View Full Version : Classify surprisingly dark haired young people from Shetland Scotland

01-28-2024, 03:43 PM
Despite being quite Nordic genetically Shetland Islanders seem to preserve more of the paleo looks of western and southern Britain

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01-28-2024, 05:26 PM
they look no different to anywhere else in britain

01-28-2024, 05:45 PM
I don't have particular stereotypes about what Shetland islanders look like. Are they similar to the Irish genetically?

01-28-2024, 06:26 PM
Indeed they are not as light as Swedes but I'd not call them dark, quite a lot of light hair among them and a lot of reddish or red hair as expected.

Main types: Atlantid, Paleo-Atlantid and Brunn.

For me they resemble the Irish more than the English.

01-28-2024, 06:29 PM
Indeed they are not as light as Swedes but I'd not call them dark, quite a lot of light hair among them and a lot of reddish or red hair as expected.

Main types: Atlantid, Paleo-Atlantid and Brunn.

For me they resembled the Irish more than the English.

They are darker haired as I said, quite pale but really not that different from some lighter skinned french in honesty, the Irish are generally lighter except in some pockets where darker types are more frequent i.e Donegal.

01-29-2024, 05:24 PM

01-30-2024, 02:20 AM
Minus the ginger kids, the first lot with the men look some sort of albanian or balkan.

01-31-2024, 06:37 PM
A lot of British CM types. That is by far the dominant type: mostly brown haired, but very light skinned. Some Aryan/ENF influences here and there. Scandinavian influence is very small...

They are only a little lighter than the ethnic French but they have way less "Nordics" as well as Southern European types. All in all, what one would expect from a remote population unaffected by migratory waves

02-01-2024, 02:38 PM
A lot of British CM types. That is by far the dominant type: mostly brown haired, but very light skinned. Some Aryan/ENF influences here and there. Scandinavian influence is very small...

They are only a little lighter than the ethnic French but they have way less "Nordics" as well as Southern European types. All in all, what one would expect from a remote population unaffected by migratory waves

All could be native to the north of france, except the indian girl

Check my thread about native northern french (100%)

02-01-2024, 03:08 PM
All could be native to the north of france, except the indian girl

Check my thread about native northern french (100%)

Would you say there is a height difference in people between northern France and southern France? One of the biggest differences I noticed in the south of France was that people generally are about 5 cm shorter than people in the UK and even shorter often than the Spanish.

02-01-2024, 03:20 PM
sulplisingly dalk olivel, alpinid genes

02-01-2024, 03:21 PM
sulplisingly dalk olivel, alpinid genes

Lol though I would say they are more reduced CMs, they are about 80 in their cepalhic index.