help you one night in the club but in any social situation it's initially the way you are able to interact, if you are a good speaker then you have a better start, and then the character gets more and more visible with time as the relation is progressing. job/occupation is also coming in as important for serious relationships, especially for women, I feel. although there are exceptions, of course - some people we know have it the other way around, she has a very high wage (2.5 times the average wage on here) while he at some point didn't work for about 10 years, but that is a rare exception I guess. so strictly looks seem overrated in men. in women I think it's more appreciated by the men than it is in men appreciated by women, looks I mean.

btw about horses, these are a big thing in my ethnic group, we even have a horse breed with our name (Hutsul) and almost each village has a herd of such horses, with a pro stable working uninterruptedly since late 1700s in my paternal grandad's village, we have a festival around horses etc. so much that some speculated that Hutsuls have some Mongol or Turkic ancestry as well, because of our link to the horses, although we live in the highest portion of habitable Carpathians. well, two cousins of mine have been bitten by horses on separate occasions and one of them died because of it when he was 19 - we used to play football together in the countryside all summers in childhood

That's terrible. Horses are dangerous as they are beautiful.

I used to ride horses all the time as child, but today I am afraid of them. My trainer ear was bitten away by a horse. However all horse centered cultures are very beautiful. Didn't know about such culture among Hutsuls. May your relative rest in peace :(

12-28-2023, 12:22 PM
That's terrible. Horses are dangerous as they are beautiful.

I used to ride horses all the time as child, but today I am afraid of them. My trainer ear was bitten away by a horse. However all horse centered cultures are very beautiful. Didn't know about such culture among Hutsuls. May your relative rest in peace :(

yeah, when I meet Ukrainians they all first mention the Hutsul horses and the Carpathian mountains, this is what they all know about Hutsuls by default. many Romanians start to learn about it as well and mention it. too bad Romania is branding it as a Romanian breed, because it's within its territory, but they never mention the Hutsuls/Ukrainians or how the breed came to be, bred over centuries or over a millennium by the Carpathian (East) Slavs in the northern Carpathians. it's the only internationally recognized breed of horse from Romanian territory so they want exclusivity over it. the same way they are appropriating Hutsul pysanky, the famous Hutsul Easter painted eggs, which are exclusively made by Hutsuls, Romanians don't have this tradition, their painted eggs are very different in everything, style, techniques, patterns, colours etc but they brand ours as Romanian without any mention of Hutsuls/Ukrainians. it's also the Hutsuls' fault, as craftsmen in the community always attend national and international fairs and they are ok with it, as long as they get invited they don't want to start an argument with the MInistry of Culture

12-28-2023, 02:06 PM
Very Interesting thread and @some of the replies lol, Btw they look European af even the brunette guy with extremely tan still look N. W European looks Briton/Germanic mixed to me other Scandinavian.

12-28-2023, 02:07 PM
dunno bout that - women aren't exclusively into looks (like many men are instead xD), looks can help you one night in the club but in any social situation it's initially the way you are able to interact, if you are a good speaker then you have a better start, and then the character gets more and more visible with time as the relation is progressing. job/occupation is also coming in as important for serious relationships, especially for women, I feel. although there are exceptions, of course - some people we know have it the other way around, she has a very high wage (2.5 times the average wage on here) while he at some point didn't work for about 10 years, but that is a rare exception I guess. so strictly looks seem overrated in men. in women I think it's more appreciated by the men than it is in men appreciated by women, looks I mean.

It depends where, in Western world where women earn enough to not need a man to support them and the children, a man's looks are very important for women. In Asia/Africa/Latin America, not so much. It also has to do with the increasing influence of social media and dating apps, where looks are everything.

12-28-2023, 02:09 PM
Noticed that gay men are often above average looking, and ofc above average groomed.

Grooming is for girls, have you seen an ancient warrior with styled haircut? :D

12-28-2023, 02:10 PM
imo the Dutch, looks Dutch/Centraleuro, not Scandinavian- can pass here. the exotic dude- no idea- some new world mix but i would not guess German/Italian

12-28-2023, 02:15 PM
Grooming is for girls, have you seen an ancient warrior with styled haircut? :D

You look well groomed in your pic you last posted.

12-28-2023, 02:21 PM
Very Interesting thread and @some of the replies lol, Btw they look European af even the brunette guy with extremely tan still look N. W European looks Briton/Germanic mixed to me other Scandinavian.

do you find any of them attractive?

12-28-2023, 02:51 PM
do you find any of them attractive?

The brunette, the other gives feminine vibes.

12-28-2023, 03:20 PM
You look well groomed in your pic you last posted.

My hair is thick and it becomes matted if not combed often, it hurts and starts to fall. If I forgot to comb it, I'm reminded by the uneasy feeling. But it's not really styled, neither is my beard, I know guys who visit a hairdresser several times a week :D

fortress europe
12-28-2023, 04:52 PM
"gay horse breeders" that was very funny lool

Atlanto-Faelid and Nordid

brunette guy has indeed a pseudo-exotic vibe in some pictures.

fortress europe
12-28-2023, 05:19 PM
blond guy is definitely the submissive/feminine part in the relationship, while his partner is the protector. His voice and overall behavior gives feminine vibes, but also the blond hair is more associated with light, purity, innocence and fairness. The Heavenly Host in art is almost always depicted as Nordic looking in art.
Dark hair is more chaotic on the other hand. At least that is my impression.

Tooting Carmen
12-29-2023, 10:29 AM
Brunet guy: Med-Faelid mix.
Blond guy: between Faelid and Nordid.

12-29-2023, 10:49 AM
blond guy is definitely the submissive/feminine part in the relationship, while his partner is the protector. His voice and overall behavior gives feminine vibes, but also the blond hair is more associated with light, purity, innocence and fairness. The Heavenly Host in art is almost always depicted as Nordic looking in art.
Dark hair is more chaotic on the other hand. At least that is my impression.

Nice comment! Agree.

12-29-2023, 10:50 AM
Brunet guy: Med-Faelid mix.
Blond guy: between Faelid and Nordid.

find them attractive?

Tooting Carmen
12-29-2023, 11:02 AM
find them attractive?

Blond one yes. I am gonna cause a shit storm, but here goes: I find men who look unambiguously White (aka stereotypical Northern Europeans) or who are very dark-skinned (mainly West Africans and some South Asians) usually more attractive than people who look ambiguous or off-white (many MENAs, many Latin Americans, some Southern Europeans).

12-29-2023, 11:05 AM
Blond one yes. I am gonna cause a shit storm, but here goes: I find men who look unambiguously White (aka stereotypical Northern Europeans) or who are very dark-skinned (mainly West Africans and some South Asians) usually more attractive than people who look ambiguous or off-white (many MENAs, many Latin Americans, some Southern Europeans).

Can agree to extent. I also find blond guy attractive while brunette guy isn't my type. And I can find black skin nilotids attractive (Sudanese, tallest and darkest blacks).

Don't like brown guys with some rare exceptions.

12-29-2023, 11:29 AM
The main dysfunction with gays is that they can't breed. So breeding animals instead is a kind of suitable compensation. :lightbul:

12-29-2023, 11:30 AM
Lol! :lmao:

Tooting Carmen
12-29-2023, 12:15 PM
I should just clarify that I was mostly talking about men earlier on. With women it is almost the opposite: las Latinas si son las mejores. :thumb001:

12-29-2023, 12:31 PM
The main dysfunction with gays is that they can't breed. So breeding animals instead is a kind of suitable compensation. :lightbul:


12-29-2023, 12:58 PM
Oh ok... lol I was about to ask what they need gay horses for :laugh:

12-29-2023, 01:06 PM
Oh ok... lol I was about to ask why they need gay horses for :laugh:

Gay horses would be a beneficial business! :)

This is just like when Monsanto sells seeds that can hardly be reproduced, so that the user cannot produce the future seeds himself, but has to buy new ones from Monsanto again and again.

12-31-2023, 01:27 AM
Can agree to extent. I also find blond guy attractive while brunette guy isn't my type. And I can find black skin nilotids attractive (Sudanese, tallest and darkest blacks).

Any example?

12-31-2023, 03:04 AM
Off topic
I don't know why, but even if they don't have a particularly effeminate voice, even without knowing they're gay, I would have a doubt about their sexual orientation (the way they move, their gestures, their way of speaking).
Cos they look pretty gay

Tooting Carmen
01-17-2024, 09:15 PM
Can agree to extent. I also find blond guy attractive while brunette guy isn't my type. And I can find black skin nilotids attractive (Sudanese, tallest and darkest blacks).

Don't like brown guys with some rare exceptions.

Here is an example of two 'extremes' that I both like. :)
