View Full Version : Mortimer Status Update:

01-11-2024, 04:10 AM
Mortimer is considering leaving this forum for good because some members misrepresent him as an antisocial and he wants to be respected more. He messaged me on Facebook how it would be a pity to leave after over 14 years but if the negative perception of him has fully solidified there is no point continuing.

He explains the context for his use of Nazi imagery which is the cause for his current ban. In the past he felt that as he has experienced prejudice and discriminatory language as a Romani member on the forum without it being properly addressed it should be acceptable for him to associate with extremists who were also antiziganistic. The intention was not simply to be provocative for attention like some suggest but to achieve a sense of equity. He has decided that this phase is over and that if he can't be given a fair chance it is not even worth it to act out.

He has a psychiatric diagnosis that impacts his ability to be independent in society. This does not indicate any criminal involvement. Judgment over this is a factor that can contribute to resentment. If you respect his boundaries he will mutually respect your boundaries. Similar to the antiziganism issue it is a matter of equity.

Mortimer promises to rectify his controversial behaviors and hopes that the forum will respond accordingly with more tolerance. Please be open to this when he returns next Wednesday.

01-11-2024, 04:46 AM
He's a good and funny guy. People who discriminate against him are bullies. I like him and support him. The way people talk to Mortimer reminds me of the way some people here in Finland discriminate against Romanis. They shouldn't treat him like that.

01-11-2024, 04:51 AM
Ask him to come back and behave normally, and people will accept him.

He should take part in normal discussions related to history, genetics, culture, politics, wars ... what others do here, instead of using this place to show us his nazi cosplay costume collection.

01-11-2024, 04:57 AM

01-11-2024, 05:29 AM
Mortimer's temporary ban is only for a week. I do hope Mortimer comes back. I like Mortimer. I remember him when he was Inquiring Mind many years ago on another forum.

01-11-2024, 06:43 AM
Okay guys, pls stop this bullshit.

The problem with Mortimer is not his race, but his vermin lifestyle and he provoke others all the time with this freeloader lifestyle. Sometimes he is fanatic nazi, in next day he became a woke anti-white snowflake and he start to crying. Other times he is posting such threads like "rate my sister" or "rate my mom", or he writes such comments like he finds 12 years old childs as sexually appealing. This is the f*cking problem with Mortimer, not his gypsy ancestry. He is doing these things to get attention. This the meaning of his existence here: the attention.

The member status of Mortimer is totally irrelevant. Old membership does not make you better than others. He wanna leave? Okay, just like several members have left the forum because of Mortimer, like Nittonia (now she is back) or that american-greek girl, i dont remember her name and many others. Mortimer harassed them all the time. And if he is in trouble, he always says "im innocent because of my mental illness" to avoid responsibility. Once Mortimer sexually harassed Nittonia and he said dont tell it to admins, i dont wanna get trouble, so Morti is fully aware what he is doing.

"Mortimer promises to rectify his controversial behaviors"

Sure, he already promised it millions of times.

01-11-2024, 09:12 AM
„Mortimer status update“ ahahahahahahahahhahahaha

01-11-2024, 09:17 AM
Mortimer's problem is his absolutely disgusting behaviour, not his ancestry.

01-11-2024, 09:18 AM
I must be the only woman on the forum he HASN'T hit on. I feel left out. :sad:

01-11-2024, 10:45 AM
I must be the only woman on the forum he HASN'T hit on. I feel left out. :sad:

I was never hit on either.

01-11-2024, 10:47 AM
I was never hit on either.

Let's drink vodka and commiserate. :icon_drunk:

01-11-2024, 10:52 AM
Do you really find all this online flirting flattering?

Your Old Comrade
01-11-2024, 10:57 AM
I ran out of fucks to give. Can anyone lend me some ?

01-11-2024, 11:20 AM
I found the latest bursts of hatred against Mortimer exaggerated and partly not well founded and I was surprised about the amount when well the avalanche had started. I even gave him one or another like when he replied and had a point. A lot of pityful intolerance appeared and a mob evolved that threw stones. But I've no utopic motivation to change the mental characteristics of man. I'm fine with observing and learning.

Mortimer will simply have to stand how the world works which includes unfair accusations. And if he keeps to fulfill the requirements from the forum moderation he can participate.

Simple as that.

Nobody has to "accept" him. Nobody has to "accept" me or anyone else. We are all free humans.

Nothing to pity. Nuff said. Re-open the arena and let out the attention-whoring Gypsy bull! ;)

01-11-2024, 11:43 AM
Without pointing any fingers, I suspect that some people want him back because he fits the role of the local "village idiot", so they can feel better with themselves by decree of comparison.

For the sake of his mental illness, he should at least consider taking a break, otherwise I concur with the Dutchman about zero fucks given.

01-11-2024, 11:43 AM
He's a nutcase

01-11-2024, 02:27 PM
He's a nutcase

So what? He's triggering to discuss a number of interesting topics that nobody else would do. Sometimes you need nutcases.

01-11-2024, 02:29 PM
Do you really find all this online flirting flattering?

No. We were just wondering why Morti loves the other girls and not us. It's not nice feeling like chopped liver. If the village idiot doesn't even like you, what chance do you have in life?

I ran out of fucks to give. Can anyone lend me some ?

My fuck farm is empty too. Sorry.

01-11-2024, 02:29 PM
Without pointing any fingers, I suspect that some people want him back because he fits the role of the local "village idiot", so they can feel better with themselves by decree of comparison.

For the sake of his mental illness, he should at least consider taking a break, otherwise I concur with the Dutchman about zero fucks given.

Yeah, Mortimer protects the bottom level so everyone can feel better. :p

01-11-2024, 02:31 PM
No. We were just wondering why Morti loves the other girls and not us. It's not nice feeling like chopped liver. If the village idiot doesn't even like you, what chance do you have in life?

My fuck farm is empty too. Sorry.

You have a vitalising lack of Anglo (Albionic) hypocrisy. :)

01-11-2024, 02:35 PM
Without pointing any fingers, I suspect that some people want him back because he fits the role of the local "village idiot", so they can feel better with themselves by decree of comparison.

Online bully mentality always seeks easier targets.

01-11-2024, 02:41 PM
I must be the only woman on the forum he HASN'T hit on. I feel left out. :sad:

Believe me average heterosexual male find It a huge turn off when it's the other way around, meaning when women are the ones In hunting mode specially If they are Insecure about their manhood.

01-11-2024, 02:43 PM
No. We were just wondering why Morti loves the other girls and not us. It's not nice feeling like chopped liver. If the village idiot doesn't even like you, what chance do you have in life?

My fuck farm is empty too. Sorry.

I already mentioned why.

01-11-2024, 03:01 PM
Believe me average heterosexual male find It a huge turn off when it's the other way around, meaning when women are the ones In hunting mode specially If they are Insecure about their manhood.

Men don't like it when women are in hunting mode? Did I read you correctly?

fortress europe
01-11-2024, 03:03 PM
He's alive! Do not worry :-)

01-11-2024, 03:06 PM
No. We were just wondering why Morti loves the other girls and not us. It's not nice feeling like chopped liver. If the village idiot doesn't even like you, what chance do you have in life?

My fuck farm is empty too. Sorry.

Morti, bless his simple heart, mistook your mischievousness for eccentricity.
Your minds held secrets beyond his comprehension. In his eyes, you were enigmas, not options on a menu, waiting for a discerning palate to unlock your flavor.

01-11-2024, 03:09 PM
Men don't like it when women are in hunting mode? Did I read you correctly?

Like we see hunting women everywhere with scoped rifles on their back. (:

01-11-2024, 03:09 PM
Believe me average heterosexual male find It a huge turn off when it's the other way around, meaning when women are the ones In hunting mode specially If they are Insecure about their manhood.

Men never really hunt, women pretend to be prey to trap the hunter.

01-11-2024, 03:10 PM
Men don't like it when women are in hunting mode? Did I read you correctly?

Yes, speaking from seen experience one of my closest friend Is a thug and very straight but once told me he was at a bar drinking with some friends and saw a girl thought was cute later the girl was drunk came up to him and started heavily flirting and he said it was a turn off.

01-11-2024, 03:10 PM
Men never really hunt, women pretend to be prey to trap the hunter.

Maybe, maybe not.

01-11-2024, 03:12 PM
Yes, speaking from seen experience one of my closest friend Is a thug and very straight but once told me he was at a bar drinking with some friends and saw a girl thought was cute later the girl was drunk came up to him and started heavily flirting and he said it was a turn off.

I think it might have been more about her being pissed. There is nothing uglier than a drunk woman. (My humble opinion).

01-11-2024, 03:13 PM
Believe me average heterosexual male find It a huge turn off when it's the other way around, meaning when women are the ones In hunting mode specially If they are Insecure about their manhood.

I like it when woman knows how to hunt you playfully and smartly, but not too bluntly.
A mind that dances and a tongue that surprises – that's my kind of conversation partner.
Stimulate my brain, tickle my funny bone, and leave me wanting more – that's the real magic.
I'm a sucker for a good intellectual challenge, especially when it comes with a smile.

Yet sometimes the inner lion roars, you know? Depends on the girl.

01-11-2024, 03:14 PM
I think it might have been more about her being pissed. There is nothing uglier than a drunk woman. (My humble opinion).

LOL! Probably. I do think heterosexual males dislike masculine behaviors from women that are similar to men.

01-11-2024, 03:18 PM
Believe me average heterosexual male find It a huge turn off when it's the other way around, meaning when women are the ones In hunting mode specially If they are Insecure about their manhood.

All my relationships in my life were intended by women (or arranged by some female friends) and i never felt insecure about my manhood.

01-11-2024, 03:18 PM
LOL! Probably. I do think heterosexual males dislike masculine behaviors from women that are similar to men.

I can't speak for heterosexual men and neither can you. We'll just have to speculate.

01-11-2024, 03:19 PM
I can't speak for heterosexual men and neither can you. We'll just have to speculate.

Hetero man speaking, see my signature and make a comment.

01-11-2024, 03:20 PM
Hetero man speaking, see my signature and make a comment.

I like the lamp.

01-11-2024, 03:21 PM
I like the lamp.

Gay comment.

01-11-2024, 03:25 PM
he writes such comments like he finds 12 years old childs as sexually appealing
Once Mortimer sexually harassed Nittonia and he said dont tell it to admins

Is someone seeing the patterns? Maybe he belongs to the "pedophile community" (if "gays" are a community, why can't pedos have their own)...

01-11-2024, 03:28 PM
LOL! Probably. I do think heterosexual males dislike masculine behaviors from women that are similar to men.

From pixel panther to forum peacock, unleash your inner beasts! Unleash your avatar's spirit animal!

https://media2.giphy.com/media/SuCE3vdE1GlWw/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47fy18kzu2lzl6292df3tbysskq6ju l25ds7479xqk&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g
https://media0.giphy.com/media/WE3ahQYE9zEVq/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47fy18kzu2lzl6292df3tbysskq6ju l25ds7479xqk&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g

01-11-2024, 03:29 PM
He's a nutcase

Believe me he’s not the only one.

01-11-2024, 03:35 PM
LOL! Probably. I do think heterosexual males dislike masculine behaviors from women that are similar to men.

I actually like it a lot when a cute girl farts or burps in front of me, I stick my nose with my fingers and imagine she is emitting the finest rose perfume.

01-11-2024, 03:37 PM
From pixel panther to forum peacock, unleash your inner beasts! Unleash your avatar's spirit animal!

https://media2.giphy.com/media/SuCE3vdE1GlWw/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47fy18kzu2lzl6292df3tbysskq6ju l25ds7479xqk&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g
https://media0.giphy.com/media/WE3ahQYE9zEVq/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47fy18kzu2lzl6292df3tbysskq6ju l25ds7479xqk&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g

Love It, cuz it's a solitary animal. And I'm very solitary Introvert Individual person, I also I love to analyze people In real.

I'm good at It.

01-11-2024, 03:49 PM
I actually like it a lot when a cute girl farts or burps in front of me, I stick my nose with my fingers and imagine she is emitting the finest rose perfume.

That's one of fetish sexual desires you shared. It's normal everyone has one :gimp:

01-11-2024, 05:46 PM
Being NS doesn't bother me (I'm not anti-fascist) however, he's not really NS, or he's everything and anything (anti-racist to NS to anti-racist to pro-racist to anti-racist).

Apart from that, he is sometimes funny, sotime cringe, sometime other thing, but I have difficulty identifying his personality, perhaps because he is the result of a mixture between different sub-bracial groups which can sometimes lead to identity disorders, psychological disorders.

For the rest, I don't know him, but in real life I don't discuss with descendants of gypsies, North Africans and others, so... Yeah.

01-11-2024, 05:56 PM
Being NS doesn't bother me (I'm not anti-fascist) however, he's not really NS, or he's everything and anything (anti-racist to NS to anti-racist to pro-racist to anti-racist).

Apart from that, he is sometimes funny, sotime cringe, sometime other thing, but I have difficulty identifying his personality, perhaps because he is the result of a mixture between different sub-bracial groups which can sometimes lead to identity disorders, psychological disorders.

For the rest, I don't know him, but in real life I don't discuss with descendants of gypsies, North Africans and others, so... Yeah.

Check this out – mixed-race folks seem to have a lower chance of getting tagged with local diseases and disorders. The more diverse your genes, the better your odds with that bonus healthy copy.

01-11-2024, 06:11 PM
Check this out – mixed-race folks seem to have a lower chance of getting tagged with local diseases and disorders. The more diverse your genes, the better your odds with that bonus healthy copy.

This Is true, senior citizens European Americans deal with lots of diseases that are very unknown or rare to the Latin American community.

01-11-2024, 06:31 PM
This Is true, senior citizens European Americans deal with lots of diseases that are very unknown or rare to the Latin American community.

Interesting, like what?

01-11-2024, 06:39 PM
Interesting, like what?

alzheimer, skin diseases, and dementia other neurological mental problems.

How ever we are very prone to diabetes, hypertension, and prostate cancer.

01-11-2024, 06:57 PM
I think it might have been more about her being pissed. There is nothing uglier than a drunk woman. (My humble opinion).

There is nothing uglier in women... alright, there are some uglier things, but at least this is a huge turn off - when women are vulgar, loud and aggressive in what one can see as a "manly" approach. Being drunk may lead to such a behaviour, but some women are cute when drunk. :)
But still you don't perceive them the same way when they're drunk for sure.

01-11-2024, 07:02 PM
I actually like it a lot when a cute girl farts or burps in front of me, I stick my nose with my fingers and imagine she is emitting the finest rose perfume.
To each their own, I guess?

01-11-2024, 07:10 PM
Men don't like it when women are in hunting mode?
It actually depends on a person, their mood at the time, the person that is "hunting" them etc.
So, guess it depends.
Just when women are doing it too forcibly, being obnoxious, it's usually weird and not intriguing.

01-11-2024, 10:06 PM
With the ban now lifted no reason to keep the thread open.