View Full Version : Are you a solitary person or afraid of being single?

01-22-2024, 06:23 PM
I'm a solitary person but I got to the point of being tired of It. I kinda want to be in a relationship now.

01-22-2024, 06:33 PM
Used to be very sociable, but now I'm very solitary. Since I stopped talking to women especially my salary has tripled and I have more time to help friends in need.

01-22-2024, 06:38 PM
I honestly don't know. I have always been in a relationship since my teen years. I did have brief episodes of being single and enjoyed every single minute of it. Somehow I always end up involved in a relationship without even wanting or looking for one.

01-22-2024, 06:42 PM
I honestly don't know. I have always been in a relationship since my teen years. I did have brief episodes of being single and enjoyed every single minute of it. Somehow I always end up involved in a relationship without even wanting or looking for one.

That's interesting, In my case I'm very picky with who I talk to.

Yeah Introvert Issues here xD

01-22-2024, 06:49 PM
I am content being solitary. I am now over wanting to be married and having children. I'm 53 and past menopause.

01-22-2024, 06:51 PM
That's interesting, In my case I'm very picky with who I talk to.

Yeah Introvert Issues here xD

I didn't go out or socialized much, never had time for that actually. I spent all my 20s studying. I also never engaged in anything casual.

01-22-2024, 07:06 PM
I was codependent in my youth but now I love my own company. Young me was so stupid. Always needed a boyfriend. Tried to be an extrovert too when I was young, didn't really work as social interactions in large groups or with people I'm not super close with are and always will be a massive chore.

01-22-2024, 07:12 PM
I'm a very solitary person but i'm ver afraid of ending up single and alone.

01-22-2024, 07:14 PM
I was codependent in my youth but now I love my own company. Young me was so stupid. Always needed a boyfriend.

It’s quite normal wanting to be in a relationship. Were you excessively reliant on your partners or needed them constantly to take care of you? Why do you think you were codependent?

01-22-2024, 07:24 PM
well, i struggled having reliable "companionship" (aka guys with the same interests) but the period i had those reliable "friends", partying, getting women laid randomly was my best time of my life.

now, this time is over- but i m surely not afraid being alone, i prefer it to a degree more in fact, so i can organize my space the way i want to.

01-22-2024, 07:28 PM
More of a solitary person. I need more than the average amount of time of being alone to recharge my batteries.

Do I get that time, rarely.

01-22-2024, 07:31 PM
I'm a very solitary person but i'm ver afraid of ending up single and alone.

Keep In mind we are responsible for our own destiny, I get you because I'm a loner and Introvert too, only on TA I'm extrovert (lol)

But our parents aren't going to be forever with us we must choose our wife's or husband's carefully.

Mopi Licinius Crassus
01-22-2024, 07:33 PM
I'm a twin who grew up having to share a bedroom & everything

I value my own space & time alot , and am v reluctant to give it up for anyone
I like women in small doses and in casual relationships :)

When I get old and need help with living & stuff and moving in with my sister

She's 12 yrs younger than me. I helped bring her up & spent alot of time with her when she was a kid....in my dotage she must return the favour :p

01-22-2024, 07:52 PM
Not afraid but not solitary. I can live with that but its very poor life compared to couple life. Why would i prefer something that greatly limits me, reduces my activities and fun.

01-22-2024, 10:36 PM
I'm solitary but for the most of time not single which is contradictory i know.

01-22-2024, 10:47 PM
I'm not afraid of being alone but I'm not a solitary person either.
I enjoy spending time with my family, best friends and of course, being in a good relationship.

01-22-2024, 10:53 PM
No, im perfectly fine being alone.

When you have self-love and like your own company, being in a long-term relationship turns into a totally unnecessary and outdated thing, imo only people who hate themselves want a partner everytime.

01-22-2024, 11:30 PM
It’s quite normal wanting to be in a relationship. Were you excessively reliant on your partners or needed them constantly to take care of you? Why do you think you were codependent?

I feel like I couldn't be single or I wasn't worth anything if I was single. A lot of weird family stuff went into those feelings developing. I didn't necessarily have romantic or sexual interest in these relationships, just needed someone at all times. I did not ever have anyone take care of me because I hated seeing my mom degrade herself by being so helpless her entire life. People would comment about how I had a revolving door of boyfriends, lol, but these were mostly online and I was quite young.

01-22-2024, 11:49 PM
I'm Italian

01-23-2024, 12:07 AM
I'm not afraid of being alone but I'm not a solitary person either.
I enjoy spending time with my family, best friends and of course, being in a good relationship.

Quite a warm character for a Norseman, right? :rolleyes:
*peering at your Anglo-Saxon haplogroup*

01-23-2024, 12:40 AM
Quite a warm character for a Norseman, right? :rolleyes:
*peering at your Anglo-Saxon haplogroup*

Nordic MythBuster ;)

01-23-2024, 01:22 AM
Solitary. I need my freedom and independence.

01-23-2024, 01:24 AM
Whatever is written in the stars.

As above, so below.

As the universe, so the soul.

01-23-2024, 01:31 AM
I'm a very solitary person, but I do need and enjoy a bit of socialization. One of the reasons why I like online communication is because it's socially acceptable to just turn off your screen and be done with it. I can't make plans to hang out with someone irl and just walk away when I feel over-socialized.

01-23-2024, 02:07 AM
Whatever is written in the stars.

As above, so below.

As the universe, so the soul.

Read my natal chart and tell me who my soul mate is

01-23-2024, 02:07 AM
I tend to find socialization highly stimulating and often overwhelming. I experience pleasure from talking but have trouble maintaining to the conventions of normal conversation. Extended one to one social interaction can easily become stressful for both the other person and myself. As an adult with higher expectations placed on my public conduct I have become increasingly solitary to avoid disruption although I was more outgoing as an adolescent.

01-23-2024, 08:40 PM
I've spent the most of my life as an adventurer, both professionally and privately, and I've had many extraordinary moments solo, but if I've learnt anything, it's the cold truth in McCandless' quote: Happiness is only real when shared.

I'm not afraid of being single, and such phases of life suited me, but I'm not a solitary person; rather the contrary.
My family and close friends are the most important things to me in life.

01-24-2024, 01:47 AM
I'm a solitary person,but I'm not afraid of being single.

Your Old Comrade
01-24-2024, 01:51 AM
I used to be really romantic and relationship-focussed. Having seen it, I am now very solitary.

01-24-2024, 02:41 AM
I used to be really romantic and relationship-focussed. Having seen it, I am now very solitary.

I think our experiences change our personalities. I used to think I was a solitary, I sure enjoyed my company and found reasons not to be in a relationship. But that changed when I found my person, I would not go back to being solitary.

Your Old Comrade
01-24-2024, 02:47 AM
I think our experiences change our personalities. I used to think I was a solitary, I sure enjoyed my company and found reasons not to be in a relationship. But that changed when I found my person, I would not go back to being solitary.

In my case, it's the exact opposite (as you could tell). It's strange how that works.

01-28-2024, 12:25 AM
Are you a solitary person or afraid of being single?

Im not single and wouldn't want to be.

I have had times in my life where I was single and sometimes in my life where I was deliberately solitary in that I had friends and many invitation to social outings
but I would forgo social meetups in preference for doing stuff on my own , I was just a lone wolf at times. But overall I like people and prefer not being solitary however I still like to have some alone time whether its going for a bike ride or a drive or whatever sometimes I need my cave but overall I cherish being with my family and friends.