View Full Version : The New Year Eve Thread

12-30-2023, 09:37 PM
Tomorrow is finally the last day of the year!!

This Thread is about to share:

Where are you planning to go during the new years eve? Or are you spending it relaxed at home? Maybe with friends or family members?

Do you think 2023 was a good year for you?

What about 2024 what plans do you have for it? ;)

I will start myself. Like every new year eve i spend it with my dad in a friend house, we dinner there, we talk about what plans do we have for next year, sometimes we play videogames there and then we eat the grapes and we usually sleep there too.

For me 2023 was just a normal year nothing new or very interesting for me tbh. For next year i will likely have more work and i will probably be less active here than usual.

And of course happy new year to everyone and i wish to all of you a good and prosperous 2024

12-30-2023, 09:43 PM
We have party in my neighbor garage. His wife is exturbofolk singer, i sing decent, we stockpiled Zlatiborska rakija, Prvijenac and Skenderbeg cognac so we will make some wedding atmosphere.
2023. was great since i finally ended my nonfunctional marriage, moved out of Chicago and met some great people.
I only see present so i don't plan.

12-30-2023, 09:51 PM

12-30-2023, 10:23 PM
Where are you planning to go during the new years eve? Or are you spending it relaxed at home? Maybe with friends or family members?
I'll most probably spend it relaxed at home, however I'll go out to watch the fireworks. There will be some tasty food. I don't think I will have any alcohol or too much food (I've spent the Christmas stuck in bed, I don't wanna repeat the experience on the New Year too xD ).

Do you think 2023 was a good year for you?
It was definitely not a bad year compared to others, but I've kept the status quo. Every now and then, changes are needed.

What about 2024 what plans do you have for it? ;)
I had postponed something that I had planed, for years, so I hope 2024 will be the time in which I'll see that plan materialize. But I will not talk about it, before it will actually happen.

And of course happy new year to everyone and i wish to all of you a good and prosperous 2024
May every wish of yours get fulfilled in the upcoming year and may 2024 bring you all happiness, peace, and prosperity!


12-30-2023, 10:28 PM
Tomorrow evening I will do some Bleigiessen with the hubby. I am thankful that we have not been invited to any parties and get-togethers.

2023 wasn't a good year but I have the hubby by my side. Together we can handle anything.

2024? We'll just have to wait and see. I don't make resolutions.



12-30-2023, 10:38 PM
This will be my jam for the New Year :)

12-30-2023, 10:43 PM
Happy New Year, Beowulf!

I have a longstanding tradition of falling asleep before midnight on New Years eve, so I expect no less of myself this year.

2023 was a fine year, myself and my family had good health so that is number 1.

2024, I just hope to watch my kids continue to prosper and grow.

12-30-2023, 11:08 PM
Tomorrow evening I will do some Bleigiessen with the hubby.

Cool! First time I've heard of this, I just searched quickly. It says that it's used for predicting the fortune of the coming year. Will you use lead, or other materials?

Scarface F
12-30-2023, 11:15 PM
Tomorrow I am traveling to Zagreb to spend new year with Croatian-American girl from California I met this summer for first time on my island and she is absolutely lovely. Her American friends will be there too as well as my rural NW Croat friend who actually had adventure with her this summer :p

She rents a flat in very centre of the city, with stunning views, and we will likely go out to some concert tomorrow. I am afraid of firecrackers sound very much but hope there won't be too much because they are banned as far as I am aware.

Prepared bottle of Jameson for my friends and I don't plan to drink a lot :)

As for wishes, may Lord protect my family and all the good people. Happy new Year.

12-30-2023, 11:28 PM
Where are you planning to go during the new years eve? Or are you spending it relaxed at home? Maybe with friends or family members?

I'll drink, that's for sure. Don't know the rest yet.

Do you think 2023 was a good year for you?

It was transitional.

What about 2024 what plans do you have for it? ;)

Main plan is to leave Peru.

12-30-2023, 11:47 PM
Where are you planning to go during the new years eve? Or are you spending it relaxed at home? Maybe with friends or family members?

I am going to party with my bf as always, after that back to home to spend time just together.

Do you think 2023 was a good year for you?

Not good, not bad, nothing speacial.

What about 2024 what plans do you have for it? ;)

Just 10 cigarette per day, instead of 20 like now.
Healthier foods, i eat tons of fast food.
To get college degree, this is my last year in the school.
Personal development, much less stress, verbal aggressiveness, angry outbursts.
I want to read more books

Happy New Year :)

12-30-2023, 11:57 PM
May your New Year be filled with the joy of unraveling the intricate codes of life as you delve into the mysteries of genetics with the precision of a Vahaduo calculator. May each classification in physical anthropology bring you excitement and discovery. Here's to a year of unraveling more strands of knowledge and celebrating the beauty of diversity! Happy New Year anthrotards, autosmaltards and haplotards!

33. As above, so below.

Peace and fiend-ship.


12-31-2023, 12:28 AM
I work at night so I will have dinner at work with my coworkers.:icon_neutral:

12-31-2023, 12:31 AM
Where are you planning to go during the new years eve? Or are you spending it relaxed at home? Maybe with friends or family members?
For the time around New Year's Eve, I am on vacation with my twin sister and my stepbrother,
and with 2 girlfriends who live in Brazil, one is Brazilian, one is Brazilian American from Miami,
we are at a beach house halfway between Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.
I do not have much time here unfortunately,
but I am mostly spending the time swimming at the beach (the water is excellent, warm and shallow) and in the pool. :)

It is summer, the weather is warm and rainy, cloudy, tropical.

I will have a bonfire outdoors at night, but I love bonfires at night all year,
even in tropical climates, even in rain (protected from rain),
I love to see flames at night.

Do you think 2023 was a good year for you?
Yes it was an improvement in many ways for me over 2022,
but it was still very volatile and next year is likely to be VERY volatile economically.

What about 2024 what plans do you have for it? ;)
Making more money (selling more real estate),
and being prepared to begin buying discounted real estate if the market collapses

12-31-2023, 12:31 AM
[CENTER]Do you think 2023 was a good year for you?

In the economic aspect it has been good, in everything else... it has just not been.

about 2024 what plans do you have for it? ;)

Just 10 cigarette per day, instead of 20 like now.
Happy New Year :)

I want to stop smoking once and for all.

[B]And of course happy new year to everyone and i wish to all of you a good and prosperous 2024

Happy New Year for you too Beowulf, and as I quote Blondie Happy New year for you too and good luck reducing the number of cigarettes per day.

12-31-2023, 12:33 AM
Nice PFP. Is it Temari?

12-31-2023, 12:35 AM
Nice PFP. Is it Temari?

I don't know anything about anime, I was searching for a blonde who looks like me without glasses :)

I know the rifle is a Mauser and that is all, I lost the source of the image

12-31-2023, 12:43 AM
I work at night so I will have dinner at work with my coworkers.:icon_neutral:

Happened to me quite a lot too. Even when it was not ideal I have fond memories now.

12-31-2023, 12:52 AM
Nothing terribly special. I'll be with my family and I'll write down and reflect on my goals :) I'm also going to wish for a good 2024 and for good things to come!

12-31-2023, 12:58 AM
Where are you planning to go during the new years eve? Or are you spending it relaxed at home? Maybe with friends or family members?

Family visiting and a famiy get together at home with nice food and booze - maybe a cigar.

Do you think 2023 was a good year for you?
It was much better for me than 2022 and 2021...it was not a bad year personally but the world has been falling apart
even more and everything has become way more expensive this year. Other wise I have a lot to be thankfull for.

What about 2024 what plans do you have for it? ;)
I hope these wars come to an end and that the Warmongers are not putting us all at risk of a ww3.
Personally getting back into physical fitness, maybe some overseas travel, maybe some buisiness endeavour -pursuit,
we will see how things play out.

I will start myself. Like every new year eve i spend it with my dad in a friend house, we dinner there, we talk about what plans do we have for next year, sometimes we play videogames there and then we eat the grapes and we usually sleep there too.
For me 2023 was just a normal year nothing new or very interesting for me tbh. For next year i will likely have more work and i will probably be less active here than usual.
Hope you have a great time celebrating with your Dad and company, doing similiar get together with my Dad and Family.

Happy New Year to all TA ,Best wishes for 2024 , Hopefully Peace and Prosperity.

12-31-2023, 01:01 AM
Hope you have a great time celebrating with your Dad and company, doing similiar get together with my Dad and Family.

Yes i do. I've been celebrating new years eve with him since i was a child :)

12-31-2023, 01:17 AM
I`m gonna spend New Year`s Eve at home with my cat, cozily with the fireplace lit up. Since it`s her first new years celebration it`ll be stressfull enough for her already with the fireworks going on, so I decided to not have anyone over additionally.

I`d say the year was actually pretty cool to me, especially the ending. Looking forward towards a good and productive 2024. As for new years resolutions, I dont have any (maybe finding that special someone. With everything else settled I`m beginning to feel flirty again), since I`ve actually managed to fulfill all of them this year already.

Wishing you all a good and healthy new year, friends!

Edit: I`ll also have my TA anniversary in three days, woohoo!

12-31-2023, 01:25 AM
I`m gonna spend New Year`s Eve at home with my cat, cozily with the fireplace lit up. Since it`s her first new years celebration it`ll be stressfull enough for her already with the fireworks going on, so I decided to not have anyone over additionally.

I`d say the year was actually pretty cool to me, especially the ending. Looking forward towards a good and productive 2024. As for new years resolutions, I dont have any, since I`ve actually managed to fulfill all of them this year already.

Wishing you all a good and healthy new year, friends!

Congratulations to your cat for having an owner like you.

I wish you the best for next year.

12-31-2023, 01:28 AM
Congratulations to your cat for having an owner like you.

I wish you the best for next year.

Thanks, I wish you the same, tio Gixajo! :D

12-31-2023, 11:38 AM

12-31-2023, 11:43 AM

12-31-2023, 12:03 PM
Cool! First time I've heard of this, I just searched quickly. It says that it's used for predicting the fortune of the coming year. Will you use lead, or other materials?

I use just lead. Lead is the tradition and I go with lead. I know sometimes they use wax too, but I like to keep the pours.

I don't just look at the shape the lead makes on its own. I also darken the room and shine a torch behind it for it to cast a shadow on the wall. The shape is irregular, so it produces some very interesting shadows too.

12-31-2023, 12:06 PM
We are spending it exclusively with family this year. We plan to have a large dinner, do the traditional Greek vasilopita thing and then go out and watch some fireworks.

12-31-2023, 12:13 PM
I`m gonna spend New Year`s Eve at home with my cat, cozily with the fireplace lit up. Since it`s her first new years celebration it`ll be stressfull enough for her already with the fireworks going on, so I decided to not have anyone over additionally.

I`d say the year was actually pretty cool to me, especially the ending. Looking forward towards a good and productive 2024. As for new years resolutions, I dont have any (maybe finding that special someone. With everything else settled I`m beginning to feel flirty again), since I`ve actually managed to fulfill all of them this year already.

Wishing you all a good and healthy new year, friends!

Edit: I`ll also have my TA anniversary in three days, woohoo!

Catnip toys and a pherormone spray on her favourite blanket might make it easier for her to get distracted from the fireworks.

12-31-2023, 12:31 PM
Im at home I eat and listen to music later I will have some drinks maybe watch a movie or TV Happy new year

https://i.ibb.co/Wn3kvXk/IMG-20231231-WA0002.jpg (https://ibb.co/b13s5Vs)
https://i.ibb.co/1mjWWtr/Newyears20232024.jpg (https://ibb.co/sVzYYdK)

12-31-2023, 12:35 PM
Yeah my NY is over - usual really i cooked the BBQ and we had the vasilopita and played cards with the kids with monopoly money and took all my money of course....they're all asleep and so is the wife now and im into my 4th glass of wine.. maybe 5th can't remember......

12-31-2023, 12:39 PM
Yeah my NY is over - usual really i cooked the BBQ and we had the vasilopita and played cards with the kids with monopoly money and took all my money of course....they're all asleep and so is the wife now and im into my 4th glass of wine.. maybe 5th can't remember......

Nice what is the vasilopita if I may ask?

12-31-2023, 12:40 PM
Nice what is the vasilopita if I may ask?


12-31-2023, 12:45 PM
Cooked surf n' turf for the family.

Now, whiskey and cigar time.

12-31-2023, 12:54 PM
As lame as it sounds, tonight and next year will be business as usual for me. I'm just going to be at home, maybe have a glass of my homemade wine, and hopefully be in bed by 10. :old

12-31-2023, 02:13 PM
As lame as it sounds, tonight and next year will be business as usual for me. I'm just going to be at home, maybe have a glass of my homemade wine, and hopefully be in bed by 10. :old

We got this Mang.

12-31-2023, 04:46 PM
Bonne année !

12-31-2023, 04:48 PM
I just watched the Professor and the madman good movie then had two glasses of red wine

12-31-2023, 04:50 PM
I'm going with my friends to New Year's Eve in a restaurant with live music. I'll be heading there in two hours.

Happy New Year, Apricitians! :cheers:

12-31-2023, 10:30 PM
Happy new Year!!! in Spain is already 2024