View Full Version : Where specifically would this iconic nordid afghan fit in scandanvia?

01-10-2024, 11:37 PM

He is a very textbook nordic for his country, rare phenotype among them for sure

01-10-2024, 11:39 PM
Can we have a different picture please? anyway perhaps he might pass in Denmark, my dad looked similar to him and was of Danish ancestry

01-10-2024, 11:41 PM
This is maybe the tenth time I’m seeing this dude.

01-10-2024, 11:44 PM
This is maybe the tenth time I’m seeing this dude.


01-10-2024, 11:45 PM
Can we have a different picture please? anyway perhaps he might pass in Denmark, my dad looked similar to him and was of Danish ancestry

Yes here you go


Where do you think he passes most in Europe, west, north or east?

01-10-2024, 11:49 PM
Yes here you go


Where do you think he passes most in Europe, west, north or east?

west and north

01-11-2024, 12:06 AM
west and north

Where specifically, norway, England or Denmark, where does he pass the most

01-11-2024, 12:23 AM
Where specifically, norway, England or Denmark, where does he pass the most

England then Denmark

01-11-2024, 01:32 AM
Stop jerking off to Europe. Not only they don't want you, you don't want them either hun (I thought we're hedonistic creeps?). If you hate the west then stop passing Ashkenazi looking afghans in the west? Makes you look desperate

01-11-2024, 01:52 AM
Stop jerking off to Europe. Not only they don't want you, you don't want them either hun (I thought we're hedonistic creeps?). If you hate the west then stop passing Ashkenazi looking afghans in the west? Makes you look desperate

1. He doesn't look Ashkenazi
2.he looks more european than you and your entire family
3.if you think he doesn't look nordic or scando than you should leave this forum, you don't know anything about phenotypes

01-11-2024, 04:09 AM
1. He doesn't look Ashkenazi
2.he looks more european than you and your entire family
3.if you think he doesn't look nordic or scando than you should leave this forum, you don't know anything about phenotypes
1. He does, same way he looks northern European. Two things can be right at the same time, western envier
2. Don't care. I don't get wet for my race like you do. Oh wait, it's not your race. It's a race you beg to be which you'll never be, my terrorist friend.
3. He still looks more Ashkenazi, but this doesn't mean he can't pass anywhere else, camel humper

01-11-2024, 04:50 AM
Stop jerking off to Europe. Not only they don't want you, you don't want them either hun (I thought we're hedonistic creeps?). If you hate the west then stop passing Ashkenazi looking afghans in the west? Makes you look desperate

big facts

01-12-2024, 12:54 AM
big facts

Tell your friends irl that you visit this forum and you love phenotypes, lmao

01-12-2024, 12:55 AM
1. He does, same way he looks northern European. Two things can be right at the same time, western envier
2. Don't care. I don't get wet for my race like you do. Oh wait, it's not your race. It's a race you beg to be which you'll never be, my terrorist friend.
3. He still looks more Ashkenazi, but this doesn't mean he can't pass anywhere else, camel humper

Lmao of he looks Ashkenazi than so does 80 percent of scandanvians, you legit don't know anything about phenotype, stop creating your self made nonsensical concept like that, like nobody agrees with you

01-12-2024, 06:19 AM
Lmao of he looks Ashkenazi than so does 80 percent of scandanvians, you legit don't know anything about phenotype, stop creating your self made nonsensical concept like that, like nobody agrees with you
Nope, he still has something eastern about him (maybe he fits better as Circassian than Ashkenazi), but this doesn't mean he'll be completely atypical in Scandinavia! Shut the fuck up and allow people to have their own opinions you white wannabe desert boy! If you hate people's opinions then don't make these fucking threads, "Irish boy".:bored:

01-12-2024, 06:24 AM
He doesn't look anything like an Ashkenazi.

01-12-2024, 08:13 AM
This is maybe the tenth time I’m seeing this dude.

I've seen him so many times that he's like he's part of my family.:D

I like "Scandanvia", beautiful place.

01-12-2024, 09:16 AM
He passes best in Northern France, NW Germany, Ireland, Scotland, England. I dont see him that Scando looking with that sad eyes and craggy chiseled face (yeah, they do have it here and there but its not stereotypical)- but best pass would be Norway and Iceland.

01-12-2024, 11:13 AM
Can you stop spamming these? Im getting tired of seeing these now.

Youre the reason why people joke about afghans and owdism.
Stop spamming these men and jerk off to them yourself in private

01-12-2024, 10:13 PM
Nope, he still has something eastern about him (maybe he fits better as Circassian than Ashkenazi), but this doesn't mean he'll be completely atypical in Scandinavia! Shut the fuck up and allow people to have their own opinions you white wannabe desert boy! If you hate people's opinions then don't make these fucking threads, "Irish boy".:bored:

Hahahahahaha, lmao you moon face, this dude isn't something to have an opinion about, look at the chat, everyone agrees he only passes as germanic, majority over minoirity, I win, he will only pass as circissian as soon as dolph lundgren looks Somalian

01-12-2024, 10:14 PM
Can you stop spamming these? Im getting tired of seeing these now.

Youre the reason why people joke about afghans and owdism.
Stop spamming these men and jerk off to them yourself in private

Pipe down, nobody is even talking to you weirdo

01-12-2024, 10:34 PM
Stop jerking off to Europe. Not only they don't want you, you don't want them either hun (I thought we're hedonistic creeps?). If you hate the west then stop passing Ashkenazi looking afghans in the west? Makes you look desperate

This Ashkenazi resemblance is largely because of the downward nasal tip, correct?

I addressed this with you before:

The one atypical feature he has is a somewhat downward inclining nasal tip. Only 1.7% of Hooton and Dupertuis Irish male county series shared this feature. Varying degrees of nasal convexity is common in the Irish population (40.2% of Hooton and Dupertuis male series) but the nasal tip is usually still at least horizontal.

It is odd though that you associate him specifically with Ashkenazi even viewing this feature in isolation because it is very common among European Dinarics for example.

What makes you associate this look more with Ashkenazi than say Albanians?

01-12-2024, 10:42 PM
I might actually lose it if i see one more thread glorifying European looking Afghans. Love to them, but we know the intention when it's posted. What about darker skinned Pashtuns, what about Hazaras, Uzbeks, Tajiks....stunning beauties from them (and they're the VAST majority of afghans as well!).

Here are some non-European looking Afghans, beautiful people.





01-12-2024, 11:14 PM
I might actually lose it if i see one more thread glorifying European looking Afghans. Love to them, but we know the intention when it's posted. What about darker skinned Pashtuns, what about Hazaras, Uzbeks, Tajiks....stunning beauties from them (and they're the VAST majority of afghans as well!).

Here are some non-European looking Afghans, beautiful people.





Who cares, european looking afghans stand out since it's unusual and a foreign looks, especially the germanic phenotypes present among some central asians

01-12-2024, 11:15 PM
This Ashkenazi resemblance is largely because of the downward nasal tip, correct?

I addressed this with you before:

What makes you associate this look more with Ashkenazi than say Albanians?

He still looks germanic despite the Nasal tip

01-12-2024, 11:17 PM
He still looks germanic despite the Nasal tip

He could pass as part Jewish as well

01-12-2024, 11:19 PM
He could pass as part Jewish as well

Probably not, only thing probably "jewish" about him is the nose which Is overlookable

01-13-2024, 12:19 AM
Hahahahahaha, lmao you moon face, this dude isn't something to have an opinion about, look at the chat, everyone agrees he only passes as germanic, majority over minoirity, I win, he will only pass as circissian as soon as dolph lundgren looks Somalian
Two things can be right at the same time you booboo. I won't drop dead if he says he's a Nordic god even, but he does posses eastern traits as well. Who gives a shit

01-13-2024, 09:11 AM
Pipe down, nobody is even talking to you weirdo

But people are starting to joke about afghans and owdism. All because of you.

Stop spamming these threads. You can admire these men in private. No one need to keep seeing these pictures we seen 100 times already

01-13-2024, 09:57 AM
This Ashkenazi resemblance is largely because of the downward nasal tip, correct?

I addressed this with you before:

What makes you associate this look more with Ashkenazi than say Albanians?

his nose is typical Irano-afgan, but more thinner/ less prominent (so more European passing). Does not look Jewish, although Jews do have Iranid influenced individuals- those look different. Obv. i cannot stop some posters here saying all Dinarics/Meds or Nordids even look like Jews, everybody is entitled to their subjective opinion.

01-13-2024, 05:57 PM
Made me think of this Scottish vegan youtuber


01-18-2024, 10:57 PM
But people are starting to joke about afghans and owdism. All because of you.

Stop spamming these threads. You can admire these men in private. No one need to keep seeing these pictures we seen 100 times already

dude, i could care less if idiots make fun of afghans, i do what i need to and i move on, stop being a snowflake and learn to ignore dumbasses like that, they literally attack me without understanding my actual motive which i will not elaborate on since people who tend to apprehend me arent worth my time at all, keep on being presumptuous and keep on being angry

01-19-2024, 12:21 PM
dude, i could care less if idiots make fun of afghans, i do what i need to and i move on, stop being a snowflake and learn to ignore dumbasses like that, they literally attack me without understanding my actual motive which i will not elaborate on since people who tend to apprehend me arent worth my time at all, keep on being presumptuous and keep on being angry

Because youre larping as Irish and keeps spamming the same threads, thats why.
Jerk off to these men in private, no one needs to see 100 more pics. We get it, there are blonde Pakistanis and afghans, how
People thinks afghans wants to be nordic, because youre thirsty after blonde pakistanis.

Youre not afghan either, so you dont care. Idk what you are, but no one needs to see 100 of threads with the same pakistanis and afghans. You dont "need" to do anything.
Stop it

01-19-2024, 04:36 PM
Because youre larping as Irish and keeps spamming the same threads, thats why.
Jerk off to these men in private, no one needs to see 100 more pics. We get it, there are blonde Pakistanis and afghans, how
People thinks afghans wants to be nordic, because youre thirsty after blonde pakistanis.

Youre not afghan either, so you dont care. Idk what you are, but no one needs to see 100 of threads with the same pakistanis and afghans. You dont "need" to do anything.
Stop it

He doesn't care because he's not Afghan. I am genuinely curious as to where he is from though.