View Full Version : Classify a Brunn looking Israeli girl

01-02-2024, 02:13 PM
She looks completely British/Irish


Tooting Carmen
01-02-2024, 02:22 PM
Ashkenazim practised OWD en masse all those centuries spent in exile. xD

01-02-2024, 04:05 PM
Slightly Armenized Brunn

01-02-2024, 04:08 PM
looks more like an alpinized (because of Dinaric admix) Borreby to me

01-02-2024, 04:27 PM
looks more like an alpinized (because of Dinaric admix) Borreby to me

Could have borreby influence I agree, brunns are variable anyway and you have longer and shorter headed varieties, the Irish brunns are more similar metrically to borrebies than the British brunns.

01-02-2024, 06:26 PM
Borreby maybe instead of Brunn or Alpine. I'd not guess Jewish.

01-02-2024, 06:46 PM
Borreby maybe instead of Brunn or Alpine. I'd not guess Jewish.

I think borrebies have flatter faces and more pseudo Mongol looks, brunns and borrebies do overlap a lot here in Britain which makes sense as they are both UP types, only faelids are more distinct because of their square features.

01-03-2024, 07:51 AM
I think borrebies have flatter faces and more pseudo Mongol looks, brunns and borrebies do overlap a lot here in Britain which makes sense as they are both UP types, only faelids are more distinct because of their square features.


01-03-2024, 08:16 PM
Doesn't look off-Jewish to me.

01-03-2024, 08:19 PM
Doesn't look off-Jewish to me.

That's because many Jews or so called Jews can have UP phenotypes.

01-03-2024, 08:23 PM
Cheek shape looks Semitic to me. Also the mouth.

01-03-2024, 08:42 PM
Cheek shape looks Semitic to me. Also the mouth.

She may have some deviations due to East Med influence but among Jews I would still be inclined to associate the face specifically with Eastern Ashkenazim. Not really a pan-Jewish look although I have not encountered many Sephardim or Mizrahim in real life.

01-04-2024, 12:08 AM
Love the Jews and Israel, but a few of ashkenazim do call themselves exclusively "Jewish" for oppression points (just coz they have a jewish great grandmother). It's pretty pathetic and also a form of cultural appropriation. This woman is probably anglo saxon who has minor Jewish in her. She is probably in the likes of Emily hand, a poor Hamas child hostage, and an Irish Israeli who looks...Irish asf:


Like come on, these anglo/borreby looking israeli "jews" are hardly ethnic Jewish! They're half or a quarter Jewish, and that's what they should be called!

01-04-2024, 01:27 AM
Love the Jews and Israel, but a few of ashkenazim do call themselves exclusively "Jewish" for oppression points (just coz they have a jewish great grandmother). It's pretty pathetic and also a form of cultural appropriation. This woman is probably anglo saxon who has minor Jewish in her. She is probably in the likes of Emily hand, a poor Hamas child hostage, and an Irish Israeli who looks...Irish asf:


Like come on, these anglo/borreby looking israeli "jews" are hardly ethnic Jewish! They're half or a quarter Jewish, and that's what they should be called!

We can’t make assumptions yet without their full names and identities which are currently unrevealed. Hin the mother does not look atypical for an Ashkenazi Jew or possibly even other Jews. Ajam could just be an atypical more Northern Euro looking individual and not necessarily the product of recent intermarriage.

Jewish ethnicity in Israel is closely tied to Halachic status. Hand might be considered fully ethnically Jewish due to her Jewish Israeli mother despite the Irish gentile father. Genetic heritage alone not being a traditional basis for Jewish ethnicity. In the West there might be some of mixed ancestry who identify with their Jewish ancestry primarily out of a desire to be associated with what they perceive as a marginalized group. I‘m not sure if that case would apply at all in an Israeli context where Jews are the majority. Some variation in phenotype or genetics would not make their Israeli Jewish identity cultural appropriation.

01-04-2024, 07:51 AM
Love the Jews and Israel, but a few of ashkenazim do call themselves exclusively "Jewish" for oppression points (just coz they have a jewish great grandmother). It's pretty pathetic and also a form of cultural appropriation. This woman is probably anglo saxon who has minor Jewish in her. She is probably in the likes of Emily hand, a poor Hamas child hostage, and an Irish Israeli who looks...Irish asf:


Like come on, these anglo/borreby looking israeli "jews" are hardly ethnic Jewish! They're half or a quarter Jewish, and that's what they should be called!

People are what they are, but the woman doesn't really looks Irish to me. In fact, I used to know a Sephardi young girl that looks just like her.

Droopy almond eye shape and thick round eyebrows are both very Semitic, also the high round forehead and high cheekbones.

01-04-2024, 08:14 AM
People are what they are, but the woman doesn't really looks Irish to me. In fact, I used to know a Sephardi young girl that looks just like her.

Droopy almond eye shape and thick round eyebrows are both very Semitic, also the high round forehead and high cheekbones.

Emily's mother Raya Rotem is Israeli Jewish. Her husband Thomas Hand is a gentile from the Dublin area (Dún Laoghaire) who moved to Israel to volunteer on a kibbutz and later married.

This is the father and daughter together:
https://i.ibb.co/KsG3MxY/thomas-hand-e1701009308166.webp (https://imgbb.com/)

She reminds me in that photo with the father a bit of Alma Deutscher who is half English half Ashkenazi which is similar to Emily's background:
https://i.ibb.co/ncdRR8n/Untitled.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

01-04-2024, 08:32 AM
Emily's mother Raya Rotem is Israeli Jewish. Her husband Thomas Hand is a gentile from the Dublin area (Dún Laoghaire) who moved to Israel to volunteer on a kibbutz and later married.

This is the father and daughter together:
https://i.ibb.co/KsG3MxY/thomas-hand-e1701009308166.webp (https://imgbb.com/)

She reminds me in that photo with the father a bit of Alma Deutscher who is half English half Ashkenazi which is similar to Emily's background:
https://i.ibb.co/ncdRR8n/Untitled.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

Yes, the child looking undoubtedly mixed. But her Jewish features still shows.
Alma Deutscher looks more gentile to me. I don't really see any Jewish features there.