View Full Version : Former friend is a child-abusing scum.

01-30-2024, 05:12 PM
I had a buddy throughout high school/early college years. Circa 2009, we had a bit of a falling out and ceased being buds (around the time I began being a born-again Christian). A few years later, I decide to look him up via search engines, just out of curiosity, and what do I find? The man was arrested in 2013 for child porn related charges.

Early every year I’ll look him up to see his updated photo on local law enforcement websites. As a Christian, I must forgive, but I do not guess that this man is repentant. As far as I’m concerned, he is sub-human. How would you feel in this situation?

01-30-2024, 05:28 PM
Just great, what an absolute low life piece of trash.
If I`d be in your shoes, my first reaction would probably be to take a long bath in disinfectant, even if it has been years since my last interaction with him.
And yes, I`m a Catholic myself, but I wouldnt be able to hold myself and forgive. Not in cases like these. I`d pay him a nice visit.

01-30-2024, 05:31 PM
Forgiving does NOT mean condoning, accepting or supporting.

01-30-2024, 05:33 PM
Death penalty.

01-30-2024, 05:34 PM
Just great, what an absolute low life piece of trash.
If I`d be in your shoes, my first reaction would probably be to take a long bath in disinfectant, even if it has been years since my last interaction with him.
And yes, I`m a Catholic myself, but I wouldnt be able to hold myself and forgive. Not in cases like these. I`d pay him a nice visit.

I think my post was motivated by realizing that his photograph on a local law enforcement site was updated. The motherfucker looks more evil as the years go on.

God has a pretty clear message about practicing pedophiles: A weight around the neck trending toward the bottom of the sea comes to mind...

01-30-2024, 05:36 PM
Forgiving does NOT mean condoning, accepting or supporting.

Absolutely agreed. It’s not my place to give salvation or damnation, but I am under no obligation to speak to him ever. Again, I hold him as an “untouchable”.

01-30-2024, 05:40 PM
Absolutely agreed. It’s not my place to give salvation or damnation, but I am under no obligation to speak to him ever. Again, I hold him as an “untouchable”.

You are under no obligation whatsoever to speak to him again. I wouldn't either.

01-30-2024, 05:41 PM
I think my post was motivated by realizing that his photograph on a local law enforcement site was updated. The motherfucker looks more evil as the years go on.

God has a pretty clear message about practicing pedophiles: A weight around the neck trending toward the bottom of the sea comes to mind...

It`s Satan corrupting his soul further and further. This sure is bound to reflect on his outside appearance too eventually.

And yes, violating the Fathers most pure and innocent beings deserves only the utmost punishment.

01-30-2024, 05:43 PM
I had a buddy throughout high school/early college years. Circa 2009, we had a bit of a falling out and ceased being buds (around the time I began being a born-again Christian). A few years later, I decide to look him up via search engines, just out of curiosity, and what do I find? The man was arrested in 2013 for child porn related charges.

Early every year I’ll look him up to see his updated photo on local law enforcement websites. As a Christian, I must forgive, but I do not guess that this man is repentant. As far as I’m concerned, he is sub-human. How would you feel in this situation?

I had a similar situation happen... when I was a kid my mom would have this one weird woman babysit me, and she had two adult sons who were massive fucking losers and would not move out, do anything productive with their lives, etc. The old woman was married to a man who was not their dad, but was generally an okay guy. One of the adult sons ended up going to prison for child porn and also statutory rape of like an 11 or 12 year old, I found this out through a Google search of his name (and I knew it was exactly him due to the photo and some other information) a couple of years after I was no longer being babysat by this woman. I consider myself very lucky that I was always supervised by his mom and never left alone with him as a child. According to some community gossip he tried to blame the child porn on his elderly stepdad who could barely open an email much less fucking torrent and seed files with FBI agents.

Forgiveness is not some wishy washy thing where magically a person's actions no longer has consequences. You can forgive but think someone is the scum of the earth for participating in something so vile. Forgiveness means you are not bogged down by their actions anymore and can move on with your life - it does not mean someone like that should be able to move on from what they did. Children are the most innocent and precious people in our society and anything like this that hurts them is one and done, those people need to rot in prison forever no matter how much they repent because the chance of them hurting another kid (even if it's just by creating demand for filth which results in more kids being hurt) never really goes away. It never gets rehabilitated.

01-30-2024, 05:46 PM
Someone should chop off his dick.

01-30-2024, 06:14 PM
Just great, what an absolute low life piece of trash.
If I`d be in your shoes, my first reaction would probably be to take a long bath in disinfectant, even if it has been years since my last interaction with him.
And yes, I`m a Catholic myself, but I wouldnt be able to hold myself and forgive. Not in cases like these. I`d pay him a nice visit.

I thought you indicated interest in Germanic paganism although perhaps not involvement with a specific neopagan group. I suppose you could be a lapsed Catholic and recognize Pre-Christian spirituality as well.

Your Old Comrade
01-30-2024, 06:17 PM
One more for the noose. Sorry, not sorry.

01-30-2024, 06:21 PM
I had a buddy throughout high school/early college years. Circa 2009, we had a bit of a falling out and ceased being buds (around the time I began being a born-again Christian). A few years later, I decide to look him up via search engines, just out of curiosity, and what do I find? The man was arrested in 2013 for child porn related charges.

Early every year I’ll look him up to see his updated photo on local law enforcement websites. As a Christian, I must forgive, but I do not guess that this man is repentant. As far as I’m concerned, he is sub-human. How would you feel in this situation?

Does this man continue to offend? Has he not been incarcerated long term at this point?

01-30-2024, 06:38 PM
Back in the old neighborhood we had a way of dealing with figlio di puttanas like this.

https://i.ibb.co/brgt5cT/871d3709-ca1f-4185-956a-cef246930191-text.gif (https://imgbb.com/)

01-30-2024, 06:45 PM
I thought you indicated interest in Germanic paganism although perhaps not involvement with a specific Neopagan group. I suppose you could be a lapsed Catholic and recognize pre-Christian spirituality as well.

Yes, as it`s part of my peoples history. I have a good collection of texts and books on the subject, including the Edda at home. More than often it actually were Christian monks who put these accounts into written form in the first place, since they realize it to be a great shame to just erase parts of history. It`s like an Italian who`s interested in pre - Christian Rome for example. I am baptized Catholic and remain so though.